cleaup optimizr a bit

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Abdulaziz Ghuloum 2006-12-05 21:30:42 -05:00
parent 6e6291e158
commit 0d476b91e2
2 changed files with 26 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -866,13 +866,12 @@
(define (optimize-primcall ctxt op rand*)
(define (giveup)
(make-funcall (make-primref op) rand*))
(define (known-value x)
(define (constant-value x k)
(record-case x
[(constant) x] ; known
[(primref) x] ; known
[(bind lhs* rhs* body) (known-value body)]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body) (known-value body)]
[(seq e0 e1) (known-value e1)]
[(constant t) (k t)] ; known
[(bind lhs* rhs* body) (constant-value body k)]
[(fix lhs* rhs* body) (constant-value body k)]
[(seq e0 e1) (constant-value e1 k)]
[else #f]))
(define (mk-seq e0 e1) ;;; keep e1 seq-free.
@ -883,27 +882,27 @@
(make-seq e0 e1)]))
(case op
[(fx= (length rand*) 2)
(let ([x (car rand*)] [ls (cadr rand*)])
[(known-value ls) =>
(lambda (kls)
(record-case kls
[(constant t)
[(not (list? t)) (giveup)]
[(eq? ctxt 'e) (mk-seq x ls)]
[(andmap (lambda (x)
(if (number? x)
(fixnum? x)
(optimize-primcall ctxt 'memq rand*)]
[else (giveup)])]
[else (giveup)]))]
[else (giveup)]))]
[else (giveup)])]
(or (and (fx= (length rand*) 2)
(let ([a0 (car rand*)] [a1 (cadr rand*)])
(constant-value a1
(lambda (ls)
[(not (list? ls)) #f]
[(eq? ctxt 'e) (mk-seq a0 a1)]
[(constant-value a0
(lambda (x)
(mk-seq (mk-seq a0 a1)
(case ctxt
[(v) (make-constant (memv x ls))]
[else (make-constant
(if (memv x ls) #t #f))]))))]
(lambda (x)
(if (number? x) (fixnum? x) #t))
(optimize-primcall ctxt 'memq rand*)]
[else #f])))))
[else (giveup)]))