Ikarus now supports PLT's Scribble syntax!
- The only thing unsupported is the transposition of punctuations, e.g., @`foo{bar} => `@foo{bar}.
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST=ikarus.boot.4.prebuilt ikarus.boot.8.prebuilt last-revision \
tests/sorting.ss \
tests/sorting.ss \
tests/string-to-number.ss \
tests/string-to-number.ss \
tests/strings.ss \
tests/strings.ss \
tests/scribble.ss \
tests/symbol-table.ss \
tests/symbol-table.ss \
tests/tests-1.1-req.scm \
tests/tests-1.1-req.scm \
tests/tests-1.2-req.scm \
tests/tests-1.2-req.scm \
@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = ikarus.boot.4.prebuilt ikarus.boot.8.prebuilt last-revision \
tests/sorting.ss \
tests/sorting.ss \
tests/string-to-number.ss \
tests/string-to-number.ss \
tests/strings.ss \
tests/strings.ss \
tests/scribble.ss \
tests/symbol-table.ss \
tests/symbol-table.ss \
tests/tests-1.1-req.scm \
tests/tests-1.1-req.scm \
tests/tests-1.2-req.scm \
tests/tests-1.2-req.scm \
@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
(ikarus system $fx)
(ikarus system $fx)
(ikarus system $pairs)
(ikarus system $pairs)
(ikarus system $bytevectors)
(ikarus system $bytevectors)
(only (ikarus.io) input-port-byte-position)
(only (ikarus.io) input-port-byte-position
(except (ikarus) read-char read read-token comment-handler get-datum
(except (ikarus) read-char read read-token comment-handler get-datum
read-annotated read-script-annotated annotation?
read-annotated read-script-annotated annotation?
annotation-expression annotation-source annotation-stripped))
annotation-expression annotation-source annotation-stripped))
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
(define delimiter?
(define delimiter?
(lambda (c)
(lambda (c)
(or (char-whitespace? c)
(or (char-whitespace? c)
(memq c '(#\( #\) #\[ #\] #\" #\# #\; #\{ #\})))))
(memq c '(#\( #\) #\[ #\] #\" #\# #\; #\{ #\} #\|)))))
(define digit?
(define digit?
(lambda (c)
(lambda (c)
(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))))
(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))))
@ -121,10 +122,10 @@
[(char=? c #\\)
[(char=? c #\\)
(read-char p)
(read-char p)
(tokenize-backslash ls p)]
(tokenize-backslash ls p)]
[(char=? c #\}) ls]
[(eq? (port-mode p) 'r6rs-mode)
(die/p p 'tokenize "invalid identifier syntax"
(die/p p 'tokenize "invalid identifier syntax"
(list->string (reverse (cons c ls))))]))))
(list->string (reverse (cons c ls))))]
[else ls]))))
(define (tokenize-string ls p)
(define (tokenize-string ls p)
(let ([c (read-char p)])
(let ([c (read-char p)])
@ -781,6 +782,11 @@
(reverse (tokenize-backslash '() p)))))]
(reverse (tokenize-backslash '() p)))))]
;[($char= #\{ c) 'lbrace]
[($char= #\@ c)
(when (eq? (port-mode p) 'r6rs-mode)
(die 'tokenize "@-expr syntax is invalid in #!r6rs mode"))
(die/p-1 p 'tokenize "invalid syntax" c)])))
(die/p-1 p 'tokenize "invalid syntax" c)])))
@ -1006,6 +1012,378 @@
"invalid value in a bytevector" a))
"invalid value in a bytevector" a))
(read-bytevector p locs k (fxadd1 count)
(read-bytevector p locs k (fxadd1 count)
(cons a ls)))]))))
(cons a ls)))]))))
(define read-at-expr
(lambda (p locs k at-pos)
(define-struct nested (a a^))
(define-struct nested* (a* a*^))
(define (get-chars chars pos p a* a*^)
(if (null? chars)
(values a* a*^)
(let ([str (list->string chars)])
(let ([str^ (annotate-simple str pos p)])
(values (cons str a*) (cons str^ a*^))))))
(define (return start-pos start-col c*** p)
(let ([indent
(apply min start-col
(lambda (c**)
(define (st00 c* c** n)
(if (null? c*)
(st0 c** n)
(if (char=? (car c*) #\space)
(st00 (cdr c*) c** (+ n 1))
(define (st0 c** n)
(if (null? c**)
(let ([c* (car c**)])
(if (or (nested? c*) (nested*? c*))
(st00 (car c*) (cdr c**) n)))))
(st0 c** 0))
(cdr c***)))])
(define (convert c*)
(if (or (nested? c*) (nested*? c*))
(let ([str (list->string (car c*))])
(let ([str^ (annotate-simple str (cdr c*) p)])
(make-nested str str^)))))
(define (trim/convert c**)
(define (mk n pos)
(let ([str (make-string (- n indent) #\space)])
(let ([str^ (annotate-simple str pos p)])
(make-nested str str^))))
(define (s1 c* pos c** n)
(if (null? c*)
(let ([c* (car c**)])
(if (or (nested? c*) (nested*? c*))
(cons (mk n pos) (map convert c**))
(s1 c* pos (cdr c**) n)))
(if (char=? (car c*) #\space)
(s1 (cdr c*) pos c** (+ n 1))
(mk n pos)
(map convert (cons (cons c* pos) c**))))))
(define (s00 c* pos c** n)
(if (null? c*)
(s0 c** n)
(if (char=? #\space (car c*))
(if (< n indent)
(s00 (cdr c*) pos c** (+ n 1))
(s1 (cdr c*) pos c** (+ n 1)))
(map convert (cons (cons c* pos) c**)))))
(define (s0 c** n)
(if (null? c**)
(let ([c* (car c**)])
(if (or (nested? c*) (nested*? c*))
(map convert c**)
(s00 (car c*) (cdr c*) (cdr c**) n)))))
(s0 c** 0))
(define (cons-initial c** c***)
(define (all-white? c**)
(andmap (lambda (c*)
(and (not (nested? c*))
(not (nested*? c*))
(lambda (c) (char=? c #\space))
(car c*))))
(define (nl)
(let ([str "\n"])
(list (make-nested str str))))
(define (S1 c*** n)
(if (null? c***)
(make-list n (nl))
(let ([c** (car c***)] [c*** (cdr c***)])
(if (all-white? c**)
(S1 c*** (+ n 1))
(make-list n (nl))
(cons (trim/convert c**)
(S2 c*** 0 0)))))))
(define (S2 c*** n m)
(if (null? c***)
(make-list (+ n m) (nl))
(let ([c** (car c***)] [c*** (cdr c***)])
(if (all-white? c**)
(S2 c*** (+ n 1) -1)
(make-list (+ n 1) (nl))
(cons (trim/convert c**)
(S2 c*** 0 0)))))))
(define (S0 c** c***)
(if (all-white? c**)
(S1 c*** 0)
(map convert c**)
(S2 c*** 0 0))))
(S0 c** c***))
(let ([c** (cons-initial (car c***) (cdr c***))])
(let ([n* (apply append c**)])
(define (extract p p* ls)
(let f ([ls ls])
[(null? ls) '()]
[(nested? (car ls)) (cons (p (car ls)) (f (cdr ls)))]
[else (append (p* (car ls)) (f (cdr ls)))])))
(let ([c* (extract nested-a nested*-a* n*)]
[c*^ (extract nested-a^ nested*-a*^ n*)])
(values c* (annotate c* c*^ start-pos p) locs k))))))
(define (read-text p locs k pref*)
(let ([start-pos (port-position p)]
[start-col (input-port-column-number p)])
(let f ([c* '()] [pos start-pos]
[c** '()] [c*** '()]
[depth 0] [locs locs] [k k])
(define (match-prefix c* pref*)
[(and (pair? c*) (pair? pref*))
(and (char=? (car c*) (car pref*))
(match-prefix (cdr c*) (cdr pref*)))]
[else (and (null? pref*) c*)]))
(let ([c (read-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(die/p p 'read "end of file while reading @-expr text")]
[(char=? c #\})
(let g ([x* (cons #\} c*)] [p* pref*])
(if (null? p*)
(if (= depth 0)
(let ([c**
(if (null? c*)
(cons (cons (reverse c*) pos) c**)))])
(let ([c*** (reverse (cons c** c***))])
(return start-pos start-col c*** p)))
(f x* pos c** c*** (- depth 1) locs k))
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(die/p p 'read "invalid eof inside @-expression")]
[(char=? c (rev-punc (car p*)))
(read-char p)
(g (cons c x*) (cdr p*))]
(f x* pos c** c*** depth locs k)]))))]
[(char=? c #\{)
(f (cons c c*) pos c** c***
(if (match-prefix c* pref*) (+ depth 1) depth)
locs k)]
[(char=? c #\newline)
(f '()
(port-position p)
(cons (reverse
(if (null? c*)
(cons (cons (reverse c*) pos) c**)))
depth locs k)]
[(and (char=? c #\@) (match-prefix c* pref*)) =>
(lambda (c*)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(die/p p 'read "invalid eof inside nested @-expr")]
[(char=? c #\")
(read-char p)
(let ([c* (tokenize-string c* p)])
(f c* pos c** c*** depth locs k))]
(let-values ([(a* a*^ locs k)
(read-at-text-mode p locs k)])
(f '()
(port-position p)
(cons (make-nested* a* a*^)
(if (null? c*)
(cons (cons (reverse c*) pos) c**)))
c*** depth locs k))])))]
(f (cons c c*) pos c** c*** depth locs k)])))))
(define (read-brackets p locs k)
(let-values ([(a* a*^ locs k)
(read-list p locs k 'rbrack 'rparen #t)])
(unless (list? a*)
(die/ann a*^ 'read "not a proper list"))
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) ;;; @<cmd>[...]
(values a* a*^ locs k)]
[(char=? c #\{)
(read-char p)
(let-values ([(b* b*^ locs k)
(read-text p locs k '())])
(values (append a* b*)
(append a*^ b*^)
locs k))]
[(char=? c #\|)
(read-char p)
(let-values ([(b* b*^ locs k)
(read-at-bar p locs k #t)])
(values (append a* b*)
(append a*^ b*^)
locs k))]
[else (values a* a*^ locs k)]))))
(define puncs
'([#\| . #\|]
[#\< . #\>]
[#\[ . #\]]
[#\( . #\)]
[#\! . #\!]
[#\- . #\-]))
(define (left-punc? c)
(and (assv c (cdr puncs)) #t))
(define (rev-punc c) (cdr (assv c puncs)))
(define (read-at-bar p locs k text-mode?)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(die/p p 'read "eof inside @|-expression")]
[(and (char=? c #\|) text-mode?) ;;; @||
(read-char p)
(values '() '() locs k)]
[(char=? c #\{) ;;; @|{
(read-char p)
(read-text p locs k '(#\|))]
[(left-punc? c) ;;; @|<({
(read-char p)
(let ([pos (port-position p)])
(let f ([ls (list c)])
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(die/p p 'read "eof inside @|< mode")]
[(left-punc? c)
(read-char p)
(f (cons c ls))]
[(char=? c #\{)
(read-char p)
(read-text p locs k (append ls '(#\|)))]
(read-at-bar-others ls p locs k)]))))]
[text-mode? ;;; @|5 6 7|
(read-at-bar-datum p locs k)]
(die/p p 'read "invalid char in @| mode" c)])))
(define (read-at-bar-others ls p locs k)
(define (split ls)
[(null? ls) (values '() '())]
[(initial? (car ls))
(let-values ([(a d) (split (cdr ls))])
(values (cons (car ls) a) d))]
(values '() ls)]))
(define (mksymbol ls)
(let ([s (string->symbol
(reverse ls)))])
(values s s)))
(let-values ([(inits rest) (split ls)])
(let ([ls (tokenize-identifier inits p)])
(let-values ([(s s^) (mksymbol ls)])
(let g ([rest rest]
[a* (list s)]
[a*^ (list s^)]
[locs locs]
[k k])
(if (null? rest)
(let-values ([(b* b*^ locs k)
(read-at-bar-datum p locs k)])
(values (append a* b*) (append a*^ b*^) locs k))
(let ([x (car rest)])
(case x
[(#\() #\) ;;; vim paren-matching sucks
(let-values ([(b* b*^ locs k)
(read-list p locs k 'rparen 'rbrack #t)])
(g (cdr rest)
(list (append a* b*))
(list (append a*^ b*^))
locs k))]
[(#\[) #\] ;;; vim paren-matching sucks
(let-values ([(b* b*^ locs k)
(read-list p locs k 'rbrack 'rparen #t)])
(g (cdr rest)
(list (append a* b*))
(list (append a*^ b*^))
locs k))]
(let-values ([(inits rest) (split rest)])
(let-values ([(s s^) (mksymbol inits)])
(g rest
(cons s a*)
(cons s^ a*^)
locs k)))]))))))))
(define (read-at-bar-datum p locs k)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) (die/p p 'read "eof inside @|datum mode")]
[(char-whitespace? c)
(read-char p)
(read-at-bar-datum p locs k)]
[(char=? c #\|)
(read-char p)
(values '() '() locs k)]
(let-values ([(a a^ locs k) (read-expr p locs k)])
(let-values ([(a* a*^ locs k) (read-at-bar-datum p locs k)])
(values (cons a a*) (cons a^ a*^) locs k)))])))
(define (read-at-text-mode p locs k)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(die/p p 'read "eof encountered inside @-expression")]
[(char=? c #\|)
(read-char p)
(read-at-bar p locs k #t)]
(let-values ([(a a^ locs k)
(read-at-sexpr-mode p locs k)])
(values (list a) (list a^) locs k))])))
(define (read-at-sexpr-mode p locs k)
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c)
(die/p p 'read "eof encountered inside @-expression")]
[(eqv? c '#\[) ;;; @[ ...
(read-char p)
(read-brackets p locs k)]
[(eqv? c #\{) ;;; @{ ...
(read-char p)
(read-text p locs k '())]
[(char=? c #\|)
(read-char p)
(read-at-bar p locs k #f)]
[else ;;; @<cmd> ...
(let-values ([(a a^ locs k) (read-expr p locs k)])
(let ([c (peek-char p)])
[(eof-object? c) ;;; @<cmd><eof>
(values a a^ locs k)]
[(eqv? c #\[)
(read-char p)
(let-values ([(a* a*^ locs k)
(read-brackets p locs k)])
(let ([v (cons a a*)] [v^ (cons a^ a*^)])
(values v (annotate v v^ at-pos p) locs k)))]
[(eqv? c #\{) ;;; @<cmd>{ ...
(read-char p)
(let-values ([(a* a*^ locs k)
(read-text p locs k '())])
(let ([v (cons a a*)] [v^ (cons a^ a*^)])
(values v (annotate v v^ at-pos p) locs k)))]
[(eqv? c #\|) ;;; @<cmd>| ...
(read-char p)
(let-values ([(a* a*^ locs k)
(read-at-bar p locs k #f)])
(let ([v (cons a a*)] [v^ (cons a^ a*^)])
(values v (annotate v v^ at-pos p) locs k)))]
(values a a^ locs k)])))])))
(read-at-sexpr-mode p locs k)))
(define parse-token
(define parse-token
(lambda (p locs k t pos)
(lambda (p locs k t pos)
@ -1028,6 +1406,8 @@
(let-values ([(v v^ locs k)
(let-values ([(v v^ locs k)
(read-bytevector p locs k 0 '())])
(read-bytevector p locs k 0 '())])
(values v (annotate v v^ pos p) locs k))]
(values v (annotate v v^ pos p) locs k))]
[(eq? t 'at-expr)
(read-at-expr p locs k pos)]
[(pair? t)
[(pair? t)
[(eq? (car t) 'datum)
[(eq? (car t) 'datum)
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
bitwise enums pointers sorting io fasl reader case-folding
bitwise enums pointers sorting io fasl reader case-folding
parse-flonums string-to-number bignum-to-flonum div-and-mod
parse-flonums string-to-number bignum-to-flonum div-and-mod
fldiv-and-mod unicode normalization repl set-position guardians
fldiv-and-mod unicode normalization repl set-position guardians
symbol-table scribble))
(define (run-test-from-library x)
(define (run-test-from-library x)
(printf "[testing ~a] ..." x)
(printf "[testing ~a] ..." x)
@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
(library (tests scribble)
(export run-tests)
(import (ikarus))
(define (run-tests) (test-scribble))
(define (test-scribble)
(define failed 0)
(define passed 0)
(define (test-one str expected)
(guard (con
(printf "======================================\n")
(display "testing scribble on:\n")
(display str)
(printf "reads as\n")
(pretty-print expected)
(printf "test failed!\n")
(print-condition con)
(set! failed (+ failed 1))
(printf "FAILED ~s tests, PASSED ~s\n" failed passed)])
(let ([p (open-string-input-port str)])
(let ([v (read p)])
(unless (equal? v expected)
(error 'test "mismatch" v)))
(let ([v (read p)])
(unless (eof-object? v)
(error 'test "not eof" v))))
(set! passed (+ passed 1))
(printf " [~s]" passed)))
(define-syntax tests
(lambda (x)
(define (process ls)
[(null? ls) #'(values)]
(let ([x (syntax->datum (car ls))])
(assert (string? x))
(let f ([ac x] [ls (cdr ls)])
(syntax-case ls (reads as)
[(y rest ...) (string? (syntax->datum #'y))
(f (string-append ac "\n" (syntax->datum #'y))
#'(rest ...))]
[(reads as foo rest ...)
(with-syntax ([ac ac]
[rest (process #'(rest ...))])
#'(begin (test-one ac 'foo) rest))])))]))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ ls ...)
(process #'(ls ...))])))
"@foo{blah blah blah}"
reads as
(foo "blah blah blah")
"@foo{blah \"blah\" (`blah'?)}"
reads as
(foo "blah \"blah\" (`blah'?)")
"@foo[1 2]{3 4}"
reads as
(foo 1 2 "3 4")
"@foo[1 2 3 4]"
reads as
(foo 1 2 3 4)
"@foo[:width 2]{blah blah}"
reads as
(foo :width 2 "blah blah")
"@foo{blah blah"
" yada yada}"
reads as
(foo "blah blah" "\n" "yada yada")
" blah blah"
" yada yada"
reads as
(foo "blah blah" "\n" "yada yada")
"@foo{bar @baz{3}"
" blah}"
reads as
(foo "bar " (baz "3") "\n" "blah")
"@foo{@b{@u[3] @u{4}}"
" blah}"
reads as
(foo (b (u 3) " " (u "4")) "\n" "blah")
"@C{while (*(p++))"
" *p = '\\n';}"
reads as
(C "while (*(p++))" "\n" " " "*p = '\\n';")
"@{blah blah}"
reads as
("blah blah")
"@{blah @[3]}"
reads as
("blah " (3))
" bar"
" baz}"
reads as
'("foo" "\n" "bar" "\n" "baz")
reads as
"@{blah @foo blah}"
reads as
("blah " foo " blah")
"@{blah @foo: blah}"
reads as
("blah " foo: " blah")
"@{blah @|foo|: blah}"
reads as
("blah " foo ": blah")
"@foo{(+ 1 2) -> @(+ 1 2)!}"
reads as
(foo "(+ 1 2) -> " (+ 1 2) "!")
"@foo{A @\"string\" escape}"
reads as
(foo "A string escape")
reads as
(foo "eli@barzilay.org")
"@foo{A @\"{\" begins a block}"
reads as
(foo "A { begins a block")
"@C{while (*(p++)) {"
" *p = '\\n';"
" }}"
reads as
(C "while (*(p++)) {" "\n" " "
"*p = '\\n';" "\n"
reads as
(foo "bar}@{baz")
"@foo|{bar |@x{X} baz}|"
reads as
(foo "bar " (x "X") " baz")
"@foo|{bar |@x|{@}| baz}|"
reads as
(foo "bar " (x "@") " baz")
reads as
(foo "bar}@|{baz")
reads as
(foo "bar}@|{baz")
;;; ikarus does not allow \@identifier
"(define |@email| \"foo@bar.com\")"
reads as
(define |@email| "foo@bar.com")
"(define |@atchar| #\\@)"
reads as
(define |@atchar| #\@)
"@foo{bar @baz[2 3] {4 5}}"
reads as
(foo "bar " (baz 2 3) " {4 5}")
"@{foo bar"
" baz}"
reads as
("foo bar" "\n" "baz")
"@foo{x @y z}"
reads as
(foo "x " y " z")
"@foo{x @(* y 2) z}"
reads as
(foo "x " (* y 2) " z")
"@{@foo bar}"
reads as
(foo " bar")
reads as
((foo "bar") "baz")
"@foo[1 (* 2 3)]{bar}"
reads as
(foo 1 (* 2 3) "bar")
reads as
(foo (bar "...") "blah")
reads as
(foo bar)
"@foo{bar @f[x] baz}"
reads as
(foo "bar " (f x) " baz")
reads as
(foo "bar")
reads as
reads as
reads as
"@foo[:style 'big]{bar}"
reads as
(foo :style 'big "bar")
reads as
(foo "f{o}o")
reads as
(foo "{{}}{}")
reads as
(foo "bar")
"@foo{ bar }"
reads as
(foo " bar ")
"@foo[1]{ bar }"
reads as
(foo 1 " bar ")
"@foo{a @bar{b} c}"
reads as
(foo "a " (bar "b") " c")
"@foo{a @bar c}"
reads as
(foo "a " bar " c")
"@foo{a @(bar 2) c}"
reads as
(foo "a " (bar 2) " c")
"@foo{A @\"}\" marks the end}"
reads as
(foo "A } marks the end")
"@foo{The prefix: @\"@\".}"
reads as
(foo "The prefix: @.")
"@foo{@\"@x{y}\" --> (x \"y\")}"
reads as
(foo "@x{y} --> (x \"y\")")
reads as
(foo "...")
"@foo|{\"}\" follows \"{\"}|"
reads as
(foo "\"}\" follows \"{\"")
"@foo|{Nesting |{is}| ok}|"
reads as
(foo "Nesting |{is}| ok")
" |@bar{is}"
" Life!}|"
reads as
(foo "Maze" "\n"
(bar "is") "\n"
"@t|{In |@i|{sub|@\"@\"s}| too}|"
reads as
(t "In " (i "sub@s") " too")
"@foo|<<<{@x{foo} |@{bar}|.}>>>|"
reads as
(foo "@x{foo} |@{bar}|.")
"@foo|!!{X |!!@b{Y}...}!!|"
reads as
(foo "X " (b "Y") "...")
reads as
(foo "foo" bar.)
reads as
(foo "foo" bar ".")
reads as
(foo "foo" 3.0)
reads as
(foo "foo" 3 ".")
"@foo{foo@|(f 1)|{bar}}"
reads as
(foo "foo" (f 1) "{bar}")
reads as
(foo "foo" bar "[1]{baz}")
reads as
(foo "xyz")
reads as
(foo "x" "y" "z")
"@foo{x@|1 (+ 2 3) 4|y}"
reads as
(foo "x" 1 (+ 2 3) 4 "y")
" *|y}"
reads as
(foo "x" * * "y")
" |Carol}"
reads as
(foo "Alice" "Bob" "Carol")
reads as
reads as
(foo "bar")
"@foo{ bar }"
reads as
(foo " bar ")
"@foo{ bar"
" baz }"
reads as
(foo " bar" "\n" "baz ")
reads as
(foo "bar")
" bar"
reads as
(foo "bar")
" "
" bar"
" "
reads as
(foo "\n" "bar" "\n")
" bar"
" "
" baz"
reads as
(foo "bar" "\n" "\n" "baz")
reads as
(foo "\n")
" "
reads as
(foo "\n" "\n")
"@foo{ bar"
" baz }"
reads as
(foo " bar" "\n" "baz ")
" bar"
" baz"
" blah"
reads as
(foo "bar" "\n" "baz" "\n" "blah")
" begin"
" x++;"
" end}"
reads as
(foo "begin" "\n" " " "x++;" "\n" "end")
" a"
" b"
" c}"
reads as
(foo " " "a" "\n" " " "b" "\n" "c")
" baz"
" bbb}"
reads as
(foo "bar" "\n" " " "baz" "\n" "bbb")
"@foo{ bar"
" baz"
" bbb}"
reads as
(foo " bar" "\n" " " "baz" "\n" " " "bbb")
" baz"
" bbb}"
reads as
(foo "bar" "\n" "baz" "\n" "bbb")
"@foo{ bar"
" baz"
" bbb}"
reads as
(foo " bar" "\n" "baz" "\n" "bbb")
"@foo{ bar"
" baz"
" bbb}"
reads as
(foo " bar" "\n" "baz" "\n" " " "bbb")
"@text{Some @b{bold"
" text}, and"
" more text.}"
reads as
(text "Some " (b "bold" "\n" "text")", and" "\n" "more text.")
" @|| bar @||"
" @|| baz}"
reads as
(foo " bar " "\n" " baz")
reads as
(foo xyz)
reads as
(foo <xyz>)
reads as
(foo <<<<)
reads as
(foo < (x) >)
"@foo{@|(<(<<)>) xy|}"
reads as
(foo (< (<<) >) xy)
(assert (= failed 0))))
Reference in New Issue