* output-file operations moved to ikarus.io.output-files

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-05-05 19:53:16 -04:00
parent 969dd01a76
commit 51170afb36
4 changed files with 198 additions and 143 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
(library (ikarus io output-files)
(export standard-output-port standard-error-port
console-output-port current-output-port
open-output-file with-output-to-file call-with-output-file)
(only (scheme) $set-port-output-size! $write-char $string-set!
$port-output-buffer $set-port-output-index! $fxadd1 $fx<
$port-output-size $port-output-index)
(except (ikarus)
standard-output-port standard-error-port
console-output-port current-output-port
*standard-output-port* *standard-error-port*
open-output-file with-output-to-file
(define-syntax message-case
(syntax-rules (else)
[(_ msg args
[(msg-name msg-arg* ...) b b* ...] ...
[else else1 else2 ...])
(let ([tmsg msg] [targs args])
(define-syntax match-and-bind
(syntax-rules ()
[(__ y () body)
(if (null? y)
(error 'message-case "unmatched ~s" (cons tmsg targs)))]
[(__ y (a a* (... ...)) body)
(if (pair? y)
(let ([a (car y)] [d (cdr y)])
(match-and-bind d (a* (... ...)) body))
(error 'message-case "unmatched ~s" (cons tmsg targs)))]))
(case tmsg
(match-and-bind targs (msg-arg* ...) (begin b b* ...))] ...
[else else1 else2 ...]))]))
(define guardian (make-guardian))
(define close-ports
(lambda ()
[(guardian) =>
(lambda (p)
(close-output-port p)
(define do-write-buffer
(lambda (fd port-name p caller)
(let ([bytes (foreign-call "ikrt_write_file"
(port-output-buffer p)
(port-output-index p))])
(if (fixnum? bytes)
(set-port-output-index! p 0)
(error caller "cannot write to file ~s: ~a" port-name bytes)))))
(define make-output-file-handler
(lambda (fd port-name)
(define open? #t)
(define output-file-handler
(lambda (msg . args)
(message-case msg args
[(write-char c p)
(if (char? c)
(if (output-port? p)
(let ([idx ($port-output-index p)])
(if ($fx< idx ($port-output-size p))
($string-set! ($port-output-buffer p) idx c)
($set-port-output-index! p ($fxadd1 idx)))
(if open?
(do-write-buffer fd port-name p 'write-char)
($write-char c p))
(error 'write-char "port ~s is closed" p))))
(error 'write-char "~s is not an output-port" p))
(error 'write-char "~s is not a character" c))]
[(flush-output-port p)
(if (output-port? p)
(if open?
(do-write-buffer fd port-name p 'flush-output-port)
(error 'flush-output-port "port ~s is closed" p))
(error 'flush-output-port "~s is not an output-port" p))]
[(close-port p)
(when open?
(flush-output-port p)
($set-port-output-size! p 0)
(set! open? #f)
(unless (foreign-call "ikrt_close_file" fd)
(error 'close-output-port "cannot close ~s" port-name)))]
[(port-name p) port-name]
[else (error 'output-file-handler
"unhandled message ~s" (cons msg args))])))
(define (option-id x)
(case x
[(error) 0]
[(replace) 1]
[(truncate) 2]
[(append) 3]
[else (error 'open-output-file "~s is not a valid mode" x)]))
(define $open-output-file
(lambda (filename options)
(let ([fd/error
(foreign-call "ikrt_open_output_file"
(option-id options))])
(if (fixnum? fd/error)
(let ([port
(make-output-file-handler fd/error filename)
(make-string 4096))])
(guardian port)
(error 'open-output-file "cannot open ~s: ~a" filename fd/error)))))
(define *standard-output-port* #f)
(define *standard-error-port* #f)
(define *current-output-port* #f)
(define standard-output-port
(lambda () *standard-output-port*))
(define standard-error-port
(lambda () *standard-error-port*))
(define console-output-port
(lambda () *standard-output-port*))
(define current-output-port
[() *current-output-port*]
(if (output-port? p)
(set! *current-output-port* p)
(error 'current-output-port "~s is not an output port" p))]))
(define open-output-file
(if (string? filename)
($open-output-file filename 'error)
(error 'open-output-file "~s is not a string" filename))]
[(filename options)
(if (string? filename)
($open-output-file filename options)
(error 'open-output-file "~s is not a string" filename))]))
(define with-output-to-file
(lambda (name proc . args)
(unless (string? name)
(error 'with-output-to-file "~s is not a string" name))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(error 'with-output-to-file "~s is not a procedure" proc))
(let ([p (apply open-output-file name args)]
[shot #f])
(lambda ()
(parameterize ([current-output-port p])
[(v) (close-output-port p) v]
(close-output-port p)
(apply values v*)])))))
(define call-with-output-file
(lambda (name proc . args)
(unless (string? name)
(error 'call-with-output-file "~s is not a string" name))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(error 'call-with-output-file "~s is not a procedure" proc))
(let ([p (apply open-output-file name args)])
(call-with-values (lambda () (proc p))
[(v) (close-output-port p) v]
(close-output-port p)
(apply values v*)])))))
(set! *standard-output-port*
(make-output-file-handler 1 '*stdout*)
(make-string 4096)))
(set! *current-output-port* *standard-output-port*)
(set! *standard-error-port*
(make-output-file-handler 2 '*stderr*)
(make-string 4096))) )

View File

@ -33,119 +33,6 @@
(let () ;;; OUTPUT FILES
(define guardian (make-guardian))
(define close-ports
(lambda ()
[(guardian) =>
(lambda (p)
(close-output-port p)
(define do-write-buffer
(lambda (fd port-name p caller)
(let ([bytes (foreign-call "ikrt_write_file"
(port-output-buffer p)
(port-output-index p))])
(if (fixnum? bytes)
(set-port-output-index! p 0)
(error caller "cannot write to file ~s: ~a" port-name bytes)))))
(define make-output-file-handler
(lambda (fd port-name)
(define open? #t)
(define output-file-handler
(lambda (msg . args)
(message-case msg args
[(write-char c p)
(if (char? c)
(if (output-port? p)
(let ([idx ($port-output-index p)])
(if ($fx< idx ($port-output-size p))
($string-set! ($port-output-buffer p) idx c)
($set-port-output-index! p ($fxadd1 idx)))
(if open?
(do-write-buffer fd port-name p 'write-char)
($write-char c p))
(error 'write-char "port ~s is closed" p))))
(error 'write-char "~s is not an output-port" p))
(error 'write-char "~s is not a character" c))]
[(flush-output-port p)
(if (output-port? p)
(if open?
(do-write-buffer fd port-name p 'flush-output-port)
(error 'flush-output-port "port ~s is closed" p))
(error 'flush-output-port "~s is not an output-port" p))]
[(close-port p)
(when open?
(flush-output-port p)
($set-port-output-size! p 0)
(set! open? #f)
(unless (foreign-call "ikrt_close_file" fd)
(error 'close-output-port "cannot close ~s" port-name)))]
[(port-name p) port-name]
[else (error 'output-file-handler
"unhandled message ~s" (cons msg args))])))
(define (option-id x)
(case x
[(error) 0]
[(replace) 1]
[(truncate) 2]
[(append) 3]
[else (error 'open-output-file "~s is not a valid mode" x)]))
(define open-output-file
(lambda (filename options)
(let ([fd/error
(foreign-call "ikrt_open_output_file"
(option-id options))])
(if (fixnum? fd/error)
(let ([port
(make-output-file-handler fd/error filename)
(make-string 4096))])
(guardian port)
(error 'open-output-file "cannot open ~s: ~a" filename fd/error)))))
(primitive-set! '*standard-output-port*
(make-output-file-handler 1 '*stdout*)
(make-string 4096)))
(primitive-set! '*current-output-port* *standard-output-port*)
(primitive-set! '*standard-error-port*
(make-output-file-handler 2 '*stderr*)
(make-string 4096)))
(primitive-set! 'standard-output-port
(lambda () *standard-output-port*))
(primitive-set! 'standard-error-port
(lambda () *standard-error-port*))
(primitive-set! 'console-output-port
(lambda () *standard-output-port*))
(primitive-set! 'current-output-port
[() *current-output-port*]
(if (output-port? p)
(primitive-set! '*current-output-port* p)
(error 'current-output-port "~s is not an output port" p))]))
(primitive-set! 'open-output-file
(if (string? filename)
(open-output-file filename 'error)
(error 'open-output-file "~s is not a string" filename))]
[(filename options)
(if (string? filename)
(open-output-file filename options)
(error 'open-output-file "~s is not a string" filename))]))
(let () ;;; OUTPUT STRINGS
@ -235,37 +122,7 @@
(parameterize ([current-output-port p]) (f))
(get-output-string p))))
(primitive-set! 'with-output-to-file
(lambda (name proc . args)
(unless (string? name)
(error 'with-output-to-file "~s is not a string" name))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(error 'with-output-to-file "~s is not a procedure" proc))
(let ([p (apply open-output-file name args)]
[shot #f])
(lambda ()
(parameterize ([current-output-port p])
[(v) (close-output-port p) v]
(close-output-port p)
(apply values v*)])))))
(primitive-set! 'call-with-output-file
(lambda (name proc . args)
(unless (string? name)
(error 'call-with-output-file "~s is not a string" name))
(unless (procedure? proc)
(error 'call-with-output-file "~s is not a procedure" proc))
(let ([p (apply open-output-file name args)])
(call-with-values (lambda () (proc p))
[(v) (close-output-port p) v]
(close-output-port p)
(apply values v*)])))))
(primitive-set! 'with-input-from-file
(lambda (name proc)

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@