* cleanup of extract-info.ss

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-09-13 07:09:31 -04:00
parent a85669fc4d
commit 4ff03fcd77
1 changed files with 1 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -31,67 +31,6 @@
(define (codes-in-cats ls cats)
(let f ([ls ls] [ac '()])
[(null? ls) (reverse ac)]
[(memq (cdar ls) cats)
(f (cdr ls) (cons (caar ls) ac))]
[else (f (cdr ls) ac)])))
(define (make-xonxoff ls)
;;; makes a list where if your index is at an odd
;;; position, then you're ON. If your index is not in
;;; the list, then look for the index before you.
(cons 0
(let f ([i 1] [on? #f]
[ls (if (= (car ls) 0)
(error 'make-xonxoff "first is on")
[(null? ls) (list i)]
[(= i (car ls))
(if on?
(f (+ i 1) #t (cdr ls))
(cons i (f (+ i 1) #t (cdr ls))))]
(if on?
(cons i (f (+ i 1) #f ls))
(f (+ i 1) #f ls))]))))
(define (search-on? n v)
(let ([k (- (vector-length v) 1)])
(let f ([i 0] [k k])
[(fx= i k) (odd? i)]
(let ([j (fxsra (+ i k 1) 1)])
[(<= (vector-ref v j) n) (f j k)]
[else (f i (- j 1))]))]))))
(define (verify vec ls)
(let f ([i 0] [ls ls])
(unless (> i #x10FFFF)
(let-values ([(on? ls)
[(null? ls) (values #f '())]
[(= i (car ls)) (values #t (cdr ls))]
[else (values #f ls)])])
(unless (equal? on? (search-on? i vec))
(error #f "did not pass on ~s" i))
(f (+ i 1) ls)))))
(define (cat fields)
(let ([num (car fields)]
[cat (caddr fields)])
(read (open-input-string (format "#x~a" num)))
(string->symbol cat))))
(define constituent-property #x010000)
(define uppercase-property #x020000)
@ -155,19 +94,6 @@
[else (error 'category-index "invalid cat ~s" x)]))
(define (insert-missing ls)
(let ([Cn-index (category-index 'Cn)])
(let f ([ls ls] [i 0] [ac '()])
[(> i #x10FFFF) (reverse ac)]
[(null? ls)
(f ls (+ i 1) (cons (cons i Cn-index) ac))]
[(= i (caar ls))
(f (cdr ls) (+ i 1)
(cons (cons (caar ls) (category-index (cdar ls))) ac))]
(f ls (+ i 1) (cons (cons i Cn-index) ac))]))))
(define (make-cats-table ls)
(let f ([i 1] [st (car ls)] [ls (cdr ls)] [ac '()])
@ -272,35 +198,7 @@
`(define unicode-categories-name-vector
',(list->vector (map car categories)))))
(exit 0)
(let ([ls (map cat (get-unicode-data "UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt"))])
(let ([wanted
(codes-in-cats ls
'(Lu Ll Lt Lm Lo Mn Mc Me Nd Nl No Pd Pc Po Sc Sm Sk So Co))]
[cats-table (merge-sequences
(insert-missing ls)))])
(let ([xonxoff (list->vector (make-xonxoff wanted))])
(verify xonxoff wanted)
(with-output-to-file "unicode-info.ss"
(lambda ()
(printf ";;; DO NOT EDIT\n")
(printf ";;; automatically generated\n")
(printf ";;; ~s elements in vector\n\n" (vector-length xonxoff))
`(define unicode-constituents-vector ',xonxoff))
(printf ";;; ~s elements in cats\n" (length cats-table))
`(define unicode-categories-lookup-vector
',(list->vector (map car cats-table))))
`(define unicode-categories-values-vector
',(list->vector (map cdr cats-table))))
`(define unicode-categories-name-vector
',(list->vector (map car categories)))))
(printf "Happy Happy Joy Joy\n")