- trace-lambda and debug-call now interact properly and do not lose

tail calls.
This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2009-05-21 11:47:24 +03:00
parent 8ef5eaeca2
commit b35f5a9e1d
8 changed files with 72 additions and 224 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST=ikarus.boot.4.prebuilt ikarus.boot.8.prebuilt last-revision \
ikarus.promises.ss ikarus.reader.ss \
ikarus.records.procedural.ss ikarus.conditions.ss \
ikarus.singular-objects.ss ikarus.sort.ss ikarus.strings.ss \
ikarus.structs.ss ikarus.symbols.ss ikarus.timer.ss ikarus.trace.ss \
ikarus.structs.ss ikarus.symbols.ss ikarus.timer.ss \
ikarus.unicode-conversion.ss ikarus.unicode.ss \
ikarus.vectors.ss ikarus.writer.ss makefile.ss \
pass-specify-rep-primops.ss pass-specify-rep.ss psyntax.builders.ss \

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@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = ikarus.boot.4.prebuilt ikarus.boot.8.prebuilt last-revision \
ikarus.promises.ss ikarus.reader.ss \
ikarus.records.procedural.ss ikarus.conditions.ss \
ikarus.singular-objects.ss ikarus.sort.ss ikarus.strings.ss \
ikarus.structs.ss ikarus.symbols.ss ikarus.timer.ss ikarus.trace.ss \
ikarus.structs.ss ikarus.symbols.ss ikarus.timer.ss \
ikarus.unicode-conversion.ss ikarus.unicode.ss \
ikarus.vectors.ss ikarus.writer.ss makefile.ss \
pass-specify-rep-primops.ss pass-specify-rep.ss psyntax.builders.ss \

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
(library (ikarus.debugger)
(export debug-call guarded-start)
(import (ikarus))
(export debug-call guarded-start
make-traced-procedure make-traced-macro)
(import (except (ikarus) make-traced-procedure make-traced-macro))
(define (with-output-to-string/limit x len)
(define n 0)
@ -27,13 +29,14 @@
(flush-output-port p))
(substring str 0 n))))
(define-struct scell (cf ocell prev))
(define-struct scell (cf ocell trace filter prev))
(define (mkcell prev)
(make-scell #f #f prev))
(make-scell #f #f #f #f prev))
(define *scell* (mkcell #f))
(define (stacked-call pre thunk post)
(lambda (cf)
@ -59,9 +62,67 @@
(define return-handler
(lambda v*
(set-scell-ocell! *scell* #f)
[(scell-trace *scell*) =>
(lambda (n)
(display-return-trace n ((scell-filter *scell*) v*)))])
(apply values v*)))
(module (display-return-trace make-traced-procedure make-traced-macro)
(define *trace-depth* 0)
(define display-prefix
(lambda (n)
(let f ([i 0])
(unless (= i n)
(display (if (even? i) "|" " "))
(f (+ i 1))))))
(define (display-call-trace n ls)
(display-prefix n)
(write ls)
(define (display-return-trace n ls)
(display-prefix n)
(unless (null? ls)
(write (car ls))
(let f ([ls (cdr ls)])
(unless (null? ls)
(write-char #\space)
(write (car ls))
(f (cdr ls)))))
(define make-traced-procedure
[(name proc) (make-traced-procedure name proc (lambda (x) x))]
[(name proc filter)
(lambda args
(lambda ()
(set! *trace-depth* (add1 *trace-depth*)))
(lambda ()
(set-scell-trace! *scell* *trace-depth*)
(set-scell-filter! *scell* filter)
(display-call-trace *trace-depth* (filter (cons name args)))
(apply proc args))
(lambda ()
(set! *trace-depth* (sub1 *trace-depth*)))))]))
(define make-traced-macro
(lambda (name x)
[(procedure? x)
(make-traced-procedure name x syntax->datum)]
[(variable-transformer? x)
(make-traced-procedure name
(variable-transformer-procedure x)
[else x]))))
(define-struct trace (src/expr rator rands))
(define (trace-src x)

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
(import (except (ikarus) load-r6rs-script)
(except (ikarus startup) host-info)
(only (ikarus.compiler) generate-debug-calls)
(only (ikarus.debugger) guarded-start)
(only (psyntax library-manager) current-library-expander)
(only (ikarus.reader.annotated) read-source-file)
(only (ikarus.symbol-table) initialize-symbol-table!)

View File

@ -262,8 +262,8 @@
(die who "failed to initialize" rtype argtypes)
(die who "FFI support is not enabled. \
You need to recompile ikarus with \
--enable-ffi option set in order to \
make use of the (ikarus foreign) \
--enable-libffi option set in order \
to make use of the (ikarus foreign) \

View File

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
;;; Ikarus Scheme -- A compiler for R6RS Scheme.
;;; Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008 Abdulaziz Ghuloum
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
;;; published by the Free Software Foundation.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
(library (ikarus trace)
(export make-traced-procedure make-traced-macro)
(import (except (ikarus) make-traced-procedure make-traced-macro))
(define-struct scell (cf trace filter prev))
(define (mkcell prev)
(make-scell #f #f #f prev))
(define *scell* (mkcell #f))
(define *trace-depth* 0)
(define display-prefix
(lambda (n)
(let f ([i 0])
(unless (= i n)
(display (if (even? i) "|" " "))
(f (+ i 1))))))
(define display-trace
(lambda (k* v)
(display-prefix k* #t)
(write v)
(define (display-return-trace n ls)
(display-prefix n)
(unless (null? ls)
(write (car ls))
(let f ([ls (cdr ls)])
(unless (null? ls)
(write-char #\space)
(write (car ls))
(f (cdr ls)))))
(define (display-call-trace n ls)
(display-prefix n)
(write ls)
(define (stacked-call pre thunk post)
(lambda (cf)
(if (eq? cf (scell-cf *scell*))
(let ([scell (mkcell *scell*)])
(lambda ()
(set! *scell* scell)
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(lambda (cf)
(set-scell-cf! *scell* cf)
(lambda ()
(set! *scell* (scell-prev *scell*))))))))
(define return-handler
(lambda v*
[(scell-trace *scell*) =>
(lambda (n)
(display-return-trace n ((scell-filter *scell*) v*)))])
(apply values v*)))
(define make-traced-procedure
[(name proc) (make-traced-procedure name proc (lambda (x) x))]
[(name proc filter)
(lambda args
(lambda ()
(set! *trace-depth* (add1 *trace-depth*)))
(lambda ()
(set-scell-trace! *scell* *trace-depth*)
(set-scell-filter! *scell* filter)
(display-call-trace *trace-depth* (filter (cons name args)))
(apply proc args))
(lambda ()
(set! *trace-depth* (sub1 *trace-depth*)))))]))
(define make-traced-macro
(lambda (name x)
[(procedure? x)
(make-traced-procedure name x syntax->datum)]
[(variable-transformer? x)
(make-traced-procedure name
(variable-transformer-procedure x)
[else x]))))
(define traced-symbols '())
(define untrace-symbol!
(lambda (s)
(define loop
(lambda (ls)
[(null? ls) '()]
[(eq? s (caar ls))
(let ([a (cdar ls)])
(when (eq? (cdr a) (symbol-value s))
(set-symbol-value! s (car a)))
(cdr ls))]
[else (cons (car ls) (loop (cdr ls)))])))
(set! traced-symbols (loop traced-symbols))))
(define trace-symbol!
(lambda (s)
[(assq s traced-symbols) =>
(lambda (pr)
(let ([a (cdr pr)] [v (symbol-value s)])
(unless (eq? (cdr a) v)
(unless (procedure? v)
(die 'trace
"the top-level value is not a procedure"
s v))
(let ([p (make-traced-procedure s v)])
(set-car! a v)
(set-cdr! a p)
(set-symbol-value! s p)))))]
(unless (symbol-bound? s)
(die 'trace "unbound" s))
(let ([v (symbol-value s)])
(unless (procedure? v)
(die 'trace "the top-level value is not a procedure" s v))
(let ([p (make-traced-procedure s v)])
(set! traced-symbols
(cons (cons s (cons v p)) traced-symbols))
(set-symbol-value! s p)))])))
(trace-define fact
(lambda (n)
(if (zero? n)
(* n (fact (sub1 n))))))
(fact 5)
(trace-define (fact n m)
[(zero? n) m]
[else (fact (sub1 n) (* n m))]))
(fact 5 1)
(trace-define (fact n m k)
[(zero? n) (k m)]
[else (begin (fact (sub1 n) (* n m) k) 0)]))
(lambda (k)
(fact 6 1
(trace-lambda escape (v) (k v)))))
(lambda k*
(trace-define (fact n)
[(zero? n)
(lambda (k)
(set! k* (cons k k*))
[else (* n (fact (sub1 n)))]))
(fact 9)
(let ([k (car k*)])
(set! k* (cdr k*))
(k 100000))))
(trace-define (infinite-loop n)
(infinite-loop (add1 n)))
(infinite-loop 0)

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@