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(library (tests parse-flonums)
(export test-parse-flonums)
(import (ikarus))
(define file "tests/rn100")
(define (read-all)
(with-input-from-file file
(lambda ()
(let f ([ac '()])
(let ([x (read)])
(if (eof-object? x)
(reverse ac)
(f (cons x ac))))))))
(define (read-flonum)
(define (decimal x)
[(assv x '([#\0 . 0] [#\1 . 1] [#\2 . 2] [#\3 . 3] [#\4 . 4]
[#\5 . 5] [#\6 . 6] [#\7 . 7] [#\8 . 8] [#\9 . 9]))
=> cdr]
[else #f]))
(define (st)
(let ([x (read-char)])
[(eof-object? x) x]
[(char-whitespace? x) (st)]
[(char=? x #\-) (- (sign))]
[(decimal x) => num]
[else (error 'st "invalid char" x)])))
(define (sign)
(let ([x (read-char)])
[(eof-object? x) (error 'sign "eof")]
[(decimal x) => num]
[else (error 'sign "invalid char" x)])))
(define (num n)
(let ([x (read-char)])
[(eof-object? x) (error 'num "eof")]
[(decimal x) => (lambda (m) (num (+ (* n 10) m)))]
[(char=? x #\.) (+ n (frac 0 1))]
[else (error 'num "invalid char" x)])))
(define (frac num den)
(let ([x (read-char)])
[(or (eof-object? x) (char-whitespace? x))
(/ num den)]
[(decimal x) => (lambda (m)
(frac (+ (* num 10) m)
(* den 10)))]
[else (error 'frac "invalid char" x)])))
(define smallest-flonum
#vu8(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
(define (gen-epsilon x)
(let ([x (flabs x)])
(let f ([eps smallest-flonum])
(if (fl=? x (fl- x eps))
(f (fl* eps 2.0))
(define (inexact-close-enough? in ex)
;;; take the inexact number, and generate two
;;; additional numbers: in+epsilon, in-epsilon
;;; turn them into exacts: e1=exact(in+epsilon), e2=exact(in-epsilon)
;;; ensure that at least e1 < ex < e2
(let ([eps (gen-epsilon in)])
(< (exact (fl- in eps)) ex (exact (fl+ in eps)))))
(define (read-exact-all)
(with-input-from-file file
(lambda ()
(let f ([ac '()])
(let ([x (read-flonum)])
(if (eof-object? x)
(reverse ac)
(f (cons x ac))))))))
(define (test-parse-flonums)
(define who 'test-parse-flonums)
(define failed #f)
(define idx 0)
(let ([ls1 (read-all)]
[ls2 (read-exact-all)])
(assert (= (length ls1) (length ls2)))
(lambda (x1 x2)
(set! idx (+ idx 1))
(unless (inexact-close-enough? x1 x2)
(set! failed #t)
(printf "test failed in line ~s on read=~s and parsed=~s\n"
idx x1 x2)))
ls1 ls2))
(when failed (error who "failed"))