code cleanup
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
@ -1188,6 +1188,9 @@
free (unparse prog)))
(define (optimize-closures x)
(define who 'optimize-closures)
(define (lift-codes x)
(define who 'lift-codes)
@ -1226,9 +1229,6 @@
(let ([x (E x)])
(make-codes all-codes x)))
(define (syntactically-valid? op rand*)
(define (valid-arg-count? op rand*)
(let ([n (open-coded-primitive-args op)] [m (length rand*)])
@ -1331,29 +1331,26 @@
(or (null? rand*)
(valid-arg-types? op rand*))))
;;; the output of simplify-operands differs from the input in that the
;;; operands to primcalls are all simple (variables, primrefs, or constants).
;;; funcalls to open-codable primrefs whos arguments are "ok" are converted to
;;; primcalls.
(define uninlined '())
(define (mark-uninlined x)
[(assq x uninlined) =>
(lambda (p) (set-cdr! p (fxadd1 (cdr p))))]
[else (set! uninlined (cons (cons x 1) uninlined))]))
(module ()
(primitive-set! 'uninlined-stats
(lambda ()
(let f ([ls uninlined] [ac '()])
[(null? ls) ac]
[(fx> (cdar ls) 15)
(f (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) ac))]
[else (f (cdr ls) ac)])))))
;;; the output of simplify-operands differs from the input in that the
;;; operands to primcalls are all simple (variables, primrefs, or constants).
;;; funcalls to open-codable primrefs whos arguments are "ok" are converted to
;;; primcalls.
(define uninlined '())
(define (mark-uninlined x)
[(assq x uninlined) =>
(lambda (p) (set-cdr! p (fxadd1 (cdr p))))]
[else (set! uninlined (cons (cons x 1) uninlined))]))
(module ()
(primitive-set! 'uninlined-stats
(lambda ()
(let f ([ls uninlined] [ac '()])
[(null? ls) ac]
[(fx> (cdar ls) 15)
(f (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) ac))]
[else (f (cdr ls) ac)]))))))
(define (introduce-primcalls x)
(define who 'introduce-primcalls)
@ -1445,7 +1442,6 @@
(make-codes (map CodeExpr list) (Tail body))]))
(CodesExpr x))
(define (simplify-operands x)
(define who 'simplify-operands)
(define (simple? x)
@ -1522,7 +1518,6 @@
(make-codes (map CodeExpr list) (Tail body))]))
(CodesExpr x))
(define (insert-stack-overflow-checks x)
(define who 'insert-stack-overflow-checks)
(define (insert-check body)
@ -1580,7 +1575,6 @@
(CodesExpr x))
(define (insert-allocation-checks x)
(define who 'insert-allocation-checks)
(define (check-bytes n var body)
@ -1724,8 +1718,6 @@
(make-codes (map CodeExpr list) (Tail body))]))
(CodesExpr x))
(define (remove-local-variables x)
(define who 'remove-local-variables)
(define (simple* x* r)
@ -1967,9 +1959,6 @@
(Tail body 1 '() '()))]))
(CodesExpr x))
(define checks-elim-count 0)
(define (optimize-ap-check x)
(define who 'optimize-ap-check)
(define (min x y)
@ -1998,8 +1987,6 @@
(let ([n (constant-value (car arg*))])
[(fx< n f)
;(set! checks-elim-count (fxadd1 checks-elim-count))
;(printf "~s checks eliminated\n" checks-elim-count)
(values (make-constant #f) (fx- f n))]
[(fx<= n 4096)
(values (make-primcall '$ap-check-const
@ -2073,7 +2060,7 @@
(Tail body 0))]))
(CodesExpr x))
(begin ;;; DEFINITIONS
(define fx-shift 2)
(define fx-mask #x03)
(define fx-tag 0)
@ -2162,10 +2149,9 @@
(define align-shift 3)
(define dirty-word -1))
(define (align n)
(fxsll (fxsra (fx+ n (fxsub1 object-alignment)) align-shift) align-shift))
(begin ;;; COGEN HELERS
(define (align n)
(fxsll (fxsra (fx+ n (fxsub1 object-alignment)) align-shift) align-shift))
(define (mem off val)
[(fixnum? off) (list 'disp (int off) val)]
@ -2234,7 +2220,6 @@
(define (argc-convention n)
(fx- 0 (fxsll n fx-shift))))
(define pcb-ref
(lambda (x)
(case x
@ -2254,7 +2239,6 @@
(mem (fx- disp-symbol-system-value symbol-tag)
(obj op)))
(define (generate-code x)
(define who 'generate-code)
(define (rp-label x)
@ -3681,235 +3665,230 @@
(Tail body '()))
(map CodeExpr list))]))
(define SL_nonprocedure (gensym "SL_nonprocedure"))
(define SL_top_level_value_error (gensym "SL_top_level_value_error"))
(define SL_car_error (gensym "SL_car_error"))
(define SL_cdr_error (gensym "SL_cdr_error"))
(define SL_invalid_args (gensym "SL_invalid_args"))
(define SL_foreign_call (gensym "SL_foreign_call"))
(define SL_continuation_code (gensym "SL_continuation_code"))
(define SL_multiple_values_error_rp (gensym "SL_multiple_values_error_rp"))
(define SL_multiple_values_ignore_rp (gensym "SL_multiple_ignore_error_rp"))
(define SL_underflow_multiple_values (gensym "SL_underflow_multiple_values"))
(define SL_underflow_handler (gensym "SL_underflow_handler"))
(define SL_scheme_exit (gensym "SL_scheme_exit"))
(define SL_apply (gensym "SL_apply"))
(define SL_values (gensym "SL_values"))
(define SL_call_with_values (gensym "SL_call_with_values"))
(module ()
(list*->code* (lambda (x) #f)
(list 0
(label SL_car_error)
(movl ebx (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr))
(movl (primref-loc 'car-error) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(list 0
(label SL_cdr_error)
(movl ebx (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr))
(movl (primref-loc 'cdr-error) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(list 0
(label SL_top_level_value_error)
(movl ebx (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr))
(movl (primref-loc 'top-level-value-error) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(let ([L_cwv_done (gensym)]
[L_cwv_loop (gensym)]
[L_cwv_multi_rp (gensym)]
[L_cwv_call (gensym)])
0 ; no free vars
(label SL_call_with_values)
(cmpl (int (argc-convention 2)) eax)
(jne (label SL_invalid_args))
(movl (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr) ebx) ; producer
(movl ebx cpr)
(andl (int closure-mask) ebx)
(cmpl (int closure-tag) ebx)
(jne (label SL_nonprocedure))
(movl (int (argc-convention 0)) eax)
(subl (int (fx* wordsize 2)) fpr)
(jmp (label L_cwv_call))
(byte-vector '#(#b110))
(int (fx* wordsize 3))
(label-address L_cwv_multi_rp)
(byte 0)
(byte 0)
(label L_cwv_call)
;;; one value returned
(addl (int (fx* wordsize 2)) fpr)
(movl (mem (fx* -2 wordsize) fpr) ebx) ; consumer
(movl ebx cpr)
(movl eax (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr))
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(andl (int closure-mask) ebx)
(cmpl (int closure-tag) ebx)
(jne (label SL_nonprocedure))
;;; multiple values returned
(label L_cwv_multi_rp)
; because values does not pop the return point
; we have to adjust fp one more word here
(addl (int (fx* wordsize 3)) fpr)
(movl (mem (fx* -2 wordsize) fpr) cpr) ; consumer
(cmpl (int (argc-convention 0)) eax)
(je (label L_cwv_done))
(movl (int (fx* -4 wordsize)) ebx)
(addl fpr ebx) ; ebx points to first value
(movl ebx ecx)
(addl eax ecx) ; ecx points to the last value
(label L_cwv_loop)
(movl (mem 0 ebx) edx)
(movl edx (mem (fx* 3 wordsize) ebx))
(subl (int wordsize) ebx)
(cmpl ecx ebx)
(jge (label L_cwv_loop))
(label L_cwv_done)
(movl cpr ebx)
(andl (int closure-mask) ebx)
(cmpl (int closure-tag) ebx)
(jne (label SL_nonprocedure))
(let ([L_values_one_value (gensym)]
[L_values_many_values (gensym)])
(list 0 ; no freevars
(label SL_values)
(cmpl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(je (label L_values_one_value))
(label L_values_many_values)
(movl (mem 0 fpr) ebx) ; return point
(jmp (mem disp-multivalue-rp ebx)) ; go
(label L_values_one_value)
(movl (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr) eax)
(let ([L_apply_done (gensym)]
[L_apply_loop (gensym)])
(list 0
(label SL_apply)
(movl (mem fpr eax) ebx)
(cmpl (int nil) ebx)
(je (label L_apply_done))
(label L_apply_loop)
(movl (mem (fx- disp-car pair-tag) ebx) ecx)
(movl (mem (fx- disp-cdr pair-tag) ebx) ebx)
(movl ecx (mem fpr eax))
(subl (int wordsize) eax)
(cmpl (int nil) ebx)
(jne (label L_apply_loop))
(label L_apply_done)
(addl (int wordsize) eax)
(list 0
(label SL_nonprocedure)
(movl cpr (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr)) ; first arg
(movl (primref-loc '$apply-nonprocedure-error-handler) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(list 0
(label SL_multiple_values_error_rp)
(movl (primref-loc '$multiple-values-error) cpr)
(list 0
(label SL_multiple_values_ignore_rp)
(list 0
(label SL_invalid_args)
(movl cpr (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr)) ; first arg
(negl eax)
(movl eax (mem (fx- 0 (fx* 2 wordsize)) fpr))
(movl (primref-loc '$incorrect-args-error-handler) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 2)) eax)
(let ([Lset (gensym)] [Lloop (gensym)])
(list 0
(label SL_foreign_call)
(movl fpr (pcb-ref 'frame-pointer))
(movl apr (pcb-ref 'allocation-pointer))
(movl fpr ebx)
(movl (pcb-ref 'system-stack) esp)
(pushl pcr)
(cmpl (int 0) eax)
(je (label Lset))
(label Lloop)
(movl (mem ebx eax) ecx)
(pushl ecx)
(addl (int 4) eax)
(cmpl (int 0) eax)
(jne (label Lloop))
(label Lset)
(call cpr)
(movl (pcb-ref 'frame-pointer) fpr)
(movl (pcb-ref 'allocation-pointer) apr)
(let ([L_cont_zero_args (gensym)]
[L_cont_mult_args (gensym)]
[L_cont_one_arg (gensym)]
[L_cont_mult_move_args (gensym)]
[L_cont_mult_copy_loop (gensym)])
(list 1 ; freevars
(label SL_continuation_code)
(movl (mem (fx- disp-closure-data closure-tag) cpr) ebx) ; captured-k
(movl ebx (pcb-ref 'next-continuation)) ; set
(movl (pcb-ref 'frame-base) ebx)
(cmpl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(jg (label L_cont_zero_args))
(jl (label L_cont_mult_args))
(label L_cont_one_arg)
(movl (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr) eax)
(movl ebx fpr)
(subl (int wordsize) fpr)
(label L_cont_zero_args)
(subl (int wordsize) ebx)
(movl ebx fpr)
(movl (mem 0 ebx) ebx) ; return point
(jmp (mem disp-multivalue-rp ebx)) ; go
(label L_cont_mult_args)
(subl (int wordsize) ebx)
(cmpl ebx fpr)
(jne (label L_cont_mult_move_args))
(movl (mem 0 ebx) ebx)
(jmp (mem disp-multivalue-rp ebx))
(label L_cont_mult_move_args)
; move args from fpr to ebx
(movl (int 0) ecx)
(label L_cont_mult_copy_loop)
(subl (int wordsize) ecx)
(movl (mem fpr ecx) edx)
(movl edx (mem ebx ecx))
(cmpl ecx eax)
(jne (label L_cont_mult_copy_loop))
(movl ebx fpr)
(movl (mem 0 ebx) ebx)
(jmp (mem disp-multivalue-rp ebx))
(define SL_nonprocedure (gensym "SL_nonprocedure"))
(define SL_top_level_value_error (gensym "SL_top_level_value_error"))
(define SL_car_error (gensym "SL_car_error"))
(define SL_cdr_error (gensym "SL_cdr_error"))
(define SL_invalid_args (gensym "SL_invalid_args"))
(define SL_foreign_call (gensym "SL_foreign_call"))
(define SL_continuation_code (gensym "SL_continuation_code"))
(define SL_multiple_values_error_rp (gensym "SL_multiple_values_error_rp"))
(define SL_multiple_values_ignore_rp (gensym "SL_multiple_ignore_error_rp"))
(define SL_underflow_multiple_values (gensym "SL_underflow_multiple_values"))
(define SL_underflow_handler (gensym "SL_underflow_handler"))
(define SL_scheme_exit (gensym "SL_scheme_exit"))
(define SL_apply (gensym "SL_apply"))
(define SL_values (gensym "SL_values"))
(define SL_call_with_values (gensym "SL_call_with_values"))
(module ()
(list*->code* (lambda (x) #f)
(list 0
(label SL_car_error)
(movl ebx (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr))
(movl (primref-loc 'car-error) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(list 0
(label SL_cdr_error)
(movl ebx (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr))
(movl (primref-loc 'cdr-error) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(list 0
(label SL_top_level_value_error)
(movl ebx (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr))
(movl (primref-loc 'top-level-value-error) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(let ([L_cwv_done (gensym)]
[L_cwv_loop (gensym)]
[L_cwv_multi_rp (gensym)]
[L_cwv_call (gensym)])
0 ; no free vars
(label SL_call_with_values)
(cmpl (int (argc-convention 2)) eax)
(jne (label SL_invalid_args))
(movl (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr) ebx) ; producer
(movl ebx cpr)
(andl (int closure-mask) ebx)
(cmpl (int closure-tag) ebx)
(jne (label SL_nonprocedure))
(movl (int (argc-convention 0)) eax)
(subl (int (fx* wordsize 2)) fpr)
(jmp (label L_cwv_call))
(byte-vector '#(#b110))
(int (fx* wordsize 3))
(label-address L_cwv_multi_rp)
(byte 0)
(byte 0)
(label L_cwv_call)
;;; one value returned
(addl (int (fx* wordsize 2)) fpr)
(movl (mem (fx* -2 wordsize) fpr) ebx) ; consumer
(movl ebx cpr)
(movl eax (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr))
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(andl (int closure-mask) ebx)
(cmpl (int closure-tag) ebx)
(jne (label SL_nonprocedure))
;;; multiple values returned
(label L_cwv_multi_rp)
; because values does not pop the return point
; we have to adjust fp one more word here
(addl (int (fx* wordsize 3)) fpr)
(movl (mem (fx* -2 wordsize) fpr) cpr) ; consumer
(cmpl (int (argc-convention 0)) eax)
(je (label L_cwv_done))
(movl (int (fx* -4 wordsize)) ebx)
(addl fpr ebx) ; ebx points to first value
(movl ebx ecx)
(addl eax ecx) ; ecx points to the last value
(label L_cwv_loop)
(movl (mem 0 ebx) edx)
(movl edx (mem (fx* 3 wordsize) ebx))
(subl (int wordsize) ebx)
(cmpl ecx ebx)
(jge (label L_cwv_loop))
(label L_cwv_done)
(movl cpr ebx)
(andl (int closure-mask) ebx)
(cmpl (int closure-tag) ebx)
(jne (label SL_nonprocedure))
(let ([L_values_one_value (gensym)]
[L_values_many_values (gensym)])
(list 0 ; no freevars
(label SL_values)
(cmpl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(je (label L_values_one_value))
(label L_values_many_values)
(movl (mem 0 fpr) ebx) ; return point
(jmp (mem disp-multivalue-rp ebx)) ; go
(label L_values_one_value)
(movl (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr) eax)
(let ([L_apply_done (gensym)]
[L_apply_loop (gensym)])
(list 0
(label SL_apply)
(movl (mem fpr eax) ebx)
(cmpl (int nil) ebx)
(je (label L_apply_done))
(label L_apply_loop)
(movl (mem (fx- disp-car pair-tag) ebx) ecx)
(movl (mem (fx- disp-cdr pair-tag) ebx) ebx)
(movl ecx (mem fpr eax))
(subl (int wordsize) eax)
(cmpl (int nil) ebx)
(jne (label L_apply_loop))
(label L_apply_done)
(addl (int wordsize) eax)
(list 0
(label SL_nonprocedure)
(movl cpr (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr)) ; first arg
(movl (primref-loc '$apply-nonprocedure-error-handler) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(list 0
(label SL_multiple_values_error_rp)
(movl (primref-loc '$multiple-values-error) cpr)
(list 0
(label SL_multiple_values_ignore_rp)
(list 0
(label SL_invalid_args)
(movl cpr (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr)) ; first arg
(negl eax)
(movl eax (mem (fx- 0 (fx* 2 wordsize)) fpr))
(movl (primref-loc '$incorrect-args-error-handler) cpr)
(movl (int (argc-convention 2)) eax)
(let ([Lset (gensym)] [Lloop (gensym)])
(list 0
(label SL_foreign_call)
(movl fpr (pcb-ref 'frame-pointer))
(movl apr (pcb-ref 'allocation-pointer))
(movl fpr ebx)
(movl (pcb-ref 'system-stack) esp)
(pushl pcr)
(cmpl (int 0) eax)
(je (label Lset))
(label Lloop)
(movl (mem ebx eax) ecx)
(pushl ecx)
(addl (int 4) eax)
(cmpl (int 0) eax)
(jne (label Lloop))
(label Lset)
(call cpr)
(movl (pcb-ref 'frame-pointer) fpr)
(movl (pcb-ref 'allocation-pointer) apr)
(let ([L_cont_zero_args (gensym)]
[L_cont_mult_args (gensym)]
[L_cont_one_arg (gensym)]
[L_cont_mult_move_args (gensym)]
[L_cont_mult_copy_loop (gensym)])
(list 1 ; freevars
(label SL_continuation_code)
(movl (mem (fx- disp-closure-data closure-tag) cpr) ebx) ; captured-k
(movl ebx (pcb-ref 'next-continuation)) ; set
(movl (pcb-ref 'frame-base) ebx)
(cmpl (int (argc-convention 1)) eax)
(jg (label L_cont_zero_args))
(jl (label L_cont_mult_args))
(label L_cont_one_arg)
(movl (mem (fx- 0 wordsize) fpr) eax)
(movl ebx fpr)
(subl (int wordsize) fpr)
(label L_cont_zero_args)
(subl (int wordsize) ebx)
(movl ebx fpr)
(movl (mem 0 ebx) ebx) ; return point
(jmp (mem disp-multivalue-rp ebx)) ; go
(label L_cont_mult_args)
(subl (int wordsize) ebx)
(cmpl ebx fpr)
(jne (label L_cont_mult_move_args))
(movl (mem 0 ebx) ebx)
(jmp (mem disp-multivalue-rp ebx))
(label L_cont_mult_move_args)
; move args from fpr to ebx
(movl (int 0) ecx)
(label L_cont_mult_copy_loop)
(subl (int wordsize) ecx)
(movl (mem fpr ecx) edx)
(movl edx (mem ebx ecx))
(cmpl ecx eax)
(jne (label L_cont_mult_copy_loop))
(movl ebx fpr)
(movl (mem 0 ebx) ebx)
(jmp (mem disp-multivalue-rp ebx))
(define (compile-expr expr)
(let* ([p (recordize expr)]
@ -3921,6 +3900,7 @@
[p (copy-propagate p)]
[p (rewrite-assignments p)]
[p (convert-closures p)]
[p (optimize-closures p)]
[p (lift-codes p)]
[p (introduce-primcalls p)]
[p (simplify-operands p)]
Reference in New Issue