* racompiler passes 1.3

* assembler handles more xor operands
This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2007-02-05 17:09:50 -05:00
parent f7e773b30f
commit 4698e0fd92
3 changed files with 385 additions and 17 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -555,6 +555,10 @@
[else (error who "invalid ~s" instr)])]
[(xorl src dst)
[(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst))
(CODE #x83 (ModRM 3 '/6 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (imm? src) (eq? dst '%eax))
(CODE #x35 (IMM32 src ac))]
[(and (reg? src) (reg? dst))
(CODE #x31 (ModRM 3 src dst ac))]
[(and (mem? src) (reg? dst))

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ikarus --script
(import scheme)
(define (racompile x)
(define-syntax record-case
@ -38,24 +39,111 @@
(define (mkprm op . rand*) (make-primcall op rand*))
(define-record seq (e0 e1))
(define (mkseq e0 e1) (make-seq e0 e1))
(define-record conditional (e0 e1 e2))
(define (mkif e0 e1 e2) (make-conditional e0 e1 e2))
(module (primitive? arg-count-ok? primitive-context)
(define primitives
'([$fxadd1 1 v]
[$fxlognot 1 v]
[$fixnum->char 1 v]
[$char->fixnum 1 v]
[fixnum? 1 p]
[null? 1 p]
[$fxzero? 1 p]
[boolean? 1 p]
[char? 1 p]
[not 1 not]
(define (primitive? x)
(and (assq x primitives) #t))
(define (arg-count-ok? prim n)
[(assq prim primitives) =>
(lambda (p)
(let ([m (cadr p)])
[(= n m) #t]
[else #f])))]
[else (error 'arg-count-ok? "~s is not a primitive" prim)]))
(define (primitive-context prim)
[(assq prim primitives) => caddr]
[else (error 'arg-count-ok? "~s is not a primitive" prim)]))
(define (recordize x)
(define who 'recordize)
(define (E* x* r)
(map (lambda (x) (E x r)) x*))
(define (E x r)
[(pair? x)
[(and (pair? x) (symbol? (car x)))
(case (car x)
[(quote) (mkconst (cadr x))]
[else (error who "invalid expression ~s" x)])]
[(pair? x)
(let ([a (car x)])
[(and (pair? a) (eq? (car a) '|#primitive|))
(let ([op (cadr a)])
[(not (primitive? op))
(error who "invalid primitive ~s" op)]
[(not (arg-count-ok? op (length (cdr x))))
(error who "incorrect args in ~s" x)]
(make-primcall op (E* (cdr x) r))]))]
[else (error who "invalid expression ~s" x)]))]
[else (error who "invalid expression ~s" x)]))
(E x '()))
(define (normalize-context x)
(define who 'normalize-context)
(define (P x)
(define (predicafy x)
(mkif (mkprm 'eq? x (make-constant #f))
(make-constant #f)
(make-constant #t)))
(record-case x
[(constant c) (make-constant (if c #t #f))]
[(primcall op rands)
(case (primitive-context op)
[(v) (predicafy (V x))]
[(p) (make-primcall op (map V rands))]
[(not) (mkif (P (car rands)) (mkconst #f) (mkconst #t))]
[else (error who "unhandled pred context")])]
[else (error who "invalid expression ~s" x)]))
(define (V x)
(record-case x
[(constant) x]
[(primcall op rands)
(case (primitive-context op)
[(v) (make-primcall op (map V rands))]
[(p) (mkif (P x) (mkconst #t) (mkconst #f))]
[(not) (mkif (P (car rands)) (mkconst #f) (mkconst #t))]
[else (error who "unhandled value context")])]
[else (error who "invalid expression ~s" x)]))
(V x))
(define (specify-representation x)
(define who 'specify-representation)
(define fixnum-scale 4)
(define fixnum-shift 2)
(define fixnum-mask 3)
(define fixnum-tag 0)
(define boolean-mask #xEF)
(define boolean-tag #x2F)
(define true-object #x3F)
(define false-object #x2F)
(define void-object #x7F)
@ -87,28 +175,127 @@
[(bwp-object? c) (mkint bwp-object)]
[else (error 'immediate-rep "invalid ~s" c)]))
(define (Tail x)
(define (P x)
(define (tagcmp rands mask tag)
(mkprm 'int=
(mkprm 'intand (V (car rands)) (mkint mask))
(mkint tag)))
(record-case x
[(constant) x]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(mkif (P e0) (P e1) (P e2))]
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
[(fixnum?) (tagcmp rands fixnum-mask fixnum-tag)]
[(boolean?) (tagcmp rands boolean-mask boolean-tag)]
[(char?) (tagcmp rands char-mask char-tag)]
(mkprm 'int= (V (car rands)) (immediate-rep 0))]
(mkprm 'int= (V (car rands)) (immediate-rep '()))]
[else (error who "invalid value prim ~s" op)])]
[else (error who "invalid value ~s" x)]))
(define (V x)
(record-case x
[(constant c)
(if (immediate? c)
(immediate-rep c)
[else (error who "invalid tail ~s" x)]))
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(mkif (P e0) (V e1) (V e2))]
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
(mkprm 'int+ (V (car rands)) (immediate-rep 1))]
(mkprm 'intxor (V (car rands)) (immediate-rep -1))]
(mkprm 'intsra (V (car rands))
(mkint (- char-shift fixnum-shift)))]
(mkprm 'intor
(mkprm 'intsll (V (car rands))
(mkint (- char-shift fixnum-shift)))
(mkint char-tag))]
[else (error who "invalid value prim ~s" op)])]
[else (error who "invalid value ~s" x)]))
(Tail x))
(V x))
(define (impose-calling-convention x)
(define who 'impose-calling-convention)
(define rv-register (mkreg '%eax))
(define (return x)
(mkseq (mkset rv-register x)
(mkprm 'return rv-register)))
(define (Tail x)
(define (simple? x)
(record-case x
[(constant) (return x)]
[(int) (return x)]
[(constant) #t]
[(int) #t]
[else #f]))
(define (P x)
(define (prim op op^ a b)
[(simple? a)
(mkseq (V b) (mkprm op^ rv-register a))]
[(simple? b)
(mkseq (V a) (mkprm op rv-register b))]
[else (error who "two complex operands ~s ~s" a b)]))
(record-case x
[(constant) x]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(mkif (P e0) (P e1) (P e2))]
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
(prim 'int= 'int= (car rands) (cadr rands))]
[else (error who "invalid pred prim ~s" op)])]
[else (error who "invalid pred value ~s" x)]))
(define (V x)
(define (assoc op a b)
[(simple? a)
(mkseq (V b)
(mkset rv-register (mkprm op rv-register a)))]
[(simple? b)
(mkseq (V a)
(mkset rv-register (mkprm op rv-register b)))]
[else (error who "two complex operands ~s ~s" a b)]))
(record-case x
[(constant) (mkset rv-register x)]
[(int) (mkset rv-register x)]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(mkif (P e0) (V e1) (V e2))]
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
(assoc 'int+ (car rands) (cadr rands))]
(assoc 'intxor (car rands) (cadr rands))]
(assoc 'intor (car rands) (cadr rands))]
(assoc 'intand (car rands) (cadr rands))]
[(intsll intsra)
(let ([a (car rands)] [b (cadr rands)])
(record-case b
(mkseq (V a)
(mkset rv-register (mkprm op rv-register b)))]
(error who "unhandled intsll ~s" b)]))]
[else (error who "invalid value prim ~s" op)])]
[else (error who "invalid value value ~s" x)]))
(define (Tail x)
(define (return x)
(mkseq x (mkprm 'return rv-register)))
(record-case x
[(constant) (return (V x))]
[(int) (return (V x))]
[(primcall) (return (V x))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(mkif (P e0) (Tail e1) (Tail e2))]
[else (error who "invalid tail ~s" x)]))
(Tail x))
@ -123,18 +310,180 @@
[(int i) i]
[else (error who "invalid op ~s" x)]))
(define (same? x y)
(record-case x
[(reg rx)
(record-case y
[(reg ry) (eq? rx ry)]
[else #f])]
[else (error 'same? "invalid arg ~s" x)]))
(define (indep? x y)
(record-case x
[(reg rx)
(let f ([y y])
(record-case y
[(int) #t]
[(constant) #t]
[(reg ry) (not (eq? rx ry))]
[(primcall op rands)
(andmap f rands)]
[else (error 'indep? "unhandled ~s" y)]))]
[else (error 'indep? "invalid arg ~s" x)]))
(define (Pred x lt lf ac)
(define (revcmp x)
(case x
[(int=) 'int=]
[(int<) 'int>]
[(int<=) 'int>=]
[(int>) 'int<]
[(int>=) 'int<=]
[else (errot 'revcmp "invalid cmp ~s" x)]))
(define (CJump cnd lt lf ac)
(define (cjumpop x)
(case x
[(int=) 'je]
[(int<) 'jl]
[(int<=) 'jle]
[(int>) 'jg]
[(int>=) 'jge]))
(define (cjumpop^ x)
(case x
[(int=) 'jne]
[(int<) 'jnl]
[(int<=) 'jnle]
[(int>) 'jng]
[(int>=) 'jnge]))
[(and lt lf)
(list* `(,(cjumpop cnd) (label ,lt))
`(jmp (label lf))
(list* `(,(cjumpop cnd) (label ,lt))
(list* `(,(cjumpop^ cnd) (label ,lf))
[else ac]))
(record-case x
[(constant c)
(if c
(if lt (cons `(jmp (label ,lt)) ac) ac)
(if lf (cons `(jmp (label ,lf)) ac) ac))]
[(seq e0 e1)
(Effect e0 (Pred e1 lt lf ac))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
[(and lt lf)
(let ([g (gensym)])
(Pred e0 #f g
(Pred e1 lt lf
(cons `(label ,g)
(Pred e2 lt lf ac)))))]
(let ([g (gensym)] [lf (gensym)])
(Pred e0 #f g
(Pred e1 lt lf
(cons `(label ,g)
(Pred e2 lt #f
(cons `(label ,lf) ac))))))]
(let ([g (gensym)] [lt (gensym)])
(Pred e0 #f g
(Pred e1 lt lf
(cons `(label ,g)
(Pred e2 #f lf
(cons `(label ,lt) ac))))))]
(let ([g (gensym)] [lt (gensym)])
(Pred e0 #f g
(Pred e1 lt lt
(cons `(label ,g)
(Pred e2 #f #f
(cons `(label ,lt) ac))))))])]
[(primcall prim rands)
(let ([a (car rands)] [b (cadr rands)])
(record-case a
[(reg ra)
(cons `(cmpl ,(op b) ,(op a))
(CJump (revcmp prim) lt lf ac))]
[(reg rb)
(cons `(cmpl ,(op a) ,(op b))
(CJump prim lt lf ac))]
[else (error who "invalid operands in pred ~s ~s" a b)]))]
[else (error who "invalid pred ~s" x)]))
(define (Effect x ac)
(define (primname x)
(case x
[(int+) 'addl]
[(intor) 'orl]
[(intxor) 'xorl]
[(intand) 'andl]
[(intsll) 'sall]
[(intsra) 'sarl]
[else (error who "invalid primname ~s" x)]))
(record-case x
[(seq e0 e1)
(Effect e0 (Effect e1 ac))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(let ([g (gensym)] [elabel (gensym)])
(Pred e0 #f g
(Effect e1
(list* `(jmp (label ,elabel))
`(label ,g)
(Effect e2
(cons `(label ,elabel) ac))))))]
[(set targ v)
(cons `(movl ,(op v) ,(op targ)) ac)]
(record-case v
[(int i) (cons `(movl ,i ,(op targ)) ac)]
[(constant c) (cons `(movl (obj ,c) ,(op targ)) ac)]
[(primcall prim rands)
(case prim
[(int+ intor intxor intand)
(let ([asmprm (primname prim)])
(let ([a (car rands)] [b (cadr rands)])
[(and (same? targ a) (indep? targ b))
(cons `(,asmprm ,(op b) ,(op a)) ac)]
[(and (same? targ b) (indep? targ b))
(cons `(,asmprm ,(op a) ,(op b)) ac)]
[(indep? targ b)
(list* `(movl ,(op a) ,(op targ))
`(,asmprm ,(op b) ,(op targ))
[(indep? targ a)
(list* `(movl ,(op b) ,(op targ))
`(,asmprm ,(op a) ,(op targ))
[else (error who "invalid ops")])))]
[(intsll intsra)
(let ([asmprm (primname prim)])
(let ([a (car rands)] [b (cadr rands)])
[(and (same? targ a) (indep? targ b))
(cons `(,asmprm ,(op b) ,(op a)) ac)]
[(indep? targ b)
(list* `(movl ,(op a) ,(op targ))
`(,asmprm ,(op b) ,(op targ))
[else (error who "invalid ops")])))]
[else (error who "invalid op ~s" prim)])])]
[else (error who "invalid effect ~s" x)]))
(define (Tail x ac)
(record-case x
[(seq e0 e1)
(Effect e0 (Tail e1 ac))]
[(conditional e0 e1 e2)
(let ([g (gensym)])
(Pred e0 #f g
(Tail e1
(cons `(label ,g)
(Tail e2 ac)))))]
[(primcall op rands)
(case op
@ -145,11 +494,22 @@
(list (cons 0 (Tail x '()))))
(define (compile x)
(let* ([x (expand x)]
(let* ([x (parameterize ([expand-mode 'bootstrap]
($make-environment '|#system| #t)])
(expand x))]
[x (recordize x)]
[x (normalize-context x)]
[x (specify-representation x)]
[x (impose-calling-convention x)]
[x* (linearize x)]
[foo (parameterize ([print-gensym 'pretty])
(lambda (ls)
(for-each (lambda (x)
(printf " ~s\n" x))
[code (car (#%list*->code*
(lambda (x) #f)
@ -165,16 +525,20 @@
(printf "SECTION ~a ...\n" 'name)
(let ([str str*]
[expr 'expr*])
(printf "testing ~s\n" expr)
(let ([r (with-output-to-string
(lambda ()
(write (racompile expr))
(fprintf (console-output-port) "testing ~s\n" expr)
(let ([r (let ([v (racompile expr)])
(fprintf (console-output-port) ".")
(lambda ()
(write v)
(fprintf (console-output-port) ".")
(unless (string=? r str)
(error #f "expected ~s, got ~s\n" str r))))
(load "tests/tests-1.1-req.scm")
(load "tests/tests-1.2-req.scm")
(load "tests/tests-1.3-req.scm")
(printf "ALL IS GOOD :-)\n")