This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-04-30 00:56:04 -04:00
parent 159abbafc0
commit e373daaf13
3 changed files with 0 additions and 97 deletions

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
(let ()
(define call-with-current-frame
(lambda (f)
(if ($fp-at-base)
(f ($current-frame))
($seal-frame-and-call f))))
(primitive-set! 'call/cf call-with-current-frame))
(let ()
(define primitive-call/cc
(lambda (f)
(lambda (frm)
(f ($frame->continuation frm))))))
(primitive-set! '$primitive-call/cc primitive-call/cc))

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
(let ([winders '()])
(define len
(lambda (ls n)
(if (null? ls)
(len (cdr ls) (fxadd1 n)))))
(define list-tail
(lambda (ls n)
(if (fxzero? n)
(list-tail (cdr ls) (fxsub1 n)))))
(define drop-uncommon-heads
(lambda (x y)
(if (eq? x y)
(drop-uncommon-heads (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
(define common-tail
(lambda (x y)
(let ([lx (len x 0)] [ly (len y 0)])
(let ([x (if (fx> lx ly) (list-tail x (fx- lx ly)) x)]
[y (if (fx> ly lx) (list-tail y (fx- ly lx)) y)])
(if (eq? x y)
(drop-uncommon-heads (cdr x) (cdr y)))))))
(define unwind*
(lambda (ls tail)
(unless (eq? ls tail)
(set! winders (cdr ls))
((cdar ls))
(unwind* (cdr ls) tail))))
(define rewind*
(lambda (ls tail)
(unless (eq? ls tail)
(rewind* (cdr ls) tail)
((caar ls))
(set! winders ls))))
(define do-wind
(lambda (new)
(let ([tail (common-tail new winders)])
(unwind* winders tail)
(rewind* new tail))))
(define call/cc
(lambda (f)
(lambda (k)
(let ([save winders])
(f (case-lambda
[(v) (unless (eq? save winders) (do-wind save)) (k v)]
[() (unless (eq? save winders) (do-wind save)) (k)]
[(v1 v2 . v*)
(unless (eq? save winders) (do-wind save))
(apply k v1 v2 v*)])))))))
(define dynamic-wind
(lambda (in body out)
(set! winders (cons (cons in out) winders))
[(v) (set! winders (cdr winders)) (out) v]
[() (set! winders (cdr winders)) (out) (values)]
[(v1 v2 . v*)
(set! winders (cdr winders))
(apply values v1 v2 v*)]))))
(primitive-set! 'call/cc call/cc)
(primitive-set! 'dynamic-wind dynamic-wind)