rewrote ypsilon FFI compatibility layer to be simpler and to provide
better error checking.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
(library (core)
(export iota string-contains architecture-feature format
flonum->float string->cstring load-shared-object
usleep microsecond)
(import (except (ikarus) library format)
(except (ikarus system $foreign) make-callback))
(define (format what str . args)
(import (ikarus))
[(eq? what #f)
(apply printf str args)]
(apply format str args)]))
(define (iota n i)
[(= n 0) '()]
[else (cons i (iota (- n 1) (+ i 1)))]))
(define (architecture-feature what)
(case what
[(operating-system) "darwin"]
[(alignof:int) 4]
[(sizeof:int) 4]
[else (error 'architecture-feature "invalid args" what)]))
(define (string-contains text s)
(define (starts-at? i)
(let f ([i i] [j 0])
[(= j (string-length s)) #t]
[(= i (string-length text)) #f]
(and (char=? (string-ref text i) (string-ref s j))
(f (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))])))
(let f ([i 0])
[(= i (string-length text)) #f]
[(starts-at? i) #t]
[else (f (+ i 1))])))
(define-record-type library (fields name pointer))
(define (load-shared-object libname)
(make-library libname
(or (dlopen libname)
(error 'load-shared-object (dlerror) libname))))
(define-record-type shared-object
(fields name lib [mutable proc] pointer))
(define (lookup-shared-object lib name)
(define who 'lookup-shared-object)
(unless (symbol? name) (die who "not a symbol" name))
(unless (library? lib) (die who "not a library" lib))
(make-shared-object name lib #f
(or (dlsym (library-pointer lib) (symbol->string name))
(error who
(format #f "cannot find object ~a in library ~a"
name (library-name lib))))))
(define get-ffi
(let ([ffis '()])
(lambda (return-type arg-types)
(let ([x (cons return-type arg-types)])
[(assoc x ffis) => cdr]
(let ([ffi (make-ffi return-type arg-types)])
(set! ffis (cons (cons x ffi) ffis))
(define (arg->arg-type who)
(define (err who x)
(error 'arg->arg-type
(format #f "cannot handle conversion for procedure ~a" who)
(lambda (arg)
[(bytevector? arg) 'pointer]
[(vector? arg) 'pointer]
[(cstring? arg) 'pointer]
[(pointer? arg) 'pointer]
[(cfloat? arg) 'float]
[(flonum? arg) 'double]
[(or (fixnum? arg) (bignum? arg)) 'sint32]
[else (err who arg)])))
(define (convert-incoming type result)
(define who 'convert-incoming)
(case type
[(void) (void)]
[(sint32) result]
[(pointer) result]
[else (error who "unhandled type" type)]))
(define (convert-outgoing type arg)
(define who 'convert-outgoing)
(case type
[(bytevector? arg) (bytevector->blob arg)]
[(vector? arg) (vector->blob arg)]
[(cstring? arg) (cstring-pointer arg)]
[(pointer? arg) arg]
[else (error who "no converter for" type arg)])]
[(or (fixnum? arg) (bignum? arg)) arg]
[else (error who "no converter for" type arg)])]
[(cfloat? arg) (cfloat-value arg)]
[else (error who "no converter for" type arg)])]
[(flonum? arg) arg]
[else (error who "no converter for" type arg)])]
[else (error who "unhandled type" type)]))
(define (wrap-conversion who return-type arg-types f)
(lambda args
(unless (= (length args) (length arg-types))
(error who "incorrect number of arguments" args))
(let ([args (map convert-outgoing arg-types args)])
(let ([result (apply f args)])
(convert-incoming return-type result)))))
(define (make-proc who obj return-type args)
(let ([arg-types (map (arg->arg-type who) args)])
(let ([ffi (get-ffi return-type arg-types)])
(shared-object-name obj)
return-type arg-types
(ffi (shared-object-pointer obj))))))
(define (get-proc who obj return-type args)
(unless (shared-object? obj)
(error who "not a shared object" obj))
(or (shared-object-proc obj)
(let ([p (make-proc who obj return-type args)])
(shared-object-proc-set! obj p)
(define-record-type cstring (fields pointer))
(define (string->cstring str)
(let ([bv (string->utf8 str)])
(let ([n (bytevector-length bv)])
(let ([p (malloc (+ n 1))])
(let f ([i 0])
(unless (= i n)
(pointer-set-char p i (bytevector-u8-ref bv i))
(f (+ i 1))))
(pointer-set-char p n 0)
(make-cstring p)))))
(define (bytevector->blob bv)
(let ([n (bytevector-length bv)])
(let ([p (malloc n)])
(let f ([i 0])
(unless (= i n)
(pointer-set-char p i (bytevector-u8-ref bv i))
(f (+ i 1))))
(define (object->long x)
[(integer? x) x]
[(cstring? x) (pointer->integer (cstring-pointer x))]
[else (error 'object->pointer "cannot handle" x)]))
(define (vector->blob v)
(let ([n (vector-length v)])
(let ([p (malloc (* n 4))])
(let f ([i 0] [j (- n 1)])
(unless (= i n)
(pointer-set-long p (* i 4)
(object->long (vector-ref v j)))
(f (+ i 1) (- j 1))))
(define-record-type cfloat (fields value))
(define (flonum->float x)
[(flonum? x) (make-cfloat x)]
[else (error 'flonum->float "invalid arg" x)]))
(define (stdcall-shared-object->void proc . args)
(apply (get-proc 'stdcall-shared-object->void proc 'void args) args))
(define (stdcall-shared-object->int proc . args)
(apply (get-proc 'stdcall-shared-object->int proc 'sint32 args) args))
(define (stdcall-shared-object->intptr proc . args)
(apply (get-proc 'stdcall-shared-object->intptr proc 'pointer args) args))
(define (make-callback conv argcount proc)
(import (ikarus system $foreign))
(define who 'make-callback)
(unless (procedure? proc) (error who "not a procedure" proc))
(unless (eqv? 0 conv) (error who "invalid calling convention" conv))
((make-callback 'sint32 (make-list argcount 'sint32)) proc))
(define (stdcall-shared-object->double . args) (error '#f "invalid args" args))
(define (usleep . args) (error '#f "invalid args" args))
(define (microsecond)
(let ([t (current-time)])
(+ (* (time-second t) 1000000)
(div (time-nanosecond t) 1000))))
;(define-record-type carray (fields pointer))
;(define make-binary-array-of-int
; (lambda argv
; (let ((step (architecture-feature 'alignof:int))
; (proc (case (architecture-feature 'sizeof:int)
; ((4) pointer-set-int)
; ((8) pointer-set-long)
; (else
; (syntax-violation 'make-binary-array-of-int "byte size of int not defined")))))
; (let ((p (malloc (* step (length argv)))))
; (let loop ((offset 0) (arg argv))
; (cond ((null? arg) (make-carray p))
; (else
; (let ((value (car arg)))
; (proc p offset value)
; (loop (+ offset step) (cdr arg))))))))))
;(define make-binary-array-of-char*
; (lambda (ref . argv)
; (assert (= ref 0))
; (let ((step (architecture-feature 'alignof:int))
; (proc (case (architecture-feature 'sizeof:int)
; ((4) pointer-set-int)
; ((8) pointer-set-long)
; (else
; (syntax-violation 'make-binary-array-of-char* "byte size of int not defined")))))
; (let ((p (malloc (* step (length argv)))))
; (let loop ((offset 0) (arg argv))
; (cond ((null? arg) (make-carray p))
; (else
; (let ((value (car arg)))
; (proc p offset
; (pointer->integer
; (cstring-pointer (string->cstring value))))
; (loop (+ offset step) (cdr arg))))))))))
@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
;;; Ypsilon Scheme System
;;; Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Y.FUJITA, LittleWing Company Limited.
;;; See license.txt for terms and conditions of use.
(library (ffi)
(export c-function c-argument
on-windows on-darwin on-linux on-freebsd on-posix)
(import (rnrs) (core))
(define on-windows (and (string-contains (architecture-feature 'operating-system) "windows") #t))
(define on-darwin (and (string-contains (architecture-feature 'operating-system) "darwin") #t))
(define on-linux (and (string-contains (architecture-feature 'operating-system) "linux") #t))
(define on-freebsd (and (string-contains (architecture-feature 'operating-system) "freebsd") #t))
(define on-posix (not on-windows))
(define assert-bool
(lambda (name n i)
(cond ((boolean? i) (if i 1 0))
(assertion-violation name (format "expected #t or #f, but got ~r, as argument ~s" i n))))))
(define assert-int
(lambda (name n i)
(cond ((and (integer? i) (exact? i)) i)
(assertion-violation name (format "expected exact integer, but got ~r, as argument ~s" i n))))))
(define assert-float
(lambda (name n f)
(cond ((flonum? f) (flonum->float f))
(assertion-violation name (format "expected flonum, but got ~r, as argument ~s" f n))))))
(define assert-double
(lambda (name n f)
(cond ((flonum? f) f)
(assertion-violation name (format "expected flonum, but got ~r, as argument ~s" f n))))))
(define assert-string
(lambda (name n s)
(cond ((string? s) s)
(assertion-violation name (format "expected string, but got ~r, as argument ~s" s n))))))
(define assert-bytevector
(lambda (name n b)
(cond ((bytevector? b) b)
(assertion-violation name (format "expected bytevector, but got ~r, as argument ~s" b n))))))
(define assert-closure
(lambda (name n p)
(cond ((procedure? p) p)
(assertion-violation name (format "expected procedure, but got ~r, as argument ~s" p n))))))
(define assert-int-vector
(lambda (name n vect)
(or (vector? vect)
(assertion-violation name (format "expected vector, but got ~r, as argument ~s" vect n)))
(let ((lst (vector->list vect)))
(for-each (lambda (i)
(or (and (integer? i) (exact? i))
(assertion-violation name (format "expected list of exact integer, but got ~r, as argument ~s" vect n))))
(define assert-string-vector
(lambda (name n vect)
(or (vector? vect)
(assertion-violation name (format "expected vector, but got ~r, as argument ~s" vect n)))
(let ((lst (vector->list vect)))
(for-each (lambda (s)
(or (string? s)
(assertion-violation name (format "expected vector of string, but got ~r, as argument ~s" vect n))))
(define int->bool
(lambda (val)
(not (= val 0))))
(define char*->string
(lambda (val)
(and val (bytevector->string val (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec))))))
(define make-binary-array-of-int
(lambda argv
(let ((step (architecture-feature 'alignof:int))
(proc (case (architecture-feature 'sizeof:int)
((4) bytevector-s32-native-set!)
((8) bytevector-s64-native-set!)
(syntax-violation 'make-binary-array-of-int "byte size of int not defined")))))
(let ((bv (make-bytevector (* step (length argv)))))
(let loop ((offset 0) (arg argv))
(cond ((null? arg) bv)
(let ((value (car arg)))
(proc bv offset value)
(loop (+ offset step) (cdr arg))))))))))
(define make-binary-array-of-char*
(lambda (ref . argv)
(apply vector
(map (lambda (value) (string->cstring value)) argv))))
(define-syntax c-callback-arguments
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
((_ args ...)
(let ((lst (syntax->datum (syntax (args ...)))))
(if (for-all (lambda (arg) (memq arg '(int void*))) lst)
(datum->syntax #'k (length lst))
(syntax-violation 'c-callback "expected list of int or void* for argument" x)))))))
(define-syntax c-argument
(syntax-rules (int bool void* char* byte* double float c-callback __stdcall)
((_ name n int var)
(assert-int 'name n var))
((_ name n bool var)
(assert-bool 'name n var))
((_ name n void* var)
(assert-int 'name n var))
((_ name n float var)
(assert-float 'name n var))
((_ name n double var)
(assert-double 'name n var))
((_ name n byte* var)
(assert-bytevector 'name n var))
((_ name n char* var)
(string->cstring (assert-string 'name n var)))
((_ name n [int] var)
(apply make-binary-array-of-int (assert-int-vector 'name n var)))
((_ name n [char*] var)
(apply make-binary-array-of-char* 0 (assert-string-vector 'name n var)))
((_ name n (*[char*]) var)
(apply make-binary-array-of-char* 1 (assert-string-vector 'name n var)))
((_ name n [c-callback void (args ...)] var)
(make-callback 0 (c-callback-arguments args ...) (assert-closure 'name n var)))
((_ name n [c-callback int (args ...)] var)
(make-callback 0 (c-callback-arguments args ...) (assert-closure 'name n var)))
((_ name n [c-callback void __stdcall (args ...)] var)
(make-callback 1 (c-callback-arguments args ...) (assert-closure 'name n var)))
((_ name n [c-callback int __stdcall (args ...)] var)
(make-callback 1 (c-callback-arguments args ...) (assert-closure 'name n var)))))
(define-syntax c-function-stub
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
((_ lib-handle lib-name (cast stub) func-name types ...)
(with-syntax (((args ...) (generate-temporaries (syntax (types ...))))
((n ...) (map (lambda (e) (datum->syntax #'k e)) (iota (length (syntax (types ...))) 1))))
(syntax (let ((loc (lookup-shared-object lib-handle 'func-name)))
(if loc
(let () (define func-name
(lambda (args ...)
(cast (stub loc (c-argument func-name n types args) ...)))) func-name)
(let () (define func-name
(lambda x
(error 'func-name (format "function not available in ~a" lib-name)))) func-name))))))
((_ lib-handle lib-name stub func-name types ...)
(syntax (c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name ((lambda (x) x) stub) func-name types ...))))))
(define-syntax c-function
(syntax-rules (__stdcall void int double void* bool char*)
((_ lib-handle lib-name void __stdcall func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name stdcall-shared-object->void func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name int __stdcall func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name stdcall-shared-object->int func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name double __stdcall func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name stdcall-shared-object->double func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name void* __stdcall func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name stdcall-shared-object->intptr func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name bool __stdcall func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name (int->bool stdcall-shared-object->int) func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name char* __stdcall func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name (char*->string stdcall-shared-object->char*) func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name void func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name call-shared-object->void func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name int func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name call-shared-object->int func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name double func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name call-shared-object->double func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name void* func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name call-shared-object->intptr func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name bool func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name (int->bool call-shared-object->int) func-name types ...))
((_ lib-handle lib-name char* func-name (types ...))
(c-function-stub lib-handle lib-name (char*->string call-shared-object->char*) func-name types ...))))
) ;[end]
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ypsilon
#!/usr/bin/env ikarus --r6rs-script
;; 3-D gear wheels. This program is in the public domain.
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
;; Port to Scheme/Gauche(GLUT) by YOKOTA Hiroshi
;; Port to Ypsilon by YOKOTA Hiroshi
(import (core) (rnrs) (rnrs programs) (gl) (glut))
(import (ypsilon-compat) (rnrs) (rnrs programs) (gl) (glut))
;; These constant values are not defined in Ypsilon yet
(define pi 3.14159265358979323846)
@ -1236,7 +1236,7 @@
(import (rnrs) (core) (ffi))
(import (rnrs) (ypsilon-compat))
(define libGL (cond (on-darwin (load-shared-object "OpenGL.framework/OpenGL"))
(on-windows (load-shared-object "opengl32.dll"))
@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
;; Linux:
(import (core) (gl) (glut)
(import (gl) (glut)
(rename (except (rnrs) angle display)
(reverse rnrs:reverse))
(rnrs programs))
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
(import (rnrs) (core) (ffi))
(import (rnrs) (ypsilon-compat))
(define libGLUT (cond (on-darwin (load-shared-object "GLUT.framework/GLUT"))
(on-windows (load-shared-object "glut32.dll"))
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
(library (ypsilon-compat)
(export on-windows on-darwin on-linux on-freebsd on-posix
load-shared-object c-argument c-function
microsecond usleep
(rename (ypsilon:format format)))
(ikarus system $foreign)
(except (ikarus) library))
(define (microsecond)
(let ([t (current-time)])
(+ (* (time-second t) 1000000)
(div (time-nanosecond t) 1000))))
(define (usleep . args) (error '#f "invalid args" args))
(define (ypsilon:format what str . args)
[(eq? what #f)
(apply printf str args)]
(apply format str args)]))
(define (architecture-feature what)
(case what
[(operating-system) "darwin"]
[(alignof:int) 4]
[(sizeof:int) 4]
[else (error 'architecture-feature "invalid args" what)]))
(define (string-contains text s)
(define (starts-at? i)
(let f ([i i] [j 0])
[(= j (string-length s)) #t]
[(= i (string-length text)) #f]
(and (char=? (string-ref text i) (string-ref s j))
(f (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))])))
(let f ([i 0])
[(= i (string-length text)) #f]
[(starts-at? i) #t]
[else (f (+ i 1))])))
(define on-windows (and (string-contains (architecture-feature 'operating-system) "windows") #t))
(define on-darwin (and (string-contains (architecture-feature 'operating-system) "darwin") #t))
(define on-linux (and (string-contains (architecture-feature 'operating-system) "linux") #t))
(define on-freebsd (and (string-contains (architecture-feature 'operating-system) "freebsd") #t))
(define on-posix (not on-windows))
(define-record-type library (fields name pointer))
(define (load-shared-object libname)
(make-library libname
(or (dlopen libname)
(error 'load-shared-object (dlerror) libname))))
(define (int? x) (or (fixnum? x) (bignum? x)))
(define (check-int who x)
[(int? x) x]
[else (die who "not an int" x)]))
(define (vector-andmap f v)
(andmap f (vector->list v)))
(define (check-int* who x)
[(and (vector? x) (vector-andmap int? x))
(let ([n (vector-length x)])
(let ([p (malloc (* n 4))])
(let f ([i 0])
[(= i n) p]
(pointer-set-int p (* i 4) (vector-ref x i))
(f (+ i 1))]))))]
[else (die who "not an int*" x)]))
(define (check-char* who x)
[(string? x)
(check-byte* who (string->utf8 x))]
[else (die who "not a char*" x)]))
(define (check-char** who x)
[(and (vector? x) (vector-andmap string? x))
(let ([n (vector-length x)])
(let ([p (malloc (* n 4))])
(let f ([i 0])
[(= i n) p]
(pointer-set-int p (* i 4)
(pointer->integer (check-char* who (vector-ref x i))))
(f (+ i 1))]))))]
[else (die who "not a char**" x)]))
(define (check-byte* who x)
[(bytevector? x)
(let ([n (bytevector-length x)])
(let ([p (malloc (+ n 1))])
(pointer-set-char p n 0)
(let f ([i 0])
[(= i n) p]
(pointer-set-char p i (bytevector-u8-ref x i))
(f (+ i 1))]))))]
[else (die who "not a byte*" x)]))
(define (check-float who x)
[(flonum? x) x]
[else (die who "not a flonum" x)]))
(define (check-double who x)
[(flonum? x) x]
[else (die who "not a double" x)]))
(define-syntax check-callback
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ foreign-name val return-type (arg-type* ...))
#'(let ([t val])
(if (procedure? t)
(convert-type return-type)
(list (convert-type arg-type*) ...))
(error 'foreign-name "not a procedure" t)))])))
(define-syntax todo
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name* ...)
(define (name* . args) (error 'name* "not implemented"))
(todo check-void* )
(define-syntax convert-arg
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x (int char* byte* c-callback float double void*)
[(_ form foreign-name val char*)
#'(check-char* 'foreign-name val)]
[(_ form foreign-name val byte*)
#'(check-byte* 'foreign-name val)]
[(_ form foreign-name val void*)
#'(check-void* 'foreign-name val)]
[(_ form foreign-name val int)
#'(check-int 'foreign-name val)]
[(_ form foreign-name val float)
#'(check-float 'foreign-name val)]
[(_ form foreign-name val double)
#'(check-double 'foreign-name val)]
[(_ form foreign-name val [int])
#'(check-int* 'foreign-name val)]
[(_ form foreign-name val [char*])
#'(check-char** 'foreign-name val)]
[(_ form foreign-name val [c-callback return-type (arg-types ...)])
#'(check-callback foreign-name val return-type (arg-types ...))]
[(_ form foreign-name val arg-type)
(syntax-violation 'c-function "invalid argument type"
#'form #'arg-type)])))
(define-syntax convert-type
(lambda (x)
(define ls
'([void void]
[char* pointer]
[float float]
[double double]
[void* pointer]
[byte* pointer]
[int sint32]))
(define (valid x)
[(and (list? x) (= (length x) 3) (eq? (car x) 'c-callback))
(and (valid (cadr x))
(andmap valid (caddr x))
[(list? x)
(and (andmap valid x) 'pointer)]
[(assq x ls) => cadr]
[else #f]))
(syntax-case x (void)
[(ctxt t)
[(valid (syntax->datum #'t)) =>
(lambda (t)
(with-syntax ([t (datum->syntax #'ctxt t)])
#'(quote t)))]
[else (syntax-violation #f "invalid type" #'t)])])))
(define (lookup-shared-object lib name)
(define who 'lookup-shared-object)
(unless (symbol? name) (die who "not a symbol" name))
(unless (library? lib) (die who "not a library" lib))
(or (dlsym (library-pointer lib) (symbol->string name))
(error who
(format #f "cannot find object ~a in library ~a"
name (library-name lib)))))
(define-syntax c-function
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ lib lib-name return-type conv foreign-name (arg-type* ...))
(with-syntax ([x x]
[(t* ...) (generate-temporaries #'(arg-type* ...))])
#'(let ([callout
(convert-type return-type)
(list (convert-type arg-type*) ...))
(lookup-shared-object lib 'foreign-name))])
(lambda (t* ...)
(let ([t* (convert-arg x foreign-name t* arg-type*)] ...)
(let ([v (callout t* ...)])
(define-syntax c-argument
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ function-name argnum argtype argval)
(printf "syntax ~s\n" (syntax->datum x))
Reference in New Issue