RC files:
Summary: By default, ikarus now executes the file $HOME/.ikarusrc (which must be an R6RS script) (if it exists) before startup. Details: There is a default behavior for RC files which can be overriden by command-line options. Default RC files location: 1. If the command-line argument --no-rcfile is set, the set of RC files is empty. 2. Otherwise, if there is at least one --rcfile <filename> command-line argument, the specified files are used as the set of RC files. (--rcfile and --no-rcfile are mutually exclusive) 3. Otherwise, if the environment variable IKARUS_RC_FILES is set, the colon-separated list of files are used as the RC files. 4. Otherwise, if the file $HOME/.ikarusrc exists, only it is used. 5. Otherwise, the set is empty. The startup sequence is now: 1. Setup the library path. 2. Execute all RC files. 3. Set command-line options (e.g., -O2, --debug, etc.). 4. Set command-line-arguments. 5. Proceed with normal operation (start repl, run an r6rs script, compile dependencies, etc.).
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,12 +19,29 @@
;;; libraries within the compiler itself.
(library (ikarus startup)
(export print-greeting init-library-path host-info)
(export print-greeting init-library-path host-info split-path)
(import (except (ikarus) host-info))
(include "ikarus.config.ss")
(define (host-info) target)
(define (split-path s)
(define (nodata i s ls)
[(= i (string-length s)) ls]
[(char=? (string-ref s i) #\:) (nodata (+ i 1) s ls)]
[else (data (+ i 1) s ls (list (string-ref s i)))]))
(define (data i s ls ac)
[(= i (string-length s))
(cons (list->string (reverse ac)) ls)]
[(char=? (string-ref s i) #\:)
(nodata (+ i 1) s
(cons (list->string (reverse ac)) ls))]
[else (data (+ i 1) s ls (cons (string-ref s i) ac))]))
(reverse (nodata 0 s '())))
(define (print-greeting)
(printf "Ikarus Scheme version ~a~a~a~a\n"
@ -41,25 +58,10 @@
(display "Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Abdulaziz Ghuloum\n\n"))
(define (init-library-path)
(define (split s)
(define (nodata i s ls)
[(= i (string-length s)) ls]
[(char=? (string-ref s i) #\:) (nodata (+ i 1) s ls)]
[else (data (+ i 1) s ls (list (string-ref s i)))]))
(define (data i s ls ac)
[(= i (string-length s))
(cons (list->string (reverse ac)) ls)]
[(char=? (string-ref s i) #\:)
(nodata (+ i 1) s
(cons (list->string (reverse ac)) ls))]
[else (data (+ i 1) s ls (cons (string-ref s i) ac))]))
(reverse (nodata 0 s '())))
(cons "."
(split (or (getenv "IKARUS_LIBRARY_PATH") ""))
(split-path (or (getenv "IKARUS_LIBRARY_PATH") ""))
(list ikarus-lib-dir))))
(let ([prefix
(lambda (ext ls)
@ -82,43 +84,63 @@
(only (ikarus.reader.annotated) read-source-file)
(only (ikarus.symbol-table) initialize-symbol-table!)
(only (ikarus load) load-r6rs-script))
(define rcfiles #t) ;; #f for no rcfile, list for specific list
(let-values ([(files script script-type args)
(let f ([args (command-line-arguments)])
(let-values ([(files script script-type args init-command-line-args)
(let f ([args (command-line-arguments)] [k void])
(define (invalid-rc-error)
(die 'ikarus "--no-rcfile is invalid with --rcfile"))
[(null? args) (values '() #f #f '())]
[(null? args) (values '() #f #f '() k)]
[(member (car args) '("-d" "--debug"))
(generate-debug-calls #t)
(f (cdr args))]
(f (cdr args)
(lambda () (k) (generate-debug-calls #t)))]
[(member (car args) '("-nd" "--no-debug"))
(generate-debug-calls #f)
(f (cdr args))]
(f (cdr args)
(lambda () (k) (generate-debug-calls #f)))]
[(string=? (car args) "-O2")
(optimize-level 2)
(f (cdr args))]
(f (cdr args)
(lambda () (k) (optimize-level 2)))]
[(string=? (car args) "-O1")
(optimize-level 1)
(f (cdr args))]
(f (cdr args)
(lambda () (k) (optimize-level 1)))]
[(string=? (car args) "-O0")
(optimize-level 0)
(f (cdr args))]
(f (cdr args)
(lambda () (k) (optimize-level 0)))]
[(string=? (car args) "--no-rcfile")
(unless (boolean? rcfiles) (invalid-rc-error))
(set! rcfiles #f)
(f (cdr args) k)]
[(string=? (car args) "--rcfile")
(let ([d (cdr args)])
(when (null? d)
(die 'ikarus "--rcfile requires a script name"))
(set! rcfiles
(cons (car d)
(case rcfiles
[(#t) '()]
[(#f) (invalid-rc-error)]
[else rcfiles])))
(f (cdr d) k))]
[(string=? (car args) "--")
(values '() #f #f (cdr args))]
(values '() #f #f (cdr args) k)]
[(string=? (car args) "--script")
(let ([d (cdr args)])
[(null? d)
(die 'ikarus "--script requires a script name")]
(values '() (car d) 'script (cdr d))]))]
(values '() (car d) 'script (cdr d) k)]))]
[(string=? (car args) "--r6rs-script")
(let ([d (cdr args)])
[(null? d)
(die 'ikarus "--r6rs-script requires a script name")]
(values '() (car d) 'r6rs-script (cdr d))]))]
(values '() (car d) 'r6rs-script (cdr d) k)]))]
[(string=? (car args) "--compile-dependencies")
(let ([d (cdr args)])
@ -126,10 +148,12 @@
(die 'ikarus
"--compile-dependencies requires a script name")]
(values '() (car d) 'compile (cdr d))]))]
(values '() (car d) 'compile (cdr d) k)]))]
(let-values ([(f* script script-type a*) (f (cdr args))])
(values (cons (car args) f*) script script-type a*))]))])
(let-values ([(f* script script-type a* k)
(f (cdr args) k)])
(values (cons (car args) f*) script script-type a* k))]))])
(define (assert-null files who)
(unless (null? files)
(apply die 'ikarus
@ -140,11 +164,42 @@
(if (generate-debug-calls)
(guarded-start proc)
(define-syntax doit
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e e* ...)
(start (lambda () e e* ...))]))
(define (default-rc-files)
[(getenv "IKARUS_RC_FILES") => split-path]
[(getenv "HOME") =>
(lambda (home)
(let ([f (string-append home "/.ikarusrc")])
(if (file-exists? f)
(list f)
[else '()]))
(lambda (filename)
(lambda (con)
(make-who-condition 'ikarus)
(format "loading rc file ~a failed" filename))
(lambda ()
(load-r6rs-script filename #f #t))))
(case rcfiles
[(#t) (default-rc-files)]
[(#f) '()]
[else (reverse rcfiles)]))
[(eq? script-type 'r6rs-script)
@ -1 +1 @@
Reference in New Issue