imported compiler1

This commit is contained in:
Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2006-11-23 19:38:26 -05:00
parent d3313cd737
commit 3e7726203a
134 changed files with 25820 additions and 109334 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
#if 0
Taken from
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#undef get16bits
#if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)) || defined(__WATCOMC__) \
|| defined(_MSC_VER) || defined (__BORLANDC__) || defined (__TURBOC__)
#define get16bits(d) (*((const uint16_t *) (d)))
#if !defined (get16bits)
#define get16bits(d) ((((const uint8_t *)(d))[1] << UINT32_C(8))\
+((const uint8_t *)(d))[0])
char* SuperFastHash (char* str) {
char* data = str + disp_string_data - string_tag;
int len = (int) ref(str, disp_string_length - string_tag);
len = len >> fx_shift;
uint32_t hash = len, tmp;
int rem;
if (len <= 0 || data == NULL) return 0;
rem = len & 3;
len >>= 2;
/* Main loop */
for (;len > 0; len--) {
hash += get16bits (data);
tmp = (get16bits (data+2) << 11) ^ hash;
hash = (hash << 16) ^ tmp;
data += 2*sizeof (uint16_t);
hash += hash >> 11;
/* Handle end cases */
switch (rem) {
case 3: hash += get16bits (data);
hash ^= hash << 16;
hash ^= data[sizeof (uint16_t)] << 18;
hash += hash >> 11;
case 2: hash += get16bits (data);
hash ^= hash << 11;
hash += hash >> 17;
case 1: hash += *data;
hash ^= hash << 10;
hash += hash >> 1;
/* Force "avalanching" of final 127 bits */
hash ^= hash << 3;
hash += hash >> 5;
hash ^= hash << 4;
hash += hash >> 17;
hash ^= hash << 25;
hash += hash >> 6;
return (char*)(hash<<fx_shift);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,77 @@
(load "")
(load "")
(load "")
(define-record code (code-size reloc-size closure-size code-vec reloc-vec))
(define make-code
(let ([make-code make-code])
(lambda (code-size reloc-size closure-size)
(printf "reloc=~s\n" reloc-size)
(let ([code-size (fxsll (fxsra (fx+ code-size 3) 2) 2)])
(fxsra code-size 2)
(fxsra reloc-size 2)
(make-vector code-size (cons 'byte 0))
(make-vector (fxsra reloc-size 2)))))))
(define set-code-byte!
(lambda (code idx byte)
(vector-set! (code-code-vec code) idx (cons 'byte byte))))
(define set-code-word!
(lambda (code idx x)
[(fixnum? x)
(set-code-byte! code (fx+ idx 0) (fxsll (fxlogand x #x3F) 2))
(set-code-byte! code (fx+ idx 1) (fxlogand (fxsra x 6) #xFF))
(set-code-byte! code (fx+ idx 2) (fxlogand (fxsra x 14) #xFF))
(set-code-byte! code (fx+ idx 3) (fxlogand (fxsra x 22) #xFF))]
[else (error 'set-code-word! "unhandled ~s" x)])))
(define set-code-object!
(lambda (code obj code-idx reloc-idx)
(let ([v (code-reloc-vec code)])
(vector-set! v reloc-idx (list 'object code-idx obj)))))
(define set-code-object+offset/rel!
(lambda (code obj code-idx obj-idx reloc-idx)
(let ([v (code-reloc-vec code)])
(vector-set! v reloc-idx
(list 'object+off/rel code-idx obj obj-idx))
(vector-set! v (fxadd1 reloc-idx) '(skip)))))
(define set-code-object+offset!
(lambda (code obj code-idx obj-idx reloc-idx)
(let ([v (code-reloc-vec code)])
(vector-set! v reloc-idx
(list 'object+off code-idx obj obj-idx))
(vector-set! v (fxadd1 reloc-idx) '(skip)))))
(define make-code-executable!
(lambda (x) (void)))
(define eval-code
(lambda (code)
(with-output-to-file "stst.fasl"
(lambda ()
(fasl-write code))
(let ([rv (system "runtime/ikarus stst.fasl > stst.tmp")])
(unless (zero? rv)
(error 'eval-code "Failed to run: ~s" rv)))
(with-input-from-file "stst.tmp" read)))
(let ()
(define verbose #f)
(define verbose #t)
(define passed-tests 0)
(define all-tests 0)
@ -9,9 +80,8 @@
(lambda (code-ls val)
(set! all-tests (fxadd1 all-tests))
(when verbose (printf "Evaluating\n~s\n" code-ls))
(let* ([code (car (#%list*->code* (list code-ls)))]
[proc (code->closure code)]
[v (proc)])
(let* ([code (car (list*->code* (list code-ls)))]
[v (eval-code code)])
(when verbose (printf "evaluated\n"))
[(equal? v val)
@ -21,10 +91,41 @@
(error 'test-code
"expected ~s, got ~s" val v)]))))
(printf "testing ... \n")
'([movl (int 0) %eax]
(let ([L1 (gensym)])
`([movl (obj 10) %eax]
[jmp (label ,L1)]
[byte 0]
[byte 1]
[byte 2]
[byte 3]
[byte 4]
[byte 5]
[byte 6]
[byte 7]
[byte 8]
[byte 9]
[label ,L1]
'([movl (obj+ (1 2 3) 3) %eax]
[movl (disp (int 0) %eax) %eax]
'(2 3))
'([movl (int 40) %eax]
@ -282,31 +383,31 @@
'([movl (obj list) %eax]
[movl (disp (int 6) %eax) %eax] ; symbol value
;; (test-code
;; '([movl (obj list) %eax]
;; [movl (disp (int 6) %eax) %eax] ; symbol value
;; [ret])
;; list)
'([movl (obj 10) (disp (int -4) %esp)]
[movl (obj list) %eax]
[movl (disp (int 6) %eax) %edi] ; symbol value
[movl (obj -1) %eax] ; argc
[jmp (disp (int -3) %edi)])
;; (test-code
;; '([movl (obj 10) (disp (int -4) %esp)]
;; [movl (obj list) %eax]
;; [movl (disp (int 6) %eax) %edi] ; symbol value
;; [movl (obj -1) %eax] ; argc
;; [jmp (disp (int -3) %edi)])
;; '(10))
'([movl (obj 10) (disp (int -4) %esp)]
[movl (obj 20) %eax]
[movl %eax (disp (int -8) %esp)]
[movl (disp (int -8) %esp) %ebx]
[movl %ebx (disp (int -12) %esp)]
[movl (obj list) %eax]
[movl (disp (int 6) %eax) %edi] ; symbol value
[movl (obj -3) %eax] ; argc
[jmp (disp (int -3) %edi)])
'(10 20 20))
;; (test-code
;; '([movl (obj 10) (disp (int -4) %esp)]
;; [movl (obj 20) %eax]
;; [movl %eax (disp (int -8) %esp)]
;; [movl (disp (int -8) %esp) %ebx]
;; [movl %ebx (disp (int -12) %esp)]
;; [movl (obj list) %eax]
;; [movl (disp (int 6) %eax) %edi] ; symbol value
;; [movl (obj -3) %eax] ; argc
;; [jmp (disp (int -3) %edi)])
;; '(10 20 20))
'([movl (obj 10) %eax]
@ -362,24 +463,24 @@
`([movl (int 10) %eax]
[cmpl (int 8) %eax]
[jne (label ,L1)]
[movl (obj #f) %eax]
[movl (obj 0) %eax]
[label ,L1]
[movl (obj #t) %eax]
[movl (obj 1) %eax]
(let ([L1 (gensym)])
`([movl (int 40) %eax]
[cmpl (obj 10) %eax]
[je (label ,L1)]
[movl (obj #f) %eax]
[movl (obj 0) %eax]
[label ,L1]
[movl (obj #t) %eax]
[movl (obj 1) %eax]
(let ([L1 (gensym)])
@ -387,24 +488,24 @@
[movl (int 30) %ebx]
[cmpl %ebx %eax]
[jge (label ,L1)]
[movl (obj #f) %eax]
[movl (obj 0) %eax]
[label ,L1]
[movl (obj #t) %eax]
[movl (obj 1) %eax]
(let ([L1 (gensym)])
`([movl (int 40) (disp (int -4) %esp)]
[cmpl (int 70) (disp (int -4) %esp)]
[jle (label ,L1)]
[movl (obj #f) %eax]
[movl (obj 0) %eax]
[label ,L1]
[movl (obj #t) %eax]
[movl (obj 1) %eax]
'([movl (int 40) (disp (int -4) %esp)]
@ -429,13 +530,13 @@
[cmpl (int 70) (disp (int -1004) %esp)]
[jle (label ,L1)]
[addl (int -1000) %esp]
[movl (obj #f) %eax]
[movl (obj 0) %eax]
[label ,L1]
[addl (int -1000) %esp]
[movl (obj #t) %eax]
[movl (obj 1) %eax]
(let ([L1 (gensym)])
@ -444,13 +545,13 @@
[cmpl (int 7000) (disp (int -1004) %esp)]
[jle (label ,L1)]
[addl (int -1000) %esp]
[movl (obj #f) %eax]
[movl (obj 0) %eax]
[label ,L1]
[addl (int -1000) %esp]
[movl (obj #t) %eax]
[movl (obj 1) %eax]
(let ([L1 (gensym)])
@ -458,12 +559,12 @@
[movl (int 70) %ebx]
[cmpl (disp (int -4) %esp) %ebx]
[jge (label ,L1)]
[movl (obj #f) %eax]
[movl (obj 0) %eax]
[label ,L1]
[movl (obj #t) %eax]
[movl (obj 1) %eax]
(let ([L_fact (gensym)] [L1 (gensym)])

View File

@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
;;; Instruction format:
;;; 0,1,2,3,4 byte prefixes
;;; 1,2,3 byte opcode
;;; 0,1 byte ModR/M
;;; 0,1 byte SIB
;;; 0,1,2,4 bytes address displacement
;;; 0,1,2,4 bytes immediate
;;; Prefixes:
;;; 0 to 4 prefixes are permitted. Up to one prefix from each of the
;;; following groups is permitted (in any order)
;;; Group 1: Lock and Repeat
;;; 0xF0 -- LOCK
;;; 0xF2 -- REPNE/REPNZ (for string instructions)
;;; 0xF3 -- REPE/REPX (for string instructions)
;;; Group 2: Segment override and branch hints
;;; 0x2E -- CS segment override
;;; 0x36 -- SS
;;; 0x3E -- DS
;;; 0x26 -- ES
;;; 0x64 -- FS
;;; 0x65 -- GS
;;; Group 3:
;;; 0x66 -- Operand-size override
;;; Group 4:
;;; 0x67 -- Address-size override
;;; Opcodes:
;;; * Either 1 byte opcode
;;; * Or 2-bytes formed by 0x0F escape opcode followed by a second opcode
;;; * Or 3-bytes formed by 0x66,0xF2,0xF3 prefix followed by escape opcode,
;;; then a second opcode
;;; Mod/RM: 1 byte
;;; ._________._____________.___________.
;;; Bits: | 7 6 | 5 4 3 | 2 1 0 |
;;; | mod | reg/opcode | R/M |
;;; `~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~'
;;; Refer to table 2-2 Page 39 from IA32 Vol2A instruction set reference
;;; Mod:
;;; 0b00 -- direct dereference (i.e. [EAX], [ECX], ... , sib, disp32)
;;; 0b01 -- deref + 8-bit disp (i.e. [EAX]+disp8, ...)
;;; 0b10 -- deref + 32-bit disp
;;; 0b11 -- register name (i.e. EAX, ECX, ...)
;;; R/M: In general, the register names are as follows:
;;; 0b000 -- eax
;;; 0b001 -- ecx
;;; 0b010 -- edx
;;; 0b011 -- ebx
;;; 0b100 -- esp
;;; 0b101 -- ebp
;;; 0b110 -- esi
;;; 0b111 -- edi
;;; Exceptions:
;;; If mod is 0b00, 0b01 or 0b10:
;;; then esp is invalid and 0b100 is used to denote the presence
;;; of an SIB field
;;; If mod is 0b00:
;;; then ebp is invalid and 0b101 is used to denote a disp32 field
;;; that follows the Mod/RM byte and (or the SIB byte if present).
;;; /r: The /r denoted the register operand, the numbers are the same
;;; as above.
;;; SIB: 1 byte
;;; ._________._____________.___________.
;;; Bits: | 7 6 | 5 4 3 | 2 1 0 |
;;; | scale | index | base |
;;; `~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~'
;;; Refer to table 2-3 Page 40 from IA32 Vol2A instruction set reference
;;; Scale:
;;; 0b00: multiply index register by 1 (no scale)
;;; 0b01: multiply index register by 2
;;; 0b10: multiply index register by 4
;;; 0b11: multiply index register by 8
;;; Index: a register number
;;; (esp or 0b100 is invalid as an index)
;;; Base: a register number
;;; ebp or 0b101 as a base is interpreted as follows:
;;; If mod == 0b00, then EA = scaled index + disp32 (no base)
;;; If mod == 0b01, then EA = scaled index + disp8 + ebp
;;; If mod == 0b10, then EA = scaled index + disp32 + ebp
;;; If mod == 0b11, then I DON'T KNOW
(define-instr (TMPL1 primary secondary d s)
(cases (d s)
[(AL imm8) => (logor primary #b00000100) s] ; 04 ib
[(EAX imm32) => (logor primary #b00000101) s] ; 05 id
[(reg/mem8 imm8) => #b10000000 secondary ib] ; 80 /0 ib
[(reg/mem32 imm32) => #b10000001 secondary id] ; 81 /0 id
[(reg/mem32 imm8) => #b10000011 secondary ib] ; 83 /0 ib (sign ext.)
[(reg/mem8 reg8) => (logor primary #b00000000) /r ] ; 00 /r
[(reg/mem32 reg32) => (logor primary #b00000001) /r ] ; 01 /r
[(reg8 reg/mem8) => (logor primary #b00000010) /r ] ; 02 /r
[(reg32 reg/mem32) => (logor primary #b00000011) /r ] ; 03 /r
(define-insrt (ADD d s) (TMPL1 #b00000000 /0 d s))
(define-insrt (AND d s) (TMPL1 #b00100000 /4 d s))
(define-instr (CMP d s) (TMPL1 #b00111000 /7 d s))
(define-insrt (CALL d)
(cases (d)
[(rel32of) => #b11101000 id] ; E8 id
[(reg/mem32) => #b11111111 /2] ; FF /2
(define-instr (CLTD) ; convert long to double
(cases ()
[() => #b10011001] ; 99
(define-insrt (IDIV s)
(cases (s)
[(reg/mem8) => #b11110110 /7] ; F6 /7
[(reg/mem32) => #b11110111 /7] ; F7 /7

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -3,64 +3,32 @@
[(_ name val)
(set-top-level-value! 'name val)]))
(define primitive-set! set-top-level-value!)
(define (immediate? x)
(or (fixnum? x)
(null? x)
(char? x)
(boolean? x)
(eof-object? x)
(eq? x (void))))
(define-syntax add1 syntax-error)
(define fxadd1
(lambda (x)
(import scheme)
(unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxadd1 "~s is not a fixnum" x))
(let ([v (+ x 1)])
(unless (fixnum? v) (error 'fxadd1 "overflow"))
(define-syntax sub1 syntax-error)
(define fxsub1
(lambda (x)
(import scheme)
(unless (fixnum? x) (error 'fxsub1 "~s is not a fixnum" x))
(let ([v (- x 1)])
(unless (fixnum? v) (error 'fxsub1 "overflow"))
(define-syntax - syntax-error)
(define-syntax fx-
(let ()
(import scheme)
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x y) (#%fx- x y)])))
(define-syntax * syntax-error)
(define-syntax fx*
(let ()
(import scheme)
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x y) (#%fx* x y)])))
(define-syntax + syntax-error)
(define-syntax fx+
(let ()
(import scheme)
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x y) (#%fx+ x y)])))
(define-syntax = syntax-error)
(define-syntax fx=
(let ()
(import scheme)
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x y) (#%fx= x y)])))
(define-syntax integer? syntax-error)
(define char= char=?)

View File

@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "scheme.h"
typedef struct root_t{
int count;
char** start;
struct root_t* next;
} root_t;
void S_add_roots(pcb_t* pcb, int* f){
int n = *f;
if(n == 0) return;
root_t* t = malloc(sizeof(root_t));
if(t == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error mallocing\n");
t->count = n;
t->start = (char**)(f+1);
t->next = (root_t*) pcb->roots;
pcb->roots = (char*) t;
int i;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
assert(f[i] == 0);
void S_check_roots(pcb_t* pcb, int* f){
int n = *f;
int i;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
assert(f[i] != 0);
/* S_collect is called from scheme under the following conditions:
* 1. An attempt is made to allocate a small object and the ap is above
* the red line.
* 2. The current frame of the call is dead, so, upon return from S_collect,
* the caller returns to its caller.
* 3. The frame-pointer of the caller to S_collect is saved at
* pcb->stack_extent. No variables are live at that frame except for
* the return point (at *(pcb->stack_extent)).
* 4. S_collect must return a new ap (in pcb->allocation_pointer) that has
* at least 2 pages of memory free.
* 5. S_collect must also update pcb->allocaton_red_line to be 2 pages below
* the real end of heap.
* 6. S_collect should not move the stack.
#define pagesize 4096
#define minimum_heap_size (pagesize * 640)
#define align_to_page(x) (((x)/pagesize)*pagesize)
static char* allocate_unprotected_space(int size);
static void deallocate_unprotected_space(char* p, int size);
static void deallocate_string_pages(char*);
static void copy_roots(pcb_t* pcb);
static char* move_object(char* x, pcb_t* pcb);
pcb_t* S_collect(int req, pcb_t* pcb){
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "S_collect entry %d (pcb=0x%08x)\n", req, (int)pcb);
char* heap_base = pcb->heap_base;
#if 0
int heap_size = (int)pcb->heap_size;
fprintf(stderr, "heapsize=0x%08x (0x%08x .. 0x%08x)\n",
(int) heap_base,
(int) (heap_base + heap_size - 1));
int used_space = (int)(pcb->allocation_pointer - heap_base);
int bytes = (int) pcb->allocated_bytes + (used_space & 0xFFFFF);
pcb->allocated_megs += (bytes >> 20);
pcb->allocated_bytes = (char*) (bytes & 0xFFFFF);
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "allocated %d megs and %d bytes so far\n",
(int) pcb->allocated_megs,
(int) pcb->allocated_bytes);
int required_space = align_to_page(used_space + 2*pagesize);
if(required_space < minimum_heap_size){
required_space = minimum_heap_size;
char* old_heap = pcb->heap_base;
int old_size = (int)pcb->heap_size;
char* old_string_pages = pcb->string_pages;
pcb->string_pages = 0;
char* new_heap = allocate_unprotected_space(required_space);
pcb->allocation_pointer = new_heap;
pcb->allocation_redline = new_heap + required_space - 2 * pagesize;
pcb->heap_base = new_heap;
pcb->heap_size = (char*) required_space;
char** p = (char**) new_heap;
while(p != (char**) pcb->allocation_pointer){
*p = move_object(*p, pcb);
deallocate_unprotected_space(old_heap, old_size);
return pcb;
#define fixnump(x) ((((int)(x)) & fx_mask) == fx_tag)
#define closurep(x) ((((int)(x)) & closure_mask) == closure_tag)
#define immediatep(x) ((((int)(x)) & 7) == 7)
#define tagof(x) (((int) (x)) & 7)
#define ref(x,t) (*((char**)(((char*)(x))+((int)(t)))))
#define align(x) ((((x)+object_alignment-1)>>align_shift)<<align_shift)
typedef struct page_t{
char* base;
char* end;
struct page_t* next;
} page_t;
static page_t* make_page_t(){
page_t* p = malloc(sizeof(page_t));
if(p == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate page");
return p;
static void deallocate_string_pages(char* old_string_pages){
page_t* p;
p = (page_t*) old_string_pages;
deallocate_unprotected_space(p->base, p->end - p->base);
p = (page_t*) old_string_pages;
page_t* n = p->next;
p = n;
#if 0
static char* extend_pointer_ap(pcb_t* pcb, int size){
page_t* p = make_page_t();
p->base = pcb->pointer_base;
p->end = pcb->pointer_ap;
p->next = (page_t*) pcb->pointer_pages;
pcb->pointer_pages = (char*) p;
char* ap = allocate_unprotected_space(size);
pcb->pointer_base = ap;
pcb->pointer_ap = ap;
pcb->pointer_eap = ap + size;
return ap;
static char* alloc_large_string(pcb_t* pcb, int size){
char* ap = allocate_unprotected_space(size);
page_t* p = make_page_t();
p->base = ap;
p->end = ap+size;
p->next = (page_t*) pcb->string_pages;
pcb->string_pages = (char*) p;
return ap;
static char* extend_string_ap(pcb_t* pcb, int size){
page_t* p = make_page_t();
p->base = pcb->string_base;
p->end = pcb->string_ap;
p->next = (page_t*) pcb->string_pages;
pcb->string_pages = (char*) p;
char* ap = allocate_unprotected_space(size);
pcb->string_base = ap;
pcb->string_ap = ap;
pcb->string_eap = ap + size;
return ap;
static char* move_string(char* s, pcb_t* pcb){
int len = (int) ref(s, -string_tag);
int sz = align((len>>fx_shift)+disp_string_data+1);
if(sz < pagesize){
char* ap = pcb->string_ap;
char* nap = ap + sz;
if(nap > pcb->string_eap){
ap = extend_string_ap(pcb, pagesize);
pcb->string_eap = ap + pagesize;
nap = ap + sz;
pcb->string_ap = nap;
memcpy(ap, s-string_tag, sz);
ref(s,-string_tag) = (char*)-1;
ref(s,wordsize-string_tag) = ap+string_tag;
return ap + string_tag;
else {
char* ap = alloc_large_string(pcb, sz);
memcpy(ap, s-string_tag, sz);
ref(s,-string_tag) = (char*)-1;
ref(s,wordsize-string_tag) = ap+string_tag;
return ap + string_tag;
static char* move_pointers(char* x, pcb_t* pcb, int size, int tag){
int sz = align(size);
char* ap = pcb->allocation_pointer;
char* nap = ap + sz;
pcb->allocation_pointer = nap;
ref(nap, -wordsize) = 0;
memcpy(ap, x, size);
ref(x,0) = (char*)-1;
ref(x,wordsize) = ap + tag;
return ap + tag;
static char* move_object(char* x, pcb_t* pcb){
return x;
else if(immediatep(x)){
return x;
else {
int tag = tagof(x);
char* fst = ref(x, -tag);
if(fst == (char*)-1){
return ref(x,wordsize-tag);
else if(tag == pair_tag){
return(move_pointers(x-tag, pcb, pair_size, tag));
else if(tag == closure_tag){
assert(ref(fst, -2*wordsize) == 0);
int size = (int) ref(fst, -wordsize);
assert(size > 0);
return(move_pointers(x-tag, pcb, size, tag));
else if(tag == symbol_tag){
return(move_pointers(x-tag, pcb, symbol_size, tag));
else if(tag == vector_tag){
return(move_pointers(x-tag, pcb, disp_vector_data + (int)fst, tag));
else if(tag == string_tag){
return(move_string(x, pcb));
else {
fprintf(stderr, "here tag=%d\n", tag);
static void copy_roots(pcb_t* pcb){
/* first, the constants */
root_t* r = (root_t*)pcb->roots;
int n = r->count;
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "copying root 0x%08x (%d objs) \n", (int)r, n);
char** f = r->start;
int i;
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
f[i] = move_object(f[i], pcb);
r = r->next;
/* next, the pcb-primitives */
char** fst = &pcb->scheme_objects;
char** end = &pcb->scheme_objects_end;
while(fst < end){
*fst = move_object(*fst, pcb);
/* next, the stack */
char* fp = pcb->stack_extent;
char* stack_base = pcb->scheme_stack;
while(fp != stack_base){
assert(fp < stack_base);
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "copying frame at 0x%08x of 0x%08x\n",
(int)fp, (int)stack_base);
char* rp = ref(fp, 0);
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "return-point = 0x%08x\n", (int)rp);
int framesize = (int) ref(rp, FRAMESIZE_OFFSET); /* UGLY */
assert(framesize >= 0);
if(framesize > 0){
int bytes_in_mask = ((framesize>>fx_shift)+7)>>3;
char* mask = rp + FRAMESIZE_OFFSET - bytes_in_mask;
fp = fp + framesize;
char** fpp = (char**) fp;
int i;
for(i=0; i<bytes_in_mask; i++){
unsigned char m = mask[i];
if (m & 0x01) {
fpp[0] = move_object(fpp[0], pcb);
if (m & 0x02) {
fpp[-1] = move_object(fpp[-1], pcb);
if (m & 0x04) {
fpp[-2] = move_object(fpp[-2], pcb);
if (m & 0x08) {
fpp[-3] = move_object(fpp[-3], pcb);
if (m & 0x10) {
fpp[-4] = move_object(fpp[-4], pcb);
if (m & 0x20) {
fpp[-5] = move_object(fpp[-5], pcb);
if (m & 0x40) {
fpp[-6] = move_object(fpp[-6], pcb);
if (m & 0x80) {
fpp[-7] = move_object(fpp[-7], pcb);
fpp -= 8;
else if(framesize == 0){
framesize = (int)ref(fp, wordsize);
assert(framesize > 0);
#if 0
/* move cp */
char* cp = ref(fp, 2*wordsize);
ref(fp, 2*wordsize) = move_object(cp, pcb);
fp += framesize;
int i;
for(i=wordsize; i<(framesize); i+=wordsize){
ref(fp, -i) = move_object(ref(fp,-i), pcb);
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: framesize is %d\n", framesize);
static char* allocate_unprotected_space(int size){
int aligned_size = ((size + pagesize - 1) / pagesize) * pagesize;
char* p = mmap(0, aligned_size,
0, 0);
if(p == MAP_FAILED){
perror("allocate_unprotected_space failed to mmap");
return p;
static void deallocate_unprotected_space(char* p, int size){
int status;
int aligned_size = ((size + pagesize - 1) / pagesize) * pagesize;
status = munmap(p, aligned_size);
if(status != 0){
perror("deallocate_unprotected_space failed to unmap");

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
#ifndef COLLECT_H
#define COLLECT_H
#include "scheme.h"
void S_add_roots(pcb_t*, int*);
void S_check_roots(pcb_t*, int*);

View File

@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "scheme.h"
typedef struct root_t{
int count;
char** start;
struct root_t* next;
} root_t;
void S_add_roots(pcb_t* pcb, int* f){
int n = *f;
if(n == 0) return;
root_t* t = malloc(sizeof(root_t));
if(t == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "Error mallocing\n");
t->count = n;
t->start = (char**)(f+1);
t->next = (root_t*) pcb->roots;
pcb->roots = (char*) t;
int i;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
assert(f[i] == 0);
void S_check_roots(pcb_t* pcb, int* f){
int n = *f;
int i;
for(i=1; i<=n; i++){
assert(f[i] != 0);
/* S_collect is called from scheme under the following conditions:
* 1. An attempt is made to allocate a small object and the ap is above
* the red line.
* 2. The current frame of the call is dead, so, upon return from S_collect,
* the caller returns to its caller.
* 3. The frame-pointer of the caller to S_collect is saved at
* pcb->stack_extent. No variables are live at that frame except for
* the return point (at *(pcb->stack_extent)).
* 4. S_collect must return a new ap (in pcb->allocation_pointer) that has
* at least 2 pages of memory free.
* 5. S_collect must also update pcb->allocaton_red_line to be 2 pages below
* the real end of heap.
* 6. S_collect should not move the stack.
#define pagesize 4096
#define minimum_heap_size (pagesize * 1024 * 4)
#define maximum_heap_size (pagesize * 1024 * 8)
#define minimum_stack_size (pagesize * 128)
#define align_to_page(x) (((x)/pagesize)*pagesize)
static char* allocate_unprotected_space(int size);
static void deallocate_unprotected_space(char* p, int size);
static void deallocate_string_pages(char*);
static void copy_roots(pcb_t* pcb);
static char* move_object(char* x, pcb_t* pcb);
pcb_t* S_collect(int req, pcb_t* pcb){
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "S_collect entry %d (pcb=0x%08x)\n", req, (int)pcb);
char* heap_base = pcb->heap_base;
#if 0
int heap_size = (int)pcb->heap_size;
fprintf(stderr, "heapsize=0x%08x (0x%08x .. 0x%08x)\n",
(int) heap_base,
(int) (heap_base + heap_size - 1));
int used_space = (int)(pcb->allocation_pointer - heap_base);
int bytes = (int) pcb->allocated_bytes + (used_space & 0xFFFFF);
pcb->allocated_megs += (bytes >> 20);
pcb->allocated_bytes = (char*) (bytes & 0xFFFFF);
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "allocated %d megs and %d bytes so far\n",
(int) pcb->allocated_megs,
(int) pcb->allocated_bytes);
int required_space = align_to_page(used_space + 2 * req + 2 * pagesize);
if(required_space < minimum_heap_size){
required_space = minimum_heap_size;
if(required_space > maximum_heap_size){
fprintf(stderr, "Maximum heapsize exceeded\n");
char* old_heap = pcb->heap_base;
int old_size = (int)pcb->heap_size;
char* old_string_pages = pcb->string_pages;
pcb->string_pages = 0;
char* new_heap = allocate_unprotected_space(maximum_heap_size);
pcb->allocation_pointer = new_heap;
pcb->allocation_redline = new_heap + maximum_heap_size - 2 * pagesize;
pcb->heap_base = new_heap;
pcb->heap_size = (char*) maximum_heap_size;
char** p = (char**) new_heap;
while(p != (char**) pcb->allocation_pointer){
*p = move_object(*p, pcb);
deallocate_unprotected_space(old_heap, old_size);
int free_space =
(int)pcb->allocation_redline - (int)pcb->allocation_pointer;
int diff = align_to_page(free_space - minimum_heap_size);
if(diff > 0){
pcb->heap_base + (int)pcb->heap_size - diff,
pcb->allocation_redline -= diff;
pcb->heap_size -= diff;
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "ap=0x%08x limit=0x%08x\n",
return pcb;
#define fixnump(x) ((((int)(x)) & fx_mask) == fx_tag)
#define closurep(x) ((((int)(x)) & closure_mask) == closure_tag)
#define immediatep(x) ((((int)(x)) & 7) == 7)
#define tagof(x) (((int) (x)) & 7)
#define ref(x,t) (*((char**)(((char*)(x))+((int)(t)))))
#define align(x) ((((x)+object_alignment-1)>>align_shift)<<align_shift)
typedef struct page_t{
char* base;
char* end;
struct page_t* next;
} page_t;
static page_t* make_page_t(){
page_t* p = malloc(sizeof(page_t));
if(p == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate page");
return p;
static void deallocate_string_pages(char* old_string_pages){
page_t* p;
p = (page_t*) old_string_pages;
deallocate_unprotected_space(p->base, p->end - p->base);
p = (page_t*) old_string_pages;
page_t* n = p->next;
p = n;
#if 0
static char* extend_pointer_ap(pcb_t* pcb, int size){
page_t* p = make_page_t();
p->base = pcb->pointer_base;
p->end = pcb->pointer_ap;
p->next = (page_t*) pcb->pointer_pages;
pcb->pointer_pages = (char*) p;
char* ap = allocate_unprotected_space(size);
pcb->pointer_base = ap;
pcb->pointer_ap = ap;
pcb->pointer_eap = ap + size;
return ap;
static char* alloc_large_string(pcb_t* pcb, int size){
char* ap = allocate_unprotected_space(size);
page_t* p = make_page_t();
p->base = ap;
p->end = ap+size;
p->next = (page_t*) pcb->string_pages;
pcb->string_pages = (char*) p;
return ap;
static char* extend_string_ap(pcb_t* pcb, int size){
page_t* p = make_page_t();
p->base = pcb->string_base;
p->end = pcb->string_ap;
p->next = (page_t*) pcb->string_pages;
pcb->string_pages = (char*) p;
char* ap = allocate_unprotected_space(size);
pcb->string_base = ap;
pcb->string_ap = ap;
pcb->string_eap = ap + size;
return ap;
static char* move_string(char* s, pcb_t* pcb){
int len = (int) ref(s, -string_tag);
int sz = align((len>>fx_shift)+disp_string_data+1);
if(sz < pagesize){
char* ap = pcb->string_ap;
char* nap = ap + sz;
if(nap > pcb->string_eap){
ap = extend_string_ap(pcb, pagesize);
pcb->string_eap = ap + pagesize;
nap = ap + sz;
pcb->string_ap = nap;
memcpy(ap, s-string_tag, sz);
ref(s,-string_tag) = (char*)-1;
ref(s,wordsize-string_tag) = ap+string_tag;
return ap + string_tag;
else {
char* ap = alloc_large_string(pcb, sz);
memcpy(ap, s-string_tag, sz);
ref(s,-string_tag) = (char*)-1;
ref(s,wordsize-string_tag) = ap+string_tag;
return ap + string_tag;
static void munch_stack(char* fp, pcb_t* pcb, char* frame_base){
while(fp != frame_base){
assert(fp < frame_base);
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "copying frame at 0x%08x of 0x%08x\n",
(int)fp, (int)stack_base);
char* rp = ref(fp, 0);
#if 0
fprintf(stderr, "return-point = 0x%08x\n", (int)rp);
int framesize = (int) ref(rp, FRAMESIZE_OFFSET); /* UGLY */
assert(framesize >= 0);
if(framesize > 0){
int bytes_in_mask = ((framesize>>fx_shift)+7)>>3;
char* mask = rp + FRAMESIZE_OFFSET - bytes_in_mask;
fp = fp + framesize;
char** fpp = (char**) fp;
int i;
for(i=0; i<bytes_in_mask; i++){
unsigned char m = mask[i];
if (m & 0x01) {
fpp[0] = move_object(fpp[0], pcb);
if (m & 0x02) {
fpp[-1] = move_object(fpp[-1], pcb);
if (m & 0x04) {
fpp[-2] = move_object(fpp[-2], pcb);
if (m & 0x08) {
fpp[-3] = move_object(fpp[-3], pcb);
if (m & 0x10) {
fpp[-4] = move_object(fpp[-4], pcb);
if (m & 0x20) {
fpp[-5] = move_object(fpp[-5], pcb);
if (m & 0x40) {
fpp[-6] = move_object(fpp[-6], pcb);
if (m & 0x80) {
fpp[-7] = move_object(fpp[-7], pcb);
fpp -= 8;
else if(framesize == 0){
framesize = (int)ref(fp, wordsize);
assert(framesize > 0);
#if 0
/* move cp */
char* cp = ref(fp, 2*wordsize);
ref(fp, 2*wordsize) = move_object(cp, pcb);
fp += framesize;
int i;
for(i=wordsize; i<(framesize); i+=wordsize){
ref(fp, -i) = move_object(ref(fp,-i), pcb);
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: framesize is %d\n", framesize);
static char* move_stack(char* s, pcb_t* pcb, int sz){
char* ns;
int asz = align(sz);
if(asz < pagesize){
char* ap = pcb->string_ap;
char* nap = ap + asz;
if(nap > pcb->string_eap){
ap = extend_string_ap(pcb, pagesize);
pcb->string_eap = ap + pagesize;
nap = ap + asz;
pcb->string_ap = nap;
ns = ap;
else {
ns = alloc_large_string(pcb, asz);
memcpy(ns, s, sz);
munch_stack(ns, pcb, ns+sz);
return ns;
static char* move_pointers(char* x, pcb_t* pcb, int size, int tag){
int sz = align(size);
char* ap = pcb->allocation_pointer;
char* nap = ap + sz;
pcb->allocation_pointer = nap;
ref(nap, -wordsize) = 0;
memcpy(ap, x, size);
ref(x,0) = (char*)-1;
ref(x,wordsize) = ap + tag;
return ap + tag;
static char* move_continuation(char* x, pcb_t* pcb){
int sz = (int) ref(x, disp_continuation_size);
char* top = ref(x, disp_continuation_top);
char* r = move_pointers(x, pcb, continuation_size, vector_tag);
ref(r, disp_continuation_top - vector_tag) = move_stack(top, pcb, sz);
return r;
static char* move_object(char* x, pcb_t* pcb){
return x;
else if(immediatep(x)){
return x;
else {
int tag = tagof(x);
char* fst = ref(x, -tag);
if(fst == (char*)-1){
return ref(x,wordsize-tag);
else if(tag == pair_tag){
return(move_pointers(x-tag, pcb, pair_size, tag));
else if(tag == closure_tag){
assert(ref(fst, -2*wordsize) == 0);
int size = (int) ref(fst, -wordsize);
assert(size > 0);
return (move_pointers(x-tag, pcb, size, tag));
else if(tag == symbol_tag){
return (move_pointers(x-tag, pcb, symbol_size, tag));