diff --git a/src/ikarus.boot b/src/ikarus.boot index b835441..4728c35 100644 Binary files a/src/ikarus.boot and b/src/ikarus.boot differ diff --git a/src/syntax.ss b/src/libsyntax.ss similarity index 100% rename from src/syntax.ss rename to src/libsyntax.ss diff --git a/src/makefile.ss b/src/makefile.ss index b1c489b..3abd12d 100755 --- a/src/makefile.ss +++ b/src/makefile.ss @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ ["libfasl.ss" "libfasl.fasl" p0 onepass] ["libtrace.ss" "libtrace.fasl" p0 onepass] ["libcompile.ss" "libcompile.fasl" p1 onepass] - ["syntax.ss" "syntax.fasl" p0 onepass] + ["libsyntax.ss" "libsyntax.fasl" p0 onepass] ["libpp.ss" "libpp.fasl" p0 onepass] ["libcafe.ss" "libcafe.fasl" p0 onepass] ["libposix.ss" "libposix.fasl" p0 onepass] diff --git a/src/psyntax-7.1.pp b/src/psyntax-7.1.pp deleted file mode 100644 index 5e3922f..0000000 --- a/src/psyntax-7.1.pp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10704 +0,0 @@ -;;; psyntax.pp -;;; automatically generated from psyntax.ss -;;; Tue Aug 1 21:30:16 EDT 2006 -;;; see copyright notice in psyntax.ss - -(let () -(define + fx+) -;(define - fx-) -(define * fx*) -(define quotient fxquotient) -(define modulo fxmodulo) -(define number? fixnum?) -(define = fx=) -(define > fx>) -(define >= fx>=) -(define < fx<) -(define <= fx<=) - -((lambda () - (letrec ((noexpand62 '"noexpand") - (make-syntax-object63 (lambda (expression2523 wrap2522) - (vector - 'syntax-object - expression2523 - wrap2522))) - (syntax-object?64 (lambda (x2521) - (if (vector? x2521) - (if (= (vector-length x2521) '3) - (eq? (vector-ref x2521 '0) - 'syntax-object) - '#f) - '#f))) - (syntax-object-expression65 (lambda (x2520) - (vector-ref x2520 '1))) - (syntax-object-wrap66 (lambda (x2519) - (vector-ref x2519 '2))) - (set-syntax-object-expression!67 (lambda (x2518 update2517) - (vector-set! - x2518 - '1 - update2517))) - (set-syntax-object-wrap!68 (lambda (x2516 update2515) - (vector-set! - x2516 - '2 - update2515))) - (annotation?132 (lambda (x2514) '#f)) - (top-level-eval-hook133 (lambda (x2513) - (eval (list noexpand62 x2513)))) - (local-eval-hook134 (lambda (x2512) - (eval (list noexpand62 x2512)))) - (define-top-level-value-hook135 (lambda (sym2511 val2510) - (top-level-eval-hook133 - (list - 'define - sym2511 - (list 'quote val2510))))) - (error-hook136 (lambda (who2509 why2508 what2507) - (error who2509 '"~a ~s" why2508 what2507))) - (put-cte-hook141 (lambda (symbol2506 val2505) - ($sc-put-cte symbol2506 val2505 '*top*))) - (get-global-definition-hook142 (lambda (symbol2504) - (getprop - symbol2504 - '*sc-expander*))) - (put-global-definition-hook143 (lambda (symbol2503 x2502) - (if (not x2502) - (remprop - symbol2503 - '*sc-expander*) - (putprop - symbol2503 - '*sc-expander* - x2502)))) - (read-only-binding?144 (lambda (symbol2501) '#f)) - (get-import-binding145 (lambda (symbol2500 token2499) - (getprop symbol2500 token2499))) - (put-import-binding146 (lambda (symbol2498 token2497 x2496) - (if (not x2496) - (remprop symbol2498 token2497) - (putprop - symbol2498 - token2497 - x2496)))) - (generate-id147 ((lambda (digits2482) - ((lambda (base2484 session-key2483) - (letrec ((make-digit2485 (lambda (x2495) - (string-ref - digits2482 - x2495))) - (fmt2486 (lambda (n2489) - ((letrec ((fmt2490 (lambda (n2492 - a2491) - (if (< n2492 - base2484) - (list->string - (cons - (make-digit2485 - n2492) - a2491)) - ((lambda (r2494 - rest2493) - (fmt2490 - rest2493 - (cons - (make-digit2485 - r2494) - a2491))) - (modulo - n2492 - base2484) - (quotient - n2492 - base2484)))))) - fmt2490) - n2489 - '())))) - ((lambda (n2487) - (lambda (name2488) - (begin - (set! n2487 (+ n2487 '1)) - (string->symbol - (string-append - session-key2483 - (fmt2486 n2487)))))) - '-1))) - (string-length digits2482) - '"_")) - '"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!$%&*/:<=>?~_^.+-")) - (built-lambda?221 (lambda (x2481) - (if (pair? x2481) - (eq? (car x2481) 'lambda) - '#f))) - (build-sequence239 (lambda (ae2478 exps2477) - ((letrec ((loop2479 (lambda (exps2480) - (if (null? - (cdr exps2480)) - (car exps2480) - (if (equal? - (car exps2480) - '(void)) - (loop2479 - (cdr exps2480)) - (cons - 'begin - exps2480)))))) - loop2479) - exps2477))) - (build-letrec240 (lambda (ae2476 vars2475 val-exps2474 - body-exp2473) - (if (null? vars2475) - body-exp2473 - (list - 'letrec - (map list vars2475 val-exps2474) - body-exp2473)))) - (build-body241 (lambda (ae2472 vars2471 val-exps2470 - body-exp2469) - (build-letrec240 - ae2472 - vars2471 - val-exps2470 - body-exp2469))) - (build-top-module242 (lambda (ae2457 types2456 vars2455 - val-exps2454 body-exp2453) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - ((letrec ((f2461 (lambda (types2463 - vars2462) - (if (null? - types2463) - (values - '() - '() - '()) - ((lambda (var2464) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (f2461 - (cdr types2463) - (cdr vars2462))) - (lambda (vars2467 - defns2466 - sets2465) - (if (eq? (car types2463) - 'global) - ((lambda (x2468) - (values - (cons - x2468 - vars2467) - (cons - (list - 'define - var2464 - (chi-void513)) - defns2466) - (cons - (list - 'set! - var2464 - x2468) - sets2465))) - (gensym)) - (values - (cons - var2464 - vars2467) - defns2466 - sets2465))))) - (car vars2462)))))) - f2461) - types2456 - vars2455)) - (lambda (vars2460 defns2459 sets2458) - (if (null? defns2459) - (build-letrec240 - ae2457 - vars2460 - val-exps2454 - body-exp2453) - (build-sequence239 - '#f - (append - defns2459 - (list - (build-letrec240 - ae2457 - vars2460 - val-exps2454 - (build-sequence239 - '#f - (append - sets2458 - (list - body-exp2453)))))))))))) - (sanitize-binding275 (lambda (b2449) - (if (procedure? b2449) - (cons 'macro b2449) - (if (binding?289 b2449) - (if ((lambda (t2450) - (if (memv - t2450 - '(core - macro - macro! - deferred)) - (procedure? - (binding-value286 - b2449)) - (if (memv - t2450 - '($module)) - (interface?447 - (binding-value286 - b2449)) - (if (memv - t2450 - '(lexical)) - '#f - (if (memv - t2450 - '(global - meta-variable)) - (symbol? - (binding-value286 - b2449)) - (if (memv - t2450 - '(syntax)) - ((lambda (x2451) - (if (pair? - x2451) - (if '#f - ((lambda (n2452) - (if (integer? - n2452) - (if (exact? - n2452) - (>= n2452 - '0) - '#f) - '#f)) - (cdr x2451)) - '#f) - '#f)) - (binding-value286 - b2449)) - (if (memv - t2450 - '(begin - define - define-syntax - set! - $module-key - $import - eval-when - meta)) - (null? - (binding-value286 - b2449)) - (if (memv - t2450 - '(local-syntax)) - (boolean? - (binding-value286 - b2449)) - (if (memv - t2450 - '(displaced-lexical)) - (eq? (binding-value286 - b2449) - '#f) - '#t))))))))) - (binding-type285 b2449)) - b2449 - '#f) - '#f)))) - (binding-type285 car) - (binding-value286 cdr) - (set-binding-type!287 set-car!) - (set-binding-value!288 set-cdr!) - (binding?289 (lambda (x2448) - (if (pair? x2448) (symbol? (car x2448)) '#f))) - (extend-env299 (lambda (label2447 binding2446 r2445) - (cons (cons label2447 binding2446) r2445))) - (extend-env*300 (lambda (labels2444 bindings2443 r2442) - (if (null? labels2444) - r2442 - (extend-env*300 - (cdr labels2444) - (cdr bindings2443) - (extend-env299 - (car labels2444) - (car bindings2443) - r2442))))) - (extend-var-env*301 (lambda (labels2441 vars2440 r2439) - (if (null? labels2441) - r2439 - (extend-var-env*301 - (cdr labels2441) - (cdr vars2440) - (extend-env299 - (car labels2441) - (cons 'lexical (car vars2440)) - r2439))))) - (displaced-lexical?302 (lambda (id2436 r2435) - ((lambda (n2437) - (if n2437 - ((lambda (b2438) - (eq? (binding-type285 b2438) - 'displaced-lexical)) - (lookup305 n2437 r2435)) - '#f)) - (id-var-name429 id2436 '(()))))) - (displaced-lexical-error303 (lambda (id2434) - (syntax-error - id2434 - (if (id-var-name429 - id2434 - '(())) - '"identifier out of context" - '"identifier not visible")))) - (lookup*304 (lambda (x2431 r2430) - ((lambda (t2432) - (if t2432 - (cdr t2432) - (if (symbol? x2431) - ((lambda (t2433) - (if t2433 - t2433 - (cons 'global x2431))) - (get-global-definition-hook142 - x2431)) - '(displaced-lexical . #f)))) - (assq x2431 r2430)))) - (lookup305 (lambda (x2425 r2424) - (letrec ((whack-binding!2426 (lambda (b2429 - *b2428) - (begin - (set-binding-type!287 - b2429 - (binding-type285 - *b2428)) - (set-binding-value!288 - b2429 - (binding-value286 - *b2428)))))) - ((lambda (b2427) - (begin - (if (eq? (binding-type285 b2427) 'deferred) - (whack-binding!2426 - b2427 - (make-transformer-binding306 - ((binding-value286 b2427)))) - (void)) - b2427)) - (lookup*304 x2425 r2424))))) - (make-transformer-binding306 (lambda (b2422) - ((lambda (t2423) - (if t2423 - t2423 - (syntax-error - b2422 - '"invalid transformer"))) - (sanitize-binding275 b2422)))) - (defer-or-eval-transformer307 (lambda (eval2421 x2420) - (if (built-lambda?221 x2420) - (cons - 'deferred - (lambda () - (eval2421 x2420))) - (make-transformer-binding306 - (eval2421 x2420))))) - (global-extend308 (lambda (type2419 sym2418 val2417) - (put-cte-hook141 - sym2418 - (cons type2419 val2417)))) - (nonsymbol-id?309 (lambda (x2415) - (if (syntax-object?64 x2415) - (symbol? - ((lambda (e2416) - (if (annotation?132 e2416) - (annotation-expression e2416) - e2416)) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2415))) - '#f))) - (id?310 (lambda (x2413) - (if (symbol? x2413) - '#t - (if (syntax-object?64 x2413) - (symbol? - ((lambda (e2414) - (if (annotation?132 e2414) - (annotation-expression e2414) - e2414)) - (syntax-object-expression65 x2413))) - (if (annotation?132 x2413) - (symbol? (annotation-expression x2413)) - '#f))))) - (id-marks316 (lambda (id2412) - (if (syntax-object?64 id2412) - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 id2412)) - (wrap-marks320 '((top)))))) - (id-subst317 (lambda (id2411) - (if (syntax-object?64 id2411) - (wrap-subst321 - (syntax-object-wrap66 id2411)) - (wrap-marks320 '((top)))))) - (id-sym-name&marks318 (lambda (x2408 w2407) - (if (syntax-object?64 x2408) - (values - ((lambda (e2409) - (if (annotation?132 e2409) - (annotation-expression - e2409) - e2409)) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2408)) - (join-marks418 - (wrap-marks320 w2407) - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - x2408)))) - (values - ((lambda (e2410) - (if (annotation?132 e2410) - (annotation-expression - e2410) - e2410)) - x2408) - (wrap-marks320 w2407))))) - (make-wrap319 cons) - (wrap-marks320 car) - (wrap-subst321 cdr) - (make-indirect-label350 (lambda (label2406) - (vector 'indirect-label label2406))) - (indirect-label?351 (lambda (x2405) - (if (vector? x2405) - (if (= (vector-length x2405) '2) - (eq? (vector-ref x2405 '0) - 'indirect-label) - '#f) - '#f))) - (indirect-label-label352 (lambda (x2404) - (vector-ref x2404 '1))) - (set-indirect-label-label!353 (lambda (x2403 update2402) - (vector-set! - x2403 - '1 - update2402))) - (gen-indirect-label354 (lambda () - (make-indirect-label350 - (gen-label357)))) - (get-indirect-label355 (lambda (x2401) - (indirect-label-label352 x2401))) - (set-indirect-label!356 (lambda (x2400 v2399) - (set-indirect-label-label!353 - x2400 - v2399))) - (gen-label357 (lambda () (string '#\i))) - (label?358 (lambda (x2396) - ((lambda (t2397) - (if t2397 - t2397 - ((lambda (t2398) - (if t2398 - t2398 - (indirect-label?351 x2396))) - (symbol? x2396)))) - (string? x2396)))) - (gen-labels359 (lambda (ls2395) - (if (null? ls2395) - '() - (cons - (gen-label357) - (gen-labels359 (cdr ls2395)))))) - (make-ribcage360 (lambda (symnames2394 marks2393 labels2392) - (vector - 'ribcage - symnames2394 - marks2393 - labels2392))) - (ribcage?361 (lambda (x2391) - (if (vector? x2391) - (if (= (vector-length x2391) '4) - (eq? (vector-ref x2391 '0) 'ribcage) - '#f) - '#f))) - (ribcage-symnames362 (lambda (x2390) (vector-ref x2390 '1))) - (ribcage-marks363 (lambda (x2389) (vector-ref x2389 '2))) - (ribcage-labels364 (lambda (x2388) (vector-ref x2388 '3))) - (set-ribcage-symnames!365 (lambda (x2387 update2386) - (vector-set! x2387 '1 update2386))) - (set-ribcage-marks!366 (lambda (x2385 update2384) - (vector-set! x2385 '2 update2384))) - (set-ribcage-labels!367 (lambda (x2383 update2382) - (vector-set! x2383 '3 update2382))) - (make-top-ribcage368 (lambda (key2381 mutable?2380) - (vector - 'top-ribcage - key2381 - mutable?2380))) - (top-ribcage?369 (lambda (x2379) - (if (vector? x2379) - (if (= (vector-length x2379) '3) - (eq? (vector-ref x2379 '0) - 'top-ribcage) - '#f) - '#f))) - (top-ribcage-key370 (lambda (x2378) (vector-ref x2378 '1))) - (top-ribcage-mutable?371 (lambda (x2377) - (vector-ref x2377 '2))) - (set-top-ribcage-key!372 (lambda (x2376 update2375) - (vector-set! x2376 '1 update2375))) - (set-top-ribcage-mutable?!373 (lambda (x2374 update2373) - (vector-set! - x2374 - '2 - update2373))) - (make-import-interface374 (lambda (interface2372 - new-marks2371) - (vector - 'import-interface - interface2372 - new-marks2371))) - (import-interface?375 (lambda (x2370) - (if (vector? x2370) - (if (= (vector-length x2370) '3) - (eq? (vector-ref x2370 '0) - 'import-interface) - '#f) - '#f))) - (import-interface-interface376 (lambda (x2369) - (vector-ref x2369 '1))) - (import-interface-new-marks377 (lambda (x2368) - (vector-ref x2368 '2))) - (set-import-interface-interface!378 (lambda (x2367 - update2366) - (vector-set! - x2367 - '1 - update2366))) - (set-import-interface-new-marks!379 (lambda (x2365 - update2364) - (vector-set! - x2365 - '2 - update2364))) - (make-env380 (lambda (top-ribcage2363 wrap2362) - (vector 'env top-ribcage2363 wrap2362))) - (env?381 (lambda (x2361) - (if (vector? x2361) - (if (= (vector-length x2361) '3) - (eq? (vector-ref x2361 '0) 'env) - '#f) - '#f))) - (env-top-ribcage382 (lambda (x2360) (vector-ref x2360 '1))) - (env-wrap383 (lambda (x2359) (vector-ref x2359 '2))) - (set-env-top-ribcage!384 (lambda (x2358 update2357) - (vector-set! x2358 '1 update2357))) - (set-env-wrap!385 (lambda (x2356 update2355) - (vector-set! x2356 '2 update2355))) - (anti-mark395 (lambda (w2354) - (make-wrap319 - (cons '#f (wrap-marks320 w2354)) - (cons 'shift (wrap-subst321 w2354))))) - (barrier-marker400 '#f) - (extend-ribcage!405 (lambda (ribcage2352 id2351 label2350) - (begin - (set-ribcage-symnames!365 - ribcage2352 - (cons - ((lambda (e2353) - (if (annotation?132 e2353) - (annotation-expression - e2353) - e2353)) - (syntax-object-expression65 - id2351)) - (ribcage-symnames362 ribcage2352))) - (set-ribcage-marks!366 - ribcage2352 - (cons - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 id2351)) - (ribcage-marks363 ribcage2352))) - (set-ribcage-labels!367 - ribcage2352 - (cons - label2350 - (ribcage-labels364 - ribcage2352)))))) - (import-extend-ribcage!406 (lambda (ribcage2348 - new-marks2347 id2346 - label2345) - (begin - (set-ribcage-symnames!365 - ribcage2348 - (cons - ((lambda (e2349) - (if (annotation?132 - e2349) - (annotation-expression - e2349) - e2349)) - (syntax-object-expression65 - id2346)) - (ribcage-symnames362 - ribcage2348))) - (set-ribcage-marks!366 - ribcage2348 - (cons - (join-marks418 - new-marks2347 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - id2346))) - (ribcage-marks363 - ribcage2348))) - (set-ribcage-labels!367 - ribcage2348 - (cons - label2345 - (ribcage-labels364 - ribcage2348)))))) - (extend-ribcage-barrier!407 (lambda (ribcage2344 - killer-id2343) - (extend-ribcage-barrier-help!408 - ribcage2344 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - killer-id2343)))) - (extend-ribcage-barrier-help!408 (lambda (ribcage2342 - wrap2341) - (begin - (set-ribcage-symnames!365 - ribcage2342 - (cons - barrier-marker400 - (ribcage-symnames362 - ribcage2342))) - (set-ribcage-marks!366 - ribcage2342 - (cons - (wrap-marks320 - wrap2341) - (ribcage-marks363 - ribcage2342)))))) - (extend-ribcage-subst!409 (lambda (ribcage2340 - import-iface2339) - (set-ribcage-symnames!365 - ribcage2340 - (cons - import-iface2339 - (ribcage-symnames362 - ribcage2340))))) - (lookup-import-binding-name410 (lambda (sym2334 marks2333 - token2332 - new-marks2331) - ((lambda (new2335) - (if new2335 - ((letrec ((f2336 (lambda (new2337) - (if (pair? - new2337) - ((lambda (t2338) - (if t2338 - t2338 - (f2336 - (cdr new2337)))) - (f2336 - (car new2337))) - (if (symbol? - new2337) - (if (same-marks?420 - marks2333 - (join-marks418 - new-marks2331 - (wrap-marks320 - '((top))))) - new2337 - '#f) - (if (same-marks?420 - marks2333 - (join-marks418 - new-marks2331 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - new2337)))) - new2337 - '#f)))))) - f2336) - new2335) - '#f)) - (get-import-binding145 - sym2334 - token2332)))) - (store-import-binding411 (lambda (id2316 token2315 - new-marks2314) - (letrec ((cons-id2317 (lambda (id2330 - x2329) - (if (not x2329) - id2330 - (cons - id2330 - x2329)))) - (weed2318 (lambda (marks2328 - x2327) - (if (pair? - x2327) - (if (same-marks?420 - (id-marks316 - (car x2327)) - marks2328) - (weed2318 - marks2328 - (cdr x2327)) - (cons-id2317 - (car x2327) - (weed2318 - marks2328 - (cdr x2327)))) - (if x2327 - (if (not (same-marks?420 - (id-marks316 - x2327) - marks2328)) - x2327 - '#f) - '#f))))) - ((lambda (id2319) - ((lambda (sym2320) - (if (not (eq? id2319 - sym2320)) - ((lambda (marks2321) - ((lambda (x2322) - (put-import-binding146 - sym2320 - token2315 - (cons-id2317 - (if (same-marks?420 - marks2321 - (wrap-marks320 - '((top)))) - (resolved-id-var-name415 - id2319) - id2319) - x2322))) - (weed2318 - marks2321 - (get-import-binding145 - sym2320 - token2315)))) - (id-marks316 id2319)) - (void))) - ((lambda (x2323) - ((lambda (e2324) - (if (annotation?132 - e2324) - (annotation-expression - e2324) - e2324)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x2323) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2323) - x2323))) - id2319))) - (if (null? new-marks2314) - id2316 - (make-syntax-object63 - ((lambda (x2325) - ((lambda (e2326) - (if (annotation?132 - e2326) - (annotation-expression - e2326) - e2326)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x2325) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2325) - x2325))) - id2316) - (make-wrap319 - (join-marks418 - new-marks2314 - (id-marks316 id2316)) - (id-subst317 - id2316)))))))) - (make-binding-wrap412 (lambda (ids2304 labels2303 w2302) - (if (null? ids2304) - w2302 - (make-wrap319 - (wrap-marks320 w2302) - (cons - ((lambda (labelvec2305) - ((lambda (n2306) - ((lambda (symnamevec2308 - marksvec2307) - (begin - ((letrec ((f2309 (lambda (ids2311 - i2310) - (if (not (null? - ids2311)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (id-sym-name&marks318 - (car ids2311) - w2302)) - (lambda (symname2313 - marks2312) - (begin - (vector-set! - symnamevec2308 - i2310 - symname2313) - (vector-set! - marksvec2307 - i2310 - marks2312) - (f2309 - (cdr ids2311) - (+ i2310 - '1))))) - (void))))) - f2309) - ids2304 - '0) - (make-ribcage360 - symnamevec2308 - marksvec2307 - labelvec2305))) - (make-vector n2306) - (make-vector n2306))) - (vector-length - labelvec2305))) - (list->vector labels2303)) - (wrap-subst321 w2302)))))) - (make-resolved-id413 (lambda (fromsym2301 marks2300 - tosym2299) - (make-syntax-object63 - fromsym2301 - (make-wrap319 - marks2300 - (list - (make-ribcage360 - (vector fromsym2301) - (vector marks2300) - (vector tosym2299))))))) - (id->resolved-id414 (lambda (id2294) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (id-var-name&marks427 id2294 '(()))) - (lambda (tosym2296 marks2295) - (begin - (if (not tosym2296) - (syntax-error - id2294 - '"identifier not visible for export") - (void)) - (make-resolved-id413 - ((lambda (x2297) - ((lambda (e2298) - (if (annotation?132 e2298) - (annotation-expression - e2298) - e2298)) - (if (syntax-object?64 x2297) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2297) - x2297))) - id2294) - marks2295 - tosym2296)))))) - (resolved-id-var-name415 (lambda (id2293) - (vector-ref - (ribcage-labels364 - (car (wrap-subst321 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - id2293)))) - '0))) - (smart-append416 (lambda (m12292 m22291) - (if (null? m22291) - m12292 - (append m12292 m22291)))) - (join-wraps417 (lambda (w12288 w22287) - ((lambda (m12290 s12289) - (if (null? m12290) - (if (null? s12289) - w22287 - (make-wrap319 - (wrap-marks320 w22287) - (join-subst419 - s12289 - (wrap-subst321 w22287)))) - (make-wrap319 - (join-marks418 - m12290 - (wrap-marks320 w22287)) - (join-subst419 - s12289 - (wrap-subst321 w22287))))) - (wrap-marks320 w12288) - (wrap-subst321 w12288)))) - (join-marks418 (lambda (m12286 m22285) - (smart-append416 m12286 m22285))) - (join-subst419 (lambda (s12284 s22283) - (smart-append416 s12284 s22283))) - (same-marks?420 (lambda (x2281 y2280) - ((lambda (t2282) - (if t2282 - t2282 - (if (not (null? x2281)) - (if (not (null? y2280)) - (if (eq? (car x2281) - (car y2280)) - (same-marks?420 - (cdr x2281) - (cdr y2280)) - '#f) - '#f) - '#f))) - (eq? x2281 y2280)))) - (diff-marks421 (lambda (m12274 m22273) - ((lambda (n12276 n22275) - ((letrec ((f2277 (lambda (n12279 m12278) - (if (> n12279 n22275) - (cons - (car m12278) - (f2277 - (fx- n12279 '1) - (cdr m12278))) - (if (equal? - m12278 - m22273) - '() - (error 'sc-expand - '"internal error in diff-marks: ~s is not a tail of ~s" - m12278 - m22273)))))) - f2277) - n12276 - m12274)) - (length m12274) - (length m22273)))) - (leave-implicit?422 (lambda (token2272) - (eq? token2272 '*top*))) - (new-binding423 (lambda (sym2269 marks2268 token2267) - ((lambda (loc2270) - ((lambda (id2271) - (begin - (store-import-binding411 - id2271 - token2267 - '()) - (values loc2270 id2271))) - (make-resolved-id413 - sym2269 - marks2268 - loc2270))) - (if (if (leave-implicit?422 token2267) - (same-marks?420 - marks2268 - (wrap-marks320 '((top)))) - '#f) - sym2269 - (generate-id147 sym2269))))) - (top-id-bound-var-name424 (lambda (sym2263 marks2262 - top-ribcage2261) - ((lambda (token2264) - ((lambda (t2265) - (if t2265 - ((lambda (id2266) - (if (symbol? id2266) - (if (read-only-binding?144 - id2266) - (new-binding423 - sym2263 - marks2262 - token2264) - (values - id2266 - (make-resolved-id413 - sym2263 - marks2262 - id2266))) - (values - (resolved-id-var-name415 - id2266) - id2266))) - t2265) - (new-binding423 - sym2263 - marks2262 - token2264))) - (lookup-import-binding-name410 - sym2263 - marks2262 - token2264 - '()))) - (top-ribcage-key370 - top-ribcage2261)))) - (top-id-free-var-name425 (lambda (sym2255 marks2254 - top-ribcage2253) - ((lambda (token2256) - ((lambda (t2257) - (if t2257 - ((lambda (id2258) - (if (symbol? id2258) - id2258 - (resolved-id-var-name415 - id2258))) - t2257) - (if (if (top-ribcage-mutable?371 - top-ribcage2253) - (same-marks?420 - marks2254 - (wrap-marks320 - '((top)))) - '#f) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (new-binding423 - sym2255 - (wrap-marks320 - '((top))) - token2256)) - (lambda (sym2260 - id2259) - sym2260)) - '#f))) - (lookup-import-binding-name410 - sym2255 - marks2254 - token2256 - '()))) - (top-ribcage-key370 - top-ribcage2253)))) - (id-var-name-loc&marks426 (lambda (id2204 w2203) - (letrec ((search2205 (lambda (sym2248 - subst2247 - marks2246) - (if (null? - subst2247) - (values - '#f - marks2246) - ((lambda (fst2249) - (if (eq? fst2249 - 'shift) - (search2205 - sym2248 - (cdr subst2247) - (cdr marks2246)) - (if (ribcage?361 - fst2249) - ((lambda (symnames2250) - (if (vector? - symnames2250) - (search-vector-rib2207 - sym2248 - subst2247 - marks2246 - symnames2250 - fst2249) - (search-list-rib2206 - sym2248 - subst2247 - marks2246 - symnames2250 - fst2249))) - (ribcage-symnames362 - fst2249)) - (if (top-ribcage?369 - fst2249) - ((lambda (t2251) - (if t2251 - ((lambda (var-name2252) - (values - var-name2252 - marks2246)) - t2251) - (search2205 - sym2248 - (cdr subst2247) - marks2246))) - (top-id-free-var-name425 - sym2248 - marks2246 - fst2249)) - (error 'sc-expand - '"internal error in id-var-name-loc&marks: improper subst ~s" - subst2247))))) - (car subst2247))))) - (search-list-rib2206 (lambda (sym2226 - subst2225 - marks2224 - symnames2223 - ribcage2222) - ((letrec ((f2227 (lambda (symnames2229 - i2228) - (if (null? - symnames2229) - (search2205 - sym2226 - (cdr subst2225) - marks2224) - ((lambda (x2230) - (if (if (eq? x2230 - sym2226) - (same-marks?420 - marks2224 - (list-ref - (ribcage-marks363 - ribcage2222) - i2228)) - '#f) - (values - (list-ref - (ribcage-labels364 - ribcage2222) - i2228) - marks2224) - (if (import-interface?375 - x2230) - ((lambda (iface2232 - new-marks2231) - ((lambda (t2233) - (if t2233 - ((lambda (token2234) - ((lambda (t2235) - (if t2235 - ((lambda (id2236) - (values - (if (symbol? - id2236) - id2236 - (resolved-id-var-name415 - id2236)) - marks2224)) - t2235) - (f2227 - (cdr symnames2229) - i2228))) - (lookup-import-binding-name410 - sym2226 - marks2224 - token2234 - new-marks2231))) - t2233) - ((lambda (ie2237) - ((lambda (n2238) - ((lambda () - ((letrec ((g2239 (lambda (j2240) - (if (= j2240 - n2238) - (f2227 - (cdr symnames2229) - i2228) - ((lambda (id2241) - ((lambda (id.sym2243 - id.marks2242) - (if (help-bound-id=?432 - id.sym2243 - id.marks2242 - sym2226 - marks2224) - (values - (lookup-import-label501 - id2241) - marks2224) - (g2239 - (+ j2240 - '1)))) - ((lambda (x2244) - ((lambda (e2245) - (if (annotation?132 - e2245) - (annotation-expression - e2245) - e2245)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x2244) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2244) - x2244))) - id2241) - (join-marks418 - new-marks2231 - (id-marks316 - id2241)))) - (vector-ref - ie2237 - j2240)))))) - g2239) - '0)))) - (vector-length - ie2237))) - (interface-exports449 - iface2232)))) - (interface-token450 - iface2232))) - (import-interface-interface376 - x2230) - (import-interface-new-marks377 - x2230)) - (if (if (eq? x2230 - barrier-marker400) - (same-marks?420 - marks2224 - (list-ref - (ribcage-marks363 - ribcage2222) - i2228)) - '#f) - (values - '#f - marks2224) - (f2227 - (cdr symnames2229) - (+ i2228 - '1)))))) - (car symnames2229)))))) - f2227) - symnames2223 - '0))) - (search-vector-rib2207 (lambda (sym2218 - subst2217 - marks2216 - symnames2215 - ribcage2214) - ((lambda (n2219) - ((letrec ((f2220 (lambda (i2221) - (if (= i2221 - n2219) - (search2205 - sym2218 - (cdr subst2217) - marks2216) - (if (if (eq? (vector-ref - symnames2215 - i2221) - sym2218) - (same-marks?420 - marks2216 - (vector-ref - (ribcage-marks363 - ribcage2214) - i2221)) - '#f) - (values - (vector-ref - (ribcage-labels364 - ribcage2214) - i2221) - marks2216) - (f2220 - (+ i2221 - '1))))))) - f2220) - '0)) - (vector-length - symnames2215))))) - (if (symbol? id2204) - (search2205 - id2204 - (wrap-subst321 w2203) - (wrap-marks320 w2203)) - (if (syntax-object?64 id2204) - ((lambda (sym2209 w12208) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (search2205 - sym2209 - (wrap-subst321 - w2203) - (join-marks418 - (wrap-marks320 - w2203) - (wrap-marks320 - w12208)))) - (lambda (name2211 - marks2210) - (if name2211 - (values - name2211 - marks2210) - (search2205 - sym2209 - (wrap-subst321 - w12208) - marks2210))))) - ((lambda (e2212) - (if (annotation?132 - e2212) - (annotation-expression - e2212) - e2212)) - (syntax-object-expression65 - id2204)) - (syntax-object-wrap66 - id2204)) - (if (annotation?132 - id2204) - (search2205 - ((lambda (e2213) - (if (annotation?132 - e2213) - (annotation-expression - e2213) - e2213)) - id2204) - (wrap-subst321 - w2203) - (wrap-marks320 - w2203)) - (error-hook136 - 'id-var-name - '"invalid id" - id2204))))))) - (id-var-name&marks427 (lambda (id2200 w2199) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (id-var-name-loc&marks426 - id2200 - w2199)) - (lambda (label2202 marks2201) - (values - (if (indirect-label?351 - label2202) - (get-indirect-label355 - label2202) - label2202) - marks2201))))) - (id-var-name-loc428 (lambda (id2196 w2195) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (id-var-name-loc&marks426 - id2196 - w2195)) - (lambda (label2198 marks2197) - label2198)))) - (id-var-name429 (lambda (id2192 w2191) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (id-var-name-loc&marks426 id2192 w2191)) - (lambda (label2194 marks2193) - (if (indirect-label?351 label2194) - (get-indirect-label355 label2194) - label2194))))) - (free-id=?430 (lambda (i2186 j2185) - (if (eq? ((lambda (x2189) - ((lambda (e2190) - (if (annotation?132 e2190) - (annotation-expression - e2190) - e2190)) - (if (syntax-object?64 x2189) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2189) - x2189))) - i2186) - ((lambda (x2187) - ((lambda (e2188) - (if (annotation?132 e2188) - (annotation-expression - e2188) - e2188)) - (if (syntax-object?64 x2187) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2187) - x2187))) - j2185)) - (eq? (id-var-name429 i2186 '(())) - (id-var-name429 j2185 '(()))) - '#f))) - (literal-id=?431 (lambda (id2175 literal2174) - (if (eq? ((lambda (x2178) - ((lambda (e2179) - (if (annotation?132 e2179) - (annotation-expression - e2179) - e2179)) - (if (syntax-object?64 x2178) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2178) - x2178))) - id2175) - ((lambda (x2176) - ((lambda (e2177) - (if (annotation?132 e2177) - (annotation-expression - e2177) - e2177)) - (if (syntax-object?64 x2176) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2176) - x2176))) - literal2174)) - ((lambda (n-id2181 n-literal2180) - ((lambda (t2182) - (if t2182 - t2182 - (if ((lambda (t2183) - (if t2183 - t2183 - (symbol? - n-id2181))) - (not n-id2181)) - ((lambda (t2184) - (if t2184 - t2184 - (symbol? - n-literal2180))) - (not n-literal2180)) - '#f))) - (eq? n-id2181 n-literal2180))) - (id-var-name429 id2175 '(())) - (id-var-name429 literal2174 '(()))) - '#f))) - (help-bound-id=?432 (lambda (i.sym2173 i.marks2172 j.sym2171 - j.marks2170) - (if (eq? i.sym2173 j.sym2171) - (same-marks?420 - i.marks2172 - j.marks2170) - '#f))) - (bound-id=?433 (lambda (i2165 j2164) - (help-bound-id=?432 - ((lambda (x2168) - ((lambda (e2169) - (if (annotation?132 e2169) - (annotation-expression e2169) - e2169)) - (if (syntax-object?64 x2168) - (syntax-object-expression65 x2168) - x2168))) - i2165) - (id-marks316 i2165) - ((lambda (x2166) - ((lambda (e2167) - (if (annotation?132 e2167) - (annotation-expression e2167) - e2167)) - (if (syntax-object?64 x2166) - (syntax-object-expression65 x2166) - x2166))) - j2164) - (id-marks316 j2164)))) - (valid-bound-ids?434 (lambda (ids2160) - (if ((letrec ((all-ids?2161 (lambda (ids2162) - ((lambda (t2163) - (if t2163 - t2163 - (if (id?310 - (car ids2162)) - (all-ids?2161 - (cdr ids2162)) - '#f))) - (null? - ids2162))))) - all-ids?2161) - ids2160) - (distinct-bound-ids?435 ids2160) - '#f))) - (distinct-bound-ids?435 (lambda (ids2156) - ((letrec ((distinct?2157 (lambda (ids2158) - ((lambda (t2159) - (if t2159 - t2159 - (if (not (bound-id-member?437 - (car ids2158) - (cdr ids2158))) - (distinct?2157 - (cdr ids2158)) - '#f))) - (null? - ids2158))))) - distinct?2157) - ids2156))) - (invalid-ids-error436 (lambda (ids2152 exp2151 class2150) - ((letrec ((find2153 (lambda (ids2155 - gooduns2154) - (if (null? - ids2155) - (syntax-error - exp2151) - (if (id?310 - (car ids2155)) - (if (bound-id-member?437 - (car ids2155) - gooduns2154) - (syntax-error - (car ids2155) - '"duplicate " - class2150) - (find2153 - (cdr ids2155) - (cons - (car ids2155) - gooduns2154))) - (syntax-error - (car ids2155) - '"invalid " - class2150)))))) - find2153) - ids2152 - '()))) - (bound-id-member?437 (lambda (x2148 list2147) - (if (not (null? list2147)) - ((lambda (t2149) - (if t2149 - t2149 - (bound-id-member?437 - x2148 - (cdr list2147)))) - (bound-id=?433 - x2148 - (car list2147))) - '#f))) - (wrap438 (lambda (x2146 w2145) - (if (if (null? (wrap-marks320 w2145)) - (null? (wrap-subst321 w2145)) - '#f) - x2146 - (if (syntax-object?64 x2146) - (make-syntax-object63 - (syntax-object-expression65 x2146) - (join-wraps417 - w2145 - (syntax-object-wrap66 x2146))) - (if (null? x2146) - x2146 - (make-syntax-object63 x2146 w2145)))))) - (source-wrap439 (lambda (x2144 w2143 ae2142) - (wrap438 - (if (annotation?132 ae2142) - (begin - (if (not (eq? (annotation-expression - ae2142) - x2144)) - (error 'sc-expand - '"internal error in source-wrap: ae/x mismatch") - (void)) - ae2142) - x2144) - w2143))) - (chi-when-list440 (lambda (when-list2140 w2139) - (map (lambda (x2141) - (if (literal-id=?431 - x2141 - '#(syntax-object compile ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(when-list w) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - 'compile - (if (literal-id=?431 - x2141 - '#(syntax-object load ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(when-list w) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - 'load - (if (literal-id=?431 - x2141 - '#(syntax-object visit ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(when-list w) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? 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chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - 'revisit - (if (literal-id=?431 - x2141 - '#(syntax-object eval ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(when-list w) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - 'eval - (syntax-error - (wrap438 - x2141 - w2139) - '"invalid eval-when situation"))))))) - when-list2140))) - (syntax-type441 (lambda (e2124 r2123 w2122 ae2121 rib2120) - (if (symbol? e2124) - ((lambda (n2125) - ((lambda (b2126) - ((lambda (type2127) - ((lambda () - ((lambda (t2128) - (if (memv - t2128 - '(macro macro!)) - (syntax-type441 - (chi-macro497 - (binding-value286 - b2126) - e2124 r2123 w2122 - ae2121 rib2120) - r2123 '(()) '#f - rib2120) - (values type2127 - (binding-value286 - b2126) - e2124 w2122 - ae2121))) - type2127)))) - (binding-type285 b2126))) - (lookup305 n2125 r2123))) - (id-var-name429 e2124 w2122)) - (if (pair? e2124) - ((lambda (first2129) - (if (id?310 first2129) - ((lambda (n2130) - ((lambda (b2131) - ((lambda (type2132) - ((lambda () - ((lambda (t2133) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(lexical)) - (values - 'lexical-call - (binding-value286 - b2131) - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(macro - macro!)) - (syntax-type441 - (chi-macro497 - (binding-value286 - b2131) - e2124 - r2123 - w2122 - ae2121 - rib2120) - r2123 - '(()) - '#f - rib2120) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(core)) - (values - type2132 - (binding-value286 - b2131) - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(begin)) - (values - 'begin-form - '#f - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(alias)) - (values - 'alias-form - '#f - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(define)) - (values - 'define-form - '#f - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(define-syntax)) - (values - 'define-syntax-form - '#f - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(set!)) - (chi-set!496 - e2124 - r2123 - w2122 - ae2121 - rib2120) - (if (memv - t2133 - '($module-key)) - (values - '$module-form - '#f - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '($import)) - (values - '$import-form - '#f - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(eval-when)) - (values - 'eval-when-form - '#f - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(meta)) - (values - 'meta-form - '#f - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (if (memv - t2133 - '(local-syntax)) - (values - 'local-syntax-form - (binding-value286 - b2131) - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121) - (values - 'call - '#f - e2124 - w2122 - ae2121))))))))))))))) - type2132)))) - (binding-type285 - b2131))) - (lookup305 n2130 r2123))) - (id-var-name429 - first2129 - w2122)) - (values 'call '#f e2124 w2122 - ae2121))) - (car e2124)) - (if (syntax-object?64 e2124) - (syntax-type441 - (syntax-object-expression65 - e2124) - r2123 - (join-wraps417 - w2122 - (syntax-object-wrap66 e2124)) - '#f rib2120) - (if (annotation?132 e2124) - (syntax-type441 - (annotation-expression - e2124) - r2123 w2122 e2124 rib2120) - (if ((lambda (x2134) - ((lambda (t2135) - (if t2135 - t2135 - ((lambda (t2136) - (if t2136 - t2136 - ((lambda (t2137) - (if t2137 - t2137 - ((lambda (t2138) - (if t2138 - t2138 - (null? - x2134))) - (char? - x2134)))) - (string? - x2134)))) - (number? - x2134)))) - (boolean? x2134))) - e2124) - (values 'constant '#f - e2124 w2122 ae2121) - (values 'other '#f e2124 - w2122 ae2121)))))))) - (chi-top*442 (lambda (e2115 r2114 w2113 ctem2112 rtem2111 - meta?2110 top-ribcage2109) - ((lambda (meta-residuals2116) - (letrec ((meta-residualize!2117 (lambda (x2119) - (set! meta-residuals2116 - (cons - x2119 - meta-residuals2116))))) - ((lambda (e2118) - (build-sequence239 - '#f - (reverse - (cons e2118 meta-residuals2116)))) - (chi-top444 e2115 r2114 w2113 ctem2112 - rtem2111 meta?2110 top-ribcage2109 - meta-residualize!2117 '#f)))) - '()))) - (chi-top-sequence443 (lambda (body2105 r2104 w2103 ae2102 - ctem2101 rtem2100 meta?2099 - ribcage2098 - meta-residualize!2097) - (build-sequence239 - ae2102 - ((letrec ((dobody2106 (lambda (body2107) - (if (null? - body2107) - '() - ((lambda (first2108) - (cons - first2108 - (dobody2106 - (cdr body2107)))) - (chi-top444 - (car body2107) - r2104 - w2103 - ctem2101 - rtem2100 - meta?2099 - ribcage2098 - meta-residualize!2097 - '#f)))))) - dobody2106) - body2105)))) - (chi-top444 (lambda (e2042 r2041 w2040 ctem2039 rtem2038 - meta?2037 top-ribcage2036 - meta-residualize!2035 meta-seen?2034) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (syntax-type441 e2042 r2041 w2040 '#f - top-ribcage2036)) - (lambda (type2047 value2046 e2045 w2044 ae2043) - ((lambda (t2048) - (if (memv t2048 '(begin-form)) - ((lambda (forms2049) - (if (null? forms2049) - (chi-void513) - (chi-top-sequence443 forms2049 - r2041 w2044 ae2043 ctem2039 - rtem2038 meta?2037 - top-ribcage2036 - meta-residualize!2035))) - (parse-begin510 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043 - '#t)) - (if (memv t2048 '(local-syntax-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (chi-local-syntax512 value2046 - e2045 r2041 r2041 w2044 - ae2043)) - (lambda (forms2054 r2053 mr2052 - w2051 ae2050) - (chi-top-sequence443 forms2054 - r2053 w2051 ae2050 ctem2039 - rtem2038 meta?2037 - top-ribcage2036 - meta-residualize!2035))) - (if (memv t2048 '(eval-when-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-eval-when508 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043)) - (lambda (when-list2056 - forms2055) - ((lambda (ctem2058 - rtem2057) - (if (if (null? - ctem2058) - (null? - rtem2057) - '#f) - (chi-void513) - (chi-top-sequence443 - forms2055 r2041 - w2044 ae2043 - ctem2058 rtem2057 - meta?2037 - top-ribcage2036 - meta-residualize!2035))) - (update-mode-set485 - when-list2056 - ctem2039) - (update-mode-set485 - when-list2056 - rtem2038)))) - (if (memv t2048 '(meta-form)) - (chi-top444 - (parse-meta507 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043) - r2041 w2044 ctem2039 - rtem2038 '#t - top-ribcage2036 - meta-residualize!2035 - '#t) - (if (memv - t2048 - '(define-syntax-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-define-syntax506 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043)) - (lambda (id2061 - rhs2060 - w2059) - ((lambda (id2062) - (begin - (if (displaced-lexical?302 - id2062 - r2041) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - id2062) - (void)) - (if (not (top-ribcage-mutable?371 - top-ribcage2036)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2059 - ae2043) - '"invalid definition in read-only environment") - (void)) - ((lambda (sym2063) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (top-id-bound-var-name424 - sym2063 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - id2062)) - top-ribcage2036)) - (lambda (valsym2065 - bound-id2064) - (begin - (if (not (eq? (id-var-name429 - id2062 - '(())) - valsym2065)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2059 - ae2043) - '"definition not permitted") - (void)) - (if (read-only-binding?144 - valsym2065) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2059 - ae2043) - '"invalid definition of read-only identifier") - (void)) - (ct-eval/residualize2488 - ctem2039 - (lambda () - (list - '$sc-put-cte - (list - 'quote - bound-id2064) - (chi493 - rhs2060 - r2041 - r2041 - w2059 - '#t) - (list - 'quote - (top-ribcage-key370 - top-ribcage2036))))))))) - ((lambda (x2066) - ((lambda (e2067) - (if (annotation?132 - e2067) - (annotation-expression - e2067) - e2067)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x2066) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2066) - x2066))) - id2062)))) - (wrap438 - id2061 - w2059)))) - (if (memv - t2048 - '(define-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-define505 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043)) - (lambda (id2070 - rhs2069 - w2068) - ((lambda (id2071) - (begin - (if (displaced-lexical?302 - id2071 - r2041) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - id2071) - (void)) - (if (not (top-ribcage-mutable?371 - top-ribcage2036)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2068 - ae2043) - '"invalid definition in read-only environment") - (void)) - ((lambda (sym2072) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (top-id-bound-var-name424 - sym2072 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - id2071)) - top-ribcage2036)) - (lambda (valsym2074 - bound-id2073) - (begin - (if (not (eq? (id-var-name429 - id2071 - '(())) - valsym2074)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2068 - ae2043) - '"definition not permitted") - (void)) - (if (read-only-binding?144 - valsym2074) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2068 - ae2043) - '"invalid definition of read-only identifier") - (void)) - (if meta?2037 - (ct-eval/residualize2488 - ctem2039 - (lambda () - (build-sequence239 - '#f - (list - (list - '$sc-put-cte - (list - 'quote - bound-id2073) - (list - 'quote - (cons - 'meta-variable - valsym2074)) - (list - 'quote - (top-ribcage-key370 - top-ribcage2036))) - (list - 'define - valsym2074 - (chi493 - rhs2069 - r2041 - r2041 - w2068 - '#t)))))) - ((lambda (x2075) - (build-sequence239 - '#f - (list - x2075 - (rt-eval/residualize487 - rtem2038 - (lambda () - (list - 'define - valsym2074 - (chi493 - rhs2069 - r2041 - r2041 - w2068 - '#f))))))) - (ct-eval/residualize2488 - ctem2039 - (lambda () - (list - '$sc-put-cte - (list - 'quote - bound-id2073) - (list - 'quote - (cons - 'global - valsym2074)) - (list - 'quote - (top-ribcage-key370 - top-ribcage2036))))))))))) - ((lambda (x2076) - ((lambda (e2077) - (if (annotation?132 - e2077) - (annotation-expression - e2077) - e2077)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x2076) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2076) - x2076))) - id2071)))) - (wrap438 - id2070 - w2068)))) - (if (memv - t2048 - '($module-form)) - ((lambda (ribcage2078) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-module503 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043 - (make-wrap319 - (wrap-marks320 - w2044) - (cons - ribcage2078 - (wrap-subst321 - w2044))))) - (lambda (orig2082 - id2081 - exports2080 - forms2079) - (begin - (if (displaced-lexical?302 - id2081 - r2041) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - (wrap438 - id2081 - w2044)) - (void)) - (if (not (top-ribcage-mutable?371 - top-ribcage2036)) - (syntax-error - orig2082 - '"invalid definition in read-only environment") - (void)) - (chi-top-module477 - orig2082 - r2041 - r2041 - top-ribcage2036 - ribcage2078 - ctem2039 - rtem2038 - meta?2037 - id2081 - exports2080 - forms2079 - meta-residualize!2035))))) - (make-ribcage360 - '() - '() - '())) - (if (memv - t2048 - '($import-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-import504 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043)) - (lambda (orig2085 - only?2084 - mid2083) - (begin - (if (not (top-ribcage-mutable?371 - top-ribcage2036)) - (syntax-error - orig2085 - '"invalid definition in read-only environment") - (void)) - (ct-eval/residualize2488 - ctem2039 - (lambda () - ((lambda (binding2086) - ((lambda (t2087) - (if (memv - t2087 - '($module)) - (do-top-import484 - only?2084 - top-ribcage2036 - mid2083 - (interface-token450 - (binding-value286 - binding2086))) - (if (memv - t2087 - '(displaced-lexical)) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - mid2083) - (syntax-error - mid2083 - '"unknown module")))) - (binding-type285 - binding2086))) - (lookup305 - (id-var-name429 - mid2083 - '(())) - '()))))))) - (if (memv - t2048 - '(alias-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-alias509 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043)) - (lambda (new-id2089 - old-id2088) - ((lambda (new-id2090) - (begin - (if (displaced-lexical?302 - new-id2090 - r2041) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - new-id2090) - (void)) - (if (not (top-ribcage-mutable?371 - top-ribcage2036)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043) - '"invalid definition in read-only environment") - (void)) - ((lambda (sym2091) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (top-id-bound-var-name424 - sym2091 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - new-id2090)) - top-ribcage2036)) - (lambda (valsym2093 - bound-id2092) - (begin - (if (not (eq? (id-var-name429 - new-id2090 - '(())) - valsym2093)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043) - '"definition not permitted") - (void)) - (if (read-only-binding?144 - valsym2093) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043) - '"invalid definition of read-only identifier") - (void)) - (ct-eval/residualize2488 - ctem2039 - (lambda () - (list - '$sc-put-cte - (list - 'quote - (make-resolved-id413 - sym2091 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - new-id2090)) - (id-var-name429 - old-id2088 - w2044))) - (list - 'quote - '(do-alias - . - #f)) - (list - 'quote - (top-ribcage-key370 - top-ribcage2036))))))))) - ((lambda (x2094) - ((lambda (e2095) - (if (annotation?132 - e2095) - (annotation-expression - e2095) - e2095)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x2094) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x2094) - x2094))) - new-id2090)))) - (wrap438 - new-id2089 - w2044)))) - (begin - (if meta-seen?2034 - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e2045 - w2044 - ae2043) - '"invalid meta definition") - (void)) - (if meta?2037 - ((lambda (x2096) - (begin - (top-level-eval-hook133 - x2096) - (ct-eval/residualize3489 - ctem2039 - void - (lambda () - x2096)))) - (chi-expr494 - type2047 - value2046 - e2045 - r2041 - r2041 - w2044 - ae2043 - '#t)) - (rt-eval/residualize487 - rtem2038 - (lambda () - (chi-expr494 - type2047 - value2046 - e2045 - r2041 - r2041 - w2044 - ae2043 - '#f))))))))))))))) - type2047))))) - (flatten-exports445 (lambda (exports2030) - ((letrec ((loop2031 (lambda (exports2033 - ls2032) - (if (null? - exports2033) - ls2032 - (loop2031 - (cdr exports2033) - (if (pair? - (car exports2033)) - (loop2031 - (car exports2033) - ls2032) - (cons - (car exports2033) - ls2032))))))) - loop2031) - exports2030 - '()))) - (make-interface446 (lambda (marks2029 exports2028 token2027) - (vector - 'interface - marks2029 - exports2028 - token2027))) - (interface?447 (lambda (x2026) - (if (vector? x2026) - (if (= (vector-length x2026) '4) - (eq? (vector-ref x2026 '0) 'interface) - '#f) - '#f))) - (interface-marks448 (lambda (x2025) (vector-ref x2025 '1))) - (interface-exports449 (lambda (x2024) - (vector-ref x2024 '2))) - (interface-token450 (lambda (x2023) (vector-ref x2023 '3))) - (set-interface-marks!451 (lambda (x2022 update2021) - (vector-set! x2022 '1 update2021))) - (set-interface-exports!452 (lambda (x2020 update2019) - (vector-set! - x2020 - '2 - update2019))) - (set-interface-token!453 (lambda (x2018 update2017) - (vector-set! x2018 '3 update2017))) - (make-unresolved-interface454 (lambda (mid2015 exports2014) - (make-interface446 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - mid2015)) - (list->vector - (map (lambda (x2016) - (if (pair? x2016) - (car x2016) - x2016)) - exports2014)) - '#f))) - (make-resolved-interface455 (lambda (mid2012 exports2011 - token2010) - (make-interface446 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - mid2012)) - (list->vector - (map (lambda (x2013) - (id->resolved-id414 - (if (pair? x2013) - (car x2013) - x2013))) - exports2011)) - token2010))) - (make-module-binding456 (lambda (type2009 id2008 label2007 - imps2006 val2005 exported2004) - (vector 'module-binding type2009 - id2008 label2007 imps2006 val2005 - exported2004))) - (module-binding?457 (lambda (x2003) - (if (vector? x2003) - (if (= (vector-length x2003) '7) - (eq? (vector-ref x2003 '0) - 'module-binding) - '#f) - '#f))) - (module-binding-type458 (lambda (x2002) - (vector-ref x2002 '1))) - (module-binding-id459 (lambda (x2001) - (vector-ref x2001 '2))) - (module-binding-label460 (lambda (x2000) - (vector-ref x2000 '3))) - (module-binding-imps461 (lambda (x1999) - (vector-ref x1999 '4))) - (module-binding-val462 (lambda (x1998) - (vector-ref x1998 '5))) - (module-binding-exported463 (lambda (x1997) - (vector-ref x1997 '6))) - (set-module-binding-type!464 (lambda (x1996 update1995) - (vector-set! - x1996 - '1 - update1995))) - (set-module-binding-id!465 (lambda (x1994 update1993) - (vector-set! - x1994 - '2 - update1993))) - (set-module-binding-label!466 (lambda (x1992 update1991) - (vector-set! - x1992 - '3 - update1991))) - (set-module-binding-imps!467 (lambda (x1990 update1989) - (vector-set! - x1990 - '4 - update1989))) - (set-module-binding-val!468 (lambda (x1988 update1987) - (vector-set! - x1988 - '5 - update1987))) - (set-module-binding-exported!469 (lambda (x1986 update1985) - (vector-set! - x1986 - '6 - update1985))) - (create-module-binding470 (lambda (type1984 id1983 label1982 - imps1981 val1980) - (make-module-binding456 type1984 - id1983 label1982 imps1981 val1980 - '#f))) - (make-frob471 (lambda (e1979 meta?1978) - (vector 'frob e1979 meta?1978))) - (frob?472 (lambda (x1977) - (if (vector? x1977) - (if (= (vector-length x1977) '3) - (eq? (vector-ref x1977 '0) 'frob) - '#f) - '#f))) - (frob-e473 (lambda (x1976) (vector-ref x1976 '1))) - (frob-meta?474 (lambda (x1975) (vector-ref x1975 '2))) - (set-frob-e!475 (lambda (x1974 update1973) - (vector-set! x1974 '1 update1973))) - (set-frob-meta?!476 (lambda (x1972 update1971) - (vector-set! x1972 '2 update1971))) - (chi-top-module477 (lambda (orig1912 r1911 mr1910 - top-ribcage1909 ribcage1908 - ctem1907 rtem1906 meta?1905 id1904 - exports1903 forms1902 - meta-residualize!1901) - ((lambda (fexports1913) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (chi-external481 ribcage1908 - orig1912 - (map (lambda (d1970) - (make-frob471 - d1970 - meta?1905)) - forms1902) - r1911 mr1910 ctem1907 exports1903 - fexports1913 - meta-residualize!1901)) - (lambda (r1917 mr1916 bindings1915 - inits1914) - ((letrec ((process-exports1918 (lambda (fexports1920 - ctdefs1919) - (if (null? - fexports1920) - ((letrec ((process-locals1921 (lambda (bs1926 - r1925 - dts1924 - dvs1923 - des1922) - (if (null? - bs1926) - ((lambda (des1928 - inits1927) - (build-sequence239 - '#f - (append - (ctdefs1919) - (list - (ct-eval/residualize2488 - ctem1907 - (lambda () - ((lambda (sym1929) - ((lambda (token1930) - ((lambda (b1931) - ((lambda () - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (top-id-bound-var-name424 - sym1929 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - id1904)) - top-ribcage1909)) - (lambda (valsym1933 - bound-id1932) - (begin - (if (not (eq? (id-var-name429 - id1904 - '(())) - valsym1933)) - (syntax-error - orig1912 - '"definition not permitted") - (void)) - (if (read-only-binding?144 - valsym1933) - (syntax-error - orig1912 - '"invalid definition of read-only identifier") - (void)) - (list - '$sc-put-cte - (list - 'quote - bound-id1932) - b1931 - (list - 'quote - (top-ribcage-key370 - top-ribcage1909))))))))) - (list - 'quote - (cons - '$module - (make-resolved-interface455 - id1904 - exports1903 - token1930))))) - (generate-id147 - sym1929))) - ((lambda (x1934) - ((lambda (e1935) - (if (annotation?132 - e1935) - (annotation-expression - e1935) - e1935)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1934) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1934) - x1934))) - id1904)))) - (rt-eval/residualize487 - rtem1906 - (lambda () - (build-top-module242 - '#f - dts1924 - dvs1923 - des1928 - (if (null? - inits1927) - (chi-void513) - (build-sequence239 - '#f - (append - inits1927 - (list - (chi-void513)))))))))))) - (chi-frobs490 - des1922 - r1925 - mr1916 - '#f) - (chi-frobs490 - inits1914 - r1925 - mr1916 - '#f)) - ((lambda (b1937 - bs1936) - ((lambda (t1938) - ((lambda (t1939) - (if (memv - t1939 - '(define-form)) - ((lambda (label1940) - (if (module-binding-exported463 - b1937) - ((lambda (var1941) - (process-locals1921 - bs1936 - r1925 - (cons - 'global - dts1924) - (cons - label1940 - dvs1923) - (cons - (module-binding-val462 - b1937) - des1922))) - (module-binding-id459 - b1937)) - ((lambda (var1942) - (process-locals1921 - bs1936 - (extend-env299 - label1940 - (cons - 'lexical - var1942) - r1925) - (cons - 'local - dts1924) - (cons - var1942 - dvs1923) - (cons - (module-binding-val462 - b1937) - des1922))) - (gen-var518 - (module-binding-id459 - b1937))))) - (get-indirect-label355 - (module-binding-label460 - b1937))) - (if (memv - t1939 - '(ctdefine-form - define-syntax-form - $module-form - alias-form)) - (process-locals1921 - bs1936 - r1925 - dts1924 - dvs1923 - des1922) - (error 'sc-expand-internal - '"unexpected module binding type ~s" - t1938)))) - (module-binding-type458 - b1937))) - (module-binding-type458 - b1937))) - (car bs1926) - (cdr bs1926)))))) - process-locals1921) - bindings1915 - r1917 - '() - '() - '()) - ((lambda (id1944 - fexports1943) - ((letrec ((loop1945 (lambda (bs1946) - (if (null? - bs1946) - (process-exports1918 - fexports1943 - ctdefs1919) - ((lambda (b1948 - bs1947) - (if (free-id=?430 - (module-binding-id459 - b1948) - id1944) - (if (module-binding-exported463 - b1948) - (process-exports1918 - fexports1943 - ctdefs1919) - ((lambda (t1949) - ((lambda (label1950) - ((lambda (imps1951) - ((lambda (fexports1952) - ((lambda () - (begin - (set-module-binding-exported!469 - b1948 - '#t) - ((lambda (t1953) - (if (memv - t1953 - '(define-form)) - ((lambda (sym1954) - (begin - (set-indirect-label!356 - label1950 - sym1954) - (process-exports1918 - fexports1952 - ctdefs1919))) - (generate-id147 - ((lambda (x1955) - ((lambda (e1956) - (if (annotation?132 - e1956) - (annotation-expression - e1956) - e1956)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1955) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1955) - x1955))) - id1944))) - (if (memv - t1953 - '(ctdefine-form)) - ((lambda (b1957) - (process-exports1918 - fexports1952 - (lambda () - ((lambda (sym1958) - (begin - (set-indirect-label!356 - label1950 - sym1958) - (cons - (ct-eval/residualize3489 - ctem1907 - (lambda () - (put-cte-hook141 - sym1958 - b1957)) - (lambda () - (list - '$sc-put-cte - (list - 'quote - sym1958) - (list - 'quote - b1957) - (list - 'quote - '#f)))) - (ctdefs1919)))) - (binding-value286 - b1957))))) - (module-binding-val462 - b1948)) - (if (memv - t1953 - '(define-syntax-form)) - ((lambda (sym1959) - (process-exports1918 - fexports1952 - (lambda () - ((lambda (local-label1960) - (begin - (set-indirect-label!356 - label1950 - sym1959) - (cons - (ct-eval/residualize3489 - ctem1907 - (lambda () - (put-cte-hook141 - sym1959 - (car (module-binding-val462 - b1948)))) - (lambda () - (list - '$sc-put-cte - (list - 'quote - sym1959) - (cdr (module-binding-val462 - b1948)) - (list - 'quote - '#f)))) - (ctdefs1919)))) - (get-indirect-label355 - label1950))))) - (generate-id147 - ((lambda (x1961) - ((lambda (e1962) - (if (annotation?132 - e1962) - (annotation-expression - e1962) - e1962)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1961) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1961) - x1961))) - id1944))) - (if (memv - t1953 - '($module-form)) - ((lambda (sym1964 - exports1963) - (process-exports1918 - (append - (flatten-exports445 - exports1963) - fexports1952) - (lambda () - (begin - (set-indirect-label!356 - label1950 - sym1964) - ((lambda (rest1965) - ((lambda (x1966) - (cons - (ct-eval/residualize3489 - ctem1907 - (lambda () - (put-cte-hook141 - sym1964 - x1966)) - (lambda () - (list - '$sc-put-cte - (list - 'quote - sym1964) - (list - 'quote - x1966) - (list - 'quote - '#f)))) - rest1965)) - (cons - '$module - (make-resolved-interface455 - id1944 - exports1963 - sym1964)))) - (ctdefs1919)))))) - (generate-id147 - ((lambda (x1967) - ((lambda (e1968) - (if (annotation?132 - e1968) - (annotation-expression - e1968) - e1968)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1967) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1967) - x1967))) - id1944)) - (module-binding-val462 - b1948)) - (if (memv - t1953 - '(alias-form)) - (process-exports1918 - fexports1952 - (lambda () - ((lambda (rest1969) - (begin - (if (indirect-label?351 - label1950) - (if (not (symbol? - (get-indirect-label355 - label1950))) - (syntax-error - (module-binding-id459 - b1948) - '"unexported target of alias") - (void)) - (void)) - rest1969)) - (ctdefs1919)))) - (error 'sc-expand-internal - '"unexpected module binding type ~s" - t1949))))))) - t1949))))) - (append - imps1951 - fexports1943))) - (module-binding-imps461 - b1948))) - (module-binding-label460 - b1948))) - (module-binding-type458 - b1948))) - (loop1945 - bs1947))) - (car bs1946) - (cdr bs1946)))))) - loop1945) - bindings1915)) - (car fexports1920) - (cdr fexports1920)))))) - process-exports1918) - fexports1913 - (lambda () '()))))) - (flatten-exports445 exports1903)))) - (id-set-diff478 (lambda (exports1900 defs1899) - (if (null? exports1900) - '() - (if (bound-id-member?437 - (car exports1900) - defs1899) - (id-set-diff478 - (cdr exports1900) - defs1899) - (cons - (car exports1900) - (id-set-diff478 - (cdr exports1900) - defs1899)))))) - (check-module-exports479 (lambda (source-exp1874 - fexports1873 ids1872) - (letrec ((defined?1875 (lambda (e1882 - ids1881) - (ormap - (lambda (x1883) - (if (import-interface?375 - x1883) - ((lambda (x.iface1885 - x.new-marks1884) - ((lambda (t1886) - (if t1886 - ((lambda (token1887) - (lookup-import-binding-name410 - ((lambda (x1888) - ((lambda (e1889) - (if (annotation?132 - e1889) - (annotation-expression - e1889) - e1889)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1888) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1888) - x1888))) - e1882) - (id-marks316 - e1882) - token1887 - x.new-marks1884)) - t1886) - ((lambda (v1890) - ((letrec ((lp1891 (lambda (i1892) - (if (>= i1892 - '0) - ((lambda (t1893) - (if t1893 - t1893 - (lp1891 - (fx- i1892 - '1)))) - ((lambda (id1894) - (help-bound-id=?432 - ((lambda (x1897) - ((lambda (e1898) - (if (annotation?132 - e1898) - (annotation-expression - e1898) - e1898)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1897) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1897) - x1897))) - id1894) - (join-marks418 - x.new-marks1884 - (id-marks316 - id1894)) - ((lambda (x1895) - ((lambda (e1896) - (if (annotation?132 - e1896) - (annotation-expression - e1896) - e1896)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1895) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1895) - x1895))) - e1882) - (id-marks316 - e1882))) - (vector-ref - v1890 - i1892))) - '#f)))) - lp1891) - (fx- (vector-length - v1890) - '1))) - (interface-exports449 - x.iface1885)))) - (interface-token450 - x.iface1885))) - (import-interface-interface376 - x1883) - (import-interface-new-marks377 - x1883)) - (bound-id=?433 - e1882 - x1883))) - ids1881)))) - ((letrec ((loop1876 (lambda (fexports1878 - missing1877) - (if (null? - fexports1878) - (if (not (null? - missing1877)) - (syntax-error - (car missing1877) - (if (= (length - missing1877) - '1) - '"missing definition for export" - '"missing definition for multiple exports, including")) - (void)) - ((lambda (e1880 - fexports1879) - (if (defined?1875 - e1880 - ids1872) - (loop1876 - fexports1879 - missing1877) - (loop1876 - fexports1879 - (cons - e1880 - missing1877)))) - (car fexports1878) - (cdr fexports1878)))))) - loop1876) - fexports1873 - '())))) - (check-defined-ids480 (lambda (source-exp1821 ls1820) - (letrec ((vfold1822 (lambda (v1867 - p1866 - cls1865) - ((lambda (len1868) - ((letrec ((lp1869 (lambda (i1871 - cls1870) - (if (= i1871 - len1868) - cls1870 - (lp1869 - (+ i1871 - '1) - (p1866 - (vector-ref - v1867 - i1871) - cls1870)))))) - lp1869) - '0 - cls1865)) - (vector-length - v1867)))) - (conflicts1823 (lambda (x1852 - y1851 - cls1850) - (if (import-interface?375 - x1852) - ((lambda (x.iface1854 - x.new-marks1853) - (if (import-interface?375 - y1851) - ((lambda (y.iface1856 - y.new-marks1855) - ((lambda (xe1858 - ye1857) - (if (> (vector-length - xe1858) - (vector-length - ye1857)) - (vfold1822 - ye1857 - (lambda (id1860 - cls1859) - (id-iface-conflicts1824 - id1860 - y.new-marks1855 - x.iface1854 - x.new-marks1853 - cls1859)) - cls1850) - (vfold1822 - xe1858 - (lambda (id1862 - cls1861) - (id-iface-conflicts1824 - id1862 - x.new-marks1853 - y.iface1856 - y.new-marks1855 - cls1861)) - cls1850))) - (interface-exports449 - x.iface1854) - (interface-exports449 - y.iface1856))) - (import-interface-interface376 - y1851) - (import-interface-new-marks377 - y1851)) - (id-iface-conflicts1824 - y1851 - '() - x.iface1854 - x.new-marks1853 - cls1850))) - (import-interface-interface376 - x1852) - (import-interface-new-marks377 - x1852)) - (if (import-interface?375 - y1851) - ((lambda (y.iface1864 - y.new-marks1863) - (id-iface-conflicts1824 - x1852 - '() - y.iface1864 - y.new-marks1863 - cls1850)) - (import-interface-interface376 - y1851) - (import-interface-new-marks377 - y1851)) - (if (bound-id=?433 - x1852 - y1851) - (cons - x1852 - cls1850) - cls1850))))) - (id-iface-conflicts1824 (lambda (id1837 - id.new-marks1836 - iface1835 - iface.new-marks1834 - cls1833) - ((lambda (id.sym1839 - id.marks1838) - ((lambda (t1840) - (if t1840 - ((lambda (token1841) - (if (lookup-import-binding-name410 - id.sym1839 - id.marks1838 - token1841 - iface.new-marks1834) - (cons - id1837 - cls1833) - cls1833)) - t1840) - (vfold1822 - (interface-exports449 - iface1835) - (lambda (*id1843 - cls1842) - ((lambda (*id.sym1845 - *id.marks1844) - (if (help-bound-id=?432 - *id.sym1845 - *id.marks1844 - id.sym1839 - id.marks1838) - (cons - *id1843 - cls1842) - cls1842)) - ((lambda (x1846) - ((lambda (e1847) - (if (annotation?132 - e1847) - (annotation-expression - e1847) - e1847)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1846) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1846) - x1846))) - *id1843) - (join-marks418 - iface.new-marks1834 - (id-marks316 - *id1843)))) - cls1833))) - (interface-token450 - iface1835))) - ((lambda (x1848) - ((lambda (e1849) - (if (annotation?132 - e1849) - (annotation-expression - e1849) - e1849)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1848) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1848) - x1848))) - id1837) - (join-marks418 - id.new-marks1836 - (id-marks316 - id1837)))))) - (if (not (null? ls1820)) - ((letrec ((lp1825 (lambda (x1828 - ls1827 - cls1826) - (if (null? - ls1827) - (if (not (null? - cls1826)) - ((lambda (cls1829) - (syntax-error - source-exp1821 - '"duplicate definition for " - (symbol->string - (car cls1829)) - '" in")) - (syntax-object->datum - cls1826)) - (void)) - ((letrec ((lp21830 (lambda (ls21832 - cls1831) - (if (null? - ls21832) - (lp1825 - (car ls1827) - (cdr ls1827) - cls1831) - (lp21830 - (cdr ls21832) - (conflicts1823 - x1828 - (car ls21832) - cls1831)))))) - lp21830) - ls1827 - cls1826))))) - lp1825) - (car ls1820) - (cdr ls1820) - '()) - (void))))) - (chi-external481 (lambda (ribcage1713 source-exp1712 - body1711 r1710 mr1709 ctem1708 - exports1707 fexports1706 - meta-residualize!1705) - (letrec ((return1714 (lambda (r1819 mr1818 - bindings1817 - ids1816 - inits1815) - (begin - (check-defined-ids480 - source-exp1712 - ids1816) - (check-module-exports479 - source-exp1712 - fexports1706 - ids1816) - (values - r1819 - mr1818 - bindings1817 - inits1815)))) - (get-implicit-exports1715 (lambda (id1812) - ((letrec ((f1813 (lambda (exports1814) - (if (null? - exports1814) - '() - (if (if (pair? - (car exports1814)) - (bound-id=?433 - id1812 - (caar - exports1814)) - '#f) - (flatten-exports445 - (cdar - exports1814)) - (f1813 - (cdr exports1814))))))) - f1813) - exports1707))) - (update-imp-exports1716 (lambda (bindings1807 - exports1806) - ((lambda (exports1808) - (map (lambda (b1809) - ((lambda (id1810) - (if (not (bound-id-member?437 - id1810 - exports1808)) - b1809 - (create-module-binding470 - (module-binding-type458 - b1809) - id1810 - (module-binding-label460 - b1809) - (append - (get-implicit-exports1715 - id1810) - (module-binding-imps461 - b1809)) - (module-binding-val462 - b1809)))) - (module-binding-id459 - b1809))) - bindings1807)) - (map (lambda (x1811) - (if (pair? - x1811) - (car x1811) - x1811)) - exports1806))))) - ((letrec ((parse1717 (lambda (body1724 - r1723 mr1722 - ids1721 - bindings1720 - inits1719 - meta-seen?1718) - (if (null? - body1724) - (return1714 - r1723 mr1722 - bindings1720 - ids1721 - inits1719) - ((lambda (fr1725) - ((lambda (e1726) - ((lambda (meta?1727) - ((lambda () - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (syntax-type441 - e1726 - r1723 - '(()) - '#f - ribcage1713)) - (lambda (type1732 - value1731 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728) - ((lambda (t1733) - (if (memv - t1733 - '(define-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-define505 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728)) - (lambda (id1736 - rhs1735 - w1734) - ((lambda (id1737) - ((lambda (label1738) - ((lambda (sym1739) - ((lambda (imps1740) - ((lambda () - (begin - (extend-ribcage!405 - ribcage1713 - id1737 - label1738) - (if meta?1727 - ((lambda (sym1741) - ((lambda (b1742) - ((lambda () - ((lambda (mr1743) - ((lambda (exp1744) - (begin - (define-top-level-value-hook135 - sym1741 - (top-level-eval-hook133 - exp1744)) - (meta-residualize!1705 - (ct-eval/residualize3489 - ctem1708 - void - (lambda () - (list - 'define - sym1741 - exp1744)))) - (parse1717 - (cdr body1724) - r1723 - mr1743 - (cons - id1737 - ids1721) - (cons - (create-module-binding470 - 'ctdefine-form - id1737 - label1738 - imps1740 - b1742) - bindings1720) - inits1719 - '#f))) - (chi493 - rhs1735 - mr1743 - mr1743 - w1734 - '#t))) - (extend-env299 - (get-indirect-label355 - label1738) - b1742 - mr1722))))) - (cons - 'meta-variable - sym1741))) - (generate-id147 - ((lambda (x1745) - ((lambda (e1746) - (if (annotation?132 - e1746) - (annotation-expression - e1746) - e1746)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1745) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1745) - x1745))) - id1737))) - (parse1717 - (cdr body1724) - r1723 - mr1722 - (cons - id1737 - ids1721) - (cons - (create-module-binding470 - type1732 - id1737 - label1738 - imps1740 - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - rhs1735 - w1734) - meta?1727)) - bindings1720) - inits1719 - '#f)))))) - (get-implicit-exports1715 - id1737))) - (generate-id147 - ((lambda (x1747) - ((lambda (e1748) - (if (annotation?132 - e1748) - (annotation-expression - e1748) - e1748)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1747) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1747) - x1747))) - id1737)))) - (gen-indirect-label354))) - (wrap438 - id1736 - w1734)))) - (if (memv - t1733 - '(define-syntax-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-define-syntax506 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728)) - (lambda (id1751 - rhs1750 - w1749) - ((lambda (id1752) - ((lambda (label1753) - ((lambda (imps1754) - ((lambda (exp1755) - ((lambda () - (begin - (extend-ribcage!405 - ribcage1713 - id1752 - label1753) - ((lambda (l1757 - b1756) - (parse1717 - (cdr body1724) - (extend-env299 - l1757 - b1756 - r1723) - (extend-env299 - l1757 - b1756 - mr1722) - (cons - id1752 - ids1721) - (cons - (create-module-binding470 - type1732 - id1752 - label1753 - imps1754 - (cons - b1756 - exp1755)) - bindings1720) - inits1719 - '#f)) - (get-indirect-label355 - label1753) - (defer-or-eval-transformer307 - top-level-eval-hook133 - exp1755)))))) - (chi493 - rhs1750 - mr1722 - mr1722 - w1749 - '#t))) - (get-implicit-exports1715 - id1752))) - (gen-indirect-label354))) - (wrap438 - id1751 - w1749)))) - (if (memv - t1733 - '($module-form)) - ((lambda (*ribcage1758) - ((lambda (*w1759) - ((lambda () - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-module503 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728 - *w1759)) - (lambda (orig1763 - id1762 - *exports1761 - forms1760) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (chi-external481 - *ribcage1758 - orig1763 - (map (lambda (d1775) - (make-frob471 - d1775 - meta?1727)) - forms1760) - r1723 - mr1722 - ctem1708 - *exports1761 - (flatten-exports445 - *exports1761) - meta-residualize!1705)) - (lambda (r1767 - mr1766 - *bindings1765 - *inits1764) - ((lambda (iface1772 - bindings1771 - inits1770 - label1769 - imps1768) - (begin - (extend-ribcage!405 - ribcage1713 - id1762 - label1769) - ((lambda (l1774 - b1773) - (parse1717 - (cdr body1724) - (extend-env299 - l1774 - b1773 - r1767) - (extend-env299 - l1774 - b1773 - mr1766) - (cons - id1762 - ids1721) - (cons - (create-module-binding470 - type1732 - id1762 - label1769 - imps1768 - *exports1761) - bindings1771) - inits1770 - '#f)) - (get-indirect-label355 - label1769) - (cons - '$module - iface1772)))) - (make-unresolved-interface454 - id1762 - *exports1761) - (append - *bindings1765 - bindings1720) - (append - inits1719 - *inits1764) - (gen-indirect-label354) - (get-implicit-exports1715 - id1762))))))))) - (make-wrap319 - (wrap-marks320 - w1729) - (cons - *ribcage1758 - (wrap-subst321 - w1729))))) - (make-ribcage360 - '() - '() - '())) - (if (memv - t1733 - '($import-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-import504 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728)) - (lambda (orig1778 - only?1777 - mid1776) - ((lambda (mlabel1779) - ((lambda (binding1780) - ((lambda (t1781) - (if (memv - t1781 - '($module)) - ((lambda (iface1782) - ((lambda (import-iface1783) - ((lambda () - (begin - (if only?1777 - (extend-ribcage-barrier!407 - ribcage1713 - mid1776) - (void)) - (do-import!502 - import-iface1783 - ribcage1713) - (parse1717 - (cdr body1724) - r1723 - mr1722 - (cons - import-iface1783 - ids1721) - (update-imp-exports1716 - bindings1720 - (vector->list - (interface-exports449 - iface1782))) - inits1719 - '#f))))) - (make-import-interface374 - iface1782 - (import-mark-delta500 - mid1776 - iface1782)))) - (binding-value286 - binding1780)) - (if (memv - t1781 - '(displaced-lexical)) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - mid1776) - (syntax-error - mid1776 - '"unknown module")))) - (binding-type285 - binding1780))) - (lookup305 - mlabel1779 - r1723))) - (id-var-name429 - mid1776 - '(()))))) - (if (memv - t1733 - '(alias-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-alias509 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728)) - (lambda (new-id1785 - old-id1784) - ((lambda (new-id1786) - ((lambda (label1787) - ((lambda (imps1788) - ((lambda () - (begin - (extend-ribcage!405 - ribcage1713 - new-id1786 - label1787) - (parse1717 - (cdr body1724) - r1723 - mr1722 - (cons - new-id1786 - ids1721) - (cons - (create-module-binding470 - type1732 - new-id1786 - label1787 - imps1788 - '#f) - bindings1720) - inits1719 - '#f))))) - (get-implicit-exports1715 - new-id1786))) - (id-var-name-loc428 - old-id1784 - w1729))) - (wrap438 - new-id1785 - w1729)))) - (if (memv - t1733 - '(begin-form)) - (parse1717 - ((letrec ((f1789 (lambda (forms1790) - (if (null? - forms1790) - (cdr body1724) - (cons - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - (car forms1790) - w1729) - meta?1727) - (f1789 - (cdr forms1790))))))) - f1789) - (parse-begin510 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728 - '#t)) - r1723 - mr1722 - ids1721 - bindings1720 - inits1719 - '#f) - (if (memv - t1733 - '(eval-when-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-eval-when508 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728)) - (lambda (when-list1792 - forms1791) - (parse1717 - (if (memq - 'eval - when-list1792) - ((letrec ((f1793 (lambda (forms1794) - (if (null? - forms1794) - (cdr body1724) - (cons - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - (car forms1794) - w1729) - meta?1727) - (f1793 - (cdr forms1794))))))) - f1793) - forms1791) - (cdr body1724)) - r1723 - mr1722 - ids1721 - bindings1720 - inits1719 - '#f))) - (if (memv - t1733 - '(meta-form)) - (parse1717 - (cons - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - (parse-meta507 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728) - w1729) - '#t) - (cdr body1724)) - r1723 - mr1722 - ids1721 - bindings1720 - inits1719 - '#t) - (if (memv - t1733 - '(local-syntax-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (chi-local-syntax512 - value1731 - e1730 - r1723 - mr1722 - w1729 - ae1728)) - (lambda (forms1799 - r1798 - mr1797 - w1796 - ae1795) - (parse1717 - ((letrec ((f1800 (lambda (forms1801) - (if (null? - forms1801) - (cdr body1724) - (cons - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - (car forms1801) - w1796) - meta?1727) - (f1800 - (cdr forms1801))))))) - f1800) - forms1799) - r1798 - mr1797 - ids1721 - bindings1720 - inits1719 - '#f))) - (begin - (if meta-seen?1718 - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728) - '"invalid meta definition") - (void)) - ((letrec ((f1802 (lambda (body1803) - (if ((lambda (t1804) - (if t1804 - t1804 - (not (frob-meta?474 - (car body1803))))) - (null? - body1803)) - (return1714 - r1723 - mr1722 - bindings1720 - ids1721 - (append - inits1719 - body1803)) - (begin - ((lambda (x1805) - (begin - (top-level-eval-hook133 - x1805) - (meta-residualize!1705 - (ct-eval/residualize3489 - ctem1708 - void - (lambda () - x1805))))) - (chi-meta-frob491 - (car body1803) - mr1722)) - (f1802 - (cdr body1803))))))) - f1802) - (cons - (make-frob471 - (source-wrap439 - e1730 - w1729 - ae1728) - meta?1727) - (cdr body1724)))))))))))))) - type1732)))))) - (frob-meta?474 - fr1725))) - (frob-e473 - fr1725))) - (car body1724)))))) - parse1717) body1711 r1710 mr1709 '() - '() '() '#f)))) - (vmap482 (lambda (fn1701 v1700) - ((letrec ((do1702 (lambda (i1704 ls1703) - (if (< i1704 '0) - ls1703 - (do1702 - (fx- i1704 '1) - (cons - (fn1701 - (vector-ref - v1700 - i1704)) - ls1703)))))) - do1702) - (fx- (vector-length v1700) '1) - '()))) - (vfor-each483 (lambda (fn1696 v1695) - ((lambda (len1697) - ((letrec ((do1698 (lambda (i1699) - (if (not (= i1699 - len1697)) - (begin - (fn1696 - (vector-ref - v1695 - i1699)) - (do1698 - (+ i1699 '1))) - (void))))) - do1698) - '0)) - (vector-length v1695)))) - (do-top-import484 (lambda (import-only?1694 top-ribcage1693 - mid1692 token1691) - (list - '$sc-put-cte - (list 'quote mid1692) - (list 'quote (cons 'do-import token1691)) - (list - 'quote - (top-ribcage-key370 - top-ribcage1693))))) - (update-mode-set485 ((lambda (table1682) - (lambda (when-list1684 mode-set1683) - (letrec ((remq1685 (lambda (x1690 - ls1689) - (if (null? - ls1689) - '() - (if (eq? (car ls1689) - x1690) - (remq1685 - x1690 - (cdr ls1689)) - (cons - (car ls1689) - (remq1685 - x1690 - (cdr ls1689)))))))) - (remq1685 - '- - (apply - append - (map (lambda (m1686) - ((lambda (row1687) - (map (lambda (s1688) - (cdr (assq - s1688 - row1687))) - when-list1684)) - (cdr (assq - m1686 - table1682)))) - mode-set1683)))))) - '((l (load . l) (compile . c) (visit . v) - (revisit . r) (eval . -)) - (c (load . -) (compile . -) - (visit . -) (revisit . -) - (eval . c)) - (v (load . v) (compile . c) - (visit . v) (revisit . -) - (eval . -)) - (r (load . r) (compile . c) - (visit . -) (revisit . r) - (eval . -)) - (e (load . -) (compile . -) - (visit . -) (revisit . -) - (eval . e))))) - (initial-mode-set486 (lambda (when-list1678 - compiling-a-file1677) - (apply - append - (map (lambda (s1679) - (if compiling-a-file1677 - ((lambda (t1680) - (if (memv - t1680 - '(compile)) - '(c) - (if (memv - t1680 - '(load)) - '(l) - (if (memv - t1680 - '(visit)) - '(v) - (if (memv - t1680 - '(revisit)) - '(r) - '()))))) - s1679) - ((lambda (t1681) - (if (memv t1681 '(eval)) - '(e) - '())) - s1679))) - when-list1678)))) - (rt-eval/residualize487 (lambda (rtem1672 thunk1671) - (if (memq 'e rtem1672) - (thunk1671) - ((lambda (thunk1673) - (if (memq 'v rtem1672) - (if ((lambda (t1674) - (if t1674 - t1674 - (memq - 'r - rtem1672))) - (memq 'l rtem1672)) - (thunk1673) - (thunk1673)) - (if ((lambda (t1675) - (if t1675 - t1675 - (memq - 'r - rtem1672))) - (memq 'l rtem1672)) - (thunk1673) - (chi-void513)))) - (if (memq 'c rtem1672) - ((lambda (x1676) - (begin - (top-level-eval-hook133 - x1676) - (lambda () x1676))) - (thunk1671)) - thunk1671))))) - (ct-eval/residualize2488 (lambda (ctem1668 thunk1667) - ((lambda (t1669) - (ct-eval/residualize3489 - ctem1668 - (lambda () - (begin - (if (not t1669) - (set! t1669 - (thunk1667)) - (void)) - (top-level-eval-hook133 - t1669))) - (lambda () - ((lambda (t1670) - (if t1670 - t1670 - (thunk1667))) - t1669)))) - '#f))) - (ct-eval/residualize3489 (lambda (ctem1664 eval-thunk1663 - residualize-thunk1662) - (if (memq 'e ctem1664) - (begin - (eval-thunk1663) - (chi-void513)) - (begin - (if (memq 'c ctem1664) - (eval-thunk1663) - (void)) - (if (memq 'r ctem1664) - (if ((lambda (t1665) - (if t1665 - t1665 - (memq - 'v - ctem1664))) - (memq 'l ctem1664)) - (residualize-thunk1662) - (residualize-thunk1662)) - (if ((lambda (t1666) - (if t1666 - t1666 - (memq - 'v - ctem1664))) - (memq 'l ctem1664)) - (residualize-thunk1662) - (chi-void513))))))) - (chi-frobs490 (lambda (frob*1660 r1659 mr1658 m?1657) - (map (lambda (x1661) - (chi493 (frob-e473 x1661) r1659 mr1658 - '(()) m?1657)) - frob*1660))) - (chi-meta-frob491 (lambda (x1656 mr1655) - (chi493 (frob-e473 x1656) mr1655 mr1655 - '(()) '#t))) - (chi-sequence492 (lambda (body1651 r1650 mr1649 w1648 ae1647 - m?1646) - (build-sequence239 - ae1647 - ((letrec ((dobody1652 (lambda (body1653) - (if (null? - body1653) - '() - ((lambda (first1654) - (cons - first1654 - (dobody1652 - (cdr body1653)))) - (chi493 - (car body1653) - r1650 - mr1649 - w1648 - m?1646)))))) - dobody1652) - body1651)))) - (chi493 (lambda (e1640 r1639 mr1638 w1637 m?1636) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (syntax-type441 e1640 r1639 w1637 '#f '#f)) - (lambda (type1645 value1644 e1643 w1642 ae1641) - (chi-expr494 type1645 value1644 e1643 r1639 - mr1638 w1642 ae1641 m?1636))))) - (chi-expr494 (lambda (type1620 value1619 e1618 r1617 mr1616 - w1615 ae1614 m?1613) - ((lambda (t1621) - (if (memv t1621 '(lexical)) - value1619 - (if (memv t1621 '(core)) - (value1619 e1618 r1617 mr1616 w1615 - ae1614 m?1613) - (if (memv t1621 '(lexical-call)) - (chi-application495 value1619 - e1618 r1617 mr1616 w1615 ae1614 - m?1613) - (if (memv t1621 '(constant)) - (list - 'quote - (strip517 - (source-wrap439 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614) - '(()))) - (if (memv t1621 '(global)) - value1619 - (if (memv - t1621 - '(meta-variable)) - (if m?1613 - value1619 - (displaced-lexical-error303 - (source-wrap439 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614))) - (if (memv - t1621 - '(call)) - (chi-application495 - (chi493 - (car e1618) - r1617 mr1616 - w1615 m?1613) - e1618 r1617 - mr1616 w1615 - ae1614 m?1613) - (if (memv - t1621 - '(begin-form)) - (chi-sequence492 - (parse-begin510 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614 - '#f) - r1617 - mr1616 - w1615 - ae1614 - m?1613) - (if (memv - t1621 - '(local-syntax-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (chi-local-syntax512 - value1619 - e1618 - r1617 - mr1616 - w1615 - ae1614)) - (lambda (forms1626 - r1625 - mr1624 - w1623 - ae1622) - (chi-sequence492 - forms1626 - r1625 - mr1624 - w1623 - ae1622 - m?1613))) - (if (memv - t1621 - '(eval-when-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-eval-when508 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614)) - (lambda (when-list1628 - forms1627) - (if (memq - 'eval - when-list1628) - (chi-sequence492 - forms1627 - r1617 - mr1616 - w1615 - ae1614 - m?1613) - (chi-void513)))) - (if (memv - t1621 - '(meta-form)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614) - '"invalid context for meta definition") - (if (memv - t1621 - '(define-form)) - (begin - (parse-define505 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614) - '"invalid context for definition")) - (if (memv - t1621 - '(define-syntax-form)) - (begin - (parse-define-syntax506 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614) - '"invalid context for definition")) - (if (memv - t1621 - '($module-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-module503 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614 - w1615)) - (lambda (orig1632 - id1631 - exports1630 - forms1629) - (syntax-error - orig1632 - '"invalid context for definition"))) - (if (memv - t1621 - '($import-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-import504 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614)) - (lambda (orig1635 - only?1634 - mid1633) - (syntax-error - orig1635 - '"invalid context for definition"))) - (if (memv - t1621 - '(alias-form)) - (begin - (parse-alias509 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614) - '"invalid context for definition")) - (if (memv - t1621 - '(syntax)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614) - '"reference to pattern variable outside syntax form") - (if (memv - t1621 - '(displaced-lexical)) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - (source-wrap439 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1618 - w1615 - ae1614))))))))))))))))))))) - type1620))) - (chi-application495 (lambda (x1605 e1604 r1603 mr1602 w1601 - ae1600 m?1599) - ((lambda (tmp1606) - ((lambda (tmp1607) - (if tmp1607 - (apply - (lambda (e01609 e11608) - (cons - x1605 - (map (lambda (e1611) - (chi493 e1611 - r1603 mr1602 - w1601 m?1599)) - e11608))) - tmp1607) - ((lambda (_1612) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1604 - w1601 - ae1600))) - tmp1606))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1606 - '(any . each-any)))) - e1604))) - (chi-set!496 (lambda (e1573 r1572 w1571 ae1570 rib1569) - ((lambda (tmp1574) - ((lambda (tmp1575) - (if (if tmp1575 - (apply - (lambda (_1578 id1577 val1576) - (id?310 id1577)) - tmp1575) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_1581 id1580 val1579) - ((lambda (n1582) - ((lambda (b1583) - ((lambda (t1584) - (if (memv - t1584 - '(macro!)) - ((lambda (id1586 - val1585) - (syntax-type441 - (chi-macro497 - (binding-value286 - b1583) - (list - '#(syntax-object set! ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(id val) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(t) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(n) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ id val) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(e r w ae rib) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - id1586 - val1585) - r1572 '(()) - '#f rib1569) - r1572 '(()) '#f - rib1569)) - (wrap438 - id1580 - w1571) - (wrap438 - val1579 - w1571)) - (values 'core - (lambda (e1592 - r1591 - mr1590 - w1589 - ae1588 - m?1587) - ((lambda (val1594 - n1593) - ((lambda (b1595) - ((lambda (t1596) - (if (memv - t1596 - '(lexical)) - (list - 'set! - (binding-value286 - b1595) - val1594) - (if (memv - t1596 - '(global)) - ((lambda (sym1597) - (begin - (if (read-only-binding?144 - n1593) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1592 - w1589 - ae1588) - '"invalid assignment to read-only variable") - (void)) - (list - 'set! - sym1597 - val1594))) - (binding-value286 - b1595)) - (if (memv - t1596 - '(meta-variable)) - (if m?1587 - (list - 'set! - (binding-value286 - b1595) - val1594) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - (wrap438 - id1580 - w1589))) - (if (memv - t1596 - '(displaced-lexical)) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - (wrap438 - id1580 - w1589)) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1592 - w1589 - ae1588))))))) - (binding-type285 - b1595))) - (lookup305 - n1593 - r1591))) - (chi493 val1579 - r1591 mr1590 - w1589 m?1587) - (id-var-name429 - id1580 - w1589))) - e1573 w1571 - ae1570))) - (binding-type285 b1583))) - (lookup305 n1582 r1572))) - (id-var-name429 id1580 w1571))) - tmp1575) - ((lambda (_1598) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1573 - w1571 - ae1570))) - tmp1574))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp1574 '(any any any)))) - e1573))) - (chi-macro497 (lambda (p1556 e1555 r1554 w1553 ae1552 - rib1551) - (letrec ((rebuild-macro-output1557 (lambda (x1561 - m1560) - (if (pair? - x1561) - (cons - (rebuild-macro-output1557 - (car x1561) - m1560) - (rebuild-macro-output1557 - (cdr x1561) - m1560)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1561) - ((lambda (w1562) - ((lambda (ms1564 - s1563) - (make-syntax-object63 - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1561) - (if (if (pair? - ms1564) - (eq? (car ms1564) - '#f) - '#f) - (make-wrap319 - (cdr ms1564) - (cdr s1563)) - (make-wrap319 - (cons - m1560 - ms1564) - (if rib1551 - (cons - rib1551 - (cons - 'shift - s1563)) - (cons - 'shift - s1563)))))) - (wrap-marks320 - w1562) - (wrap-subst321 - w1562))) - (syntax-object-wrap66 - x1561)) - (if (vector? - x1561) - ((lambda (n1565) - ((lambda (v1566) - ((lambda () - ((letrec ((do1567 (lambda (i1568) - (if (= i1568 - n1565) - v1566 - (begin - (vector-set! - v1566 - i1568 - (rebuild-macro-output1557 - (vector-ref - x1561 - i1568) - m1560)) - (do1567 - (+ i1568 - '1))))))) - do1567) - '0)))) - (make-vector - n1565))) - (vector-length - x1561)) - (if (symbol? - x1561) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1555 - w1553 - ae1552) - '"encountered raw symbol " - (symbol->string - x1561) - '" in output of macro") - x1561))))))) - (rebuild-macro-output1557 - ((lambda (out1558) - (if (procedure? out1558) - (out1558 - (lambda (id1559) - (begin - (if (not (identifier? id1559)) - (syntax-error - id1559 - '"environment argument is not an identifier") - (void)) - (lookup305 - (id-var-name429 - id1559 - '(())) - r1554)))) - out1558)) - (p1556 - (source-wrap439 - e1555 - (anti-mark395 w1553) - ae1552))) - (string '#\m))))) - (chi-body498 (lambda (body1539 outer-form1538 r1537 mr1536 - w1535 m?1534) - ((lambda (ribcage1540) - ((lambda (w1541) - ((lambda (body1542) - ((lambda () - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (chi-internal499 ribcage1540 - outer-form1538 body1542 r1537 - mr1536 m?1534)) - (lambda (r1549 mr1548 exprs1547 - ids1546 vars1545 vals1544 - inits1543) - (begin - (if (null? exprs1547) - (syntax-error - outer-form1538 - '"no expressions in body") - (void)) - (build-body241 - '#f - (reverse vars1545) - (chi-frobs490 - (reverse vals1544) - r1549 - mr1548 - m?1534) - (build-sequence239 - '#f - (chi-frobs490 - (append - inits1543 - exprs1547) - r1549 - mr1548 - m?1534))))))))) - (map (lambda (x1550) - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 x1550 w1541) - '#f)) - body1539))) - (make-wrap319 - (wrap-marks320 w1535) - (cons - ribcage1540 - (wrap-subst321 w1535))))) - (make-ribcage360 '() '() '())))) - (chi-internal499 (lambda (ribcage1443 source-exp1442 - body1441 r1440 mr1439 m?1438) - (letrec ((return1444 (lambda (r1533 mr1532 - exprs1531 - ids1530 - vars1529 - vals1528 - inits1527) - (begin - (check-defined-ids480 - source-exp1442 - ids1530) - (values r1533 - mr1532 exprs1531 - ids1530 vars1529 - vals1528 - inits1527))))) - ((letrec ((parse1445 (lambda (body1453 - r1452 mr1451 - ids1450 - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447 - meta-seen?1446) - (if (null? - body1453) - (return1444 - r1452 mr1451 - body1453 - ids1450 - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447) - ((lambda (fr1454) - ((lambda (e1455) - ((lambda (meta?1456) - ((lambda () - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (syntax-type441 - e1455 - r1452 - '(()) - '#f - ribcage1443)) - (lambda (type1461 - value1460 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457) - ((lambda (t1462) - (if (memv - t1462 - '(define-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-define505 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457)) - (lambda (id1465 - rhs1464 - w1463) - ((lambda (id1467 - label1466) - (if meta?1456 - ((lambda (sym1468) - (begin - (extend-ribcage!405 - ribcage1443 - id1467 - label1466) - ((lambda (mr1469) - (begin - (define-top-level-value-hook135 - sym1468 - (top-level-eval-hook133 - (chi493 - rhs1464 - mr1469 - mr1469 - w1463 - '#t))) - (parse1445 - (cdr body1453) - r1452 - mr1469 - (cons - id1467 - ids1450) - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447 - '#f))) - (extend-env299 - label1466 - (cons - 'meta-variable - sym1468) - mr1451)))) - (generate-id147 - ((lambda (x1470) - ((lambda (e1471) - (if (annotation?132 - e1471) - (annotation-expression - e1471) - e1471)) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1470) - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1470) - x1470))) - id1467))) - ((lambda (var1472) - (begin - (extend-ribcage!405 - ribcage1443 - id1467 - label1466) - (parse1445 - (cdr body1453) - (extend-env299 - label1466 - (cons - 'lexical - var1472) - r1452) - mr1451 - (cons - id1467 - ids1450) - (cons - var1472 - vars1449) - (cons - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - rhs1464 - w1463) - meta?1456) - vals1448) - inits1447 - '#f))) - (gen-var518 - id1467)))) - (wrap438 - id1465 - w1463) - (gen-label357)))) - (if (memv - t1462 - '(define-syntax-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-define-syntax506 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457)) - (lambda (id1475 - rhs1474 - w1473) - ((lambda (id1478 - label1477 - exp1476) - (begin - (extend-ribcage!405 - ribcage1443 - id1478 - label1477) - ((lambda (b1479) - (parse1445 - (cdr body1453) - (extend-env299 - label1477 - b1479 - r1452) - (extend-env299 - label1477 - b1479 - mr1451) - (cons - id1478 - ids1450) - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447 - '#f)) - (defer-or-eval-transformer307 - local-eval-hook134 - exp1476)))) - (wrap438 - id1475 - w1473) - (gen-label357) - (chi493 - rhs1474 - mr1451 - mr1451 - w1473 - '#t)))) - (if (memv - t1462 - '($module-form)) - ((lambda (*ribcage1480) - ((lambda (*w1481) - ((lambda () - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-module503 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457 - *w1481)) - (lambda (orig1485 - id1484 - exports1483 - forms1482) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (chi-internal499 - *ribcage1480 - orig1485 - (map (lambda (d1499) - (make-frob471 - d1499 - meta?1456)) - forms1482) - r1452 - mr1451 - m?1438)) - (lambda (r1492 - mr1491 - *body1490 - *ids1489 - *vars1488 - *vals1487 - *inits1486) - (begin - (check-module-exports479 - source-exp1442 - (flatten-exports445 - exports1483) - *ids1489) - ((lambda (iface1497 - vars1496 - vals1495 - inits1494 - label1493) - (begin - (extend-ribcage!405 - ribcage1443 - id1484 - label1493) - ((lambda (b1498) - (parse1445 - (cdr body1453) - (extend-env299 - label1493 - b1498 - r1492) - (extend-env299 - label1493 - b1498 - mr1491) - (cons - id1484 - ids1450) - vars1496 - vals1495 - inits1494 - '#f)) - (cons - '$module - iface1497)))) - (make-resolved-interface455 - id1484 - exports1483 - '#f) - (append - *vars1488 - vars1449) - (append - *vals1487 - vals1448) - (append - inits1447 - *inits1486 - *body1490) - (gen-label357)))))))))) - (make-wrap319 - (wrap-marks320 - w1458) - (cons - *ribcage1480 - (wrap-subst321 - w1458))))) - (make-ribcage360 - '() - '() - '())) - (if (memv - t1462 - '($import-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-import504 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457)) - (lambda (orig1502 - only?1501 - mid1500) - ((lambda (mlabel1503) - ((lambda (binding1504) - ((lambda (t1505) - (if (memv - t1505 - '($module)) - ((lambda (iface1506) - ((lambda (import-iface1507) - ((lambda () - (begin - (if only?1501 - (extend-ribcage-barrier!407 - ribcage1443 - mid1500) - (void)) - (do-import!502 - import-iface1507 - ribcage1443) - (parse1445 - (cdr body1453) - r1452 - mr1451 - (cons - import-iface1507 - ids1450) - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447 - '#f))))) - (make-import-interface374 - iface1506 - (import-mark-delta500 - mid1500 - iface1506)))) - (binding-value286 - binding1504)) - (if (memv - t1505 - '(displaced-lexical)) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - mid1500) - (syntax-error - mid1500 - '"unknown module")))) - (binding-type285 - binding1504))) - (lookup305 - mlabel1503 - r1452))) - (id-var-name429 - mid1500 - '(()))))) - (if (memv - t1462 - '(alias-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-alias509 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457)) - (lambda (new-id1509 - old-id1508) - ((lambda (new-id1510) - (begin - (extend-ribcage!405 - ribcage1443 - new-id1510 - (id-var-name-loc428 - old-id1508 - w1458)) - (parse1445 - (cdr body1453) - r1452 - mr1451 - (cons - new-id1510 - ids1450) - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447 - '#f))) - (wrap438 - new-id1509 - w1458)))) - (if (memv - t1462 - '(begin-form)) - (parse1445 - ((letrec ((f1511 (lambda (forms1512) - (if (null? - forms1512) - (cdr body1453) - (cons - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - (car forms1512) - w1458) - meta?1456) - (f1511 - (cdr forms1512))))))) - f1511) - (parse-begin510 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457 - '#t)) - r1452 - mr1451 - ids1450 - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447 - '#f) - (if (memv - t1462 - '(eval-when-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (parse-eval-when508 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457)) - (lambda (when-list1514 - forms1513) - (parse1445 - (if (memq - 'eval - when-list1514) - ((letrec ((f1515 (lambda (forms1516) - (if (null? - forms1516) - (cdr body1453) - (cons - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - (car forms1516) - w1458) - meta?1456) - (f1515 - (cdr forms1516))))))) - f1515) - forms1513) - (cdr body1453)) - r1452 - mr1451 - ids1450 - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447 - '#f))) - (if (memv - t1462 - '(meta-form)) - (parse1445 - (cons - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - (parse-meta507 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457) - w1458) - '#t) - (cdr body1453)) - r1452 - mr1451 - ids1450 - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447 - '#t) - (if (memv - t1462 - '(local-syntax-form)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (chi-local-syntax512 - value1460 - e1459 - r1452 - mr1451 - w1458 - ae1457)) - (lambda (forms1521 - r1520 - mr1519 - w1518 - ae1517) - (parse1445 - ((letrec ((f1522 (lambda (forms1523) - (if (null? - forms1523) - (cdr body1453) - (cons - (make-frob471 - (wrap438 - (car forms1523) - w1518) - meta?1456) - (f1522 - (cdr forms1523))))))) - f1522) - forms1521) - r1520 - mr1519 - ids1450 - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447 - '#f))) - (begin - (if meta-seen?1446 - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457) - '"invalid meta definition") - (void)) - ((letrec ((f1524 (lambda (body1525) - (if ((lambda (t1526) - (if t1526 - t1526 - (not (frob-meta?474 - (car body1525))))) - (null? - body1525)) - (return1444 - r1452 - mr1451 - body1525 - ids1450 - vars1449 - vals1448 - inits1447) - (begin - (top-level-eval-hook133 - (chi-meta-frob491 - (car body1525) - mr1451)) - (f1524 - (cdr body1525))))))) - f1524) - (cons - (make-frob471 - (source-wrap439 - e1459 - w1458 - ae1457) - meta?1456) - (cdr body1453)))))))))))))) - type1461)))))) - (frob-meta?474 - fr1454))) - (frob-e473 - fr1454))) - (car body1453)))))) - parse1445) body1441 r1440 mr1439 '() - '() '() '() '#f)))) - (import-mark-delta500 (lambda (mid1437 iface1436) - (diff-marks421 - (id-marks316 mid1437) - (interface-marks448 iface1436)))) - (lookup-import-label501 (lambda (id1434) - ((lambda (label1435) - (begin - (if (not label1435) - (syntax-error - id1434 - '"exported identifier not visible") - (void)) - label1435)) - (id-var-name-loc428 - id1434 - '(()))))) - (do-import!502 (lambda (import-iface1430 ribcage1429) - ((lambda (ie1431) - (if (<= (vector-length ie1431) '20) - ((lambda (new-marks1432) - (vfor-each483 - (lambda (id1433) - (import-extend-ribcage!406 - ribcage1429 - new-marks1432 - id1433 - (lookup-import-label501 - id1433))) - ie1431)) - (import-interface-new-marks377 - import-iface1430)) - (extend-ribcage-subst!409 - ribcage1429 - import-iface1430))) - (interface-exports449 - (import-interface-interface376 - import-iface1430))))) - (parse-module503 (lambda (e1405 w1404 ae1403 *w1402) - (letrec ((listify1406 (lambda (exports1423) - (if (null? - exports1423) - '() - (cons - ((lambda (tmp1424) - ((lambda (tmp1425) - (if tmp1425 - (apply - (lambda (ex1426) - (listify1406 - ex1426)) - tmp1425) - ((lambda (x1428) - (if (id?310 - x1428) - (wrap438 - x1428 - *w1402) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1405 - w1404 - ae1403) - '"invalid exports list in"))) - tmp1424))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1424 - 'each-any))) - (car exports1423)) - (listify1406 - (cdr exports1423))))))) - ((lambda (tmp1407) - ((lambda (tmp1408) - (if (if tmp1408 - (apply - (lambda (_1413 orig1412 - mid1411 ex1410 - form1409) - (id?310 mid1411)) - tmp1408) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_1418 orig1417 - mid1416 ex1415 - form1414) - (values - orig1417 - (wrap438 mid1416 w1404) - (listify1406 ex1415) - (map (lambda (x1420) - (wrap438 - x1420 - *w1402)) - form1414))) - tmp1408) - ((lambda (_1422) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1405 - w1404 - ae1403))) - tmp1407))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1407 - '(any any any each-any . - each-any)))) - e1405)))) - (parse-import504 (lambda (e1385 w1384 ae1383) - ((lambda (tmp1386) - ((lambda (tmp1387) - (if (if tmp1387 - (apply - (lambda (_1390 orig1389 - mid1388) - (id?310 mid1388)) - tmp1387) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_1393 orig1392 mid1391) - (values - orig1392 - '#t - (wrap438 mid1391 w1384))) - tmp1387) - ((lambda (tmp1394) - (if (if tmp1394 - (apply - (lambda (_1397 - orig1396 - mid1395) - (id?310 mid1395)) - tmp1394) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_1400 orig1399 - mid1398) - (values - orig1399 - '#f - (wrap438 - mid1398 - w1384))) - tmp1394) - ((lambda (_1401) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1385 - w1384 - ae1383))) - tmp1386))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1386 - '(any any #(atom #f) any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1386 - '(any any #(atom #t) any)))) - e1385))) - (parse-define505 (lambda (e1356 w1355 ae1354) - ((lambda (tmp1357) - ((lambda (tmp1358) - (if (if tmp1358 - (apply - (lambda (_1361 name1360 - val1359) - (id?310 name1360)) - tmp1358) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_1364 name1363 val1362) - (values - name1363 - val1362 - w1355)) - tmp1358) - ((lambda (tmp1365) - (if (if tmp1365 - (apply - (lambda (_1370 - name1369 - args1368 - e11367 - e21366) - (if (id?310 - name1369) - (valid-bound-ids?434 - (lambda-var-list519 - args1368)) - '#f)) - tmp1365) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_1375 name1374 - args1373 e11372 - e21371) - (values - (wrap438 - name1374 - w1355) - (cons - '#(syntax-object lambda ((top) #(ribcage #(_ name args e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(e w ae) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) 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w1355) - '#(syntax-object (void) ((top) #(ribcage #(_ name) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(e w ae) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) 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w1331) - (cons - '#(syntax-object lambda ((top) #(ribcage #(_ name id e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(e w ae) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) 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ae1322) - ((lambda (tmp1325) - ((lambda (tmp1326) - (if tmp1326 - (apply - (lambda (_1328 form1327) form1327) - tmp1326) - ((lambda (_1329) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1324 - w1323 - ae1322))) - tmp1325))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp1325 '(any . any)))) - e1324))) - (parse-eval-when508 (lambda (e1312 w1311 ae1310) - ((lambda (tmp1313) - ((lambda (tmp1314) - (if tmp1314 - (apply - (lambda (_1318 x1317 e11316 - e21315) - (values - (chi-when-list440 - x1317 - w1311) - (cons e11316 e21315))) - tmp1314) - ((lambda (_1321) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1312 - w1311 - ae1310))) - tmp1313))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1313 - '(any each-any any . each-any)))) - e1312))) - (parse-alias509 (lambda (e1300 w1299 ae1298) - ((lambda (tmp1301) - ((lambda (tmp1302) - (if (if tmp1302 - (apply - (lambda (_1305 new-id1304 - old-id1303) - (if (id?310 new-id1304) - (id?310 old-id1303) - '#f)) - tmp1302) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_1308 new-id1307 - old-id1306) - (values new-id1307 old-id1306)) - tmp1302) - ((lambda (_1309) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1300 - w1299 - ae1298))) - tmp1301))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1301 - '(any any any)))) - e1300))) - (parse-begin510 (lambda (e1287 w1286 ae1285 empty-okay?1284) - ((lambda (tmp1288) - ((lambda (tmp1289) - (if (if tmp1289 - (apply - (lambda (_1290) - empty-okay?1284) - tmp1289) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_1291) '()) - tmp1289) - ((lambda (tmp1292) - (if tmp1292 - (apply - (lambda (_1295 e11294 - e21293) - (cons e11294 e21293)) - tmp1292) - ((lambda (_1297) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1287 - w1286 - ae1285))) - tmp1288))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1288 - '(any any . each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp1288 '(any)))) - e1287))) - (chi-lambda-clause511 (lambda (e1261 c1260 r1259 mr1258 - w1257 m?1256) - ((lambda (tmp1262) - ((lambda (tmp1263) - (if tmp1263 - (apply - (lambda (id1266 e11265 - e21264) - ((lambda (ids1267) - (if (not (valid-bound-ids?434 - ids1267)) - (syntax-error - e1261 - '"invalid parameter list in") - ((lambda (labels1269 - new-vars1268) - (values - new-vars1268 - (chi-body498 - (cons - e11265 - e21264) - e1261 - (extend-var-env*301 - labels1269 - new-vars1268 - r1259) - mr1258 - (make-binding-wrap412 - ids1267 - labels1269 - w1257) - m?1256))) - (gen-labels359 - ids1267) - (map gen-var518 - ids1267)))) - id1266)) - tmp1263) - ((lambda (tmp1272) - (if tmp1272 - (apply - (lambda (ids1275 - e11274 - e21273) - ((lambda (old-ids1276) - (if (not (valid-bound-ids?434 - old-ids1276)) - (syntax-error - e1261 - '"invalid parameter list in") - ((lambda (labels1278 - new-vars1277) - (values - ((letrec ((f1280 (lambda (ls11282 - ls21281) - (if (null? - ls11282) - ls21281 - (f1280 - (cdr ls11282) - (cons - (car ls11282) - ls21281)))))) - f1280) - (cdr new-vars1277) - (car new-vars1277)) - (chi-body498 - (cons - e11274 - e21273) - e1261 - (extend-var-env*301 - labels1278 - new-vars1277 - r1259) - mr1258 - (make-binding-wrap412 - old-ids1276 - labels1278 - w1257) - m?1256))) - (gen-labels359 - old-ids1276) - (map gen-var518 - old-ids1276)))) - (lambda-var-list519 - ids1275))) - tmp1272) - ((lambda (_1283) - (syntax-error - e1261)) - tmp1262))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1262 - '(any any . each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1262 - '(each-any any . each-any)))) - c1260))) - (chi-local-syntax512 (lambda (rec?1237 e1236 r1235 mr1234 - w1233 ae1232) - ((lambda (tmp1238) - ((lambda (tmp1239) - (if tmp1239 - (apply - (lambda (_1244 id1243 - val1242 e11241 - e21240) - ((lambda (ids1245) - (if (not (valid-bound-ids?434 - ids1245)) - (invalid-ids-error436 - (map (lambda (x1246) - (wrap438 - x1246 - w1233)) - ids1245) - (source-wrap439 - e1236 - w1233 - ae1232) - '"keyword") - ((lambda (labels1247) - ((lambda (new-w1248) - ((lambda (b*1249) - (values - (cons - e11241 - e21240) - (extend-env*300 - labels1247 - b*1249 - r1235) - (extend-env*300 - labels1247 - b*1249 - mr1234) - new-w1248 - ae1232)) - ((lambda (w1251) - (map (lambda (x1253) - (defer-or-eval-transformer307 - local-eval-hook134 - (chi493 - x1253 - mr1234 - mr1234 - w1251 - '#t))) - val1242)) - (if rec?1237 - new-w1248 - w1233)))) - (make-binding-wrap412 - ids1245 - labels1247 - w1233))) - (gen-labels359 - ids1245)))) - id1243)) - tmp1239) - ((lambda (_1255) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 - e1236 - w1233 - ae1232))) - tmp1238))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1238 - '(any #(each (any any)) - any - . - each-any)))) - e1236))) - (chi-void513 (lambda () (list 'void))) - (ellipsis?514 (lambda (x1231) - (if (nonsymbol-id?309 x1231) - (literal-id=?431 - x1231 - '#(syntax-object ... ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? 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x1230) - (cons - (strip-annotation515 (car x1230)) - (strip-annotation515 (cdr x1230))) - (if (annotation?132 x1230) - (annotation-stripped x1230) - x1230)))) - (strip*516 (lambda (x1223 w1222 fn1221) - (if (memq 'top (wrap-marks320 w1222)) - (fn1221 x1223) - ((letrec ((f1224 (lambda (x1225) - (if (syntax-object?64 - x1225) - (strip*516 - (syntax-object-expression65 - x1225) - (syntax-object-wrap66 - x1225) - fn1221) - (if (pair? x1225) - ((lambda (a1227 - d1226) - (if (if (eq? a1227 - (car x1225)) - (eq? d1226 - (cdr x1225)) - '#f) - x1225 - (cons - a1227 - d1226))) - (f1224 - (car x1225)) - (f1224 - (cdr x1225))) - (if (vector? x1225) - ((lambda (old1228) - ((lambda (new1229) - (if (andmap - eq? - old1228 - new1229) - x1225 - (list->vector - new1229))) - (map f1224 - old1228))) - (vector->list - x1225)) - x1225)))))) - f1224) - x1223)))) - (strip517 (lambda (x1218 w1217) - (strip*516 - x1218 - w1217 - (lambda (x1219) - (if ((lambda (t1220) - (if t1220 - t1220 - (if (pair? x1219) - (annotation?132 (car x1219)) - '#f))) - (annotation?132 x1219)) - (strip-annotation515 x1219) - x1219))))) - (gen-var518 (lambda (id1215) - ((lambda (id1216) - (if (annotation?132 id1216) - (gensym) - (gensym))) - (if (syntax-object?64 id1215) - (syntax-object-expression65 id1215) - id1215)))) - (lambda-var-list519 (lambda (vars1210) - ((letrec ((lvl1211 (lambda (vars1214 - ls1213 w1212) - (if (pair? vars1214) - (lvl1211 - (cdr vars1214) - (cons - (wrap438 - (car vars1214) - w1212) - ls1213) - w1212) - (if (id?310 - vars1214) - (cons - (wrap438 - vars1214 - w1212) - ls1213) - (if (null? - vars1214) - ls1213 - (if (syntax-object?64 - vars1214) - (lvl1211 - (syntax-object-expression65 - vars1214) - ls1213 - (join-wraps417 - w1212 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - vars1214))) - (if (annotation?132 - vars1214) - (lvl1211 - (annotation-expression - vars1214) - ls1213 - w1212) - (cons - vars1214 - ls1213))))))))) - lvl1211) - vars1210 - '() - '(()))))) - (begin - (set! $sc-put-cte - (lambda (id1191 b1190 top-token1189) - (letrec ((sc-put-module1192 (lambda (exports1208 token1207 - new-marks1206) - (vfor-each483 - (lambda (id1209) - (store-import-binding411 - id1209 - token1207 - new-marks1206)) - exports1208))) - (put-cte1193 (lambda (id1204 binding1203 token1202) - ((lambda (sym1205) - (begin - (store-import-binding411 - id1204 - token1202 - '()) - (put-global-definition-hook143 - sym1205 - (if (if (eq? (binding-type285 - binding1203) - 'global) - (eq? (binding-value286 - binding1203) - sym1205) - '#f) - '#f - binding1203)))) - (if (symbol? id1204) - id1204 - (id-var-name429 id1204 '(()))))))) - ((lambda (binding1194) - ((lambda (t1195) - (if (memv t1195 '($module)) - (begin - ((lambda (iface1196) - (sc-put-module1192 - (interface-exports449 iface1196) - (interface-token450 iface1196) - '())) - (binding-value286 binding1194)) - (put-cte1193 id1191 binding1194 top-token1189)) - (if (memv t1195 '(do-alias)) - (store-import-binding411 - id1191 - top-token1189 - '()) - (if (memv t1195 '(do-import)) - ((lambda (token1197) - ((lambda (b1198) - ((lambda (t1199) - (if (memv t1199 '($module)) - ((lambda (iface1200) - ((lambda (exports1201) - ((lambda () - (begin - (if (not (eq? (interface-token450 - iface1200) - token1197)) - (syntax-error - id1191 - '"import mismatch for module") - (void)) - (sc-put-module1192 - (interface-exports449 - iface1200) - top-token1189 - (import-mark-delta500 - id1191 - iface1200)))))) - (interface-exports449 - iface1200))) - (binding-value286 b1198)) - (syntax-error - id1191 - '"unknown module"))) - (binding-type285 b1198))) - (lookup305 - (id-var-name429 id1191 '(())) - '()))) - (binding-value286 b1190)) - (put-cte1193 - id1191 - binding1194 - top-token1189))))) - (binding-type285 binding1194))) - (make-transformer-binding306 b1190))))) - (global-extend308 'local-syntax 'letrec-syntax '#t) - (global-extend308 'local-syntax 'let-syntax '#f) - (global-extend308 - 'core - 'fluid-let-syntax - (lambda (e1163 r1162 mr1161 w1160 ae1159 m?1158) - ((lambda (tmp1164) - ((lambda (tmp1165) - (if (if tmp1165 - (apply - (lambda (_1170 var1169 val1168 e11167 e21166) - (valid-bound-ids?434 var1169)) - tmp1165) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_1176 var1175 val1174 e11173 e21172) - ((lambda (names1177) - (begin - (for-each - (lambda (id1184 n1183) - ((lambda (t1185) - (if (memv t1185 '(displaced-lexical)) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - (wrap438 id1184 w1160)) - (void))) - (binding-type285 - (lookup305 n1183 r1162)))) - var1175 - names1177) - ((lambda (b*1178) - (chi-body498 (cons e11173 e21172) - (source-wrap439 e1163 w1160 ae1159) - (extend-env*300 names1177 b*1178 r1162) - (extend-env*300 names1177 b*1178 mr1161) - w1160 m?1158)) - (map (lambda (x1181) - (defer-or-eval-transformer307 - local-eval-hook134 - (chi493 x1181 mr1161 mr1161 w1160 - '#t))) - val1174)))) - (map (lambda (x1187) - (id-var-name429 x1187 w1160)) - var1175))) - tmp1165) - ((lambda (_1188) - (syntax-error (source-wrap439 e1163 w1160 ae1159))) - tmp1164))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1164 - '(any #(each (any any)) any . each-any)))) - e1163))) - (global-extend308 - 'core - 'quote - (lambda (e1152 r1151 mr1150 w1149 ae1148 m?1147) - ((lambda (tmp1153) - ((lambda (tmp1154) - (if tmp1154 - (apply - (lambda (_1156 e1155) - (list 'quote (strip517 e1155 w1149))) - tmp1154) - ((lambda (_1157) - (syntax-error (source-wrap439 e1152 w1149 ae1148))) - tmp1153))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp1153 '(any any)))) - e1152))) - (global-extend308 - 'core - 'syntax - ((lambda () - (letrec ((gen-syntax1031 (lambda (src1092 e1091 r1090 - maps1089 ellipsis?1088 - vec?1087) - (if (id?310 e1091) - ((lambda (label1093) - ((lambda (b1094) - (if (eq? (binding-type285 - b1094) - 'syntax) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - ((lambda (var.lev1097) - (gen-ref1032 - src1092 - (car var.lev1097) - (cdr var.lev1097) - maps1089)) - (binding-value286 - b1094))) - (lambda (var1096 - maps1095) - (values - (list - 'ref - var1096) - maps1095))) - (if (ellipsis?1088 - e1091) - (syntax-error - src1092 - '"misplaced ellipsis in syntax form") - (values - (list - 'quote - e1091) - maps1089)))) - (lookup305 - label1093 - r1090))) - (id-var-name429 e1091 '(()))) - ((lambda (tmp1098) - ((lambda (tmp1099) - (if (if tmp1099 - (apply - (lambda (dots1101 - e1100) - (ellipsis?1088 - dots1101)) - tmp1099) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (dots1103 - e1102) - (if vec?1087 - (syntax-error - src1092 - '"misplaced ellipsis in syntax template") - (gen-syntax1031 - src1092 - e1102 r1090 - maps1089 - (lambda (x1104) - '#f) - '#f))) - tmp1099) - ((lambda (tmp1105) - (if (if tmp1105 - (apply - (lambda (x1108 - dots1107 - y1106) - (ellipsis?1088 - dots1107)) - tmp1105) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (x1111 - dots1110 - y1109) - ((letrec ((f1112 (lambda (y1114 - k1113) - ((lambda (tmp1115) - ((lambda (tmp1116) - (if (if tmp1116 - (apply - (lambda (dots1118 - y1117) - (ellipsis?1088 - dots1118)) - tmp1116) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (dots1120 - y1119) - (f1112 - y1119 - (lambda (maps1121) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (k1113 - (cons - '() - maps1121))) - (lambda (x1123 - maps1122) - (if (null? - (car maps1122)) - (syntax-error - src1092 - '"extra ellipsis in syntax form") - (values - (gen-mappend1034 - x1123 - (car maps1122)) - (cdr maps1122)))))))) - tmp1116) - ((lambda (_1124) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (gen-syntax1031 - src1092 - y1114 - r1090 - maps1089 - ellipsis?1088 - vec?1087)) - (lambda (y1126 - maps1125) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (k1113 - maps1125)) - (lambda (x1128 - maps1127) - (values - (gen-append1033 - x1128 - y1126) - maps1127)))))) - tmp1115))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1115 - '(any . - any)))) - y1114)))) - f1112) - y1109 - (lambda (maps1129) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (gen-syntax1031 - src1092 - x1111 - r1090 - (cons - '() - maps1129) - ellipsis?1088 - '#f)) - (lambda (x1131 - maps1130) - (if (null? - (car maps1130)) - (syntax-error - src1092 - '"extra ellipsis in syntax form") - (values - (gen-map1035 - x1131 - (car maps1130)) - (cdr maps1130)))))))) - tmp1105) - ((lambda (tmp1132) - (if tmp1132 - (apply - (lambda (x1134 - y1133) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (gen-syntax1031 - src1092 - x1134 - r1090 - maps1089 - ellipsis?1088 - '#f)) - (lambda (xnew1136 - maps1135) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (gen-syntax1031 - src1092 - y1133 - r1090 - maps1135 - ellipsis?1088 - vec?1087)) - (lambda (ynew1138 - maps1137) - (values - (gen-cons1036 - e1091 - x1134 - y1133 - xnew1136 - ynew1138) - maps1137)))))) - tmp1132) - ((lambda (tmp1139) - (if tmp1139 - (apply - (lambda (x11141 - x21140) - ((lambda (ls1142) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (gen-syntax1031 - src1092 - ls1142 - r1090 - maps1089 - ellipsis?1088 - '#t)) - (lambda (lsnew1144 - maps1143) - (values - (gen-vector1037 - e1091 - ls1142 - lsnew1144) - maps1143)))) - (cons - x11141 - x21140))) - tmp1139) - ((lambda (_1146) - (values - (list - 'quote - e1091) - maps1089)) - tmp1098))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1098 - '#(vector - (any . - each-any)))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1098 - '(any . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1098 - '(any any - . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1098 - '(any any)))) - e1091)))) - (gen-ref1032 (lambda (src1082 var1081 level1080 - maps1079) - (if (= level1080 '0) - (values var1081 maps1079) - (if (null? maps1079) - (syntax-error - src1082 - '"missing ellipsis in syntax form") - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (gen-ref1032 - src1082 - var1081 - (fx- level1080 '1) - (cdr maps1079))) - (lambda (outer-var1084 - outer-maps1083) - ((lambda (b1085) - (if b1085 - (values - (cdr b1085) - maps1079) - ((lambda (inner-var1086) - (values - inner-var1086 - (cons - (cons - (cons - outer-var1084 - inner-var1086) - (car maps1079)) - outer-maps1083))) - (gen-var518 - 'tmp)))) - (assq - outer-var1084 - (car maps1079))))))))) - (gen-append1033 (lambda (x1078 y1077) - (if (equal? y1077 ''()) - x1078 - (list 'append x1078 y1077)))) - (gen-mappend1034 (lambda (e1076 map-env1075) - (list - 'apply - '(primitive append) - (gen-map1035 - e1076 - map-env1075)))) - (gen-map1035 (lambda (e1068 map-env1067) - ((lambda (formals1070 actuals1069) - (if (eq? (car e1068) 'ref) - (car actuals1069) - (if (andmap - (lambda (x1071) - (if (eq? (car x1071) - 'ref) - (memq - (cadr x1071) - formals1070) - '#f)) - (cdr e1068)) - (cons - 'map - (cons - (list - 'primitive - (car e1068)) - (map ((lambda (r1072) - (lambda (x1073) - (cdr (assq - (cadr - x1073) - r1072)))) - (map cons - formals1070 - actuals1069)) - (cdr e1068)))) - (cons - 'map - (cons - (list - 'lambda - formals1070 - e1068) - actuals1069))))) - (map cdr map-env1067) - (map (lambda (x1074) - (list 'ref (car x1074))) - map-env1067)))) - (gen-cons1036 (lambda (e1063 x1062 y1061 xnew1060 - ynew1059) - ((lambda (t1064) - (if (memv t1064 '(quote)) - (if (eq? (car xnew1060) 'quote) - ((lambda (xnew1066 - ynew1065) - (if (if (eq? xnew1066 - x1062) - (eq? ynew1065 - y1061) - '#f) - (list 'quote e1063) - (list - 'quote - (cons - xnew1066 - ynew1065)))) - (cadr xnew1060) - (cadr ynew1059)) - (if (eq? (cadr ynew1059) - '()) - (list 'list xnew1060) - (list - 'cons - xnew1060 - ynew1059))) - (if (memv t1064 '(list)) - (cons - 'list - (cons - xnew1060 - (cdr ynew1059))) - (list - 'cons - xnew1060 - ynew1059)))) - (car ynew1059)))) - (gen-vector1037 (lambda (e1058 ls1057 lsnew1056) - (if (eq? (car lsnew1056) 'quote) - (if (eq? (cadr lsnew1056) - ls1057) - (list 'quote e1058) - (list - 'quote - (list->vector - (cadr lsnew1056)))) - (if (eq? (car lsnew1056) 'list) - (cons - 'vector - (cdr lsnew1056)) - (list - 'list->vector - lsnew1056))))) - (regen1038 (lambda (x1053) - ((lambda (t1054) - (if (memv t1054 '(ref)) - (cadr x1053) - (if (memv t1054 '(primitive)) - (cadr x1053) - (if (memv t1054 '(quote)) - (list 'quote (cadr x1053)) - (if (memv t1054 '(lambda)) - (list - 'lambda - (cadr x1053) - (regen1038 - (caddr x1053))) - (if (memv - t1054 - '(map)) - ((lambda (ls1055) - (cons - (if (= (length - ls1055) - '2) - 'map - 'map) - ls1055)) - (map regen1038 - (cdr x1053))) - (cons - (car x1053) - (map regen1038 - (cdr x1053))))))))) - (car x1053))))) - (lambda (e1044 r1043 mr1042 w1041 ae1040 m?1039) - ((lambda (e1045) - ((lambda (tmp1046) - ((lambda (tmp1047) - (if tmp1047 - (apply - (lambda (_1049 x1048) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (gen-syntax1031 e1045 x1048 r1043 '() - ellipsis?514 '#f)) - (lambda (e1051 maps1050) - (regen1038 e1051)))) - tmp1047) - ((lambda (_1052) (syntax-error e1045)) - tmp1046))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp1046 '(any any)))) - e1045)) - (source-wrap439 e1044 w1041 ae1040))))))) - (global-extend308 - 'core - 'lambda - (lambda (e1024 r1023 mr1022 w1021 ae1020 m?1019) - ((lambda (tmp1025) - ((lambda (tmp1026) - (if tmp1026 - (apply - (lambda (_1028 c1027) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (chi-lambda-clause511 - (source-wrap439 e1024 w1021 ae1020) c1027 - r1023 mr1022 w1021 m?1019)) - (lambda (vars1030 body1029) - (list 'lambda vars1030 body1029)))) - tmp1026) - (syntax-error tmp1025))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp1025 '(any . any)))) - e1024))) - (global-extend308 - 'core - 'letrec - (lambda (e1000 r999 mr998 w997 ae996 m?995) - ((lambda (tmp1001) - ((lambda (tmp1002) - (if tmp1002 - (apply - (lambda (_1007 id1006 val1005 e11004 e21003) - ((lambda (ids1008) - (if (not (valid-bound-ids?434 ids1008)) - (invalid-ids-error436 - (map (lambda (x1009) - (wrap438 x1009 w997)) - ids1008) - (source-wrap439 e1000 w997 ae996) - '"bound variable") - ((lambda (labels1011 new-vars1010) - ((lambda (w1013 r1012) - (build-letrec240 - ae996 - new-vars1010 - (map (lambda (x1016) - (chi493 x1016 r1012 mr998 - w1013 m?995)) - val1005) - (chi-body498 (cons e11004 e21003) - (source-wrap439 - e1000 - w1013 - ae996) - r1012 mr998 w1013 m?995))) - (make-binding-wrap412 - ids1008 - labels1011 - w997) - (extend-var-env*301 - labels1011 - new-vars1010 - r999))) - (gen-labels359 ids1008) - (map gen-var518 ids1008)))) - id1006)) - tmp1002) - ((lambda (_1018) - (syntax-error (source-wrap439 e1000 w997 ae996))) - tmp1001))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp1001 - '(any #(each (any any)) any . each-any)))) - e1000))) - (global-extend308 - 'core - 'if - (lambda (e983 r982 mr981 w980 ae979 m?978) - ((lambda (tmp984) - ((lambda (tmp985) - (if tmp985 - (apply - (lambda (_988 test987 then986) - (list - 'if - (chi493 test987 r982 mr981 w980 m?978) - (chi493 then986 r982 mr981 w980 m?978) - (chi-void513))) - tmp985) - ((lambda (tmp989) - (if tmp989 - (apply - (lambda (_993 test992 then991 else990) - (list - 'if - (chi493 test992 r982 mr981 w980 m?978) - (chi493 then991 r982 mr981 w980 m?978) - (chi493 else990 r982 mr981 w980 m?978))) - tmp989) - ((lambda (_994) - (syntax-error - (source-wrap439 e983 w980 ae979))) - tmp984))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp984 '(any any any any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp984 '(any any any)))) - e983))) - (global-extend308 'set! 'set! '()) - (global-extend308 'alias 'alias '()) - (global-extend308 'begin 'begin '()) - (global-extend308 '$module-key '$module '()) - (global-extend308 '$import '$import '()) - (global-extend308 'define 'define '()) - (global-extend308 'define-syntax 'define-syntax '()) - (global-extend308 'eval-when 'eval-when '()) - (global-extend308 'meta 'meta '()) - (global-extend308 - 'core - 'syntax-case - ((lambda () - (letrec ((convert-pattern850 (lambda (pattern927 keys926) - (letrec ((cvt*928 (lambda (p*973 - n972 - ids971) - (if (null? - p*973) - (values - '() - ids971) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (cvt*928 - (cdr p*973) - n972 - ids971)) - (lambda (y975 - ids974) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (cvt929 - (car p*973) - n972 - ids974)) - (lambda (x977 - ids976) - (values - (cons - x977 - y975) - ids976)))))))) - (cvt929 (lambda (p932 - n931 - ids930) - (if (id?310 - p932) - (if (bound-id-member?437 - p932 - keys926) - (values - (vector - 'free-id - p932) - ids930) - (values - 'any - (cons - (cons - p932 - n931) - ids930))) - ((lambda (tmp933) - ((lambda (tmp934) - (if (if tmp934 - (apply - (lambda (x936 - dots935) - (ellipsis?514 - dots935)) - tmp934) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (x938 - dots937) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (cvt929 - x938 - (+ n931 - '1) - ids930)) - (lambda (p940 - ids939) - (values - (if (eq? p940 - 'any) - 'each-any - (vector - 'each - p940)) - ids939)))) - tmp934) - ((lambda (tmp941) - (if (if tmp941 - (apply - (lambda (x945 - dots944 - y943 - z942) - (ellipsis?514 - dots944)) - tmp941) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (x949 - dots948 - y947 - z946) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (cvt929 - z946 - n931 - ids930)) - (lambda (z951 - ids950) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (cvt*928 - y947 - n931 - ids950)) - (lambda (y953 - ids952) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (cvt929 - x949 - (+ n931 - '1) - ids952)) - (lambda (x955 - ids954) - (values - (vector - 'each+ - x955 - (reverse - y953) - z951) - ids954)))))))) - tmp941) - ((lambda (tmp957) - (if tmp957 - (apply - (lambda (x959 - y958) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (cvt929 - y958 - n931 - ids930)) - (lambda (y961 - ids960) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (cvt929 - x959 - n931 - ids960)) - (lambda (x963 - ids962) - (values - (cons - x963 - y961) - ids962)))))) - tmp957) - ((lambda (tmp964) - (if tmp964 - (apply - (lambda () - (values - '() - ids930)) - tmp964) - ((lambda (tmp965) - (if tmp965 - (apply - (lambda (x966) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (cvt929 - x966 - n931 - ids930)) - (lambda (p968 - ids967) - (values - (vector - 'vector - p968) - ids967)))) - tmp965) - ((lambda (x970) - (values - (vector - 'atom - (strip517 - p932 - '(()))) - ids930)) - tmp933))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp933 - '#(vector - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp933 - '())))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp933 - '(any . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp933 - '(any any - . - #(each+ - any - () - any)))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp933 - '(any any)))) - p932))))) - (cvt929 pattern927 '0 '())))) - (build-dispatch-call851 (lambda (pvars919 exp918 y917 - r916 mr915 m?914) - ((lambda (ids921 levels920) - ((lambda (labels923 - new-vars922) - (list - 'apply - (list - 'lambda - new-vars922 - (chi493 exp918 - (extend-env*300 - labels923 - (map (lambda (var925 - level924) - (cons - 'syntax - (cons - var925 - level924))) - new-vars922 - (map cdr - pvars919)) - r916) - mr915 - (make-binding-wrap412 - ids921 - labels923 - '(())) - m?914)) - y917)) - (gen-labels359 ids921) - (map gen-var518 - ids921))) - (map car pvars919) - (map cdr pvars919)))) - (gen-clause852 (lambda (x897 keys896 clauses895 r894 - mr893 m?892 pat891 fender890 - exp889) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (convert-pattern850 - pat891 - keys896)) - (lambda (p899 pvars898) - (if (not (distinct-bound-ids?435 - (map car pvars898))) - (invalid-ids-error436 - (map car pvars898) - pat891 - '"pattern variable") - (if (not (andmap - (lambda (x900) - (not (ellipsis?514 - (car x900)))) - pvars898)) - (syntax-error - pat891 - '"misplaced ellipsis in syntax-case pattern") - ((lambda (y901) - (list - (list - 'lambda - (list y901) - (list - 'if - ((lambda (tmp911) - ((lambda (tmp912) - (if tmp912 - (apply - (lambda () - y901) - tmp912) - ((lambda (_913) - (list - 'if - y901 - (build-dispatch-call851 - pvars898 - fender890 - y901 - r894 - mr893 - m?892) - (list - 'quote - '#f))) - tmp911))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp911 - '#(atom - #t)))) - fender890) - (build-dispatch-call851 - pvars898 - exp889 y901 - r894 mr893 - m?892) - (gen-syntax-case853 - x897 keys896 - clauses895 - r894 mr893 - m?892))) - (if (eq? p899 'any) - (list - 'list - x897) - (list - '$syntax-dispatch - x897 - (list - 'quote - p899))))) - (gen-var518 - 'tmp)))))))) - (gen-syntax-case853 (lambda (x877 keys876 clauses875 - r874 mr873 m?872) - (if (null? clauses875) - (list 'syntax-error x877) - ((lambda (tmp878) - ((lambda (tmp879) - (if tmp879 - (apply - (lambda (pat881 - exp880) - (if (if (id?310 - pat881) - (if (not (bound-id-member?437 - pat881 - keys876)) - (not (ellipsis?514 - pat881)) - '#f) - '#f) - ((lambda (label883 - var882) - (list - (list - 'lambda - (list - var882) - (chi493 - exp880 - (extend-env299 - label883 - (cons - 'syntax - (cons - var882 - '0)) - r874) - mr873 - (make-binding-wrap412 - (list - pat881) - (list - label883) - '(())) - m?872)) - x877)) - (gen-label357) - (gen-var518 - pat881)) - (gen-clause852 - x877 - keys876 - (cdr clauses875) - r874 - mr873 - m?872 - pat881 - '#t - exp880))) - tmp879) - ((lambda (tmp884) - (if tmp884 - (apply - (lambda (pat887 - fender886 - exp885) - (gen-clause852 - x877 - keys876 - (cdr clauses875) - r874 - mr873 - m?872 - pat887 - fender886 - exp885)) - tmp884) - ((lambda (_888) - (syntax-error - (car clauses875) - '"invalid syntax-case clause")) - tmp878))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp878 - '(any any - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp878 - '(any any)))) - (car clauses875)))))) - (lambda (e859 r858 mr857 w856 ae855 m?854) - ((lambda (e860) - ((lambda (tmp861) - ((lambda (tmp862) - (if tmp862 - (apply - (lambda (_866 val865 key864 m863) - (if (andmap - (lambda (x868) - (if (id?310 x868) - (not (ellipsis?514 x868)) - '#f)) - key864) - ((lambda (x869) - (list - (list - 'lambda - (list x869) - (gen-syntax-case853 x869 key864 - m863 r858 mr857 m?854)) - (chi493 val865 r858 mr857 '(()) - m?854))) - (gen-var518 'tmp)) - (syntax-error - e860 - '"invalid literals list in"))) - tmp862) - (syntax-error tmp861))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp861 - '(any any each-any . each-any)))) - e860)) - (source-wrap439 e859 w856 ae855))))))) - (put-cte-hook141 - 'module - (lambda (x819) - (letrec ((proper-export?820 (lambda (e843) - ((lambda (tmp844) - ((lambda (tmp845) - (if tmp845 - (apply - (lambda (id847 e846) - (if (identifier? - id847) - (andmap - proper-export?820 - e846) - '#f)) - tmp845) - ((lambda (id849) - (identifier? id849)) - tmp844))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp844 - '(any . each-any)))) - e843)))) - ((lambda (tmp821) - ((lambda (orig822) - ((lambda (tmp823) - ((lambda (tmp824) - (if tmp824 - (apply - (lambda (_827 e826 d825) - (if (andmap proper-export?820 e826) - (list - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e d) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (proper-export?) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e d) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (proper-export?) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig822 - (cons - '#(syntax-object anon ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e d) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (proper-export?) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons e826 d825)))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e d) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (proper-export?) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig822 - '#(syntax-object (#f anon) ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e d) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (proper-export?) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))))) - (syntax-error - x819 - '"invalid exports list in"))) - tmp824) - ((lambda (tmp831) - (if (if tmp831 - (apply - (lambda (_835 m834 e833 d832) - (identifier? m834)) - tmp831) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_839 m838 e837 d836) - (if (andmap proper-export?820 e837) - (cons - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(_ m e d) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (proper-export?) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig822 - (cons - m838 - (cons e837 d836)))) - (syntax-error - x819 - '"invalid exports list in"))) - tmp831) - (syntax-error tmp823))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp823 - '(any any each-any . each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp823 - '(any each-any . each-any)))) - x819)) - tmp821)) - x819)))) - ((lambda () - (letrec (($module-exports622 (lambda (m811 r810) - ((lambda (b812) - ((lambda (t813) - (if (memv t813 '($module)) - ((lambda (interface814) - ((lambda (new-marks815) - ((lambda () - (vmap482 - (lambda (x816) - ((lambda (id817) - (make-syntax-object63 - (syntax-object->datum - id817) - ((lambda (marks818) - (make-wrap319 - marks818 - (if (eq? (car marks818) - '#f) - (cons - 'shift - (wrap-subst321 - '((top)))) - (wrap-subst321 - '((top)))))) - (join-marks418 - new-marks815 - (wrap-marks320 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - id817)))))) - (if (pair? - x816) - (car x816) - x816))) - (interface-exports449 - interface814))))) - (import-mark-delta500 - m811 - interface814))) - (binding-value286 - b812)) - (if (memv - t813 - '(displaced-lexical)) - (displaced-lexical-error303 - m811) - (syntax-error - m811 - '"unknown module")))) - (binding-type285 b812))) - (r810 m811)))) - ($import-help623 (lambda (orig627 import-only?626) - (lambda (r628) - (letrec ((difference629 (lambda (ls1809 - ls2808) - (if (null? - ls1809) - ls1809 - (if (bound-id-member?437 - (car ls1809) - ls2808) - (difference629 - (cdr ls1809) - ls2808) - (cons - (car ls1809) - (difference629 - (cdr ls1809) - ls2808)))))) - (prefix-add630 (lambda (prefix-id805) - ((lambda (prefix806) - (lambda (id807) - (datum->syntax-object - id807 - (string->symbol - (string-append - prefix806 - (symbol->string - (syntax-object->datum - id807))))))) - (symbol->string - (syntax-object->datum - prefix-id805))))) - (prefix-drop631 (lambda (prefix-id799) - ((lambda (prefix800) - (lambda (id801) - ((lambda (s802) - ((lambda (np804 - ns803) - (begin - (if (not (if (>= ns803 - np804) - (string=? - (substring - s802 - '0 - np804) - prefix800) - '#f)) - (syntax-error - id801 - (string-append - '"missing expected prefix " - prefix800)) - (void)) - (datum->syntax-object - id801 - (string->symbol - (substring - s802 - np804 - ns803))))) - (string-length - prefix800) - (string-length - s802))) - (symbol->string - (syntax-object->datum - id801))))) - (symbol->string - (syntax-object->datum - prefix-id799))))) - (gen-mid632 (lambda (mid798) - (datum->syntax-object - mid798 - (gensym)))) - (modspec633 (lambda (m649 - exports?648) - ((lambda (tmp650) - ((lambda (tmp651) - (if tmp651 - (apply - (lambda (orig653 - import-only?652) - ((lambda (tmp654) - ((lambda (tmp655) - (if (if tmp655 - (apply - (lambda (m657 - id656) - (andmap - identifier? - id656)) - tmp655) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (m660 - id659) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (modspec633 - m660 - '#f)) - (lambda (mid663 - d662 - exports661) - ((lambda (tmp664) - ((lambda (tmp665) - (if tmp665 - (apply - (lambda (d667 - tmid666) - (values - mid663 - (list - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - tmid666 - id659 - d667) - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - tmid666)) - (if exports?648 - id659 - '#f))) - tmp665) - (syntax-error - tmp664))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp664 - '(any any)))) - (list - d662 - (gen-mid632 - mid663)))))) - tmp655) - ((lambda (tmp670) - (if (if tmp670 - (apply - (lambda (m672 - id671) - (andmap - identifier? - id671)) - tmp670) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (m675 - id674) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (modspec633 - m675 - '#t)) - (lambda (mid678 - d677 - exports676) - ((lambda (tmp679) - ((lambda (tmp681) - (if tmp681 - (apply - (lambda (d684 - tmid683 - id682) - (values - mid678 - (list - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - tmid683 - id682 - d684) - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - tmid683)) - (if exports?648 - id682 - '#f))) - tmp681) - (syntax-error - tmp679))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp679 - '(any any - each-any)))) - (list - d677 - (gen-mid632 - mid678) - (difference629 - exports676 - id674)))))) - tmp670) - ((lambda (tmp687) - (if (if tmp687 - (apply - (lambda (m689 - prefix-id688) - (identifier? - prefix-id688)) - tmp687) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (m691 - prefix-id690) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (modspec633 - m691 - '#t)) - (lambda (mid694 - d693 - exports692) - ((lambda (tmp695) - ((lambda (tmp696) - (if tmp696 - (apply - (lambda (d701 - tmid700 - old-id699 - tmp698 - id697) - (values - mid694 - (list - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig653 - (cons - tmid700 - (cons - (map list - id697 - tmp698) - (cons - (cons - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig653 - (cons - tmid700 - (cons - (map list - tmp698 - old-id699) - (cons - d701 - (map (lambda (tmp708 - tmp707) - (list - '#(syntax-object alias ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tmp707 - tmp708)) - old-id699 - tmp698)))))) - (cons - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - tmid700) - (map (lambda (tmp710 - tmp709) - (list - '#(syntax-object alias ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tmp709 - tmp710)) - tmp698 - id697))))))) - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - tmid700)) - (if exports?648 - id697 - '#f))) - tmp696) - (syntax-error - tmp695))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp695 - '(any any - each-any - each-any - each-any)))) - (list - d693 - (gen-mid632 - mid694) - exports692 - (generate-temporaries - exports692) - (map (prefix-add630 - prefix-id690) - exports692)))))) - tmp687) - ((lambda (tmp711) - (if (if tmp711 - (apply - (lambda (m713 - prefix-id712) - (identifier? - prefix-id712)) - tmp711) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (m715 - prefix-id714) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (modspec633 - m715 - '#t)) - (lambda (mid718 - d717 - exports716) - ((lambda (tmp719) - ((lambda (tmp720) - (if tmp720 - (apply - (lambda (d725 - tmid724 - old-id723 - tmp722 - id721) - (values - mid718 - (list - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig653 - (cons - tmid724 - (cons - (map list - id721 - tmp722) - (cons - (cons - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig653 - (cons - tmid724 - (cons - (map list - tmp722 - old-id723) - (cons - d725 - (map (lambda (tmp732 - tmp731) - (list - '#(syntax-object alias ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tmp731 - tmp732)) - old-id723 - tmp722)))))) - (cons - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - tmid724) - (map (lambda (tmp734 - tmp733) - (list - '#(syntax-object alias ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tmp733 - tmp734)) - tmp722 - id721))))))) - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid old-id tmp id) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m prefix-id) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - tmid724)) - (if exports?648 - id721 - '#f))) - tmp720) - (syntax-error - tmp719))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp719 - '(any any - each-any - each-any - each-any)))) - (list - d717 - (gen-mid632 - mid718) - exports716 - (generate-temporaries - exports716) - (map (prefix-drop631 - prefix-id714) - exports716)))))) - tmp711) - ((lambda (tmp735) - (if (if tmp735 - (apply - (lambda (m738 - new-id737 - old-id736) - (if (andmap - identifier? - new-id737) - (andmap - identifier? - old-id736) - '#f)) - tmp735) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (m743 - new-id742 - old-id741) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (modspec633 - m743 - '#t)) - (lambda (mid746 - d745 - exports744) - ((lambda (tmp747) - ((lambda (tmp750) - (if tmp750 - (apply - (lambda (d754 - tmid753 - tmp752 - other-id751) - (values - mid746 - (list - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid tmp other-id) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid tmp other-id) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig653 - (cons - tmid753 - (cons - (append - (map list - new-id742 - tmp752) - other-id751) - (cons - (cons - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid tmp other-id) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig653 - (cons - tmid753 - (cons - (append - other-id751 - (map list - tmp752 - old-id741)) - (cons - d754 - (map (lambda (tmp764 - tmp763) - (list - '#(syntax-object alias ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid tmp other-id) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tmp763 - tmp764)) - old-id741 - tmp752)))))) - (cons - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid tmp other-id) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - tmid753) - (map (lambda (tmp766 - tmp765) - (list - '#(syntax-object alias ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid tmp other-id) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tmp765 - tmp766)) - tmp752 - new-id742))))))) - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid tmp other-id) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - tmid753)) - (if exports?648 - (append - new-id742 - other-id751) - '#f))) - tmp750) - (syntax-error - tmp747))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp747 - '(any any - each-any - each-any)))) - (list - d745 - (gen-mid632 - mid746) - (generate-temporaries - old-id741) - (difference629 - exports744 - old-id741)))))) - tmp735) - ((lambda (tmp767) - (if (if tmp767 - (apply - (lambda (m770 - new-id769 - old-id768) - (if (andmap - identifier? - new-id769) - (andmap - identifier? - old-id768) - '#f)) - tmp767) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (m775 - new-id774 - old-id773) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (modspec633 - m775 - '#t)) - (lambda (mid778 - d777 - exports776) - ((lambda (tmp779) - ((lambda (tmp780) - (if tmp780 - (apply - (lambda (d783 - tmid782 - other-id781) - (values - mid778 - (list - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid other-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object $module ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid other-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - orig653 - (cons - tmid782 - (cons - (append - (map list - new-id774 - old-id773) - other-id781) - (cons - d783 - (map (lambda (tmp790 - tmp789) - (list - '#(syntax-object alias ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid other-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tmp789 - tmp790)) - old-id773 - new-id774)))))) - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(d tmid other-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(mid d exports) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(m new-id old-id) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - tmid782)) - (if exports?648 - (append - new-id774 - other-id781) - '#f))) - tmp780) - (syntax-error - tmp779))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp779 - '(any any - each-any)))) - (list - d777 - (gen-mid632 - mid778) - exports776))))) - tmp767) - ((lambda (tmp791) - (if (if tmp791 - (apply - (lambda (mid792) - (identifier? - mid792)) - tmp791) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (mid793) - (values - mid793 - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(mid) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - mid793) - (if exports?648 - ($module-exports622 - mid793 - r628) - '#f))) - tmp791) - ((lambda (tmp794) - (if (if tmp794 - (apply - (lambda (mid795) - (identifier? - mid795)) - tmp794) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (mid796) - (values - mid796 - (list - '#(syntax-object $import ((top) #(ribcage #(mid) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - orig653 - import-only?652 - mid796) - (if exports?648 - ($module-exports622 - mid796 - r628) - '#f))) - tmp794) - ((lambda (_797) - (syntax-error - m649 - '"invalid module specifier")) - tmp654))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp654 - '(any))))) - (list - tmp654)))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp654 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object alias ((top) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any - . - #(each - (any any))))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp654 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object rename ((top) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any - . - #(each - (any any))))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp654 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object drop-prefix ((top) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp654 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object add-prefix ((top) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp654 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object except ((top) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any - . - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp654 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object only ((top) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(m exports?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any - . - each-any)))) - m649)) - tmp651) - (syntax-error - tmp650))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp650 - '(any any)))) - (list - orig627 - import-only?626)))) - (modspec*634 (lambda (m644) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (modspec633 - m644 - '#f)) - (lambda (mid647 - d646 - exports645) - d646))))) - ((lambda (tmp635) - ((lambda (tmp636) - (if tmp636 - (apply - (lambda (_638 m637) - ((lambda (tmp639) - ((lambda (tmp641) - (if tmp641 - (apply - (lambda (d642) - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(d) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (modspec* modspec gen-mid prefix-drop prefix-add difference) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(r) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig import-only?) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage ($import-help $module-exports) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage (lambda-var-list gen-var strip strip* strip-annotation ellipsis? chi-void chi-local-syntax chi-lambda-clause parse-begin parse-alias parse-eval-when parse-meta parse-define-syntax parse-define parse-import parse-module do-import! lookup-import-label import-mark-delta chi-internal chi-body chi-macro chi-set! chi-application chi-expr chi chi-sequence chi-meta-frob chi-frobs ct-eval/residualize3 ct-eval/residualize2 rt-eval/residualize initial-mode-set update-mode-set do-top-import vfor-each vmap chi-external check-defined-ids check-module-exports id-set-diff chi-top-module set-frob-meta?! set-frob-e! frob-meta? frob-e frob? make-frob create-module-binding set-module-binding-exported! set-module-binding-val! set-module-binding-imps! set-module-binding-label! set-module-binding-id! set-module-binding-type! module-binding-exported module-binding-val module-binding-imps module-binding-label module-binding-id module-binding-type module-binding? make-module-binding make-resolved-interface make-unresolved-interface set-interface-token! set-interface-exports! set-interface-marks! interface-token interface-exports interface-marks interface? make-interface flatten-exports chi-top chi-top-sequence chi-top* syntax-type chi-when-list source-wrap wrap bound-id-member? invalid-ids-error distinct-bound-ids? valid-bound-ids? bound-id=? help-bound-id=? literal-id=? free-id=? id-var-name id-var-name-loc id-var-name&marks id-var-name-loc&marks top-id-free-var-name top-id-bound-var-name anon diff-marks same-marks? join-subst join-marks join-wraps smart-append resolved-id-var-name id->resolved-id make-resolved-id make-binding-wrap store-import-binding lookup-import-binding-name extend-ribcage-subst! extend-ribcage-barrier-help! extend-ribcage-barrier! import-extend-ribcage! extend-ribcage! make-empty-ribcage barrier-marker new-mark anti-mark the-anti-mark set-env-wrap! set-env-top-ribcage! env-wrap env-top-ribcage env? make-env set-import-interface-new-marks! set-import-interface-interface! import-interface-new-marks import-interface-interface import-interface? make-import-interface set-top-ribcage-mutable?! set-top-ribcage-key! top-ribcage-mutable? top-ribcage-key top-ribcage? make-top-ribcage set-ribcage-labels! set-ribcage-marks! set-ribcage-symnames! ribcage-labels ribcage-marks ribcage-symnames ribcage? make-ribcage gen-labels label? gen-label set-indirect-label! get-indirect-label indirect-label? gen-indirect-label anon only-top-marked? top-marked? top-wrap empty-wrap wrap-subst wrap-marks make-wrap id-sym-name&marks id-subst id-marks id-sym-name id? nonsymbol-id? global-extend defer-or-eval-transformer make-transformer-binding lookup lookup* displaced-lexical-error displaced-lexical? extend-var-env* extend-env* extend-env null-env binding? set-binding-value! set-binding-type! binding-value binding-type make-binding sanitize-binding arg-check no-source unannotate self-evaluating? lexical-var? build-lexical-var build-top-module build-body build-letrec build-sequence build-data build-primref built-lambda? build-lambda build-revisit-only build-visit-only build-cte-install build-global-definition build-global-assignment build-global-reference build-lexical-assignment build-lexical-reference build-conditional build-application generate-id put-import-binding get-import-binding read-only-binding? put-global-definition-hook get-global-definition-hook put-cte-hook gensym-hook error-hook define-top-level-value-hook local-eval-hook top-level-eval-hook annotation? fx>= fx<= fx> fx< fx= fx- fx+ set-syntax-object-wrap! set-syntax-object-expression! syntax-object-wrap syntax-object-expression syntax-object? make-syntax-object noexpand let-values define-structure unless when) ((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) ("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) ("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - d642)) - tmp641) - (syntax-error - tmp639))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp639 - 'each-any))) - (map modspec*634 - m637))) - tmp636) - (syntax-error tmp635))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp635 - '(any . each-any)))) - orig627)))))) - (begin - (put-cte-hook141 - 'import - (lambda (orig625) ($import-help623 orig625 '#f))) - (put-cte-hook141 - 'import-only - (lambda (orig624) ($import-help623 orig624 '#t))))))) - (set! sc-expand - ((lambda (ctem619 rtem618) - (lambda (x620) - ((lambda (env621) - (if (if (pair? x620) (equal? (car x620) noexpand62) '#f) - (cadr x620) - (chi-top*442 x620 '() (env-wrap383 env621) ctem619 - rtem618 '#f (env-top-ribcage382 env621)))) - (interaction-environment)))) - '(e) - '(e))) - (set! $make-environment - (lambda (token616 mutable?615) - ((lambda (top-ribcage617) - (make-env380 - top-ribcage617 - (make-wrap319 - (wrap-marks320 '((top))) - (cons top-ribcage617 (wrap-subst321 '((top))))))) - (make-top-ribcage368 token616 mutable?615)))) - (set! environment? (lambda (x614) (env?381 x614))) - (set! interaction-environment - ((lambda (e613) (lambda () e613)) - ($make-environment '*top* '#t))) - (set! identifier? (lambda (x612) (nonsymbol-id?309 x612))) - (set! datum->syntax-object - (lambda (id610 datum609) - (begin - ((lambda (x611) - (if (not (nonsymbol-id?309 x611)) - (error-hook136 - 'datum->syntax-object - '"invalid argument" - x611) - (void))) - id610) - (make-syntax-object63 - datum609 - (syntax-object-wrap66 id610))))) - (set! syntax->list - (lambda (orig-ls600) - ((letrec ((f601 (lambda (ls602) - ((lambda (tmp603) - ((lambda (tmp604) - (if tmp604 - (apply (lambda () '()) tmp604) - ((lambda (tmp605) - (if tmp605 - (apply - (lambda (x607 r606) - (cons x607 (f601 r606))) - tmp605) - ((lambda (_608) - (error 'syntax->list - '"invalid argument ~s" - orig-ls600)) - tmp603))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp603 - '(any . any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp603 '()))) - ls602)))) - f601) - orig-ls600))) - (set! syntax->vector - (lambda (v594) - ((lambda (tmp595) - ((lambda (tmp596) - (if tmp596 - (apply - (lambda (x597) (apply vector (syntax->list x597))) - tmp596) - ((lambda (_599) - (error 'syntax->vector - '"invalid argument ~s" - v594)) - tmp595))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp595 '#(vector each-any)))) - v594))) - (set! syntax-object->datum - (lambda (x593) (strip517 x593 '(())))) - (set! generate-temporaries - (lambda (ls590) - (begin - ((lambda (x592) - (if (not (list? x592)) - (error-hook136 - 'generate-temporaries - '"invalid argument" - x592) - (void))) - ls590) - (map (lambda (x591) (wrap438 (gensym) '((top)))) ls590)))) - (set! free-identifier=? - (lambda (x587 y586) - (begin - ((lambda (x589) - (if (not (nonsymbol-id?309 x589)) - (error-hook136 - 'free-identifier=? - '"invalid argument" - x589) - (void))) - x587) - ((lambda (x588) - (if (not (nonsymbol-id?309 x588)) - (error-hook136 - 'free-identifier=? - '"invalid argument" - x588) - (void))) - y586) - (free-id=?430 x587 y586)))) - (set! bound-identifier=? - (lambda (x583 y582) - (begin - ((lambda (x585) - (if (not (nonsymbol-id?309 x585)) - (error-hook136 - 'bound-identifier=? - '"invalid argument" - x585) - (void))) - x583) - ((lambda (x584) - (if (not (nonsymbol-id?309 x584)) - (error-hook136 - 'bound-identifier=? - '"invalid argument" - x584) - (void))) - y582) - (bound-id=?433 x583 y582)))) - (set! literal-identifier=? - (lambda (x579 y578) - (begin - ((lambda (x581) - (if (not (nonsymbol-id?309 x581)) - (error-hook136 - 'literal-identifier=? - '"invalid argument" - x581) - (void))) - x579) - ((lambda (x580) - (if (not (nonsymbol-id?309 x580)) - (error-hook136 - 'literal-identifier=? - '"invalid argument" - x580) - (void))) - y578) - (literal-id=?431 x579 y578)))) - (set! syntax-error - (lambda (object573 . messages574) - (begin - (for-each - (lambda (x576) - ((lambda (x577) - (if (not (string? x577)) - (error-hook136 - 'syntax-error - '"invalid argument" - x577) - (void))) - x576)) - messages574) - ((lambda (message575) - (error-hook136 '#f message575 (strip517 object573 '(())))) - (if (null? messages574) - '"invalid syntax" - (apply string-append messages574)))))) - ((lambda () - (letrec ((match-each520 (lambda (e570 p569 w568) - (if (annotation?132 e570) - (match-each520 - (annotation-expression e570) - p569 - w568) - (if (pair? e570) - ((lambda (first571) - (if first571 - ((lambda (rest572) - (if rest572 - (cons - first571 - rest572) - '#f)) - (match-each520 - (cdr e570) - p569 - w568)) - '#f)) - (match526 - (car e570) - p569 - w568 - '())) - (if (null? e570) - '() - (if (syntax-object?64 e570) - (match-each520 - (syntax-object-expression65 - e570) - p569 - (join-wraps417 - w568 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - e570))) - '#f)))))) - (match-each+521 (lambda (e560 x-pat559 y-pat558 z-pat557 - w556 r555) - ((letrec ((f561 (lambda (e563 w562) - (if (pair? e563) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (f561 - (cdr e563) - w562)) - (lambda (xr*566 - y-pat565 - r564) - (if r564 - (if (null? - y-pat565) - ((lambda (xr567) - (if xr567 - (values - (cons - xr567 - xr*566) - y-pat565 - r564) - (values - '#f - '#f - '#f))) - (match526 - (car e563) - x-pat559 - w562 - '())) - (values - '() - (cdr y-pat565) - (match526 - (car e563) - (car y-pat565) - w562 - r564))) - (values - '#f - '#f - '#f)))) - (if (annotation?132 - e563) - (f561 - (annotation-expression - e563) - w562) - (if (syntax-object?64 - e563) - (f561 - (syntax-object-expression65 - e563) - (join-wraps417 - w562 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - e563))) - (values - '() - y-pat558 - (match526 - e563 - z-pat557 - w562 - r555)))))))) - f561) - e560 - w556))) - (match-each-any522 (lambda (e553 w552) - (if (annotation?132 e553) - (match-each-any522 - (annotation-expression e553) - w552) - (if (pair? e553) - ((lambda (l554) - (if l554 - (cons - (wrap438 - (car e553) - w552) - l554) - '#f)) - (match-each-any522 - (cdr e553) - w552)) - (if (null? e553) - '() - (if (syntax-object?64 - e553) - (match-each-any522 - (syntax-object-expression65 - e553) - (join-wraps417 - w552 - (syntax-object-wrap66 - e553))) - '#f)))))) - (match-empty523 (lambda (p550 r549) - (if (null? p550) - r549 - (if (eq? p550 'any) - (cons '() r549) - (if (pair? p550) - (match-empty523 - (car p550) - (match-empty523 - (cdr p550) - r549)) - (if (eq? p550 'each-any) - (cons '() r549) - ((lambda (t551) - (if (memv - t551 - '(each)) - (match-empty523 - (vector-ref - p550 - '1) - r549) - (if (memv - t551 - '(each+)) - (match-empty523 - (vector-ref - p550 - '1) - (match-empty523 - (reverse - (vector-ref - p550 - '2)) - (match-empty523 - (vector-ref - p550 - '3) - r549))) - (if (memv - t551 - '(free-id - atom)) - r549 - (if (memv - t551 - '(vector)) - (match-empty523 - (vector-ref - p550 - '1) - r549) - (void)))))) - (vector-ref - p550 - '0)))))))) - (combine524 (lambda (r*548 r547) - (if (null? (car r*548)) - r547 - (cons - (map car r*548) - (combine524 - (map cdr r*548) - r547))))) - (match*525 (lambda (e540 p539 w538 r537) - (if (null? p539) - (if (null? e540) r537 '#f) - (if (pair? p539) - (if (pair? e540) - (match526 - (car e540) - (car p539) - w538 - (match526 - (cdr e540) - (cdr p539) - w538 - r537)) - '#f) - (if (eq? p539 'each-any) - ((lambda (l541) - (if l541 - (cons l541 r537) - '#f)) - (match-each-any522 - e540 - w538)) - ((lambda (t542) - (if (memv t542 '(each)) - (if (null? e540) - (match-empty523 - (vector-ref - p539 - '1) - r537) - ((lambda (r*543) - (if r*543 - (combine524 - r*543 - r537) - '#f)) - (match-each520 - e540 - (vector-ref - p539 - '1) - w538))) - (if (memv - t542 - '(free-id)) - (if (id?310 e540) - (if (literal-id=?431 - (wrap438 - e540 - w538) - (vector-ref - p539 - '1)) - r537 - '#f) - '#f) - (if (memv - t542 - '(each+)) - (call-with-values - (lambda () - (match-each+521 - e540 - (vector-ref - p539 - '1) - (vector-ref - p539 - '2) - (vector-ref - p539 - '3) - w538 - r537)) - (lambda (xr*546 - y-pat545 - r544) - (if r544 - (if (null? - y-pat545) - (if (null? - xr*546) - (match-empty523 - (vector-ref - p539 - '1) - r544) - (combine524 - xr*546 - r544)) - '#f) - '#f))) - (if (memv - t542 - '(atom)) - (if (equal? - (vector-ref - p539 - '1) - (strip517 - e540 - w538)) - r537 - '#f) - (if (memv - t542 - '(vector)) - (if (vector? - e540) - (match526 - (vector->list - e540) - (vector-ref - p539 - '1) - w538 - r537) - '#f) - (void))))))) - (vector-ref p539 '0))))))) - (match526 (lambda (e534 p533 w532 r531) - (if (not r531) - '#f - (if (eq? p533 'any) - (cons (wrap438 e534 w532) r531) - (if (syntax-object?64 e534) - (match*525 - ((lambda (e535) - (if (annotation?132 e535) - (annotation-expression - e535) - e535)) - (syntax-object-expression65 - e534)) - p533 - (join-wraps417 - w532 - (syntax-object-wrap66 e534)) - r531) - (match*525 - ((lambda (e536) - (if (annotation?132 e536) - (annotation-expression - e536) - e536)) - e534) - p533 - w532 - r531))))))) - (set! $syntax-dispatch - (lambda (e528 p527) - (if (eq? p527 'any) - (list e528) - (if (syntax-object?64 e528) - (match*525 - ((lambda (e529) - (if (annotation?132 e529) - (annotation-expression e529) - e529)) - (syntax-object-expression65 e528)) - p527 - (syntax-object-wrap66 e528) - '()) - (match*525 - ((lambda (e530) - (if (annotation?132 e530) - (annotation-expression e530) - e530)) - e528) - p527 - '(()) - '())))))))))))) - -) - -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object with-syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(with-syntax) #((top)) #(with-syntax)))) - (lambda (x2524) - ((lambda (tmp2525) - ((lambda (tmp2526) - (if tmp2526 - (apply - (lambda (_2529 e12528 e22527) - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons e12528 e22527))) - tmp2526) - ((lambda (tmp2531) - (if tmp2531 - (apply - (lambda (_2536 out2535 in2534 e12533 e22532) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax-case ((top) #(ribcage #(_ out in e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - in2534 - '() - (list - out2535 - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(_ out in e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons e12533 e22532))))) - tmp2531) - ((lambda (tmp2538) - (if tmp2538 - (apply - (lambda (_2543 out2542 in2541 e12540 e22539) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax-case ((top) #(ribcage #(_ out in e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object list ((top) #(ribcage #(_ out in e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - in2541) - '() - (list - out2542 - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(_ out in e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons e12540 e22539))))) - tmp2538) - (syntax-error tmp2525))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2525 - '(any #(each (any any)) any . each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2525 - '(any ((any any)) any . each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2525 '(any () any . each-any)))) - x2524)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object with-implicit ((top) #(ribcage #(with-implicit) #((top)) #(with-implicit)))) - (lambda (x2547) - ((lambda (tmp2548) - ((lambda (tmp2549) - (if (if tmp2549 - (apply - (lambda (dummy2554 tid2553 id2552 e12551 e22550) - (andmap identifier? (cons tid2553 id2552))) - tmp2549) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (dummy2560 tid2559 id2558 e12557 e22556) - (list - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object unless ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object identifier? ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tid2559)) - (cons - '#(syntax-object syntax-error ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tid2559) - '#(syntax-object ("non-identifier with-implicit template") ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object with-syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - (map (lambda (tmp2561) - (list - tmp2561 - (list - '#(syntax-object datum->syntax-object ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tid2559) - (list - '#(syntax-object quote ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy tid id e1 e2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tmp2561)))) - id2558) - (cons e12557 e22556))))) - tmp2549) - (syntax-error tmp2548))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2548 - '(any (any . each-any) any . each-any)))) - x2547)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object datum ((top) #(ribcage #(datum) #((top)) #(datum)))) - (lambda (x2563) - ((lambda (tmp2564) - ((lambda (tmp2565) - (if tmp2565 - (apply - (lambda (dummy2567 x2566) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax-object->datum ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy x) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy x) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - x2566))) - tmp2565) - (syntax-error tmp2564))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2564 '(any any)))) - x2563)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object syntax-rules ((top) #(ribcage #(syntax-rules) #((top)) #(syntax-rules)))) - (lambda (x2568) - (letrec ((clause2569 (lambda (y2585) - ((lambda (tmp2586) - ((lambda (tmp2587) - (if tmp2587 - (apply - (lambda (keyword2590 pattern2589 - template2588) - (list - (cons - '#(syntax-object dummy ((top) #(ribcage #(keyword pattern template) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(y) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (clause) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - pattern2589) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(keyword pattern template) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(y) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (clause) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - template2588))) - tmp2587) - ((lambda (tmp2591) - (if tmp2591 - (apply - (lambda (keyword2595 - pattern2594 - fender2593 - template2592) - (list - (cons - '#(syntax-object dummy ((top) #(ribcage #(keyword pattern fender template) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(y) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (clause) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - pattern2594) - fender2593 - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(keyword pattern fender template) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(y) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage (clause) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - template2592))) - tmp2591) - ((lambda (_2596) - (syntax-error x2568)) - tmp2586))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2586 - '((any . any) any any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2586 - '((any . any) any)))) - y2585)))) - ((lambda (tmp2570) - ((lambda (tmp2571) - (if (if tmp2571 - (apply - (lambda (_2574 k2573 cl2572) - (andmap identifier? k2573)) - tmp2571) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_2578 k2577 cl2576) - ((lambda (tmp2579) - ((lambda (tmp2581) - (if tmp2581 - (apply - (lambda (cl2582) - (list - '#(syntax-object lambda ((top) #(ribcage #(cl) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ k cl) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (clause) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object (x) ((top) #(ribcage #(cl) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ k cl) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (clause) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object syntax-case ((top) #(ribcage #(cl) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ k cl) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (clause) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object x ((top) #(ribcage #(cl) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ k cl) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (clause) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons k2577 cl2582))))) - tmp2581) - (syntax-error tmp2579))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2579 'each-any))) - (map clause2569 cl2576))) - tmp2571) - (syntax-error tmp2570))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2570 '(any each-any . each-any)))) - x2568))) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object or ((top) #(ribcage #(or) #((top)) #(or)))) - (lambda (x2597) - ((lambda (tmp2598) - ((lambda (tmp2599) - (if tmp2599 - (apply - (lambda (_2600) - '#(syntax-object #f ((top) #(ribcage #(_) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - tmp2599) - ((lambda (tmp2601) - (if tmp2601 - (apply (lambda (_2603 e2602) e2602) tmp2601) - ((lambda (tmp2604) - (if tmp2604 - (apply - (lambda (_2608 e12607 e22606 e32605) - (list - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2 e3) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - (list - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2 e3) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e12607)) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2 e3) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2 e3) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2 e3) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - '#(syntax-object or ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2 e3) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons e22606 e32605))))) - tmp2604) - (syntax-error tmp2598))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2598 - '(any any any . each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2598 '(any any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2598 '(any)))) - x2597)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object and ((top) #(ribcage #(and) #((top)) #(and)))) - (lambda (x2610) - ((lambda (tmp2611) - ((lambda (tmp2612) - (if tmp2612 - (apply - (lambda (_2616 e12615 e22614 e32613) - (cons - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2 e3) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e12615 - (cons - (cons - '#(syntax-object and ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2 e3) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons e22614 e32613)) - '#(syntax-object (#f) ((top) #(ribcage #(_ e1 e2 e3) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))))))) - tmp2612) - ((lambda (tmp2618) - (if tmp2618 - (apply (lambda (_2620 e2619) e2619) tmp2618) - ((lambda (tmp2621) - (if tmp2621 - (apply - (lambda (_2622) - '#(syntax-object #t ((top) #(ribcage #(_) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - tmp2621) - (syntax-error tmp2611))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2611 '(any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2611 '(any any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2611 '(any any any . each-any)))) - x2610)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(let) #((top)) #(let)))) - (lambda (x2623) - ((lambda (tmp2624) - ((lambda (tmp2625) - (if (if tmp2625 - (apply - (lambda (_2630 x2629 v2628 e12627 e22626) - (andmap identifier? x2629)) - tmp2625) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_2636 x2635 v2634 e12633 e22632) - (cons - (cons - '#(syntax-object lambda ((top) #(ribcage #(_ x v e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons x2635 (cons e12633 e22632))) - v2634)) - tmp2625) - ((lambda (tmp2640) - (if (if tmp2640 - (apply - (lambda (_2646 f2645 x2644 v2643 e12642 e22641) - (andmap identifier? (cons f2645 x2644))) - tmp2640) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (_2653 f2652 x2651 v2650 e12649 e22648) - (cons - (list - '#(syntax-object letrec ((top) #(ribcage #(_ f x v e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - (list - f2652 - (cons - '#(syntax-object lambda ((top) #(ribcage #(_ f x v e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons x2651 (cons e12649 e22648))))) - f2652) - v2650)) - tmp2640) - (syntax-error tmp2624))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2624 - '(any any #(each (any any)) any . each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2624 - '(any #(each (any any)) any . each-any)))) - x2623)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object let* ((top) #(ribcage #(let*) #((top)) #(let*)))) - (lambda (x2657) - ((lambda (tmp2658) - ((lambda (tmp2659) - (if (if tmp2659 - (apply - (lambda (let*2664 x2663 v2662 e12661 e22660) - (andmap identifier? x2663)) - tmp2659) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (let*2670 x2669 v2668 e12667 e22666) - ((letrec ((f2671 (lambda (bindings2672) - (if (null? bindings2672) - (cons - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(bindings) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(let* x v e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons '() (cons e12667 e22666))) - ((lambda (tmp2674) - ((lambda (tmp2675) - (if tmp2675 - (apply - (lambda (body2677 - binding2676) - (list - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(body binding) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(bindings) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(let* x v e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list binding2676) - body2677)) - tmp2675) - (syntax-error tmp2674))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2674 - '(any any)))) - (list - (f2671 (cdr bindings2672)) - (car bindings2672))))))) - f2671) - (map list x2669 v2668))) - tmp2659) - (syntax-error tmp2658))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2658 - '(any #(each (any any)) any . each-any)))) - x2657)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object cond ((top) #(ribcage #(cond) #((top)) #(cond)))) - (lambda (x2680) - ((lambda (tmp2681) - ((lambda (tmp2682) - (if tmp2682 - (apply - (lambda (_2685 m12684 m22683) - ((letrec ((f2686 (lambda (clause2688 clauses2687) - (if (null? clauses2687) - ((lambda (tmp2689) - ((lambda (tmp2690) - (if tmp2690 - (apply - (lambda (e12692 - e22691) - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(e1 e2) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e12692 - e22691))) - tmp2690) - ((lambda (tmp2694) - (if tmp2694 - (apply - (lambda (e02695) - (cons - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(e0) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - (list - (list - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(e0) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e02695)) - '#(syntax-object ((if t t)) ((top) #(ribcage #(e0) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))))) - tmp2694) - ((lambda (tmp2696) - (if tmp2696 - (apply - (lambda (e02698 - e12697) - (list - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - (list - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e02698)) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e12697 - '#(syntax-object (t) ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))))))) - tmp2696) - ((lambda (tmp2699) - (if tmp2699 - (apply - (lambda (e02702 - e12701 - e22700) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e02702 - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e12701 - e22700)))) - tmp2699) - ((lambda (_2704) - (syntax-error - x2680)) - tmp2689))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2689 - '(any any - . - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2689 - '(any #(free-id - #(syntax-object => ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2689 - '(any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2689 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object else ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any - . - each-any)))) - clause2688) - ((lambda (tmp2705) - ((lambda (rest2706) - ((lambda (tmp2707) - ((lambda (tmp2708) - (if tmp2708 - (apply - (lambda (e02709) - (list - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(e0) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - (list - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(e0) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e02709)) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(e0) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(e0) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(e0) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - rest2706))) - tmp2708) - ((lambda (tmp2710) - (if tmp2710 - (apply - (lambda (e02712 - e12711) - (list - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - (list - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e02712)) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e12711 - '#(syntax-object (t) ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - rest2706))) - tmp2710) - ((lambda (tmp2713) - (if tmp2713 - (apply - (lambda (e02716 - e12715 - e22714) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e02716 - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(e0 e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e12715 - e22714)) - rest2706)) - tmp2713) - ((lambda (_2718) - (syntax-error - x2680)) - tmp2707))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2707 - '(any any - . - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2707 - '(any #(free-id - #(syntax-object => ((top) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2707 - '(any)))) - clause2688)) - tmp2705)) - (f2686 - (car clauses2687) - (cdr clauses2687))))))) - f2686) - m12684 - m22683)) - tmp2682) - (syntax-error tmp2681))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2681 '(any any . each-any)))) - x2680)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object do ((top) #(ribcage #(do) #((top)) #(do)))) - (lambda (orig-x2720) - ((lambda (tmp2721) - ((lambda (tmp2722) - (if tmp2722 - (apply - (lambda (_2729 var2728 init2727 step2726 e02725 e12724 - c2723) - ((lambda (tmp2730) - ((lambda (tmp2740) - (if tmp2740 - (apply - (lambda (step2741) - ((lambda (tmp2742) - ((lambda (tmp2744) - (if tmp2744 - (apply - (lambda () - (list - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object do ((top) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (map list var2728 init2727) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object not ((top) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e02725) - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (append - c2723 - (list - (cons - '#(syntax-object do ((top) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - step2741))))))) - tmp2744) - ((lambda (tmp2749) - (if tmp2749 - (apply - (lambda (e12751 e22750) - (list - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(e1 e2) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object do ((top) #(ribcage #(e1 e2) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (map list - var2728 - init2727) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(e1 e2) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e02725 - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(e1 e2) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e12751 - e22750)) - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(e1 e2) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (append - c2723 - (list - (cons - '#(syntax-object do ((top) #(ribcage #(e1 e2) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(step) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ var init step e0 e1 c) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(orig-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - step2741))))))) - tmp2749) - (syntax-error tmp2742))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2742 - '(any . each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2742 '()))) - e12724)) - tmp2740) - (syntax-error tmp2730))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2730 'each-any))) - (map (lambda (v2734 s2733) - ((lambda (tmp2735) - ((lambda (tmp2736) - (if tmp2736 - (apply (lambda () v2734) tmp2736) - ((lambda (tmp2737) - (if tmp2737 - (apply - (lambda (e2738) e2738) - tmp2737) - ((lambda (_2739) - (syntax-error orig-x2720)) - tmp2735))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2735 '(any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2735 '()))) - s2733)) - var2728 - step2726))) - tmp2722) - (syntax-error tmp2721))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2721 - '(any #(each (any any . any)) - (any . each-any) - . - each-any)))) - orig-x2720)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object quasiquote ((top) #(ribcage #(quasiquote) #((top)) #(quasiquote)))) - (letrec ((isquote?2766 (lambda (x2895) - (if (identifier? x2895) - (free-identifier=? - x2895 - '#(syntax-object quote ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - '#f))) - (islist?2765 (lambda (x2894) - (if (identifier? x2894) - (free-identifier=? - x2894 - '#(syntax-object list ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - '#f))) - (iscons?2764 (lambda (x2893) - (if (identifier? x2893) - (free-identifier=? - x2893 - '#(syntax-object cons ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - '#f))) - (quote-nil?2763 (lambda (x2888) - ((lambda (tmp2889) - ((lambda (tmp2890) - (if tmp2890 - (apply - (lambda (quote?2891) - (isquote?2766 quote?2891)) - tmp2890) - ((lambda (_2892) '#f) tmp2889))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2889 '(any ())))) - x2888))) - (quasilist*2762 (lambda (x2885 y2884) - ((letrec ((f2886 (lambda (x2887) - (if (null? x2887) - y2884 - (quasicons2761 - (car x2887) - (f2886 - (cdr x2887))))))) - f2886) - x2885))) - (quasicons2761 (lambda (x2860 y2859) - ((lambda (tmp2861) - ((lambda (tmp2862) - (if tmp2862 - (apply - (lambda (x2864 y2863) - ((lambda (tmp2865) - ((lambda (tmp2866) - (if (if tmp2866 - (apply - (lambda (quote?2868 - dy2867) - (isquote?2766 - quote?2868)) - tmp2866) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (quote?2870 - dy2869) - ((lambda (tmp2871) - ((lambda (tmp2872) - (if (if tmp2872 - (apply - (lambda (quote?2874 - dx2873) - (isquote?2766 - quote?2874)) - tmp2872) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (quote?2876 - dx2875) - (list - '#(syntax-object quote ((top) #(ribcage #(quote? dx) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(quote? dy) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - dx2875 - dy2869))) - tmp2872) - ((lambda (_2877) - (if (null? - dy2869) - (list - '#(syntax-object list ((top) #(ribcage #(_) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(quote? dy) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - x2864) - (list - '#(syntax-object cons ((top) #(ribcage #(_) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(quote? dy) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - x2864 - y2863))) - tmp2871))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2871 - '(any any)))) - x2864)) - tmp2866) - ((lambda (tmp2878) - (if (if tmp2878 - (apply - (lambda (listp2880 - stuff2879) - (islist?2765 - listp2880)) - tmp2878) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (listp2882 - stuff2881) - (cons - '#(syntax-object list ((top) #(ribcage #(listp stuff) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - x2864 - stuff2881))) - tmp2878) - ((lambda (else2883) - (list - '#(syntax-object cons ((top) #(ribcage #(else) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - x2864 - y2863)) - tmp2865))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2865 - '(any . any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2865 - '(any any)))) - y2863)) - tmp2862) - (syntax-error tmp2861))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2861 '(any any)))) - (list x2860 y2859)))) - (quasiappend2760 (lambda (x2851 y2850) - ((lambda (ls2852) - (if (null? ls2852) - '#(syntax-object (quote ()) ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(ls) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (if (null? (cdr ls2852)) - (car ls2852) - ((lambda (tmp2853) - ((lambda (tmp2854) - (if tmp2854 - (apply - (lambda (p2855) - (cons - '#(syntax-object append ((top) #(ribcage #(p) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(ls) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x y) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - p2855)) - tmp2854) - (syntax-error tmp2853))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2853 - 'each-any))) - ls2852)))) - ((letrec ((f2857 (lambda (x2858) - (if (null? x2858) - (if (quote-nil?2763 - y2850) - '() - (list y2850)) - (if (quote-nil?2763 - (car x2858)) - (f2857 - (cdr x2858)) - (cons - (car x2858) - (f2857 - (cdr x2858)))))))) - f2857) - x2851)))) - (quasivector2759 (lambda (x2813) - ((lambda (tmp2814) - ((lambda (pat-x2815) - ((lambda (tmp2816) - ((lambda (tmp2817) - (if (if tmp2817 - (apply - (lambda (quote?2819 - x2818) - (isquote?2766 - quote?2819)) - tmp2817) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (quote?2821 x2820) - (list - '#(syntax-object quote ((top) #(ribcage #(quote? x) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(pat-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list->vector x2820))) - tmp2817) - ((lambda (_2823) - ((letrec ((f2824 (lambda (x2826 - k2825) - ((lambda (tmp2827) - ((lambda (tmp2828) - (if (if tmp2828 - (apply - (lambda (quote?2830 - x2829) - (isquote?2766 - quote?2830)) - tmp2828) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (quote?2832 - x2831) - (k2825 - (map (lambda (tmp2833) - (list - '#(syntax-object quote ((top) #(ribcage #(quote? x) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x k) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(pat-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - tmp2833)) - x2831))) - tmp2828) - ((lambda (tmp2834) - (if (if tmp2834 - (apply - (lambda (listp2836 - x2835) - (islist?2765 - listp2836)) - tmp2834) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (listp2838 - x2837) - (k2825 - x2837)) - tmp2834) - ((lambda (tmp2840) - (if (if tmp2840 - (apply - (lambda (cons?2843 - x2842 - y2841) - (iscons?2764 - cons?2843)) - tmp2840) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (cons?2846 - x2845 - y2844) - (f2824 - y2844 - (lambda (ls2847) - (k2825 - (cons - x2845 - ls2847))))) - tmp2840) - ((lambda (else2848) - (list - '#(syntax-object list->vector ((top) #(ribcage #(else) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x k) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(pat-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - pat-x2815)) - tmp2827))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2827 - '(any any - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2827 - '(any . - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2827 - '(any each-any)))) - x2826)))) - f2824) - x2813 - (lambda (ls2849) - (cons - '#(syntax-object vector ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(ls) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(pat-x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - ls2849)))) - tmp2816))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2816 - '(any each-any)))) - pat-x2815)) - tmp2814)) - x2813))) - (vquasi2758 (lambda (p2797 lev2796) - ((lambda (tmp2798) - ((lambda (tmp2799) - (if tmp2799 - (apply - (lambda (p2801 q2800) - ((lambda (tmp2802) - ((lambda (tmp2803) - (if tmp2803 - (apply - (lambda (p2804) - (if (fx= lev2796 '0) - (quasilist*2762 - p2804 - (vquasi2758 - q2800 - lev2796)) - (quasicons2761 - (quasicons2761 - '#(syntax-object (quote unquote) ((top) #(ribcage #(p) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(p q) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (quasi2757 - p2804 - (fx- lev2796 - '1))) - (vquasi2758 - q2800 - lev2796)))) - tmp2803) - ((lambda (tmp2807) - (if tmp2807 - (apply - (lambda (p2808) - (if (fx= lev2796 - '0) - (quasiappend2760 - p2808 - (vquasi2758 - q2800 - lev2796)) - (quasicons2761 - (quasicons2761 - '#(syntax-object (quote unquote-splicing) ((top) #(ribcage #(p) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(p q) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (quasi2757 - p2808 - (fx- lev2796 - '1))) - (vquasi2758 - q2800 - lev2796)))) - tmp2807) - ((lambda (p2811) - (quasicons2761 - (quasi2757 - p2811 - lev2796) - (vquasi2758 - q2800 - lev2796))) - tmp2802))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2802 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object unquote-splicing ((top) #(ribcage #(p q) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2802 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object unquote ((top) #(ribcage #(p q) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - each-any)))) - p2801)) - tmp2799) - ((lambda (tmp2812) - (if tmp2812 - (apply - (lambda () - '#(syntax-object (quote ()) ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - tmp2812) - (syntax-error tmp2798))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2798 '())))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2798 '(any . any)))) - p2797))) - (quasi2757 (lambda (p2773 lev2772) - ((lambda (tmp2774) - ((lambda (tmp2775) - (if tmp2775 - (apply - (lambda (p2776) - (if (fx= lev2772 '0) - p2776 - (quasicons2761 - '#(syntax-object (quote unquote) ((top) #(ribcage #(p) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (quasi2757 - (list p2776) - (fx- lev2772 '1))))) - tmp2775) - ((lambda (tmp2777) - (if tmp2777 - (apply - (lambda (p2779 q2778) - (if (fx= lev2772 '0) - (quasilist*2762 - p2779 - (quasi2757 - q2778 - lev2772)) - (quasicons2761 - (quasicons2761 - '#(syntax-object (quote unquote) ((top) #(ribcage #(p q) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (quasi2757 - p2779 - (fx- lev2772 '1))) - (quasi2757 - q2778 - lev2772)))) - tmp2777) - ((lambda (tmp2782) - (if tmp2782 - (apply - (lambda (p2784 q2783) - (if (fx= lev2772 '0) - (quasiappend2760 - p2784 - (quasi2757 - q2783 - lev2772)) - (quasicons2761 - (quasicons2761 - '#(syntax-object (quote unquote-splicing) ((top) #(ribcage #(p q) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (quasi2757 - p2784 - (fx- lev2772 - '1))) - (quasi2757 - q2783 - lev2772)))) - tmp2782) - ((lambda (tmp2787) - (if tmp2787 - (apply - (lambda (p2788) - (quasicons2761 - '#(syntax-object (quote quasiquote) ((top) #(ribcage #(p) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (quasi2757 - (list p2788) - (+ lev2772 - '1)))) - tmp2787) - ((lambda (tmp2789) - (if tmp2789 - (apply - (lambda (p2791 - q2790) - (quasicons2761 - (quasi2757 - p2791 - lev2772) - (quasi2757 - q2790 - lev2772))) - tmp2789) - ((lambda (tmp2792) - (if tmp2792 - (apply - (lambda (x2793) - (quasivector2759 - (vquasi2758 - x2793 - lev2772))) - tmp2792) - ((lambda (p2795) - (list - '#(syntax-object quote ((top) #(ribcage #(p) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - p2795)) - tmp2774))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2774 - '#(vector - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2774 - '(any . any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2774 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object quasiquote ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2774 - '((#(free-id - #(syntax-object unquote-splicing ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - each-any) - . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2774 - '((#(free-id - #(syntax-object unquote ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - each-any) - . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2774 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object unquote ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(p lev) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(isquote? islist? iscons? quote-nil? quasilist* quasicons quasiappend quasivector vquasi quasi) #((top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any)))) - p2773)))) - (lambda (x2767) - ((lambda (tmp2768) - ((lambda (tmp2769) - (if tmp2769 - (apply (lambda (_2771 e2770) (quasi2757 e2770 '0)) tmp2769) - (syntax-error tmp2768))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2768 '(any any)))) - x2767))) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object unquote ((top) #(ribcage #(unquote) #((top)) #(unquote)))) - (lambda (x2896) (syntax-error x2896 '"misplaced")) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object unquote-splicing ((top) #(ribcage #(unquote-splicing) #((top)) #(unquote-splicing)))) - (lambda (x2897) (syntax-error x2897 '"misplaced")) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object quasisyntax ((top) #(ribcage #(quasisyntax) #((top)) #(quasisyntax)))) - (lambda (x2898) - (letrec ((qs2899 (lambda (q2950 n2949 b*2948 k2947) - ((lambda (tmp2951) - ((lambda (tmp2952) - (if tmp2952 - (apply - (lambda (d2953) - (qs2899 - d2953 - (+ n2949 '1) - b*2948 - (lambda (b*2955 dnew2954) - (k2947 - b*2955 - (if (eq? dnew2954 d2953) - q2950 - ((lambda (tmp2956) - ((lambda (d2957) - (cons - '#(syntax-object quasisyntax ((top) #(ribcage #(d) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* dnew) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(d) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - d2957)) - tmp2956)) - dnew2954)))))) - tmp2952) - ((lambda (tmp2958) - (if (if tmp2958 - (apply - (lambda (d2959) - (not (fx= n2949 '0))) - tmp2958) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (d2960) - (qs2899 - d2960 - (fx- n2949 '1) - b*2948 - (lambda (b*2962 dnew2961) - (k2947 - b*2962 - (if (eq? dnew2961 d2960) - q2950 - ((lambda (tmp2963) - ((lambda (d2964) - (cons - '#(syntax-object unsyntax ((top) #(ribcage #(d) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* dnew) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(d) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - d2964)) - tmp2963)) - dnew2961)))))) - tmp2958) - ((lambda (tmp2965) - (if (if tmp2965 - (apply - (lambda (d2966) - (not (fx= n2949 '0))) - tmp2965) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (d2967) - (qs2899 - d2967 - (fx- n2949 '1) - b*2948 - (lambda (b*2969 - dnew2968) - (k2947 - b*2969 - (if (eq? dnew2968 - d2967) - q2950 - ((lambda (tmp2970) - ((lambda (d2971) - (cons - '#(syntax-object unsyntax-splicing ((top) #(ribcage #(d) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* dnew) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(d) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - d2971)) - tmp2970)) - dnew2968)))))) - tmp2965) - ((lambda (tmp2972) - (if (if tmp2972 - (apply - (lambda (q2973) - (fx= n2949 '0)) - tmp2972) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (q2974) - ((lambda (tmp2975) - ((lambda (tmp2976) - (if tmp2976 - (apply - (lambda (t2977) - (k2947 - (cons - (list - t2977 - q2974) - b*2948) - t2977)) - tmp2976) - (syntax-error - tmp2975))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2975 - '(any)))) - (generate-temporaries - (list - q2974)))) - tmp2972) - ((lambda (tmp2978) - (if (if tmp2978 - (apply - (lambda (q2980 - d2979) - (fx= n2949 - '0)) - tmp2978) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (q2982 - d2981) - (qs2899 - d2981 - n2949 - b*2948 - (lambda (b*2984 - dnew2983) - ((lambda (tmp2985) - ((lambda (tmp2987) - (if tmp2987 - (apply - (lambda (t2988) - (k2947 - (append - (map list - t2988 - q2982) - b*2984) - ((lambda (tmp2989) - ((lambda (d2990) - (append - t2988 - d2990)) - tmp2989)) - dnew2983))) - tmp2987) - (syntax-error - tmp2985))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2985 - 'each-any))) - (generate-temporaries - q2982))))) - tmp2978) - ((lambda (tmp2994) - (if (if tmp2994 - (apply - (lambda (q2996 - d2995) - (fx= n2949 - '0)) - tmp2994) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (q2998 - d2997) - (qs2899 - d2997 - n2949 - b*2948 - (lambda (b*3000 - dnew2999) - ((lambda (tmp3001) - ((lambda (tmp3003) - (if tmp3003 - (apply - (lambda (t3004) - (k2947 - (append - (map (lambda (tmp3014 - tmp3013) - (list - (cons - tmp3013 - '(#(syntax-object ... ((top) #(ribcage #(t) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* dnew) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(q d) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))))) - tmp3014)) - q2998 - t3004) - b*3000) - ((lambda (tmp3005) - ((lambda (tmp3007) - (if tmp3007 - (apply - (lambda (m3008) - ((lambda (tmp3009) - ((lambda (d3010) - (append - (apply - append - m3008) - d3010)) - tmp3009)) - dnew2999)) - tmp3007) - (syntax-error - tmp3005))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp3005 - '#(each - each-any)))) - (map (lambda (tmp3006) - (cons - tmp3006 - '(#(syntax-object ... ((top) #(ribcage #(t) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* dnew) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(q d) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))))) - t3004)))) - tmp3003) - (syntax-error - tmp3001))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp3001 - 'each-any))) - (generate-temporaries - q2998))))) - tmp2994) - ((lambda (tmp3015) - (if tmp3015 - (apply - (lambda (a3017 - d3016) - (qs2899 - a3017 - n2949 - b*2948 - (lambda (b*3019 - anew3018) - (qs2899 - d3016 - n2949 - b*3019 - (lambda (b*3021 - dnew3020) - (k2947 - b*3021 - (if (if (eq? anew3018 - a3017) - (eq? dnew3020 - d3016) - '#f) - q2950 - ((lambda (tmp3022) - ((lambda (tmp3023) - (if tmp3023 - (apply - (lambda (a3025 - d3024) - (cons - a3025 - d3024)) - tmp3023) - (syntax-error - tmp3022))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp3022 - '(any any)))) - (list - anew3018 - dnew3020))))))))) - tmp3015) - ((lambda (tmp3026) - (if tmp3026 - (apply - (lambda (x3027) - (vqs2900 - x3027 - n2949 - b*2948 - (lambda (b*3029 - xnew*3028) - (k2947 - b*3029 - (if ((letrec ((same?3030 (lambda (x*3032 - xnew*3031) - (if (null? - x*3032) - (null? - xnew*3031) - (if (not (null? - xnew*3031)) - (if (eq? (car x*3032) - (car xnew*3031)) - (same?3030 - (cdr x*3032) - (cdr xnew*3031)) - '#f) - '#f))))) - same?3030) - x3027 - xnew*3028) - q2950 - ((lambda (tmp3034) - ((lambda (tmp3035) - (if tmp3035 - (apply - (lambda (x3036) - (list->vector - x3036)) - tmp3035) - (syntax-error - tmp3034))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp3034 - 'each-any))) - xnew*3028)))))) - tmp3026) - ((lambda (_3039) - (k2947 - b*2948 - q2950)) - tmp2951))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2951 - '#(vector - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2951 - '(any . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2951 - '((#(free-id - #(syntax-object unsyntax-splicing ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - each-any) - . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2951 - '((#(free-id - #(syntax-object unsyntax ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - each-any) - . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2951 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object unsyntax ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2951 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object unsyntax-splicing ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2951 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object unsyntax ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2951 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object quasisyntax ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(q n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - any)))) - q2950))) - (vqs2900 (lambda (x*2915 n2914 b*2913 k2912) - (if (null? x*2915) - (k2912 b*2913 '()) - (vqs2900 - (cdr x*2915) - n2914 - b*2913 - (lambda (b*2917 xnew*2916) - ((lambda (tmp2918) - ((lambda (tmp2919) - (if (if tmp2919 - (apply - (lambda (q2920) - (fx= n2914 '0)) - tmp2919) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (q2921) - ((lambda (tmp2922) - ((lambda (tmp2924) - (if tmp2924 - (apply - (lambda (t2925) - (k2912 - (append - (map list - t2925 - q2921) - b*2917) - (append - t2925 - xnew*2916))) - tmp2924) - (syntax-error - tmp2922))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2922 - 'each-any))) - (generate-temporaries - q2921))) - tmp2919) - ((lambda (tmp2929) - (if (if tmp2929 - (apply - (lambda (q2930) - (fx= n2914 '0)) - tmp2929) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (q2931) - ((lambda (tmp2932) - ((lambda (tmp2934) - (if tmp2934 - (apply - (lambda (t2935) - (k2912 - (append - (map (lambda (tmp2943 - tmp2942) - (list - (cons - tmp2942 - '(#(syntax-object ... ((top) #(ribcage #(t) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(q) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* xnew*) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x* n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))))) - tmp2943)) - q2931 - t2935) - b*2917) - ((lambda (tmp2936) - ((lambda (tmp2938) - (if tmp2938 - (apply - (lambda (m2939) - (append - (apply - append - m2939) - xnew*2916)) - tmp2938) - (syntax-error - tmp2936))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2936 - '#(each - each-any)))) - (map (lambda (tmp2937) - (cons - tmp2937 - '(#(syntax-object ... ((top) #(ribcage #(t) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(q) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* xnew*) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x* n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))))) - t2935)))) - tmp2934) - (syntax-error - tmp2932))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2932 - 'each-any))) - (generate-temporaries - q2931))) - tmp2929) - ((lambda (_2944) - (qs2899 - (car x*2915) - n2914 - b*2917 - (lambda (b*2946 - xnew2945) - (k2912 - b*2946 - (cons - xnew2945 - xnew*2916))))) - tmp2918))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2918 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object unsyntax-splicing ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* xnew*) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x* n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2918 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object unsyntax ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* xnew*) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x* n b* k) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - . - each-any)))) - (car x*2915)))))))) - ((lambda (tmp2901) - ((lambda (tmp2902) - (if tmp2902 - (apply - (lambda (_2904 x2903) - (qs2899 - x2903 - '0 - '() - (lambda (b*2906 xnew2905) - (if (eq? xnew2905 x2903) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* xnew) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(_ x) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - x2903) - ((lambda (tmp2907) - ((lambda (tmp2908) - (if tmp2908 - (apply - (lambda (b2910 x2909) - (list - '#(syntax-object with-syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(b x) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* xnew) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(_ x) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - b2910 - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(b x) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(b* xnew) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(_ x) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (vqs qs) ((top) (top)) ("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - x2909))) - tmp2908) - (syntax-error tmp2907))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp2907 - '(each-any any)))) - (list b*2906 xnew2905)))))) - tmp2902) - (syntax-error tmp2901))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp2901 '(any any)))) - x2898))) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object unsyntax ((top) #(ribcage #(unsyntax) #((top)) #(unsyntax)))) - (lambda (x3040) (syntax-error x3040 '"misplaced")) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object unsyntax-splicing ((top) #(ribcage #(unsyntax-splicing) #((top)) #(unsyntax-splicing)))) - (lambda (x3041) (syntax-error x3041 '"misplaced")) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object include ((top) #(ribcage #(include) #((top)) #(include)))) - (lambda (x3042) - (letrec ((read-file3043 (lambda (fn3054 k3053) - ((lambda (p3055) - ((letrec ((f3056 (lambda () - ((lambda (x3057) - (if (eof-object? - x3057) - (begin - (close-input-port - p3055) - '()) - (cons - (datum->syntax-object - k3053 - x3057) - (f3056)))) - (read p3055))))) - f3056))) - (open-input-file fn3054))))) - ((lambda (tmp3044) - ((lambda (tmp3045) - (if tmp3045 - (apply - (lambda (k3047 filename3046) - ((lambda (fn3048) - ((lambda (tmp3049) - ((lambda (tmp3050) - (if tmp3050 - (apply - (lambda (exp3051) - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(exp) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(fn) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(k filename) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage (read-file) ((top)) ("i")) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - exp3051)) - tmp3050) - (syntax-error tmp3049))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp3049 'each-any))) - (read-file3043 fn3048 k3047))) - (syntax-object->datum filename3046))) - tmp3045) - (syntax-error tmp3044))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp3044 '(any any)))) - x3042))) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object case ((top) #(ribcage #(case) #((top)) #(case)))) - (lambda (x3058) - ((lambda (tmp3059) - ((lambda (tmp3060) - (if tmp3060 - (apply - (lambda (_3064 e3063 m13062 m23061) - ((lambda (tmp3065) - ((lambda (body3092) - (list - '#(syntax-object let ((top) #(ribcage #(body) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - (list - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(body) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e3063)) - body3092)) - tmp3065)) - ((letrec ((f3066 (lambda (clause3068 clauses3067) - (if (null? clauses3067) - ((lambda (tmp3069) - ((lambda (tmp3070) - (if tmp3070 - (apply - (lambda (e13072 - e23071) - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(e1 e2) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e13072 - e23071))) - tmp3070) - ((lambda (tmp3074) - (if tmp3074 - (apply - (lambda (k3077 - e13076 - e23075) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object memv ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object quote ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - k3077)) - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e13076 - e23075)))) - tmp3074) - ((lambda (_3080) - (syntax-error - x3058)) - tmp3069))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp3069 - '(each-any - any - . - each-any))))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp3069 - '(#(free-id - #(syntax-object else ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any - . - each-any)))) - clause3068) - ((lambda (tmp3081) - ((lambda (rest3082) - ((lambda (tmp3083) - ((lambda (tmp3084) - (if tmp3084 - (apply - (lambda (k3087 - e13086 - e23085) - (list - '#(syntax-object if ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object memv ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object t ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object quote ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - k3087)) - (cons - '#(syntax-object begin ((top) #(ribcage #(k e1 e2) #((top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage #(rest) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(clause clauses) #((top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage #(f) #((top)) #("i")) #(ribcage #(_ e m1 m2) #((top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #((top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e13086 - e23085)) - rest3082)) - tmp3084) - ((lambda (_3090) - (syntax-error - x3058)) - tmp3083))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp3083 - '(each-any - any - . - each-any)))) - clause3068)) - tmp3081)) - (f3066 - (car clauses3067) - (cdr clauses3067))))))) - f3066) - m13062 - m23061))) - tmp3060) - (syntax-error tmp3059))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp3059 '(any any any . each-any)))) - x3058)) - '*top*) -($sc-put-cte - '#(syntax-object identifier-syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(identifier-syntax) #((top)) #(identifier-syntax)))) - (lambda (x3093) - ((lambda (tmp3094) - ((lambda (tmp3095) - (if tmp3095 - (apply - (lambda (dummy3097 e3096) - (list - '#(syntax-object lambda ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object (x) ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax-case ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object x ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '() - (list - '#(syntax-object id ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object (identifier? (syntax id)) ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - e3096)) - (list - '(#(syntax-object _ ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - #(syntax-object x ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - #(syntax-object ... ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - e3096 - '(#(syntax-object x ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - #(syntax-object ... ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy e) #(("m" top) (top)) #("i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))))))))) - tmp3095) - ((lambda (tmp3098) - (if (if tmp3098 - (apply - (lambda (dummy3104 id3103 exp13102 var3101 - val3100 exp23099) - (if (identifier? id3103) - (identifier? var3101) - '#f)) - tmp3098) - '#f) - (apply - (lambda (dummy3110 id3109 exp13108 var3107 val3106 - exp23105) - (list - '#(syntax-object cons ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object (quote macro!) ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object lambda ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object (x) ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax-case ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object x ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - '#(syntax-object (set!) ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - (list - '#(syntax-object set! ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - var3107 - val3106) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - exp23105)) - (list - (cons - id3109 - '(#(syntax-object x ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - #(syntax-object ... ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))))) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (cons - exp13108 - '(#(syntax-object x ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - #(syntax-object ... ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))))))) - (list - id3109 - (list - '#(syntax-object identifier? ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - id3109)) - (list - '#(syntax-object syntax ((top) #(ribcage #(dummy id exp1 var val exp2) #(("m" top) (top) (top) (top) (top) (top)) #("i" "i" "i" "i" "i" "i")) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t))) - exp13108)))))) - tmp3098) - (syntax-error tmp3094))) - ($syntax-dispatch - tmp3094 - '(any (any any) - ((#(free-id - #(syntax-object set! ((top) #(ribcage () () ()) #(ribcage #(x) #(("m" top)) #("i")) #(top-ribcage *top* #t)))) - any - any) - any)))))) - ($syntax-dispatch tmp3094 '(any any)))) - x3093)) - '*top*) - -;(primitive-set! '$syntax-dispatch $syntax-dispatch) -;(primitive-set! '$sc-put-cte $sc-put-cte) -;(current-expand -; (let ([sc-expand sc-expand]) -; (lambda (x) -; (#%core-expand (sc-expand x))))) - diff --git a/src/psyntax-7.1.ss b/src/psyntax-7.1.ss deleted file mode 100644 index 843a0fa..0000000 --- a/src/psyntax-7.1.ss +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4656 +0,0 @@ -;;; Portable implementation of syntax-case -;;; Extracted from Chez Scheme Version 7.1 (Aug 01, 2006) -;;; Authors: R. Kent Dybvig, Oscar Waddell, Bob Hieb, Carl Bruggeman - -;;; Copyright (c) 1992-2002 Cadence Research Systems -;;; Permission to copy this software, in whole or in part, to use this -;;; software for any lawful purpose, and to redistribute this software -;;; is granted subject to the restriction that all copies made of this -;;; software must include this copyright notice in full. This software -;;; is provided AS IS, with NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, -;;; INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY -;;; OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -;;; AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY -;;; NATURE WHATSOEVER. - -;;; Before attempting to port this code to a new implementation of -;;; Scheme, please read the notes below carefully. - -;;; This file defines the syntax-case expander, sc-expand, and a set -;;; of associated syntactic forms and procedures. Of these, the -;;; following are documented in The Scheme Programming Language, -;;; Third Edition (R. Kent Dybvig, MIT Press, 2003), which can be -;;; found online at http://www.scheme.com/tspl3/. Most are also documented -;;; in the R4RS and draft R5RS. -;;; -;;; bound-identifier=? -;;; datum->syntax-object -;;; define-syntax -;;; fluid-let-syntax -;;; free-identifier=? -;;; generate-temporaries -;;; identifier? -;;; identifier-syntax -;;; let-syntax -;;; letrec-syntax -;;; syntax -;;; syntax-case -;;; syntax-object->datum -;;; syntax-rules -;;; with-syntax -;;; -;;; All standard Scheme syntactic forms are supported by the expander -;;; or syntactic abstractions defined in this file. Only the R4RS -;;; delay is omitted, since its expansion is implementation-dependent. - -;;; Also defined are three forms that support modules: module, import, -;;; and import-only. These are documented in the Chez Scheme User's -;;; Guide (R. Kent Dybvig, Cadence Research Systems, 1998), which can -;;; also be found online at http://www.scheme.com/csug/. They are -;;; described briefly here as well. - -;;; All are definitions and may appear where and only where other -;;; definitions may appear. modules may be named: -;;; -;;; (module id (ex ...) defn ... init ...) -;;; -;;; or anonymous: -;;; -;;; (module (ex ...) defn ... init ...) -;;; -;;; The latter form is semantically equivalent to: -;;; -;;; (module T (ex ...) defn ... init ...) -;;; (import T) -;;; -;;; where T is a fresh identifier. -;;; -;;; In either form, each of the exports in (ex ...) is either an -;;; identifier or of the form (id ex ...). In the former case, the -;;; single identifier ex is exported. In the latter, the identifier -;;; id is exported and the exports ex ... are "implicitly" exported. -;;; This listing of implicit exports is useful only when id is a -;;; keyword bound to a transformer that expands into references to -;;; the listed implicit exports. In the present implementation, -;;; listing of implicit exports is necessary only for top-level -;;; modules and allows the implementation to avoid placing all -;;; identifiers into the top-level environment where subsequent passes -;;; of the compiler will be unable to deal effectively with them. -;;; -;;; Named modules may be referenced in import statements, which -;;; always take one of the forms: -;;; -;;; (import id) -;;; (import-only id) -;;; -;;; id must name a module. Each exported identifier becomes visible -;;; within the scope of the import form. In the case of import-only, -;;; all other identifiers become invisible in the scope of the -;;; import-only form, except for those established by definitions -;;; that appear textually after the import-only form. - -;;; import and import-only also support a variety of identifier -;;; selection and renaming forms: only, except, add-prefix, -;;; drop-prefix, rename, and alias. -;;; -;;; (import (only m x y)) -;;; -;;; imports x and y (and nothing else) from m. -;;; -;;; (import (except m x y)) -;;; -;;; imports all of m's imports except for x and y. -;;; -;;; (import (add-prefix (only m x y) m:)) -;;; -;;; imports x and y as m:x and m:y. -;;; -;;; (import (drop-prefix m foo:)) -;;; -;;; imports all of m's imports, dropping the common foo: prefix -;;; (which must appear on all of m's exports). -;;; -;;; (import (rename (except m a b) (m-c c) (m-d d))) -;;; -;;; imports all of m's imports except for x and y, renaming c -;;; m-c and d m-d. -;;; -;;; (import (alias (except m a b) (m-c c) (m-d d))) -;;; -;;; imports all of m's imports except for x and y, with additional -;;; aliases m-c for c and m-d for d. -;;; -;;; multiple imports may be specified with one import form: -;;; -;;; (import (except m1 x) (only m2 x)) -;;; -;;; imports all of m1's exports except for x plus x from m2. - -;;; Another form, meta, may be used as a prefix for any definition and -;;; causes any resulting variable bindings to be created at expansion -;;; time. Meta variables (variables defined using meta) are available -;;; only at expansion time. Meta definitions are often used to create -;;; data and helpers that can be shared by multiple macros, for example: - -;;; (module (alpha beta) -;;; (meta define key-error -;;; (lambda (key) -;;; (syntax-error key "invalid key"))) -;;; (meta define parse-keys -;;; (lambda (keys) -;;; (let f ((keys keys) (c #'white) (s 10)) -;;; (syntax-case keys (color size) -;;; (() (list c s)) -;;; (((color c) . keys) (f #'keys #'c s)) -;;; (((size s) . keys) (f #'keys c #'s)) -;;; ((k . keys) (key-error #'k)))))) -;;; (define-syntax alpha -;;; (lambda (x) -;;; (syntax-case x () -;;; ((_ (k ...) ) -;;; (with-syntax (((c s) (parse-keys (syntax (k ...))))) -;;; ---))))) -;;; (define-syntax beta -;;; (lambda (x) -;;; (syntax-case x () -;;; ((_ (k ...) ) -;;; (with-syntax (((c s) (parse-keys (syntax (k ...))))) -;;; ---)))))) - -;;; As with define-syntax rhs expressions, meta expressions can evaluate -;;; references only to identifiers whose values are (already) available -;;; in the compile-time environment, e.g., macros and meta variables. -;;; They can, however, like define-syntax rhs expressions, build syntax -;;; objects containing occurrences of any identifiers in their scope. - -;;; meta definitions propagate through macro expansion, so one can write, -;;; for example: -;;; -;;; (module (a) -;;; (meta define-structure (foo x)) -;;; (define-syntax a -;;; (let ((q (make-foo (syntax 'q)))) -;;; (lambda (x) -;;; (foo-x q))))) -;;; a -> q -;;; -;;; where define-record is a macro that expands into a set of defines. -;;; -;;; It is also sometimes convenient to write -;;; -;;; (meta begin defn ...) -;;; -;;; or -;;; -;;; (meta module {exports} defn ...) -;;; -;;; to create groups of meta bindings. - -;;; Another form, alias, is used to create aliases from one identifier -;;; to another. This is used primarily to support the extended import -;;; syntaxes (add-prefix, drop-prefix, rename, and alias). - -;;; (let ((x 3)) (alias y x) y) -> 3 - -;;; The remaining exports are listed below. sc-expand, eval-when, and -;;; syntax-error are described in the Chez Scheme User's Guide. -;;; -;;; (sc-expand datum) -;;; if datum represents a valid expression, sc-expand returns an -;;; expanded version of datum in a core language that includes no -;;; syntactic abstractions. The core language includes begin, -;;; define, if, lambda, letrec, quote, and set!. -;;; (eval-when situations expr ...) -;;; conditionally evaluates expr ... at compile-time or run-time -;;; depending upon situations -;;; (syntax-error object message) -;;; used to report errors found during expansion -;;; ($syntax-dispatch e p) -;;; used by expanded code to handle syntax-case matching -;;; ($sc-put-cte symbol val top-token) -;;; used to establish top-level compile-time (expand-time) bindings. - -;;; The following nonstandard procedures must be provided by the -;;; implementation for this code to run. -;;; -;;; (void) -;;; returns the implementation's cannonical "unspecified value". The -;;; following usually works: -;;; -;;; (define void (lambda () (if #f #f))). -;;; -;;; (andmap proc list1 list2 ...) -;;; returns true if proc returns true when applied to each element of list1 -;;; along with the corresponding elements of list2 .... The following -;;; definition works but does no error checking: -;;; -;;; (define andmap -;;; (lambda (f first . rest) -;;; (or (null? first) -;;; (if (null? rest) -;;; (let andmap ((first first)) -;;; (let ((x (car first)) (first (cdr first))) -;;; (if (null? first) -;;; (f x) -;;; (and (f x) (andmap first))))) -;;; (let andmap ((first first) (rest rest)) -;;; (let ((x (car first)) -;;; (xr (map car rest)) -;;; (first (cdr first)) -;;; (rest (map cdr rest))) -;;; (if (null? first) -;;; (apply f (cons x xr)) -;;; (and (apply f (cons x xr)) (andmap first rest))))))))) -;;; -;;; (ormap proc list1) -;;; returns the first non-false return result of proc applied to -;;; the elements of list1 or false if none. The following definition -;;; works but does no error checking: -;;; -;;; (define ormap -;;; (lambda (proc list1) -;;; (and (not (null? list1)) -;;; (or (proc (car list1)) (ormap proc (cdr list1)))))) -;;; -;;; The following nonstandard procedures must also be provided by the -;;; implementation for this code to run using the standard portable -;;; hooks and output constructors. They are not used by expanded code, -;;; and so need be present only at expansion time. -;;; -;;; (eval x) -;;; where x is always in the form ("noexpand" expr). -;;; returns the value of expr. the "noexpand" flag is used to tell the -;;; evaluator/expander that no expansion is necessary, since expr has -;;; already been fully expanded to core forms. -;;; -;;; eval will not be invoked during the loading of psyntax.pp. After -;;; psyntax.pp has been loaded, the expansion of any macro definition, -;;; whether local or global, results in a call to eval. If, however, -;;; sc-expand has already been registered as the expander to be used -;;; by eval, and eval accepts one argument, nothing special must be done -;;; to support the "noexpand" flag, since it is handled by sc-expand. -;;; -;;; (error who format-string why what) -;;; where who is either a symbol or #f, format-string is always "~a ~s", -;;; why is always a string, and what may be any object. error should -;;; signal an error with a message something like -;;; -;;; "error in : " -;;; -;;; (gensym) -;;; returns a unique symbol each time it's called. In Chez Scheme, gensym -;;; returns a symbol with a "globally" unique name so that gensyms that -;;; end up in the object code of separately compiled files cannot conflict. -;;; This is necessary only if you intend to support compiled files. -;;; -;;; (gensym? x) -;;; returns #t if x is a gensym, otherwise false. -;;; -;;; (putprop symbol key value) -;;; (getprop symbol key) -;;; (remprop symbol key) -;;; key is always a symbol; value may be any object. putprop should -;;; associate the given value with the given symbol and key in some way -;;; that it can be retrieved later with getprop. getprop should return -;;; #f if no value is associated with the given symbol and key. remprop -;;; should remove the association between the given symbol and key. - -;;; When porting to a new Scheme implementation, you should define the -;;; procedures listed above, load the expanded version of psyntax.ss -;;; (psyntax.pp, which should be available whereever you found -;;; psyntax.ss), and register sc-expand as the current expander (how -;;; you do this depends upon your implementation of Scheme). You may -;;; change the hooks and constructors defined toward the beginning of -;;; the code below, but to avoid bootstrapping problems, do so only -;;; after you have a working version of the expander. - -;;; Chez Scheme allows the syntactic form (syntax