gensym->unique-string now interns gensyms in the gensym table.
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ ik_collect(int mem_req, ikpcb* pcb){
collect_stack(&gc, pcb->frame_pointer, pcb->frame_base - wordsize);
pcb->next_k = add_object(&gc, pcb->next_k, "next_k");
pcb->symbol_table = add_object(&gc, pcb->symbol_table, "symbol_table");
pcb->gensym_table = add_object(&gc, pcb->gensym_table, "gensym_table");
pcb->arg_list = add_object(&gc, pcb->arg_list, "args_list_foo");
/* now we trace all live objects */
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ static ikp do_read(ikpcb* pcb, fasl_port* p){
else if(c == 'M'){
/* symbol */
ikp str = do_read(pcb, p);
ikp sym = ik_intern_string(str, pcb);
ikp sym = ikrt_string_to_symbol(str, pcb);
p->marks[put_mark_index] = sym;
@ -5,13 +5,12 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
static ikp
initialize_symbol_table(ikpcb* pcb){
make_symbol_table(ikpcb* pcb){
#define NUM_OF_BUCKETS 4096 /* power of 2 */
int size = align_to_next_page(disp_vector_data + NUM_OF_BUCKETS * wordsize);
ikp st = ik_mmap_ptr(size, 0, pcb) + vector_tag;
bzero(st-vector_tag, size);
ref(st, off_vector_length) = fix(NUM_OF_BUCKETS);
pcb->symbol_table = st;
return st;
@ -43,10 +42,11 @@ static int strings_eqp(ikp str1, ikp str2){
return 0;
static ikp ik_make_symbol(ikp str, ikpcb* pcb){
static ikp
ik_make_symbol(ikp str, ikp ustr, ikpcb* pcb){
ikp sym = ik_alloc(pcb, symbol_size) + symbol_tag;
ref(sym, off_symbol_string) = str;
ref(sym, off_symbol_ustring) = false_object;
ref(sym, off_symbol_ustring) = ustr;
ref(sym, off_symbol_value) = unbound_object;
ref(sym, off_symbol_plist) = null_object;
ref(sym, off_symbol_system_value) = str;
@ -55,11 +55,8 @@ static ikp ik_make_symbol(ikp str, ikpcb* pcb){
ikp ik_intern_string(ikp str, ikpcb* pcb){
ikp st = pcb->symbol_table;
if(st == 0){
st = initialize_symbol_table(pcb);
static ikp
intern_string(ikp str, ikp st, ikpcb* pcb){
int h = compute_hash(str);
int idx = h & (unfix(ref(st, off_vector_length)) - 1);
ikp bckt = ref(st, off_vector_data + idx*wordsize);
@ -72,7 +69,7 @@ ikp ik_intern_string(ikp str, ikpcb* pcb){
b = ref(b, off_cdr);
ikp sym = ik_make_symbol(str, pcb);
ikp sym = ik_make_symbol(str, false_object, pcb);
b = ik_alloc(pcb, pair_size) + pair_tag;
ref(b, off_car) = sym;
ref(b, off_cdr) = bckt;
@ -81,6 +78,87 @@ ikp ik_intern_string(ikp str, ikpcb* pcb){
return sym;
ikrt_intern_unique_string(ikp ustr, ikp st, ikpcb* pcb){
int h = compute_hash(ustr);
int idx = h & (unfix(ref(st, off_vector_length)) - 1);
ikp bckt = ref(st, off_vector_data + idx*wordsize);
ikp b = bckt;
ikp sym = ref(b, off_car);
ikp sym_str = ref(sym, off_symbol_ustring);
if(strings_eqp(sym_str, ustr)){
return sym;
b = ref(b, off_cdr);
ikp sym = ik_make_symbol(false_object, ustr, pcb);
b = ik_alloc(pcb, pair_size) + pair_tag;
ref(b, off_car) = sym;
ref(b, off_cdr) = bckt;
ref(st, off_vector_data + idx*wordsize) = b;
pcb->dirty_vector[page_index(st+off_vector_data+idx*wordsize)] = -1;
return sym;
ikrt_intern_gensym(ikp sym, ikpcb* pcb){
ikp st = pcb->gensym_table;
if(st == 0){
st = make_symbol_table(pcb);
pcb->gensym_table = st;
ikp ustr = ref(sym, off_symbol_ustring);
int h = compute_hash(ustr);
int idx = h & (unfix(ref(st, off_vector_length)) - 1);
ikp bckt = ref(st, off_vector_data + idx*wordsize);
ikp b = bckt;
ikp sym = ref(b, off_car);
ikp sym_ustr = ref(sym, off_symbol_ustring);
if(strings_eqp(sym_ustr, ustr)){
return false_object;
b = ref(b, off_cdr);
b = ik_alloc(pcb, pair_size) + pair_tag;
ref(b, off_car) = sym;
ref(b, off_cdr) = bckt;
ref(st, off_vector_data + idx*wordsize) = b;
pcb->dirty_vector[page_index(st+off_vector_data+idx*wordsize)] = -1;
return true_object;
ikrt_string_to_symbol(ikp str, ikpcb* pcb){
ikp st = pcb->symbol_table;
if(st == 0){
st = make_symbol_table(pcb);
pcb->symbol_table = st;
return intern_string(str, st, pcb);
ik_intern_string(ikp str, ikpcb* pcb){
return ikrt_string_to_symbol(str, pcb);
ikrt_string_to_gensym(ikp str, ikpcb* pcb){
ikp st = pcb->gensym_table;
if(st == 0){
st = make_symbol_table(pcb);
pcb->gensym_table = st;
return intern_string(str, st, pcb);
ik_cstring_to_symbol(char* str, ikpcb* pcb){
int n = strlen(str);
@ -88,6 +166,6 @@ ik_cstring_to_symbol(char* str, ikpcb* pcb){
ikp s = ik_alloc(pcb, align(size)) + string_tag;
ref(s, off_string_length) = fix(n);
memcpy(s+off_string_data, str, n+1);
ikp sym = ik_intern_string(s, pcb);
ikp sym = ikrt_string_to_symbol(s, pcb);
return sym;
@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ typedef struct ikpcb{
ikpage* uncached_pages; /* ikpages cached so that we don't malloc/free */
ikp stack_base;
int stack_size;
ikp symbol_table;;
ikp symbol_table;
ikp gensym_table;
ik_guardian_table* guardians[generation_count];
unsigned int* dirty_vector_base;
unsigned int* segment_vector_base;
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ ikp ik_exec_code(ikpcb* pcb, ikp code_ptr);
void ik_print(ikp x);
void ik_fprint(FILE*, ikp x);
ikp ik_intern_string(ikp, ikpcb*);
ikp ikrt_string_to_symbol(ikp, ikpcb*);
ikp ik_cstring_to_symbol(char*, ikpcb*);
Binary file not shown.
@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ reference-implementation:
(lambda (x)
(unless (string? x)
(error 'string->symbol "~s is not a string" x))
(foreign-call "ik_intern_string" x)))
(foreign-call "ikrt_string_to_symbol" x)))
(primitive-set! 'gensym
@ -1139,39 +1139,6 @@ reference-implementation:
(f ($symbol-plist x) '()))))
;;X (primitive-set! 'make-parameter
;;X (letrec ([make-param-no-guard
;;X (lambda (x)
;;X (lambda args
;;X (if (null? args)
;;X x
;;X (if (null? ($cdr args))
;;X (set! x ($car args))
;;X (error #f "too many arguments to parameter")))))]
;;X [make-param-with-guard
;;X (lambda (x g)
;;X (let ([f
;;X (lambda args
;;X (if (null? args)
;;X x
;;X (if (null? ($cdr args))
;;X (set! x (g ($car args)))
;;X (error #f "too many arguments to parameter"))))])
;;X (if (procedure? g)
;;X (begin (set! x (g x)) f)
;;X (error 'make-parameter "not a procedure ~s" g))))])
;;X (lambda args
;;X (if (pair? args)
;;X (let ([x ($car args)] [args ($cdr args)])
;;X (if (null? args)
;;X (make-param-no-guard x)
;;X (let ([g ($car args)])
;;X (if (null? ($cdr args))
;;X (make-param-with-guard x g)
;;X (error 'make-parameter "too many arguments")))))
;;X (error 'make-parameter "insufficient arguments")))))
(let ()
(define vector-loop
@ -1619,9 +1586,12 @@ reference-implementation:
[(eq? us #t)
(error 'gensym->unique-string "~s is not a gensym" x)]
(let ([id (uuid)])
($set-symbol-unique-string! x id)
(let f ([x x])
(let ([id (uuid)])
($set-symbol-unique-string! x id)
[(foreign-call "ikrt_intern_gensym" x) id]
[else (f x)])))]))))
(primitive-set! 'gensym-prefix
Reference in New Issue