string<->utf in progress

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-12-03 03:00:01 -05:00
parent bdb73c70a8
commit 4efdebb3ac
2 changed files with 161 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
(library (ikarus transcoders) (library (ikarus transcoders)
(export string->utf8 utf8->string string->utf16 string->utf32) (export string->utf8 utf8->string string->utf16 string->utf32)
(import (except (ikarus) string->utf8 utf8->string) (import (except (ikarus) string->utf8 utf8->string string->utf16
utf16->string string->utf32 utf32->string)
(ikarus system $strings) (ikarus system $strings)
(ikarus system $bytevectors) (ikarus system $bytevectors)
(ikarus system $fx) (ikarus system $fx)
@ -292,6 +293,27 @@
;;; U' = yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx ;;; U' = yyyyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxxx
;;; W1 = 110110yyyyyyyyyy ;;; W1 = 110110yyyyyyyyyy
;;; W2 = 110111xxxxxxxxxx ;;; W2 = 110111xxxxxxxxxx
;;; Decoding of a single character from UTF-16 to an ISO 10646 character
;;; value proceeds as follows. Let W1 be the next 16-bit integer in the
;;; sequence of integers representing the text. Let W2 be the (eventual)
;;; next integer following W1.
;;; 1) If W1 < 0xD800 or W1 > 0xDFFF, the character value U is the value
;;; of W1. Terminate.
;;; 2) Determine if W1 is between 0xD800 and 0xDBFF. If not, the sequence
;;; is in error and no valid character can be obtained using W1.
;;; Terminate.
;;; 3) If there is no W2 (that is, the sequence ends with W1), or if W2
;;; is not between 0xDC00 and 0xDFFF, the sequence is in error.
;;; Terminate.
;;; 4) Construct a 20-bit unsigned integer U', taking the 10 low-order
;;; bits of W1 as its 10 high-order bits and the 10 low-order bits of
;;; W2 as its 10 low-order bits.
(module (string->utf16) (module (string->utf16)
(define ($string->utf16 str endianness) (define ($string->utf16 str endianness)
@ -341,6 +363,100 @@
(error 'string->utf16 "invalid endianness" endianness)) (error 'string->utf16 "invalid endianness" endianness))
($string->utf16 str endianness)]))) ($string->utf16 str endianness)])))
(module (utf16->string)
(define who 'utf16->string)
(define (count-size bv endianness i len n)
[(fx= i len)
(if (fx= len (bytevector-length bv))
(+ n 1))]
(let ([w1 (bytevector-u16-ref bv i endianness)])
[(or (fx< w1 #xD800) (fx> w1 #xDFFF))
(count-size bv endianness (+ i 2) len (+ n 1))]
[(not (fx<= #xD800 w1 #xDFFF)) ;;; error sequence
(count-size bv endianness (+ i 2) len (+ n 1))]
[(<= (+ i 4) (bytevector-length bv))
(let ([w2 (bytevector-u16-ref bv (+ i 2) endianness)])
[(not (<= #xDC00 w2 #xDFFF))
;;; do we skip w2 also?
;;; I won't. Just w1 is an error
(count-size bv endianness (+ i 2) len (+ n 1))]
;;; 4-byte sequence is ok
(count-size bv endianness (+ i 4) len (+ n 1))]))]
;;; error again
(count-size bv endianness (+ i 2) len (+ n 1))]))]))
(define (fill bv endianness str i len n)
[(fx= i len)
(unless (fx= len (bytevector-length bv))
(string-set! str n #\xFFFD))
(let ([w1 (bytevector-u16-ref bv i endianness)])
[(or (fx< w1 #xD800) (fx> w1 #xDFFF))
(string-set! str n (integer->char w1))
(fill bv endianness str (+ i 2) len (+ n 1))]
[(not (fx<= #xD800 w1 #xDFFF)) ;;; error sequence
(string-set! str n #\xFFFD)
(fill bv endianness str (+ i 2) len (+ n 1))]
[(<= (+ i 4) (bytevector-length bv))
(let ([w2 (bytevector-u16-ref bv (+ i 2) endianness)])
[(not (<= #xDC00 w2 #xDFFF))
;;; do we skip w2 also?
;;; I won't. Just w1 is an error
(string-set! str n #\xFFFD)
(fill bv endianness str (+ i 2) len (+ n 1))]
(string-set! str n
(fxlogor (fxsll (fxlogand w1 #x3FF) 10)
(fxlogand w2 #x3FF))))
(count-size bv endianness (+ i 4) len (+ n 1))]))]
;;; error again
(string-set! str n #\xFFFD)
(count-size bv endianness str (+ i 2) len (+ n 1))]))]))
(define (decode bv endianness start)
(let ([len (fxand (bytevector-length bv) -2)])
(let ([n (count-size bv endianness start len 0)])
(let ([str (make-string n)])
(fill bv endianness str start len 0)))))
(define ($utf16->string bv endianness em?)
(define (bom-present bv)
(and (fx>= (bytevector-length bv) 2)
(let ([n (bytevector-u16-ref bv 0 'big)])
[(fx= n #xFEFF) 'big]
[(fx= n #xFFFE) 'little]
[else #f]))))
(unless (bytevector? bv)
(error who "not a bytevector" bv))
(unless (memv endianness '(big little))
(error who "invalid endianness" endianness))
[em? (decode bv endianness 0)]
[(bom-present bv) =>
(lambda (endianness)
(decode bv endianness 2))]
(decode bv endianness 0)]))
(define utf16->string
[(bv endianness)
($utf16->string bv endianness #f)]
[(bv endianness em?)
($utf16->string bv endianness em?)])))
(module (string->utf32) (module (string->utf32)
(define who 'string->utf32) (define who 'string->utf32)
(define (vfill str bv i len endianness) (define (vfill str bv i len endianness)
@ -369,5 +485,48 @@
(module (utf32->string)
(define who 'utf32->string)
(define (fill bv endianness str i j n)
[(fx= i j)
(unless (fx= n (string-length str))
(string-set! str n #\xFFFD))
(string-set! str n
(let ([w (bytevector-u32-ref bv i endianness)])
(integer->char w)))
(fill bv endianness str (fx+ i 4) j (fx+ n 1))]))
(define (decode bv endianness start)
(let ([bvlen (bytevector-length bv)])
(let ([strlen (fxsra (fx+ (fx- bvlen start) 3) 2)])
(fill bv endianness (make-string strlen) start
(fxand bvlen -2) 0))))
(define ($utf32->string bv endianness em?)
(define (bom-present bv)
(and (fx>= (bytevector-length bv) 4)
(let ([n (bytevector-u16-ref bv 0 'big)])
[(fx= n #x0000FEFF) 'big]
[(fx= n #xFFFE0000) 'little]
[else #f]))))
(unless (bytevector? bv)
(error who "not a bytevector" bv))
(unless (memv endianness '(big little))
(error who "invalid endianness" endianness))
[em? (decode bv endianness 0)]
[(bom-present bv) =>
(lambda (endianness)
(decode bv endianness 4))]
(decode bv endianness 0)]))
(define utf32->string
[(bv endianness)
($utf32->string bv endianness #f)]
[(bv endianness em?)
($utf32->string bv endianness em?)])))
) )

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