* string-to-number now understands:

- #e #E #i #I prefixes
  - decimal notation
  - exponents
This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-06-12 03:57:35 +03:00
parent e1d0d4aca6
commit f05f8965d6
4 changed files with 250 additions and 93 deletions

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1500,112 +1500,202 @@
[(ratnum? x) (- (log (numerator x)) (log (denominator x)))]
[else (error 'log "~s is not a number" x)])))
(define string->number
(lambda (x)
(define (convert-data str len pos? idx ac)
(define (convert-char c radix)
(case radix
[(char<=? #\0 c #\9)
(fx- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))]
[else #f])]
[(char<=? #\0 c #\9)
(fx- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))]
[(char<=? #\a c #\f)
(fx- (char->integer c) (fx- (char->integer #\a) 10))]
[(char<=? #\A c #\F)
(fx- (char->integer c) (fx- (char->integer #\A) 10))]
[else #f])]
[(char<=? #\0 c #\7)
(fx- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0))]
[else #f])]
(case c
[(#\0) 0]
[(#\1) 1]
[else #f])]
[else (error 'convert-char "invalid radix ~s" radix)]))
(define (parse-exponent-start x n i radix)
(define (parse-exponent x n i radix ac)
[(fx= i n) ac]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(convert-char c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(parse-exponent x n (fxadd1 i) radix
(+ d (* ac radix))))]
[else #f]))]))
(define (parse-exponent-sign x n i radix)
[(fx= i n) #f]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(convert-char c radix) =>
(lambda (d) (parse-exponent x n (fxadd1 i) radix d))]
[else #f]))]))
[($fx= idx len) (if pos? ac (- 0 ac))]
[(fx= i n) #f]
(let ([c ($string-ref str idx)])
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))
(convert-data str len pos? ($fxadd1 idx)
(+ (* ac 10)
($fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\0))))]
[(convert-char c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(parse-exponent x n (fxadd1 i) radix d))]
[(char=? c #\+)
(parse-exponent-sign x n (fxadd1 i) radix)]
[(char=? c #\-)
(let ([v (parse-exponent-sign x n (fxadd1 i) radix)])
(and v (- v)))]
[else #f]))]))
(define (convert-data-init str len pos? idx c)
(define (parse-decimal x n i pos? radix exact? ac exp)
[($char= c #\0)
(if ($fx= idx len)
(convert-data-init str len pos?
($fxadd1 idx)
($string-ref str idx)))]
[(and ($char<= #\1 c) ($char<= c #\9))
(convert-data str len pos? idx
($fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\0)))]
[else #f]))
(define (convert-num str len pos?)
[($fx> len 1)
(convert-data-init str len pos? 2 ($string-ref str 1))]
[else #f]))
(define (digit c radix)
[(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))
(let ([n ($fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\0))])
(or ($fx>= radix 10)
(and ($fx= radix 8) ($char<= c #\7))
(and ($fx= radix 2) ($char<= c #\1)))
[(and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\f))
(let ([n ($fx+ 10 ($fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\a)))])
(and ($fx= radix 16) n))]
[(and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\F))
(let ([n ($fx+ 10 ($fx- ($char->fixnum c) ($char->fixnum #\A)))])
(and ($fx= radix 16) n))]
[else #f]))
(define (convert-subseq str idx len radix ac)
[($fx< idx len)
(let ([c (string-ref str idx)])
[(fx= i n)
(let ([ac (* (if pos? ac (- ac)) (expt radix exp))])
(exact-conv (or exact? 'i) ac))]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(digit c radix) =>
(lambda (n)
(convert-subseq str ($fxadd1 idx) len radix
(+ (* ac radix) n)))]
[else #f]))]
[else ac]))
(define (convert-init str idx len radix)
[(convert-char c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(parse-decimal x n (fxadd1 i) pos? radix exact?
(+ (* ac radix) d) (fxsub1 exp)))]
[(memv c '(#\e #\E))
(let ([ex (parse-exponent-start x n (fxadd1 i) radix)])
(and ex
(exact-conv (or exact? 'i)
(* (if pos? ac (- ac)) (expt radix (+ exp ex))))))]
[else #f]))]))
(define (parse-decimal-no-digits x n i pos? radix exact?)
[($fx< idx len)
(let ([c (string-ref str idx)])
[(fx= i n) #f]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(digit c radix) =>
(lambda (n)
(convert-subseq str ($fxadd1 idx) len radix n))]
[else #f]))]
[else #f]))
(define (convert-init-sign str idx len radix)
[(convert-char c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(parse-decimal x n (fxadd1 i) pos? radix exact? d -1))]
[else #f]))]))
(define (parse-integer x n i pos? radix exact? ac)
(define (parse-denom-start x n i radix)
(define (parse-denom x n i radix ac)
[(fx= n i) ac]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(convert-char c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(parse-denom x n (fxadd1 i) radix
(+ (* radix ac) d)))]
[else #f]))]))
[(fx= n i) #f]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(convert-char c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(parse-denom x n (fxadd1 i) radix d))]
[else #f]))]))
[($fx< idx len)
(let ([c (string-ref str idx)])
[(fx= i n)
(let ([ac (exact-conv exact? ac)])
(if pos? ac (- ac)))]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(convert-char c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(parse-integer x n (fxadd1 i) pos? radix exact? (+ (* ac radix) d)))]
[(char=? c #\.)
(parse-decimal x n (fxadd1 i) pos? radix exact? ac 0)]
[(char=? c #\/)
(let ([denom (parse-denom-start x n (fxadd1 i) radix)])
(and denom
(not (= denom 0))
(let ([ac (exact-conv exact? ac)])
(/ (if pos? ac (- ac)) denom))))]
[(memv c '(#\e #\E))
(let ([ex (parse-exponent-start x n (fxadd1 i) radix)])
(and ex
(let ([ac (exact-conv (or exact? 'i) ac)])
(* (if pos? ac (- ac)) (expt radix ex)))))]
[else #f]))]))
(define (parse-integer-no-digits x n i pos? radix exact?)
[(fx= i n) #f]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(convert-char c radix) =>
(lambda (d)
(parse-integer x n (fxadd1 i) pos? radix exact? d))]
[(char=? c #\.)
(parse-decimal-no-digits x n (fxadd1 i) pos? radix exact?)]
[else #f]))]))
(define (exact-conv exact? x)
(and x (if (eq? exact? 'i) (exact->inexact x) x)))
(define (start x n i exact? radix?)
[(fx= i n) #f]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(char=? c #\-)
(parse-integer-no-digits x n (fxadd1 i) #f (or radix? 10) exact?)]
[(char=? c #\+)
(convert-init str ($fxadd1 idx) len radix)]
[(char=? c #\-)
(let ([n (convert-init str ($fxadd1 idx) len radix)])
(and n (- n)))]
[else (convert-init str idx len radix)]))]
[else #f]))
(define (convert-radix str len)
(parse-integer-no-digits x n (fxadd1 i) #t (or radix? 10) exact?)]
[(char=? c #\#)
(let ([i (fxadd1 i)])
[(fx= i n) #f]
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
(case c
[(#\x #\X)
(and (not radix?) (start x n (fxadd1 i) exact? 16))]
[(#\b #\B)
(and (not radix?) (start x n (fxadd1 i) exact? 2))]
[(#\o #\O)
(and (not radix?) (start x n (fxadd1 i) exact? 8))]
[(#\d #\D)
(and (not radix?) (start x n (fxadd1 i) exact? 10))]
[(#\e #\E)
(and (not exact?) (start x n (fxadd1 i) 'e radix?))]
[(#\i #\I)
(and (not exact?) (start x n (fxadd1 i) 'i radix?))]
[else #f]))]))]
[(char=? c #\.)
(parse-decimal-no-digits x n (fxadd1 i) #t (or radix? 10) exact?)]
[(convert-char c (or radix? 10)) =>
(lambda (d)
(parse-integer x n (fxadd1 i) #t (or radix? 10) exact? d))]
[else #f]))]))
(unless (string? x)
(error 'string->number "~s is not a string" x))
(let ([n (string-length x)])
[($fx>= len 2)
(let ([c (string-ref str 1)])
(case c
[(#\x #\X) (convert-init-sign str 2 len 16)]
[(#\b #\B) (convert-init-sign str 2 len 2)]
[(#\d #\D) (convert-init-sign str 2 len 10)]
[(#\o #\O) (convert-init-sign str 2 len 8)]
[else #f]))]
[else #f]))
(define (convert-sign str len)
[($fx> len 0)
(let ([c ($string-ref str 0)])
(case c
[(#\+) (convert-num str len #t)]
[(#\-) (convert-num str len #f)]
[(#\#) (convert-radix str len)]
(convert-data-init str len #t 1 c)]))]
[else #f]))
[(string? x)
(convert-sign x ($string-length x))]
[else (error 'string->number "~s is not a string" x)])))
[(fx> n 0) (start x n 0 #f #f)]
[else #f]))))

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
(import (ikarus)
(tests reader)
(tests bytevectors)
(tests bignum-to-flonum))
(tests bignum-to-flonum)
(tests string-to-number))
(define (test-exact-integer-sqrt)
(define (f i j inc)
@ -22,4 +23,5 @@
(printf "Happy Happy Joy Joy\n")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
(library (tests string-to-number)
(export test-string-to-number)
(import (ikarus) (tests framework))
(define (t x s)
(let ([fl (format "~a" (exact->inexact x))])
(unless (string=? s fl)
(error 'bignum->flonum
"incorrect result for ~s\n expected ~a, \n got ~a" x s fl))))
(define-syntax test*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name [str num] ...)
(define-tests name
[(lambda (x) (and x (= x num)))
(string->number str)]
(test* test-string-to-number
("10" 10)
("1" 1)
("-17" -17)
("1/2" (/ 1 2))
("-1/2" (/ 1 -2))
("#x24" 36)
("#x-24" -36)
("#b+00000110110" 54)
("#b-00000110110/10" -27)
("#e10" 10)
("#e1" 1)
("#e-17" -17)
("#e#x24" 36)
("#e#x-24" -36)
("#e#b+00000110110" 54)
("#e#b-00000110110/10" -27)
("#x#e24" 36)
("#x#e-24" -36)
("#b#e+00000110110" 54)
("#b#e-00000110110/10" -27)
("#e1e1000" (expt 10 1000))
("#e-1e1000" (- (expt 10 1000)))
("#e1e-1000" (expt 10 -1000))
("#e-1e-1000" (- (expt 10 -1000)))
("#i1e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 100)))
("#i1e1000" (exact->inexact (expt 10 1000)))
("#i-1e1000" (exact->inexact (- (expt 10 1000))))
("1e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 100)))
("1.0e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 100)))
("1.e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 100)))
("0.1e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 99)))
(".1e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 99)))
("+1e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 100)))
("+1.0e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 100)))
("+1.e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 100)))
("+0.1e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 99)))
("+.1e100" (exact->inexact (expt 10 99)))
("-1e100" (exact->inexact (- (expt 10 100))))
("-1.0e100" (exact->inexact (- (expt 10 100))))
("-1.e100" (exact->inexact (- (expt 10 100))))
("-0.1e100" (exact->inexact (- (expt 10 99))))
("-.1e100" (exact->inexact (- (expt 10 99))))))