* removed some junk that was not used (string handling stuff) from

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-09-05 02:41:12 -04:00
parent 8f9aa2cd18
commit d1db554eee
3 changed files with 2 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
* symbol calls are not checking for non-procedure.
* pretty-print goes into infinite loop on cyclic data
* set! on global names is not working.
* Ensure immutable exports
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Unix:unified)
* FIXED symbol calls are not checking for non-procedure.
* FIX: Error in generate-code: BUG: unhandles single rv.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
(define (pretty-width) 80)
(define (pretty-indent) 1)
(define-record cbox (length boxes))
(define-record sbox (length string))
(define-record pbox (length ls last))
(define-record mbox (length str val))
(define-record vbox (length ls))
@ -21,7 +20,6 @@
[(string? x) (string-length x)]
[(cbox? x) (cbox-length x)]
[(sbox? x) (sbox-length x)]
[(pbox? x) (pbox-length x)]
[(mbox? x) (mbox-length x)]
[(vbox? x) (vbox-length x)]
@ -168,27 +166,6 @@
(return sep* (cons (boxify/fmt (sub-fmt fmt) a) ls)))])))]
(return (gensep*-default ls) (map1ltr boxify ls))])))
(define (boxify-string x)
(define (count s i j n)
[(fx= i j) n]
(let ([c (string-ref s i)])
(let ([int (char->integer c)])
[(assv int string-esc-table) =>
(lambda (t)
(count s (fxadd1 i) j
(fx+ (fx+ n 1) (string-length (cdr t)))))]
[(and (fx<= 32 int) (fx<= int 127))
(count s (fxadd1 i) j (fxadd1 n))]
(count s (fxadd1 i) j (fx+ n 3))])))]))
(let ([n (string-length x)])
(let ([m (count x 0 n 0)])
(if (fx= n m)
(conc "\"" x "\"")
(make-sbox (fx+ m 2) x)))))
(define (boxify-pair x)
(let-values ([(ls last)
(let f ([x x])
@ -217,7 +194,6 @@
(f (cdr ls) (fx+ n (box-length (car ls))))]))])
(make-vbox (fx+ (fx+ n 2) (vector-length x)) ls))))
; [(string? x) (boxify-string x)]
[(null? x) "()"]
[(vector? x) (boxify-vector x)]
[(list? x) (boxify-list x '())]
@ -238,33 +214,6 @@
[(fx< n 10) (integer->char (fx+ n (char->integer #\0)))]
[else (integer->char (fx+ (fx- n 10) (char->integer #\A)))]))
(define (output x p)
(define (output-sbox x p col)
(display #\" p)
(let ([str (sbox-string x)])
(let f ([i 0] [n (string-length str)] [str str] [p p] [col col])
[(fx= i n)
(display #\" p)
(fx+ col 2)]
(let ([c (string-ref str i)])
(let ([int (char->integer c)])
[(assv int string-esc-table) =>
(lambda (t)
(display #\\ p)
(display (cdr t) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) n str p
(fx+ col (fxadd1 (string-length (cdr t))))))]
[(and (fx<= 32 int) (fx<= int 127))
(display c p)
(f (fxadd1 i) n str p (fxadd1 col))]
(display #\\ p)
(display (hexify (fxquotient int 16)) p)
(display (hexify (fxremainder int 16)) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) n str p
(fx+ col 3))])))]))))
(define (output-cbox x p col)
(let g ([ls (cbox-boxes x)] [p p] [col col])
@ -476,7 +425,6 @@
(display x p)
(fx+ col (string-length x))]
[(cbox? x) (output-cbox x p col)]
[(sbox? x) (output-sbox x p col)]
[(pbox? x) (output-pbox x p col)]
[(mbox? x) (output-mbox x p col)]
[(vbox? x) (output-vbox x p col)]
@ -486,9 +434,7 @@
(newline p))
(define (pretty x p)
;(write x) (newline)
(let ([x (boxify x)])
;(write x) (newline)
(output x p)))
(define *pretty-format* '*pretty-format*)