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Added many benchmarks. added: benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/BUGS benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/array1.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/bib benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/boyer.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/browse.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/cat.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/conform.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/cpstak.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/ctak.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/dderiv.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/deriv.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/destruc.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/diviter.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/divrec.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/dynamic.src.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/dynamic.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/earley.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/fibc.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/fibfp.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/gcbench.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/gcold.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/graphs.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/lattice.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/matrix.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/maze.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/mazefun.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/mbrot.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/nboyer.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/nqueens.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/ntakl.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/paraffins.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/parsing-test.sch benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/parsing.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/perm9.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/peval.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/pi.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/pnpoly.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/ray.ss benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/ benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/README.flonum-benchmarks benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/compiler.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/fft.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/fpsum.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/nbody.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/nucleic.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/primes.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/puzzle.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/quicksort.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/rn100 benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/sboyer.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/scheme.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/simplex.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/slatex.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/slatex.sty benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/smlboyer.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/string.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/succeed.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/sum.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/sum1.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/sumfp.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/sumloop.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/tail.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/tak.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/takl.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/temp.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/temp2.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/test.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/test.tex benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/tfib.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/trav1.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/trav2.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/triangl.scm benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks/todo-src/wc.scm modified: benchmarks/new/r6rs-benchmarks.ss benchmarks/results.Larceny-r6rs benchmarks/src/ntakl.scm
2007-06-13 07:17:57 -04:00
% slatex.sty
% SLaTeX v. 2.2
% style file to be used in (La)TeX when using SLaTeX
% (c) Dorai Sitaram, Rice U., 1991, 1994
% This file (or a soft link to it) should be in some
% directory in your TEXINPUTS path (i.e., the one
% (La)TeX scours for \input or \documentstyle option
% files).
% Do not attempt to debug this file, since the results
% are not transparent just to (La)TeX. The Scheme part
% of SLaTeX depends on information laid out here -- so
% (La)TeX-minded debugging of this file will almost
% inevitably sabotage SLaTeX.
% It's possible you don't find the default style set
% out here appealing: e.g., you may want to change the
% positioning of displayed code; change the fonts for
% keywords, constants, and variables; add new keywords,
% constants, and variables; use your names instead of
% the provided \scheme, [\begin|\end]{schemedisplay},
% [\begin|\end]{schemebox}, (or \[end]schemedisplay,
% \[end]schemebox for TeX), which might be seem too
% long or unmnemonic, and many other things. The clean
% way to do these things is outlined in the
% accompanying manual, slatex-d.tex. This way is both
% easier than messing with this .sty file, and safer
% since you will not unwittingly break SLaTeX.
% to prevent loading slatex.sty more than once
% use \slatexignorecurrentfile to disable slatex for
% the current file. (Unstrangely, the very definition
% disables slatex for the rest of _this_ file, slatex.sty.)
% checking whether we're using LaTeX or TeX?
% make @ a letter for TeX
% identification of TeX/LaTeX style for schemedisplay.
% Do \defslatexenvstyle{tex} to get TeX environment
% style in LaTeX
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% tabbing from plain TeX
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% above from plain.tex; was disabled in lplain.tex. Do
% not modify above unless you really know what you're
% up to. Make all changes you want to following code.
% The new env is preferable to LaTeX's tabbing env
% since latter accepts only a small number of tabs
% following retrieves something like LaTeX's tabbing
% env without the above problem (it also creates a box
% for easy manipulation!)
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\def\={\cleartabs&} \def\>{&}%
% stuff for formating Scheme code
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% taste
% for centered displays
% \leftcodeskip=0pt plus 1fil
% \rightcodeskip=0pt plus 1fil
% if \rightcodeskip != 0pt, pagebreaks within Scheme
% blocks in {schemedisplay} are disabled
% the following are the default font assignments for
% words in code. Change them to suit personal taste
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\def\variablefont#1{{\it #1\/}}
\def\constantfont#1{{\sf #1}}
%program listings that allow page breaks but
%can't be centered
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% \comm@nt<some-char>...text...<same-char> comments out
% TeX source analogous to
% \verb<some-char>...text...<same-char>. Sp. case:
% \comm@nt{...text...} == \comm@nt}...text...}
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% you may replace the above by
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% if you just want to call (La)TeX on your text
% ignoring the portions that need to be SLaTeX'ed
%use \subjobname rather than \jobname to generate
%slatex's temp files --- this allows us to change
%\subjobname for more control, if necessary.
% counter for generating temp file names
% To produce displayed Scheme code:
% in LaTeX:
% \begin{schemedisplay}
% ... indented program (with sev'l lines) ...
% \end{schemedisplay}
% in TeX:
% \schemedisplay
% ... indented program (with sev'l lines) ...
% \endschemedisplay
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% \scheme|...program fragment...| produces Scheme code
% in-text. Sp. case: \scheme{...} == \scheme}...}
\global\advance\sch@mefilenamecount by 1\relax%
\ZZZZinput{\filehider Z\number\sch@mefilenamecount\subjobname.tex}%
% \schemeresult|...program fragment...| produces a
% Scheme code result in-text: i.e. keyword or variable
% fonts are replaced by the data font. Sp. case:
% \schemeresult{...} == \schemeresult}...}
\global\advance\sch@mefilenamecount by 1\relax%
\ZZZZinput{\filehider Z\number\sch@mefilenamecount\subjobname.tex}%
% To produce a box of Scheme code:
% in LaTeX:
% \begin{schemebox}
% ... indented program (with sev'l lines) ...
% \end{schemebox}
% in TeX:
% \schemebox
% ... indented program (with sev'l lines) ...
% \endschemebox
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% for wholesale dumping of all-Scheme files into TeX (converting
% .scm files to .tex),
% use
% \schemeinput{<filename>}
% .scm, .ss, .s extensions optional
\global\advance\sch@mefilenamecount by 1\relax%
\ZZZZinput{\filehider Z\number\sch@mefilenamecount\subjobname.tex}}}
% delineating a region that features typeset code
% not usually needed, except when using \scheme and schemedisplay
% inside macro-args and macro-definition-bodies
% in LaTeX:
% \begin{schemeregion}
% ...
% \end{schemeregion}
% in TeX:
% \schemeregion
% ...
% \endschemeregion
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|long|expandafter|gdef|csname #1|endcsname[%
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|csname ZZZZcomment#1|endcsname]%
|long|expandafter|gdef|csname end#1|endcsname[]]%
% introducing new code-tokens to the keyword, variable and constant
% categories
\let\do\@makeother \dospecials
\long\def\@tempa ##1}[\endgroup]\@tempa]%
% \defschememathescape makes the succeeding grouped character an
% escape into latex math from within Scheme code;
% this character can't be }
% telling SLaTeX that a certain Scheme identifier is to
% be replaced by the specified LaTeX expression.
% Useful for generating ``mathematical''-looking
% typeset code even though the corresponding Scheme
% code is ascii as usual and doesn't violate
% identifier-naming rules
\let\do\@makeother \dospecials
\long\def\@tempa ##1}[\endgroup\@gobbleI]\@tempa]%
% \unsetspecialsymbol strips Scheme identifier(s) of
% any ``mathematical'' look lent by the above
% enabling/disabling slatex
% \schemecasesensitive takes either true or false as
% argument
%for latex only: use \slatexseparateincludes before the
%occurrence of any Scheme code in your file, if you
%want the various \include'd files to have their own
%pool of temporary slatex files. This lets you juggle
%your \include's in successive runs of LaTeX without
%having to worry that the temp. files may interfere.
%By default, only a single pool of temp files is used.
%Warning: On DOS, if your \include'd files have fairly
%similar names, avoid \slatexseparateincludes since the
%short filenames on DOS will likely confuse the temp
%file pools of different \include files.
\@include##1 }}}
% convenient abbreviations for characters
% leading character of slatex filenames: . for unix to
% keep them out of the way
% since the above doesn't work of dos, slatex on dos
% will use a different character, and make the
% redefinition available through the following
% @ is no longer a letter for TeX
\message{*** Check: Are you sure you called SLaTeX? ***}