more stupid optimizations

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2006-12-06 01:26:44 -05:00
parent 06c64dab3a
commit 6b0ec86de6
2 changed files with 33 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -876,7 +876,7 @@
(lambda (x)
(let ([n (getprop x '*compiler-giveup-tally*)])
(when (> n 100)
(when (>= n 40)
(printf "~s ~s\n" n x))))
(primitive-set! 'compiler-giveup-tally print-tally))
@ -911,9 +911,17 @@
645 list
(define (optimize-primcall ctxt op rand*)
(define (giveup)
(make-funcall (make-primref op) rand*))
(module (optimize-primcall)
(define (optimize-primcall ctxt op rand*)
[(getprop op *cookie*) =>
(lambda (proc)
(proc ctxt op rand*
(lambda ()
(make-funcall (make-primref op) rand*))))]
(tally-giveup op)
(make-funcall (make-primref op) rand*)]))
(define (constant-value x k)
(record-case x
[(constant t) (k t)] ; known
@ -930,7 +938,16 @@
(make-seq e0 e1)]))
(define (equable? x)
(if (number? x) (fixnum? x) #t))
(case op
(define *cookie* (gensym "optimizer-cookie"))
(define-syntax set-cases
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ctxt op rand* giveup
[(op** ...) b* b** ...] ...)
(let ([p (lambda (ctxt op rand* giveup) b* b** ...)])
(putprop 'op** *cookie* p) ...
(void)) ...)]))
(set-cases ctxt op rand* giveup
(or (and (fx= (length rand*) 2)
(let ([a0 (car rand*)] [a1 (cadr rand*)])
@ -1086,7 +1103,8 @@
[(car) (car v)]
[else (cdr v)]))))))))
[(not null? pair? fixnum? vector?)
[(not null? pair? fixnum? vector? string? char? symbol?
(or (and (fx= (length rand*) 1)
(let ([a (car rand*)])
(case ctxt
@ -1102,6 +1120,10 @@
[(pair?) (pair? v)]
[(fixnum?) (fixnum? v)]
[(vector?) (vector? v)]
[(string?) (string? v)]
[(char?) (char? v)]
[(symbol?) (symbol? v)]
[(eof-object?) (eof-object? v)]
(error 'optimize
"huh ~s" op)])))))])))
@ -1123,9 +1145,11 @@
(error 'optimize "incorrect args ~s to ~s"
(map unparse rand*) op))]
(tally-giveup op)
;;; unoptimizables
[(error syntax-error $syntax-dispatch $sc-put-cte
primitive-set! apply)
(define (copy-propagate x)