* fixnum->string now takes an extra radix (in 2 8 10 16) argument.

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-11-07 20:02:32 -05:00
parent ca25f972fc
commit 75705649e2
1 changed files with 31 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -368,37 +368,52 @@
(sra (- (- fx1 fx2) (+ s0 fx3)) (fixnum-width)))))
(module (fixnum->string)
(define mapping-string "0123456789abcdef")
(define f
(lambda (n i j)
(lambda (n i j radix)
[($fxzero? n)
(values (make-string i) j)]
(let ([q ($fxquotient n 10)])
(let* ([q ($fxquotient n radix)]
[c ($string-ref mapping-string
($fx- n ($fx* q radix)))])
(lambda () (f q ($fxadd1 i) j))
(lambda () (f q ($fxadd1 i) j radix))
(lambda (str j)
(let ([r ($fx- n ($fx* q 10))])
(string-set! str j
($fixnum->char ($fx+ r ($char->fixnum #\0))))
(values str ($fxadd1 j))))))])))
(define fixnum->string
(lambda (x)
(unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fixnum->string "not a fixnum" x))
(string-set! str j c)
(values str ($fxadd1 j)))))])))
(define $fixnum->string
(lambda (x radix)
[($fxzero? x) "0"]
[($fx> x 0)
[($fx> x 0)
(lambda () (f x 0 0))
(lambda () (f x 0 0 radix))
(lambda (str j) str))]
[($fx= x -536870912) "-536870912"]
[($fx= x (least-fixnum))
($fixnum->string ($fxquotient x radix) radix)
($fixnum->string ($fx- radix ($fxmodulo x radix)) radix))]
(lambda () (f ($fx- 0 x) 1 1))
(lambda () (f ($fx- 0 x) 1 1 radix))
(lambda (str j)
($string-set! str 0 #\-)
(define fixnum->string
(unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fixnum->string "not a fixnum" x))
($fixnum->string x 10)]
[(x r)
(unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fixnum->string "not a fixnum" x))
(case r
[(2) ($fixnum->string x 2)]
[(8) ($fixnum->string x 8)]
[(10) ($fixnum->string x 10)]
[(16) ($fixnum->string x 16)]
[else (error 'fixnum->string "invalid radix" r)])])))