fixed fprintf line in scheme-script.c

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2008-12-23 20:41:12 -05:00
parent 0bd854dedf
commit 82b7edcf14
3 changed files with 23 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -505,8 +505,7 @@
[(pair? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(die who "list was altered!")
(cons (f a)
(map1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
(cons (f a) (map1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
[(null? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(cons (f a) '())
@ -534,9 +533,8 @@
(cons (f a1 a2) '())
(die who "list was altered"))]
(die who (if (list? d2)
"length mismatch"
"not a proper list"))])]
(die who
(if (list? d2) "length mismatch" "not a proper list"))])]
[else (die who "list was altered")])))
(define cars
(lambda (ls*)
@ -560,21 +558,26 @@
(cons (cdr a) (cdrs (cdr ls*)))]
(die 'map "length mismatch")]))])))
(define (err-mutated all-lists)
(apply die 'map "some lists were mutated during operation" all-lists))
(define (err-mismatch all-lists)
(apply die 'map "length mismatch" all-lists))
(define (err-invalid all-lists)
(apply die 'map "invalid arguments" all-lists))
(define mapm
(lambda (f ls ls* n)
(lambda (f ls ls* n all-lists)
[(null? ls)
(if (andmap null? ls*)
(if (fxzero? n)
(die 'map "lists were mutated during operation"))
(die 'map "length mismatch"))]
[(fxzero? n)
(die 'map "lists were mutated during operation")]
(err-mutated all-lists))
(err-mismatch all-lists))]
[(fxzero? n) (err-mutated all-lists)]
(apply f (car ls) (cars ls*))
(mapm f (cdr ls) (cdrs ls*) (fxsub1 n)))])))
(mapm f (cdr ls) (cdrs ls*) (fxsub1 n) all-lists))])))
(define map
[(f ls)
@ -585,7 +588,7 @@
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(map1 f ($car ls) d (len d d 0)))]
[(null? ls) '()]
[else (die who "improper list")])]
[else (err-invalid (list ls))])]
[(f ls ls2)
(unless (procedure? f)
(die who "not a procedure" f))
@ -594,30 +597,18 @@
(if (pair? ls2)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(map2 f ($car ls) ($car ls2) d ($cdr ls2) (len d d 0)))
(die who
(if (list? ls2)
"length mismatch"
"not a proper list")))]
[(null? ls)
(if (null? ls2)
(die who
(if (list? ls2)
"length mismatch"
"not a proper list")))]
[else (die who "not a list")])]
(err-invalid (list ls ls2)))]
[(and (null? ls) (null? ls2)) '()]
[else (err-invalid (list ls ls2))])]
[(f ls . ls*)
(unless (procedure? f)
(die who "not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([n (len ls ls 0)])
(mapm f ls ls* n))]
[(null? ls)
(if (andmap null? ls*)
(die who "invalid arguments"))]
[else (die who "not a list" ls)])])))
(mapm f ls ls* n (cons ls ls*)))]
[(and (null? ls) (andmap null? ls*)) '()]
[else (err-invalid (cons ls ls*))])])))
(module (for-each)
(define who 'for-each)

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ void ikarus_usage(){
arguments ... as (command-line)\n\
Consult the Ikarus Scheme User's Guide for more details.\n\n";
fprintf(stderr, helpstring);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", helpstring);
int main(int argc, char** argv){