More cleanup in assembler

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-12-31 02:42:53 -05:00
parent e7017c159f
commit e262407379
1 changed files with 208 additions and 317 deletions

View File

@ -291,12 +291,8 @@
[else (die 'CODErri "invalid i" i)])))
(define CODErr
(lambda (c d s ac)
(CODE c (ModRM 3 d s ac))))
(define CODEri
(lambda (c d i ac)
(CODE+r c d (IMM32 i ac))))
(lambda (c r1 r2 ac)
(CODE c (ModRM 3 r1 r2 ac))))
(define RegReg
@ -324,6 +320,15 @@
(IMM32 i1 (IMM32 i2 ac))]
[else (die 'assemble "invalid IMM32*2" i1 i2)])))
(define (SIB s i b ac)
(cons (byte
(register-index b)
(fxsll (register-index i) 3)
(fxsll s 6))))
(define CODErd
(lambda (c r1 disp ac)
(with-args disp
@ -341,29 +346,6 @@
(IMM32*2 a1 a2 ac)))]
[else (die 'CODErd "unhandled" disp)])))))
(define CODEdi
(lambda (c /? disp n ac)
(with-args disp
(lambda (a1 a2)
[(and (reg32? a1) (reg32? a2))
(die 'CODEdi "unsupported1" disp)]
[(and (imm? a1) (reg32? a2))
(CODErri c /? a2 a1 (IMM32 n ac))]
[(and (imm? a2) (reg32? a1))
(CODErri c /? a1 a2 (IMM32 n ac))]
[(and (imm? a1) (imm? a2))
(die 'CODEdi "unsupported2" disp)]
[else (die 'CODEdi "unhandled" disp)])))))
(define (SIB s i b ac)
(cons (byte
(register-index b)
(fxsll (register-index i) 3)
(fxsll s 6))))
; 81 /0 id ADD r/m32,imm32 Valid Add imm32 to
(define (CODE/digit c /d)
(lambda (dst ac)
@ -380,36 +362,13 @@
(CODE c (ModRM 1 /d a0 (IMM8 a1 ac)))]
[(and (imm? a1) (reg32? a0))
(CODE c (ModRM 2 /d a0 (IMM32 a1 ac)))]
[(and (reg? a0) (reg32? a1))
[(and (reg32? a0) (reg32? a1))
(CODE c (ModRM 1 /d '/4 (SIB 0 a0 a1 (IMM8 0 ac))))]
[(and (imm? a0) (imm? a1))
(CODE c (ModRM 0 /d '/5 (IMM32*2 a0 a1 ac)))]
[else (die 'CODE/digit "unhandled" a0 a1)])))]
[else (die 'CODE/digit "unhandled" dst)])))
(define CODEid
(lambda (c /? n disp ac)
(with-args disp
(lambda (a1 a2)
[(and (reg32? a1) (reg32? a2))
(die 'CODEid "unsupported1" disp)]
[(and (imm? a1) (reg32? a2))
(die 'CODEid "unsupported2")
(CODErri c /? a2 a1 (IMM32 n ac))]
[(and (imm? a2) (reg32? a1))
(die 'CODEid "unsupported3")
(CODErri c /? a1 a2 (IMM32 n ac))]
[(and (imm? a1) (imm? a2))
(die 'CODEid "unsupported4")]
[else (die 'CODEid "unhandled" disp)])))))
(define CODEdi8
(lambda (c /? disp n ac)
(with-args disp
(lambda (i r)
(CODErri c /? r i (IMM8 n ac))))))
(define *cogen* (gensym "*cogen*"))
(define-syntax add-instruction
@ -449,25 +408,17 @@
(die 'convert-instruction "incorrect args" a))])))]
[else (die 'convert-instruction "unknown instruction" a)]))
(define (CODEri code r i ac)
(CODE+r code r (IMM32 i ac)))
(define (CODEmi code m i ac)
((CODE/digit code '/0) m (IMM32 i ac)))
(define (instr/2 arg1 arg2 ac ircode imcode rrcode rmcode mrcode)
[(imm? arg1)
[(reg32? arg2) (CODEri ircode arg2 arg1 ac)]
[(mem? arg2) (CODEdi imcode '/0 arg2 arg1 ac)]
[else (die 'instr/2 "invalid args" arg1 arg2)])]
[(reg32? arg1)
[(reg32? arg2) (CODErr rrcode arg1 arg2 ac)]
[(mem? arg2) (CODErd rmcode arg1 arg2 ac)]
[else (die 'instr/2 "invalid args" arg1 arg2)])]
[(mem? arg1)
[(reg32? arg2) (CODErd mrcode arg2 arg1 ac)]
[else (die 'instr/2 "invalid args" arg1 arg2)])]
[else (die 'instr/2 "invalid args" arg1 arg2)]))
(define (CODEmi8 code m i8 ac)
((CODE/digit code '/0) m (IMM8 i8 ac)))
(define (CODEi code i ac)
(CODE code (IMM32 i ac)))
(module ()
(define who 'assembler)
@ -486,18 +437,197 @@
(CODE #x0F (CODE c (cons (cons 'relative (label-name dst)) ac)))]
[else (die who "invalid conditional jump target" dst)]))
(define (CRI32 c r i32 ac)
(CODEri c r i32 ac))
(define (CMI32 c d i32 ac)
(CODEmi c d i32 ac))
(define (CMI8 c d i8 ac)
(CODEmi8 c d i8 ac))
(define (CRRI8 c r0 r1 i8 ac)
(CODE c (ModRM 3 r0 r1 (IMM8 i8 ac))))
(define (CI8 c i8 ac)
(CODE c (IMM8 i8 ac)))
(define (CI32 c i32 ac)
(CODEi c i32 ac))
(define (CRRI32 c r0 r1 i32 ac)
(CODE c (ModRM 3 r0 r1 (IMM32 i32 ac))))
(define (CRR c r0 r1 ac)
(CODErr c r0 r1 ac))
(define (CRMI32 c r d i32 ac)
((CODE/digit c r) d (IMM32 i32 ac)))
(define (CRMI8 c r d i8 ac)
((CODE/digit c r) d (IMM8 i8 ac)))
(define (CRM c r d ac)
((CODE/digit c r) d ac))
(define (CCRR c0 c1 r0 r1 ac)
(CODE c0 (CRR c1 r0 r1 ac)))
(define (CCRM c0 c1 r m ac)
(CODE c0 (CRM c1 r m ac)))
(define (CCR c0 c1 r ac)
(CODE c0 (CR c1 r ac)))
(define (CR c r ac)
(CODE+r c r ac))
(define (CL c lab ac)
(CODE c (cons (cons 'relative (label-name lab)) ac)))
(add-instructions instr ac
[(ret) (CODE #xC3 ac)]
[(cltd) (CODE #x99 ac)]
; ircode imcode rrcode rmcode mrcode)
[(movl src dst) (instr/2 src dst ac #xB8 #xC7 #x89 #x89 #x8B)]
[(ret) (CODE #xC3 ac)]
[(cltd) (CODE #x99 ac)]
[(movl src dst)
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRI32 #xB8 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CMI32 #xC7 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #x89 src dst ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) ; (CRM #x89 src dst ac)]
(CODErd #x89 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) ; (CRM #x8B dst src ac)]
(CODErd #x8B dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(movb src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #xC6 '/0) dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (reg8? src) (mem? dst)) (CODErd #x88 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg8? dst)) (CODErd #x8A dst src ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CMI8 #xC6 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg8? src) (mem? dst)) (CRM #x88 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg8? dst)) (CRM #x8A dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(addl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #x83 '/0 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CI32 #x05 src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI32 #x81 '/0 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #x01 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRM #x03 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI32 #x81 '/0 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CRM #x01 src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(subl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #x83 '/5 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CI32 #x2D src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI32 #x81 '/5 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #x29 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRM #x2B dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI32 #x81 '/5 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CRM #x29 src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(sall src dst)
[(and (equal? 1 src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #xD1 '/4 dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #xC1 '/4 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI8 #xC1 '/4 dst src ac)]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #xD3 '/4 dst ac)]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (mem? dst)) (CRM #xD3 '/4 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(shrl src dst)
[(and (equal? 1 src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #xD1 '/5 dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #xC1 '/5 dst src ac)]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #xD3 '/5 dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI8 #xC1 '/5 dst src ac)]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (mem? dst)) (CRM #xD3 '/5 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(sarl src dst)
[(and (equal? 1 src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #xD1 '/7 dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #xC1 '/7 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI8 #xC1 '/7 dst src ac)]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #xD3 '/7 dst ac)]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (mem? dst)) (CRM #xD3 '/7 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(andl src dst)
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI32 #x81 '/4 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #x83 '/4 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CI32 #x25 src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI32 #x81 '/4 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #x21 src dst ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CRM #x21 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRM #x23 dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(orl src dst)
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI32 #x81 '/1 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CRM #x09 src dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #x83 '/1 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CI32 #x0D src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI32 #x81 '/1 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #x09 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRM #x0B dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(xorl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #x83 '/6 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI8 #x83 '/6 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CI32 #x35 src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #x31 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRM #x33 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst)) (CRM #x31 src dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(leal src dst)
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRM #x8D dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(cmpl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #x83 '/7 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax)) (CI32 #x3D src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI32 #x81 '/7 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRR #x39 src dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRM #x3B dst src ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI8 #x83 '/7 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst)) (CRMI32 #x81 '/8 dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(imull src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI8 #x6B dst dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst)) (CRRI32 #x69 dst dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst)) (CCRR #x0F #xAF dst src ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst)) (CCRM #x0F #xAF dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(idivl dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CRR #xF7 '/7 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CRM #xF7 '/7 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(pushl dst)
[(imm8? dst) (CI8 #x6A dst ac)]
[(imm? dst) (CI32 #x68 dst ac)]
[(reg32? dst) (CR #x50 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CRM #xFF '/6 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(popl dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CR #x58 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CRM #x8F '/0 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(notl dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CRR #xF7 '/2 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CRM #xF7 '/7 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(bswap dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CCR #x0F #xC8 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(negl dst)
[(reg32? dst) (CRR #xF7 '/3 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(jmp dst)
[(label? dst) (CL #xE9 dst ac)]
[(imm? dst) (CI32 #xE9 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CRM #xFF '/4 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid jmp target" dst)])]
[(call dst)
[(label? dst) (CL #xE8 dst ac)]
[(imm? dst) (CI32 #xE8 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst) (CRM #xFF '/2 dst ac)]
[(reg32? dst) (CRR #xFF '/2 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid jmp target" dst)])]
[(movsd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (or (xmmreg? src) (mem? src)))
@ -516,15 +646,11 @@
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (xmmreg? src))
(CODE #xF2 (CODE #x0F (CODE #x5A (ModRM 3 src dst ac))))]
;[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src))
; (CODE #xF2 (CODE #x0F ((CODE/digit #x5A dst) src ac)))]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(cvtss2sd src dst)
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (xmmreg? src))
(CODE #xF3 (CODE #x0F (CODE #x5A (ModRM 3 src dst ac))))]
;[(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src))
; (CODE #xF3 (CODE #x0F ((CODE/digit #x5A dst) src ac)))]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(movss src dst)
@ -558,241 +684,6 @@
[(and (xmmreg? dst) (or (xmmreg? src) (mem? src)))
(CODE #x66 (CODE #x0F ((CODE/digit #x2E dst) src ac)))]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
;[(pshufb src dst)
; ;;; unfortunately, this is an SSE3 instr.
; (cond
; [(and (xmmreg? dst) (mem? src))
; (CODE #x0F
; (CODE #x38
; ((CODE/digit #x00 dst) src ac)))]
; [else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(addl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/0 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax))
(CODE #x05 (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/0 dst (IMM32 src ac)))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x01 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODErd #x03 dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x81 '/0) dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x01 src) dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(subl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax))
(CODE #x2D (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst (IMM32 src ac)))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x29 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODErd #x2B dst src ac)]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x81 '/5) dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x29 src) dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(sall src dst)
[(and (equal? 1 src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #xD1 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #xC1 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #xC1 '/4) dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #xD3 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst ac))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #xD3 '/4) dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(shrl src dst)
[(and (equal? 1 src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #xD1 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #xC1 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #xD3 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #xC1 '/5) dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #xD3 '/5) dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(sarl src dst)
[(and (equal? 1 src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #xD1 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #xC1 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #xC1 '/7) dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #xD3 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst ac))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #xD3 '/7) dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(andl src dst)
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x81 '/4) dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax))
(CODE #x25 (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst (IMM32 src ac)))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x21 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x21 src) dst ac)]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODErd #x23 dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(orl src dst)
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x81 '/1) dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x09 src) dst ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/1 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax))
(CODE #x0D (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/1 dst (IMM32 src ac)))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x09 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODErd #x0B dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(xorl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/6 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x83 '/6) dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax))
(CODE #x35 (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x31 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODErd #x33 dst src ac)]
[(and (reg32? src) (mem? dst))
((CODE/digit #x31 src) dst ac)]
;[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst))
; ((CODE/digit #x81 '/6) dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(leal src dst)
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODErd #x8D dst src ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(cmpl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax))
(CODE #x3D (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x81 (ModRM 3 '/7 dst (IMM32 src ac)))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x39 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODErd #x3B dst src ac)]
[(and (imm8? src) (mem? dst))
;;; maybe die
(CODErd #x83 '/7 dst (IMM8 src ac))]
[(and (imm? src) (mem? dst))
;;; maybe die
(CODErd #x81 '/7 dst (IMM32 src ac))]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(imull src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x6B (ModRM 3 dst dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x69 (ModRM 3 dst dst (IMM32 src ac)))]
[(and (reg32? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x0F (CODE #xAF (ModRM 3 dst src ac)))]
[(and (mem? src) (reg32? dst))
(CODE #x0F (CODErd #xAF dst src ac))]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(idivl dst)
[(reg32? dst)
(CODErr #xF7 '/7 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst)
;;; maybe die
(CODErd #xF7 '/7 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(pushl dst)
[(imm8? dst)
(CODE #x6A (IMM8 dst ac))]
[(imm? dst)
(CODE #x68 (IMM32 dst ac))]
[(reg32? dst)
(CODE+r #x50 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst)
;;; maybe die
(CODErd #xFF '/6 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(popl dst)
[(reg32? dst)
(CODE+r #x58 dst ac)]
[(mem? dst)
;;; maybe die
(CODErd #x8F '/0 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(notl dst)
[(reg32? dst)
(CODE #xF7 (ModRM 3 '/2 dst ac))]
[(mem? dst)
;;; maybe die
(CODErd #xF7 '/7 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(bswap dst)
[(reg32? dst)
(CODE #x0F (CODE+r #xC8 dst ac))]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(negl dst)
[(reg32? dst)
(CODE #xF7 (ModRM 3 '/3 dst ac))]
[else (die who "invalid" instr)])]
[(jmp dst)
[(label? dst)
(CODE #xE9 (cons (cons 'relative (label-name dst)) ac))]
[(imm? dst)
(CODE #xE9 (IMM32 dst ac))]
[(mem? dst)
;;; maybe die
(CODErd #xFF '/4 dst ac)]
[else (die who "invalid jmp target" dst)])]
[(call dst)
[(imm? dst)
(CODE #xE8 (IMM32 dst ac))]
[(label? dst)
(CODE #xE8 (cons (cons 'relative (label-name dst)) ac))]
[(mem? dst)
;;; maybe die
(CODErd #xFF '/2 dst ac)]
[(reg32? dst)
(CODE #xFF (ModRM 3 '/2 dst ac))]
[else (die who "invalid jmp target" dst)])]
[(seta dst) (conditional-set #x97 dst ac)]
[(setae dst) (conditional-set #x93 dst ac)]
[(setb dst) (conditional-set #x92 dst ac)]