- added lab/ikarus.debugger.ss which is more usable (faster) than

the interpreter and is closer to how the compiler would handle
  debugging calls.
This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2009-05-17 12:50:16 +03:00
parent 2929379460
commit dbf0b07f13
2 changed files with 308 additions and 1 deletions

lab/ikarus.debugger.ss Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
(import (ikarus))
(define (with-output-to-string/limit x len)
(define n 0)
(define str (make-string len))
(lambda (k)
(define p
(lambda (buf i count)
(let f ([i i] [count count])
(unless (zero? count)
(if (= n len)
(k str)
(string-set! str n (string-ref buf i))
(set! n (+ n 1))
(f (+ i 1) (- count 1))))))
#f #f #f))
(parameterize ([print-graph #f])
(write x p)
(flush-output-port p))
(substring str 0 n))))
(define (make-annotated-procedure ann proc)
(import (ikarus system $codes))
($make-annotated-procedure ann proc))
(define-struct trace (src expr rator rands))
(module (get-traces debug-call)
(define outer-ring-size 30)
(define inner-ring-size 10)
(define end-marker -1)
(define-struct icell (prev next num content))
(define-struct ocell (prev next num cf icell))
(define (make-ring n cell-prev cell-next cell-prev-set! cell-next-set! make-cell)
(let ([ring (make-cell)])
(cell-prev-set! ring ring)
(cell-next-set! ring ring)
(do ((n n (- n 1)))
((<= n 1))
(let ([cell (make-cell)]
[next (cell-next ring)])
(cell-prev-set! cell ring)
(cell-next-set! cell next)
(cell-prev-set! next cell)
(cell-next-set! ring cell)))
(define (make-double-ring n m)
(make-ring n
ocell-prev ocell-next set-ocell-prev! set-ocell-next!
(lambda ()
(make-ocell #f #f end-marker #f
(make-ring m
icell-prev icell-next set-icell-prev! set-icell-next!
(lambda () (make-icell #f #f end-marker (lambda () #f))))))))
(define (ring->list x cell-num cell-prev cell-content)
(let f ([x x] [orig #f])
(if (or (eq? x orig) (eqv? (cell-num x) end-marker))
(cons (cons (cell-num x) (cell-content x))
(f (cell-prev x) (or orig x))))))
(define (get-traces)
(ring->list step-ring ocell-num ocell-prev
(lambda (x)
(ring->list (ocell-icell x) icell-num icell-prev icell-content))))
(define step-ring
(make-double-ring outer-ring-size inner-ring-size))
(define (debug-call src expr rator . rands)
(lambda (cf)
(if (eq? cf (ocell-cf step-ring))
(reduce src expr rator rands)
(let ([cf #f] [pcf #f])
(lambda ()
(let ([prev step-ring])
(let ([next (ocell-next prev)])
(set! pcf (ocell-cf prev))
(set-ocell-num! next (+ (ocell-num prev) 1))
(set-icell-num! (ocell-icell next) end-marker)
(set! step-ring next)
(set-ocell-cf! step-ring cf))))
(lambda ()
(lambda (cf2)
(set! cf cf2)
(set-ocell-cf! step-ring cf)
(reduce src expr rator rands))))
(lambda ()
(let ([next step-ring])
(let ([prev (ocell-prev next)])
(set-ocell-num! prev (- (ocell-num next) 1))
(set-ocell-num! next end-marker)
(set-icell-num! (ocell-icell next) end-marker)
(set-ocell-cf! prev pcf)
(set! step-ring prev))))))))))
(define (reduce src expr rator rands)
(define (mark-reduction! x)
(let ([prev (ocell-icell step-ring)])
(let ([next (icell-next prev)])
(set-icell-content! next x)
(set-icell-num! next (+ (icell-num prev) 1))
(set-ocell-icell! step-ring next))))
(mark-reduction! (make-trace src expr rator rands))
(apply rator rands))
(define (operator? x)
(and (pair? x)
(eq? (car x) 'primitive)
(guard (con [(assertion-violation? con) #t])
(system-value (cadr x))
(define (get-src/expr ae)
(if (annotation? ae)
(values (annotation-source ae) (annotation-stripped ae))
(values #f (syntax->datum ae))))
(define (add-debug-calls expr)
(define who 'add-debug-calls)
(define (direct-call? op rands)
(define n (length rands))
(define (test cls*)
(and (pair? cls*)
(let ([fmls (caar cls*)])
(and (list? fmls) (= (length fmls) n)))
(test (cdr cls*)))))
(and (pair? op)
(case (car op)
[(lambda) (test (list (cdr op)))]
[(case-lambda) (test (cdr op))]
[(annotated-case-lambda) (test (cddr op))]
[else #f])))
(define (E-call src expr op rands)
[(or (operator? op) (direct-call? op rands))
`(,op ,@(map E rands))]
`(',debug-call ',src ',expr ,(E op) ,@(map E rands))]))
(define (E expr)
[(symbol? expr) expr]
[(and (pair? expr) (list? expr))
(let ([a (car expr)] [d (cdr expr)])
(case a
[(quote) expr]
[(primitive) expr]
[(set!) `(set! ,(car d) ,(E (cadr d)))]
[(if) `(if ,(E (car d)) ,(E (cadr d)) ,(E (caddr d)))]
[(begin) (cons 'begin (map E d))]
[(lambda) (list 'lambda (car d) (E (cadr d)))]
(cons 'case-lambda
(map (lambda (x) (list (car x) (E (cadr x)))) d))]
(cons* 'annotated-case-lambda (car d)
(map (lambda (x) (list (car x) (E (cadr x)))) (cdr d)))]
[(letrec letrec*)
(list a
(map (lambda (x) (list (car x) (E (cadr x)))) (car d))
(E (cadr d)))]
(cons* 'foreign-call (car d) (map E (cdr d)))]
(list a
(map (lambda (x) (list (car x) (cadr x) (E (caddr x)))) (car d))
(E (cadr d)))]
(let-values ([(src expr) (get-src/expr (car d))])
(E-call src expr (cadr d) (cddr d)))]
[else (E-call #f #f a d)]))]
(die who "invalid expression" expr)]))
(E expr))
(define (print-trace x)
(define (chop x)
(if (> (string-length x) 60)
(format "~a#..." (substring x 0 56))
(let ([n (car x)] [x (cdr x)])
(printf " [~a] ~s\n" n (trace-expr x))
(let ([src (trace-src x)])
(when (pair? src)
(printf " source: char ~a of ~a\n" (cdr src) (car src))))
(printf " operator: ~s\n" (trace-rator x))
(printf " operands: ")
(let ([ls (map (lambda (x)
(with-output-to-string/limit x 80))
(trace-rands x))])
(if (< (apply + 1 (length ls) (map string-length ls)) 60)
(write (trace-rands x))
(display "(")
(let f ([a (car ls)] [ls (cdr ls)])
(display (chop a))
(if (null? ls)
(display ")")
(display "\n ")
(f (car ls) (cdr ls))))))))
(define (print-step x)
(let ([n (car x)] [ls (cdr x)])
(unless (null? ls)
(printf "FRAME ~s:\n" n)
(for-each print-trace (reverse ls)))))
(define (print-all-traces)
(let ([ls (reverse (get-traces))])
(printf "CALL FRAMES:\n")
(for-each print-step ls)))
(define (guarded-start proc)
(lambda (con)
(define (help)
(printf "Condition trapped by debugger.\n")
(print-condition con)
(printf "~a\n"
"[t] Trace. "
"[r] Reraise condition. "
"[c] Continue "
"[q] Quit "
"[?] Help. ")))
(lambda (k)
(lambda (x)
(case x
[(R r) (k (lambda () (raise-continuable con)))]
[(Q q) (exit 0)]
[(T t) (print-all-traces)]
[(C c) (k void)]
[(?) (help)]
[else (printf "invalid option\n")])))
(define (start-repl)
(display "Ikarus Interpreter\n\n")
(lambda (x)
(lambda ()
(eval x (interaction-environment)))))))
(define (start-script script-name args)
(command-line-arguments (cons script-name args))
(lambda ()
(load-r6rs-script script-name #f #t))))
(let ([ev (current-core-eval)])
(lambda (x)
(ev (add-debug-calls x)))))
[(interpreter flag script-name . rest)
(if (string=? flag "--r6rs-script")
(start-script script-name rest)
(error interpreter "invalid args" (cons* flag script-name rest)))]
[(interpreter) (start-repl)]
[(interpreter . rest)
(error interpreter "invalid args" rest)])
(print-graph #t)
;(write (make-double-rib 5 5))
(write (make-ring 10 (lambda () #f)))

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@ -1 +1 @@
1778 1779