imported compiler3
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
all: ikarus.fasl
echo '(load "")' | petite
echo '(load "")' | petite
rm -f *.fasl
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
(define scheme-library-files
'(["" "libhandlers.fasl"]
["" "libcontrol.fasl"]
["" "libcollect.fasl"]
["" "libcollect.fasl"]
["" "librecord.fasl"]
["" "libcxr.fasl"]
["" "libcore.fasl"]
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(let ([code-size (fxsll (fxsra (fx+ code-size 3) 2) 2)])
(make-string code-size)
(make-string code-size (integer->char 0))
(make-vector (fxsra reloc-size 2)))))))
(define set-code-byte!
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
;(primitive-set! 'do-overflow
; (lambda ()
; ($do-overflow 4096)))
(primitive-set! 'do-overflow
(lambda (n)
(foreign-call "ik_collect" n)
(primitive-set! 'do-overflow-words
(lambda (n)
(foreign-call "ik_collect" ($fxsll n 2))
(primitive-set! 'do-vararg-overflow
(lambda (n)
(foreign-call "ik_collect_vararg" n)
(primitive-set! 'collect
(lambda ()
(do-overflow 4096)))
(primitive-set! 'do-stack-overflow
(lambda ()
(foreign-call "ik_stack_overflow")))
(primitive-set! 'dump-metatable
(lambda ()
(foreign-call "ik_dump_metatable")))
(primitive-set! 'dump-dirty-vector
(lambda ()
(foreign-call "ik_dump_dirty_vector")))
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
@ -189,22 +189,22 @@
[else (error 'fasl-write "unrecognized reloc ~s" b)]
[else (error 'fasl-write "~s is not fasl-writable" x)])]))))
(define do-fasl-write
(lambda (x port)
(let ([h (make-hash-table)])
(make-graph x h)
(write-char #\# port)
(write-char #\@ port)
(write-char #\I port)
(write-char #\K port)
(write-char #\0 port)
(write-char #\1 port)
(fasl-write x port h 1))))
(primitive-set! 'fasl-write
(lambda (x . rest)
(let ([port
(if (null? rest)
(let ([a (car rest)])
(unless (output-port? a)
(error 'fasl-write "~s is not an output port" a))
(let ([h (make-hash-table)])
(make-graph x h)
(write-char #\# port)
(write-char #\@ port)
(write-char #\I port)
(write-char #\K port)
(write-char #\0 port)
(write-char #\1 port)
(fasl-write x port h 1))))))
[(x) (do-fasl-write x (current-output-port))]
[(x port)
(unless (output-port? port)
(error 'fasl-write "~s is not an output port" port))
(do-fasl-write x port)])))
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
(let ([hash-rtd (make-record-type '"hash-table" '(hash-vec count tc))])
;;; accessors
(define get-vec (record-field-accessor hash-rtd 0))
(define set-vec! (record-field-mutator hash-rtd 0))
(define get-count (record-field-accessor hash-rtd 1))
(define set-count! (record-field-mutator hash-rtd 1))
(define get-tc (record-field-accessor hash-rtd 2))
;;; implementation
;;; directly from Dybvig's
(define tc-pop
(lambda (tc)
(let ([x ($car tc)])
(if (eq? x ($cdr tc))
(let ([v ($car x)])
($set-car! tc ($cdr x))
($set-car! x #f)
($set-cdr! x #f)
(define inthash
(lambda (key)
;static int inthash(int key) {
; key += ~(key << 15);
; key ^= (key >> 10);
; key += (key << 3);
; key ^= (key >> 6);
; key += ~(key << 11);
; key ^= (key >> 16);
; return key;
(let* ([key ($fx+ key ($fxlognot ($fxsll key 15)))]
[key ($fxlogxor key ($fxsra key 10))]
[key ($fx+ key ($fxsll key 3))]
[key ($fxlogxor key ($fxsra key 6))]
[key ($fx+ key ($fxlognot ($fxsll key 11)))]
[key ($fxlogxor key ($fxsra key 16))])
;;; assq-like lookup
(define direct-lookup
(lambda (x b)
(if (fixnum? b)
(if (eq? x ($tcbucket-key b))
(direct-lookup x ($tcbucket-next b))))))
(define rehash-lookup
(lambda (h tc x)
[(tc-pop tc) =>
(lambda (b)
(re-add! h b)
(if (eq? x ($tcbucket-key b))
(rehash-lookup h tc x)))]
[else #f])))
(define get-bucket-index
(lambda (b)
(let ([next ($tcbucket-next b)])
(if (fixnum? next)
(get-bucket-index next)))))
(define replace!
(lambda (lb x y)
(let ([n ($tcbucket-next lb)])
[(eq? n x)
($set-tcbucket-next! lb y)
(replace! n x y)]))))
(define re-add!
(lambda (h b)
(let ([vec (get-vec h)]
[next ($tcbucket-next b)])
;;; first remove it from its old place
(let ([idx
(if (fixnum? next)
(get-bucket-index next))])
(let ([fst ($vector-ref vec idx)])
[(eq? fst b)
($vector-set! vec idx next)]
(replace! fst b next)])))
;;; then add it to the new place
(let ([k ($tcbucket-key b)])
(let ([ih (inthash (pointer-value k))])
(let ([idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))])
(let ([n ($vector-ref vec idx)])
($set-tcbucket-next! b n)
($vector-set! vec idx b)
($set-tcbucket-tconc! b (get-tc h))
(define get-hash
(lambda (h x v)
(let ([pv (pointer-value x)]
[vec (get-vec h)])
(let ([ih (inthash pv)])
(let ([idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))])
(let ([b ($vector-ref vec idx)])
[(or (direct-lookup x b) (rehash-lookup h (get-tc h) x))
(lambda (b)
($tcbucket-val b))]
[else v])))))))
(define put-hash!
(lambda (h x v)
(let ([pv (pointer-value x)]
[vec (get-vec h)])
(let ([ih (inthash pv)])
(let ([idx ($fxlogand ih ($fx- ($vector-length vec) 1))])
(let ([b ($vector-ref vec idx)])
[(or (direct-lookup x b) (rehash-lookup h (get-tc h) x))
(lambda (b)
($set-tcbucket-val! b v)
($vector-set! vec idx
($make-tcbucket (get-tc h) x v
($vector-ref vec idx)))
(let ([ct (get-count h)])
(set-count! h ($fxadd1 ct))
(when ($fx> ct ($vector-length vec))
(enlarge-table h)))])))))))
(define insert-b
(lambda (b vec mask)
(let* ([x ($tcbucket-key b)]
[pv (pointer-value x)]
[ih (inthash pv)]
[idx ($fxlogand ih mask)]
[next ($tcbucket-next b)])
($set-tcbucket-next! b ($vector-ref vec idx))
($vector-set! vec idx b)
(unless (fixnum? next)
(insert-b next vec mask)))))
(define move-all
(lambda (vec1 i n vec2 mask)
(unless ($fx= i n)
(let ([b ($vector-ref vec1 i)])
(unless (fixnum? b)
(insert-b b vec2 mask))
(move-all vec1 ($fxadd1 i) n vec2 mask)))))
(define enlarge-table
(lambda (h)
(let* ([vec1 (get-vec h)]
[n1 ($vector-length vec1)]
[n2 ($fxsll n1 1)]
[vec2 (make-base-vec n2)])
(move-all vec1 0 n1 vec2 ($fx- n2 1))
(set-vec! h vec2))))
(define init-vec
(lambda (v i n)
(if ($fx= i n)
($vector-set! v i i)
(init-vec v ($fxadd1 i) n)))))
(define make-base-vec
(lambda (n)
(init-vec (make-vector n) 0 n)))
;;; public interface
(primitive-set! 'hash-table? (record-predicate hash-rtd))
(primitive-set! 'make-hash-table
(let ([make (record-constructor hash-rtd)])
(lambda ()
(let ([x (cons #f #f)])
(let ([tc (cons x x)])
(make (make-base-vec 32) 0 tc))))))
(primitive-set! 'get-hash-table
(lambda (h x v)
(if (hash-table? h)
(get-hash h x v)
(error 'get-hash-table "~s is not a hash table" h))))
(primitive-set! 'put-hash-table!
(lambda (h x v)
(if (hash-table? h)
(put-hash! h x v)
(error 'put-hash-table! "~s is not a hash table" h)))))
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
;;; ret
;;; sall
;;; sarl
;;; shrl
;;; sete
;;; setg
@ -110,6 +111,7 @@
[subl s d]
[sall s d]
[sarl s d]
[shrl s d]
[andl s d]
[xorl s d]
[orl s d]
@ -499,6 +501,17 @@
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg? dst))
(CODE #xD3 (ModRM 3 '/4 dst ac))]
[else (error who "invalid ~s" a)])))]
(with-args a
(lambda (src dst)
[(and (equal? '(int 1) src) (reg? dst))
(CODE #xD1 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst ac))]
[(and (imm8? src) (reg? dst))
(CODE #xC1 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst (IMM8 src ac)))]
[(and (eq? src '%cl) (reg? dst))
(CODE #xD3 (ModRM 3 '/5 dst ac))]
[else (error who "invalid ~s" a)])))]
(with-args a
(lambda (src dst)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
;;; 6.2: initial syncase implementation
;;; Expand : Scheme -> Core Scheme
;;; <CS> ::= (quote datum)
;;; | <gensym>
;;; | (if <CS> <CS> <CS>)
;;; | (set! <gensym> <CS>)
;;; | (begin <CS> <CS> ...)
;;; | (letrec ([<gensym> <CS>] ...) <CS> <CS> ...)
;;; | (lambda <FMLS> <CS> <CS> ...)
;;; | (<prim> <CS> <CS> ...)
;;; | (#primitive| <primname>)
;;; | (<CS> <CS> ...)
;;; <FML> ::= ()
;;; | <gensym>
;;; | (<gensym> . <FML>)
;;; <prim> ::= void | memv | top-level-value | set-top-level-value!
;;; | primitive-set! | foreign-call | $apply
(let ([*stx* (make-record-type "*stx*" '(e marks ribcage))]
[*rib* (make-record-type "*rib*" '(sym* marks* lab*))]
[*top* (make-record-type "*top*" '())])
(define stx? (record-predicate *stx*))
(define make-stx (record-constructor *stx*))
(define stx-e (record-field-accessor *stx* 'e))
(define stx-marks (record-field-accessor *stx* 'marks))
(define stx-ribcage (record-field-accessor *stx* 'ribcage))
(define make-rib (record-constructor *rib*))
(define rib-sym* (record-field-accessor *rib* 'sym*))
(define rib-marks* (record-field-accessor *rib* 'marks*))
(define rib-lab* (record-field-accessor *rib* 'lab*))
(define *top-ribcage* ((record-constructor *top*)))
(define (top? x) (eq? x *top-ribcage*))
(define *syncase-macro* (gensym "*syncase-macro*"))
(define (build-data x) `(quote ,x))
(define (build-global-ref x) `(top-level-value ',x))
(define (build-lexical-ref x) x)
(define (build-app a d) `(,a . ,d))
(define (build-lambda fml* body)
[(and (pair? body) (eq? (car body) 'begin))
`(lambda ,fml* . ,(cdr body))]
`(lambda ,fml* ,body)]))
(define (build-begin body*) `(begin . ,body*))
(define (build-void) `(void))
(define (build-if e0 e1 e2) `(if ,e0 ,e1 ,e2))
(define (build-foreign-call e e*) `(foreign-call ,e ,e*))
(define (id? x)
(and (stx? x)
(symbol? (stx-e x))))
(define (stx->datum x) ;;;; use strip
[(stx? x) (stx-e x)]
[else x]))
(define (stx-pair? x)
(and (stx? x)
(pair? (stx-e x))))
(define (strip x)
[(stx? x) (stx-e x)]
[else x]))
(define label? string?)
(define (eqmarks? m1* m2*)
[(null? m1*) (null? m2*)]
[(memq (car m1*) m2*) (eqmarks? (cdr m1*) (remq (car m1*) m2*))]
[else #f]))
(define (rib-lookup sym m* sym* m** lab*)
(and (pair? sym*)
(if (and (eq? sym (car sym*))
(eqmarks? m* (car m**)))
(car lab*)
(rib-lookup sym m* (cdr sym*) (cdr m**) (cdr lab*)))))
(define (ribcage-lookup sym m* rc)
[(pair? rc)
(let ([r (car rc)])
[(eq? r 'shift)
(ribcage-lookup sym (cdr m*) (cdr rc))]
(or (rib-lookup sym m* (rib-sym* r) (rib-marks* r) (rib-lab* r))
(ribcage-lookup sym m* (cdr rc)))]))]
[(top? rc) #f]
[else (error "BUG1")]))
(define (resolve x)
(unless (id? x) (error "BUG2"))
(let ([sym (stx-e x)]
[m* (stx-marks x)]
[rc (stx-ribcage x)])
(or (ribcage-lookup sym m* rc) ; bound -> label
(getprop sym *syncase-macro*) ; top-level-macros -> pair
sym ; global -> symbol
(define (remove-last ls)
(let ([d (cdr ls)])
[(null? d) '()]
[else (cons (car ls) (remove-last d))])))
(define (unshift rc)
[(pair? rc)
(if (eq? (car rc) 'shift)
(cdr rc)
(cons (car rc) (unshift (cdr rc))))]
[else (error "BUG3: missing shift")]))
(define (push-wrap m r x)
[(stx? x)
(let ([xm (stx-marks x)])
[(and (pair? xm) (eq? (car xm) #f))
(make-stx (stx-e x)
(append (remove-last m) (cdr xm))
(unshift (append r (stx-ribcage x))))]
(make-stx (stx-e x)
(append m xm)
(append r (stx-ribcage x)))]))]
[else (make-stx x m r)]))
(define (push-subst sym* marks* lab* x)
[(stx? x)
(make-stx (stx-e x)
(stx-marks x)
(cons (make-rib sym* marks* lab*) (stx-ribcage x)))]
(make-stx x
(cons (make-rib sym* marks* lab*) '()))]))
(define (push-antimark x)
[(stx? x)
(make-stx (stx-e x)
(cons #f (stx-marks x))
(stx-ribcage x))]
[else (make-stx x (cons #f '()) '())]))
(define (push-mark m x)
[(stx? x)
(let ([m* (stx-marks x)])
[(and (pair? m*) (eq? (car m*) #f))
(make-stx (stx-e x) (cdr m*) (stx-ribcage x))]
(make-stx (stx-e x) (cons m m*) (cons 'shift (stx-ribcage x)))]))]
(make-stx x (list m) '(shift))]))
(define (push-rib rib x)
[(stx? x)
(make-stx (stx-e x) (stx-marks x) (cons rib (stx-ribcage x)))]
[else (make-stx x '() (list rib))]))
(define (expose-stx x)
(let ([e (stx-e x)])
[(pair? e)
(let ([m (stx-marks x)]
[r (stx-ribcage x)])
(push-wrap m r (car e))
(push-wrap m r (cdr e))))]
[(vector? e)
(let ([m (stx-marks x)]
[r (stx-ribcage x)])
(map (lambda (x) (push-wrap m r x))
(vector->list e))))]
[(null? e) e]
[else x])))
(define (expose x)
[(stx? x) (expose-stx x)]
[else x]))
(define (expose-ls ox)
(let loop ([x (expose ox)])
[(pair? x) (cons (car x) (loop (expose (cdr x))))]
[(null? x) '()]
[else (error 'expose-ls "BUG: not a list: ~s" x)])))
(define (expose* x)
[(id? x) x]
[(stx? x) (expose* (expose x))]
[(pair? x) (cons (expose* (car x)) (expose* (cdr x)))]
[(vector? x)
(list->vector (map expose* (vector->list x)))]
[else x]))
(define (lookup lab r)
(define (lookup1 lab lab* g*)
[(null? lab*) #f]
[(eq? lab (car lab*)) (car g*)]
[else (lookup1 lab (cdr lab*) (cdr g*))]))
[(null? r) #f]
[(eq? (car r) 'lexical-barrier)
(let ([v (lookup lab (cdr r))])
[(not (symbol? v)) v]
[else #f]))]
(or (lookup1 lab (caar r) (cdar r))
(lookup lab (cdr r)))]))
(define (genmark) (gensym "M"))
(define (newsym x)
;(gensym (symbol->string x)))
(define (apply-macro proc x r)
(expand-ctx (push-mark (genmark) (proc (push-antimark x))) r))
(define (identifier-macro? x r)
(and (id? x)
(let ([a (resolve x)])
(or (and (label? a)
(let ([a (lookup a r)])
(and (procedure? a) a)))
(and (pair? a)
(eq? (car a) '*user-macro*)
(cdr a))))))
(define (macro-call? x r)
(if (id? x)
(identifier-macro? x r)
(let ([x (expose x)])
(and (pair? x)
(identifier-macro? (car x) r)))))
(define (core? x)
(and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) '*core-macro*)))
(define (apply-core-form a d ctx r)
(unless (core? a) (syntax-error ctx))
((cdr a) a d ctx r))
(define (E* d r ctx)
(let ([d (expose-ls d)])
(map (lambda (x) (E x r)) d)))
(define (extend-core name proc)
(putprop name *syncase-macro* (cons '*core-macro* proc)))
(define (extend-user-macro name proc)
(putprop name *syncase-macro* (cons '*user-macro* proc)))
(define (E ctx r)
(let ([x (expose ctx)])
[(macro-call? x r) =>
(lambda (proc)
(apply-macro proc ctx r))]
[(pair? x)
(let ([a (car x)] [d (cdr x)])
[(id? a)
(let ([a (resolve a)])
[(label? a)
[(lookup a r) =>
(lambda (g)
[(symbol? g)
(build-app (build-lexical-ref g)
(E* d r ctx))]
[(and (pair? g) (eq? (car g) 'pat))
(syntax-error ctx)]
[else (error 'expand "BUG4")]))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)])]
[(core? a)
(apply-core-form a d ctx r)]
[(symbol? a)
(build-app (build-global-ref a)
(E* d r ctx))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)]))]
(E a r)
(E* d r ctx))]))]
[(id? x)
(let ([a (resolve x)])
[(label? a)
[(lookup a r) =>
(lambda (g)
[(symbol? g) (build-lexical-ref g)]
[(and (pair? g) (eq? (car g) 'pat))
(syntax-error ctx)]
[else (error 'expand "BUG5")]))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)])]
[(core? a) (syntax-error ctx)]
[(symbol? a)
(build-global-ref a)]
[else (syntax-error ctx)]))]
[else (build-data (strip x))])))
(define (core-expand x)
(E (make-stx x '() *top-ribcage*) '()))
(define (process-fml* bind* ctx)
(define (assert-no-dups s m* s* m**)
(unless (null? s*)
(when (and (eq? s (car s*))
(eqmarks? m* (car m**)))
(syntax-error ctx))
(assert-no-dups s m* (cdr s*) (cdr m*))))
(let loop ([bind* (expose bind*)])
[(null? bind*) (values '() '() '() '() '())]
[(pair? bind*)
(let ([b (car bind*)])
(unless (id? b) (syntax-error ctx))
(let-values ([(fml* s* m** g* lab*)
(loop (expose (cdr bind*)))])
(let ([s (stx-e b)] [m* (stx-marks b)])
(assert-no-dups s m* s* m**)
(let ([lab (string #\i)] [g (newsym s)])
(values (cons g fml*)
(cons s s*)
(cons m* m**)
(cons g g*)
(cons lab lab*))))))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)])))
(define (top-level-macro? x r sym)
(let ([x (expose x)])
(and (pair? x)
(id? (car x))
(let ([loc (resolve (car x))])
(and (or (and (pair? loc)
(eq? (car loc) '*core-macro*))
(symbol? loc))
(eq? (stx->datum (car x)) sym))))))
(define (define? x r)
(top-level-macro? x r 'define))
(define (begin? x r)
(top-level-macro? x r 'begin))
(define (begin-e* x ctx)
(let ([x (expose x)])
(let loop ([x (expose (cdr x))])
[(null? x) '()]
[(pair? x) (cons (car x) (loop (expose (cdr x))))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)]))))
(define (expand-body* body* ctx r)
(let ([rib (make-rib '() '() '())])
(let loop ([body* (expose (push-rib rib body*))]
[r r]
[lab* '()] [sym* '()] [marks* '()] [vrhs* '()])
[(null? body*) (syntax-error ctx)]
[(pair? body*)
(let ([a (car body*)] [d (cdr body*)])
[(macro-call? a r) =>
(lambda (proc)
(loop (cons (push-mark (genmark) (proc (push-antimark a))) d)
r lab* sym* marks* vrhs*))]
[(define? a r)
(let-values ([(lhs rhs) (extract-define a ctx)])
(loop (expose d)
(cons (string #\p) lab*)
(cons (stx-e lhs) sym*)
(cons (stx-marks lhs) marks*)
(cons rhs vrhs*)))]
[(begin? a r)
(loop (expose (append (begin-e* a ctx) d))
r lab* sym* marks* vrhs*)]
;;; done
[(null? sym*)
(let ([body* (E* body* r ctx)])
(build-begin body*))]
(let ([g* (map newsym sym*)])
(let* ([r (cons (cons lab* g*) r)]
(E* (push-subst sym* marks* lab* vrhs*)
r ctx)]
(E* (push-subst sym* marks* lab* body*)
r ctx)])
(build-letrec g* rhs* (build-begin body*))))])]))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)]))))
(define (extract-bindings bind* ctx)
(let ([bind* (expose bind*)])
[(null? bind*) (values '() '())]
[(not (pair? bind*)) (syntax-error ctx)]
(let ([a (car bind*)] [d (cdr bind*)])
(let ([a (expose-ls a)])
[(fx= (length a) 2)
(let-values ([(lhs* rhs*)
(extract-bindings d ctx)])
(values (cons (car a) lhs*)
(cons (cadr a) rhs*)))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)])))])))
(define (core-stx x)
(make-stx x '() *top-ribcage*))
(extend-core 'quote
(lambda (a d ctx r)
(let ([d (expose-ls d)])
[(and (list? d) (fx= (length d) 1))
(build-data (strip (car d)))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)]))))
(extend-core 'lambda
(lambda (a d ctx r)
(let ([d (expose d)])
[(pair? d)
(let ([fml* (car d)] [body* (cdr d)])
(let-values ([(fml* s* m** g* lab*)
(process-fml* fml* ctx)])
(let ([body* (push-subst s* m** lab* body*)])
(let ([r (cons (cons lab* g*) r)])
(build-lambda fml*
(expand-body* body* ctx r))))))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)]))))
(extend-core 'if
(lambda (a d ctx r)
(let ([d (expose d)])
(unless (pair? d) (syntax-error ctx))
(let ([test (car d)] [d (expose (cdr d))])
(unless (pair? d) (syntax-error ctx))
(let ([conseq (car d)] [d (expose (cdr d))])
(let ([altern
[(null? d) (build-void)]
[(pair? d)
(let ([altern (car d)] [d (expose (cdr d))])
[(null? d) (E altern r)]
[else (syntax-error ctx)]))]
[else (syntax-error ctx)])])
(build-if (E test r) (E conseq r) altern)))))))
(extend-core 'begin
(lambda (a d ctx r)
(let ([d (expose-ls d)])
(when (null? d) (syntax-error ctx))
(build-begin (E* d r ctx)))))
(extend-core 'define
(lambda (a d ctx r) (syntax-error ctx)))
(extend-core 'foreign-call
(lambda (a d ctx r)
(let ([d (expose-ls d)])
(unless (fx>= (length d) 1) (syntax-error ctx))
(E (car d) r)
(E* (cdr d) r ctx)))))
(extend-core 'let
(lambda (a d ctx r)
(let ([d (expose d)])
(unless (pair? d) (syntax-error ctx))
(let ([bind* (car d)] [body* (cdr d)])
(let-values ([(lhs* rhs*)
(extract-bindings bind* ctx)])
(let ([lambda^ (core-stx 'lambda)])
(E `((,lambda^ ,lhs* . ,body*) . ,rhs*) r)))))))
(extend-core 'let*
(lambda (a d ctx r)
(let ([d (expose d)])
(unless (pair? d) (syntax-error ctx))
(let ([bind* (car d)] [body* (cdr d)])
(let-values ([(lhs* rhs*)
(extract-bindings bind* ctx)])
(let ([lambda^ (core-stx 'lambda)])
(E (let f ([lhs* lhs*] [rhs* rhs*])
[(null? lhs*)
`((,lambda^ () . ,body*))]
`((,lambda^ (,(car lhs*))
,(f (cdr lhs*) (cdr rhs*)))
,(car rhs*))]))
(set! expand core-expand)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
;;; 6.2: * added a printer for bwp-objects
;;; WRITER provides display and write.
(let ()
(define char-table ; first nonprintable chars
'#("nul" "soh" "stx" "etx" "eot" "enq" "ack" "bel" "bs" "tab" "newline"
"vt" "ff" "return" "so" "si" "dle" "dc1" "dc2" "dc3" "dc4" "nak"
"syn" "etb" "can" "em" "sub" "esc" "fs" "gs" "rs" "us" "space"))
(define write-character
(lambda (x p m)
(if m
(let ([i ($char->fixnum x)])
(write-char #\# p)
[(fx< i (vector-length char-table))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char* (vector-ref char-table i) p)]
[(fx< i 127)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char x p)]
[(fx= i 127)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char* "del" p)]
(write-char #\+ p)
(write-fixnum i p)]))
(write-char x p))))
(define write-list
(lambda (x p m)
[(pair? x)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer (car x) p m)
(write-list (cdr x) p m)]
[(not (null? x))
(write-char #\space p)
(write-char #\. p)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer x p m)])))
(define write-vector
(lambda (x p m)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\( p)
(let ([n (vector-length x)])
(when (fx> n 0)
(writer (vector-ref x 0) p m)
(letrec ([f
(lambda (i)
(unless (fx= i n)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer (vector-ref x i) p m)
(f (fxadd1 i))))])
(f 1))))
(write-char #\) p)))
(define write-record
(lambda (x p m)
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\[ p)
(writer (record-name x) p m)
(let ([n (record-length x)])
(letrec ([f
(lambda (i)
(unless (fx= i n)
(write-char #\space p)
(writer (record-ref x i) p m)
(f (fxadd1 i))))])
(f 0)))
(write-char #\] p)))
(define initial?
(lambda (c)
(or (letter? c) (special-initial? c))))
(define letter?
(lambda (c)
(or (and ($char<= #\a c) ($char<= c #\z))
(and ($char<= #\A c) ($char<= c #\Z)))))
(define digit?
(lambda (c)
(and ($char<= #\0 c) ($char<= c #\9))))
(define special-initial?
(lambda (x)
(memq x '(#\! #\$ #\% #\& #\* #\/ #\: #\< #\= #\> #\? #\^ #\_ #\~))))
(define subsequent?
(lambda (x)
(or (initial? x)
(digit? x)
(special-subsequent? x))))
(define special-subsequent?
(lambda (x)
(memq x '(#\+ #\- #\. #\@))))
(define subsequent*?
(lambda (str i n)
(or ($fx= i n)
(and (subsequent? ($string-ref str i))
(subsequent*? str ($fxadd1 i) n)))))
(define valid-symbol-string?
(lambda (str)
(or (let ([n ($string-length str)])
(and ($fx>= n 1)
(initial? ($string-ref str 0))
(subsequent*? str 1 n)))
(string=? str "+")
(string=? str "-")
(string=? str "..."))))
(define write-symbol-esc-loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless ($fx= i n)
(let ([c ($string-ref x i)])
(when (memq c '(#\\ #\|))
(write-char #\\ p))
(write-char c p))
(write-symbol-esc-loop x ($fxadd1 i) n p))))
(define write-symbol-esc
(lambda (x p)
(write-char #\| p)
(write-symbol-esc-loop x 0 ($string-length x) p)
(write-char #\| p)))
(define write-symbol
(lambda (x p m)
(let ([str (symbol->string x)])
(if m
(if (valid-symbol-string? str)
(write-char* str p)
(write-symbol-esc str p))
(write-char* str p)))))
(define write-gensym
(lambda (x p m)
[(and m (print-gensym))
(let ([str (symbol->string x)])
(write-char #\# p)
(write-char #\{ p)
(if (valid-symbol-string? str)
(write-char* str p)
(write-symbol-esc str p))
(write-char #\space p)
(write-symbol-esc (gensym->unique-string x) p)
(write-char #\} p))]
[else (write-symbol x p m)])))
(define write-string-escape
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless (fx= i n)
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(or ($char= #\" c) ($char= #\\ c))
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char c p)]
[($char= #\tab c)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char #\t p)]
(write-char c p)]))
(loop x (fxadd1 i) n p))))
(write-char #\" p)
(loop x 0 (string-length x) p)
(write-char #\" p)))
(define write-string
(lambda (x p m)
(if m
(write-string-escape x p)
(write-char* x p))))
(define write-fixnum
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x p)
(unless (fxzero? x)
(loop (fxquotient x 10) p)
($fx+ (fxremainder x 10)
($char->fixnum #\0)))
[(fxzero? x) (write-char #\0 p)]
[(fx< x 0)
(write-char #\- p)
(if (fx= x -536870912)
(write-char* "536870912" p)
(loop (fx- 0 x) p))]
[else (loop x p)])))
(define write-char*
(lambda (x p)
(define loop
(lambda (x i n p)
(unless (fx= i n)
(write-char (string-ref x i) p)
(loop x (fxadd1 i) n p))))
(loop x 0 (string-length x) p)))
(define macro
(lambda (x)
(define macro-forms
'([quote . "'"]
[quasiquote . "`"]
[unquote . ","]
[unquote-splicing . ",@"]
[syntax . "#'"]
[|#primitive| . "#%"]))
(and (pair? x)
(let ([d ($cdr x)])
(and (pair? d)
(null? ($cdr d))))
(assq ($car x) macro-forms))))
(define writer
(lambda (x p m)
[(macro x) =>
(lambda (y)
(write-char* (cdr y) p)
(writer (cadr x) p m))]
[(pair? x)
(write-char #\( p)
(writer (car x) p m)
(write-list (cdr x) p m)
(write-char #\) p)]
[(symbol? x)
(if (gensym? x)
(write-gensym x p m)
(write-symbol x p m))]
[(fixnum? x)
(write-fixnum x p)]
[(string? x)
(write-string x p m)]
[(boolean? x)
(write-char* (if x "#t" "#f") p)]
[(char? x)
(write-character x p m)]
[(procedure? x)
(write-char* "#<procedure>" p)]
[(output-port? x)
(write-char* "#<output-port " p)
(writer (output-port-name x) p #t)
(write-char #\> p)]
[(input-port? x)
(write-char* "#<input-port " p)
(writer (input-port-name x) p #t)
(write-char #\> p)]
[(vector? x)
(write-vector x p m)]
[(null? x)
(write-char #\( p)
(write-char #\) p)]
[(eq? x (void))
(write-char* "#<void>" p)]
[(eof-object? x)
(write-char* "#!eof" p)]
[(bwp-object? x)
(write-char* "#!bwp" p)]
[(record? x)
(let ([printer (record-printer x)])
(if (procedure? printer)
(printer x p)
(write-record x p m)))]
;[(code? x)
; (write-char* "#<code>" p)]
[(hash-table? x)
(write-char* "#<hash-table>" p)]
[($unbound-object? x)
(write-char* "#<unbound-object>" p)]
[($forward-ptr? x)
(write-char* "#<forward-ptr>" p)]
(write-char* "#<unknown>" p)])))
(define (write x p)
(writer x p #t)
(flush-output-port p))
(define (display x p)
(writer x p #f)
(flush-output-port p))
(define formatter
(lambda (who p fmt args)
(let f ([i 0] [args args])
(unless (fx= i (string-length fmt))
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[($char= c #\~)
(let ([i (fxadd1 i)])
(when (fx= i (string-length fmt))
(error who "invalid ~~ at end of format string ~s" fmt))
(let ([c (string-ref fmt i)])
[($char= c #\~)
(write-char #\~ p)
(f (fxadd1 i) args)]
[($char= c #\a)
(when (null? args)
(error who "insufficient arguments"))
(display (car args) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
[($char= c #\s)
(when (null? args)
(error who "insufficient arguments"))
(write (car args) p)
(f (fxadd1 i) (cdr args))]
(error who "invalid sequence ~~~a" c)])))]
(write-char c p)
(f (fxadd1 i) args)]))))))
(define fprintf
(lambda (port fmt . args)
(unless (output-port? port)
(error 'fprintf "~s is not an output port" port))
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'fprintf "~s is not a string" fmt))
(formatter 'fprintf port fmt args)))
(define printf
(lambda (fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'printf "~s is not a string" fmt))
(formatter 'printf (current-output-port) fmt args)))
(define format
(lambda (fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'format "~s is not a string" fmt))
(let ([p (open-output-string)])
(formatter 'format p fmt args)
(get-output-string p))))
(define print-error
(lambda (who fmt . args)
(unless (string? fmt)
(error 'print-error "~s is not a string" fmt))
(let ([p (standard-error-port)])
(if who
(fprintf p "Error in ~a: " who)
(fprintf p "Error: "))
(formatter 'print-error p fmt args)
(write-char #\. p)
(newline p))))
(primitive-set! 'format format)
(primitive-set! 'printf printf)
(primitive-set! 'fprintf fprintf)
(primitive-set! 'write
[(x) (write x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'write "~s is not an output port" p))
(write x p)]))
(primitive-set! 'display
[(x) (display x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(unless (output-port? p)
(error 'display "~s is not an output port" p))
(display x p)]))
(primitive-set! 'print-error print-error)
(primitive-set! 'current-error-handler
(lambda args
(apply print-error args)
(display "exiting\n" (console-output-port))
(flush-output-port (console-output-port))
(exit -100))
(lambda (x)
(if (procedure? x)
(error 'current-error-handler "~s is not a procedure" x)))))
(primitive-set! 'error
(lambda args
(apply (current-error-handler) args))))
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
(define primitive-set! set-top-level-value!)
(define chez-expand sc-expand)
(define-syntax |#primitive|
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ n) #'n])))
(printf "loading psyntax.pp ...\n")
(load "psyntax-7.1.pp")
(lambda (x . args)
(apply chez-expand (sc-expand x) args)))
(printf "loading ...\n")
(load "")
(lambda (x . args)
(apply chez-expand (sc-expand x) args)))
(printf "making xpsyntax.pp ...\n")
(with-output-to-file "xpsyntax.pp"
(lambda ()
(load ""
(lambda (x)
(parameterize ([print-gensym #f]
[print-graph #f]
[expand-mode 'bootstrap]
[print-vector-length #f])
(pretty-print (sc-expand x))
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,37 +1,40 @@
CFLAGS = -Wall -g
LDFLAGS = -g -ldl -luuid -rdynamic
all: ikarus
ikarus: ikarus-collect.o ikarus-runtime.o ikarus-main.o ikarus-fasl.o \
ikarus-exec.o ikarus-print.o ikarus-enter.s ikarus-symbol-table.o \
gcc -g -Wall -ldl -luuid -rdynamic -o ikarus \
gcc $(LDFLAGS) -o ikarus \
ikarus-main.o ikarus-runtime.o \
ikarus-fasl.o ikarus-exec.o ikarus-print.o ikarus-enter.s \
ikarus-symbol-table.o ikarus-collect.o ikarus-hash-tables.o
ikarus-symbol-table.o ikarus-collect.o ikarus-weak-pairs.o
ikarus-main.o: ikarus-main.c ikarus.h
gcc -Wall -g -c ikarus-main.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c ikarus-main.c
ikarus-runtime.o: ikarus-runtime.c ikarus.h
gcc -Wall -g -c ikarus-runtime.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c ikarus-runtime.c
ikarus-fasl.o: ikarus-fasl.c ikarus.h
gcc -Wall -g -c ikarus-fasl.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c ikarus-fasl.c
ikarus-exec.o: ikarus-exec.c ikarus.h
gcc -Wall -g -c ikarus-exec.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c ikarus-exec.c
ikarus-print.o: ikarus-print.c ikarus.h
gcc -Wall -g -c ikarus-print.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c ikarus-print.c
ikarus-collect.o: ikarus-collect.c ikarus.h
gcc -Wall -g -c ikarus-collect.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c ikarus-collect.c
ikarus-weak-pairs.o: ikarus-weak-pairs.c ikarus.h