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450 lines
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(define (time* thunk)
(let ((start-cpu (run-time))
(start-real (real-time)))
(let ((result (thunk)))
(let ((end-cpu (run-time))
(end-real (real-time)))
(let ((cpu (- end-cpu start-cpu))
(real (- end-real start-real)))
(display "cpu time: ")
(display cpu)
(display " real time: ")
(display real)
(define (run-bench name count ok? run)
(let loop ((i 0) (result (list 'undefined)))
(if (< i count)
(loop (+ i 1) (run))
(define (run-benchmark name count ok? run-maker . args)
(let* ((run (apply run-maker args))
(result (time* (lambda () (run-bench name count ok? run)))))
(if (not (ok? result))
(display "*** wrong result ***")
(display "*** got: ")
(write result)
(exit 0))
(define (fatal-error . args)
(write args)
(exit 0))
(define (call-with-output-file/truncate filename proc)
(call-with-output-file filename proc))
; Macros...
; Specialize fixnum and flonum arithmetic.
(define-syntax FLOATvector-const
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector-const x ...) '#(x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector?
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector? x) (vector? x))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector x ...) (vector x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOATmake-vector
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATmake-vector n) (make-vector n 0.0))
((FLOATmake-vector n init) (make-vector n init))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector-ref
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector-ref v i) (vector-ref v i))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector-set!
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector-set! v i x) (vector-set! v i x))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector-length
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector-length v) (vector-length v))))
(define-syntax nuc-const
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATnuc-const x ...) '#(x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT+
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT+ x ...) (fl+ x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT-
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT- x ...) (fl- x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT*
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT* x ...) (fl* x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT/
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT/ x ...) (fl/ x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT=
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT= x y) (fl= x y))))
(define-syntax FLOAT<
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT< x y) (fl< x y))))
(define-syntax FLOAT<=
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT<= x y) (fl<= x y))))
(define-syntax FLOAT>
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT> x y) (fl> x y))))
(define-syntax FLOAT>=
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT>= x y) (fl>= x y))))
(define-syntax FLOATnegative?
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATnegative? x) (flnegative? x))))
(define-syntax FLOATpositive?
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATpositive? x) (flpositive? x))))
(define-syntax FLOATzero?
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATzero? x) (flzero? x))))
(define-syntax FLOATabs
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATabs x) (flabs x))))
(define-syntax FLOATsin
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATsin x) (flsin x))))
(define-syntax FLOATcos
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATcos x) (flcos x))))
(define-syntax FLOATatan
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATatan x) (flatan x))))
(define-syntax FLOATsqrt
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATsqrt x) (flsqrt x))))
(define-syntax FLOATmin
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATmin x y) (flmin x y))))
(define-syntax FLOATmax
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATmax x y) (flmax x y))))
(define-syntax FLOATround
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATround x) (flround x))))
(define-syntax FLOATinexact->exact
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATinexact->exact x) (inexact->exact x))))
(define (GENERIC+ x y) (+ x y))
(define (GENERIC- x y) (- x y))
(define (GENERIC* x y) (* x y))
(define (GENERIC/ x y) (/ x y))
(define (GENERICquotient x y) (quotient x y))
(define (GENERICremainder x y) (remainder x y))
(define (GENERICmodulo x y) (modulo x y))
(define (GENERIC= x y) (= x y))
(define (GENERIC< x y) (< x y))
(define (GENERIC<= x y) (<= x y))
(define (GENERIC> x y) (> x y))
(define (GENERIC>= x y) (>= x y))
(define (GENERICexpt x y) (expt x y))
(define-syntax +
(syntax-rules ()
((+ x ...) (fx+ x ...))))
(define-syntax -
(syntax-rules ()
((- x ...) (fx- x ...))))
(define-syntax *
(syntax-rules ()
((* x ...) (fx* x ...))))
(define-syntax quotient
(syntax-rules ()
((quotient x ...) (fxquotient x ...))))
(define-syntax modulo
(syntax-rules ()
((modulo x ...) (fxmodulo x ...))))
(define-syntax remainder
(syntax-rules ()
((remainder x ...) (fxremainder x ...))))
(define-syntax =
(syntax-rules ()
((= x y) (fx= x y))))
(define-syntax <
(syntax-rules ()
((< x y) (fx< x y))))
(define-syntax <=
(syntax-rules ()
((<= x y) (fx<= x y))))
(define-syntax >
(syntax-rules ()
((> x y) (fx> x y))))
(define-syntax >=
(syntax-rules ()
((>= x y) (fx>= x y))))
(define-syntax negative?
(syntax-rules ()
((negative? x) (fxnegative? x))))
(define-syntax positive?
(syntax-rules ()
((positive? x) (fxpositive? x))))
(define-syntax zero?
(syntax-rules ()
((zero? x) (fxzero? x))))
(define-syntax odd?
(syntax-rules ()
((odd? x) (fxodd? x))))
(define-syntax even?
(syntax-rules ()
((even? x) (fxeven? x))))
(define-syntax bitwise-or
(syntax-rules ()
((bitwise-or x y) (fxior x y))))
(define-syntax bitwise-and
(syntax-rules ()
((bitwise-and x y) (fxand x y))))
(define-syntax bitwise-not
(syntax-rules ()
((bitwise-not x) (fxnot x))))
; Don't specialize fixnum and flonum arithmetic.
(define-syntax FLOATvector-const
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector-const x ...) '#(x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector?
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector? x) (vector? x))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector x ...) (vector x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOATmake-vector
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATmake-vector n) (make-vector n 0.0))
((FLOATmake-vector n init) (make-vector n init))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector-ref
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector-ref v i) (vector-ref v i))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector-set!
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector-set! v i x) (vector-set! v i x))))
(define-syntax FLOATvector-length
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATvector-length v) (vector-length v))))
(define-syntax nuc-const
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATnuc-const x ...) '#(x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT+
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT+ x ...) (+ x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT-
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT- x ...) (- x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT*
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT* x ...) (* x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT/
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT/ x ...) (/ x ...))))
(define-syntax FLOAT=
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT= x y) (= x y))))
(define-syntax FLOAT<
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT< x y) (< x y))))
(define-syntax FLOAT<=
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT<= x y) (<= x y))))
(define-syntax FLOAT>
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT> x y) (> x y))))
(define-syntax FLOAT>=
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOAT>= x y) (>= x y))))
(define-syntax FLOATnegative?
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATnegative? x) (negative? x))))
(define-syntax FLOATpositive?
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATpositive? x) (positive? x))))
(define-syntax FLOATzero?
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATzero? x) (zero? x))))
(define-syntax FLOATabs
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATabs x) (abs x))))
(define-syntax FLOATsin
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATsin x) (sin x))))
(define-syntax FLOATcos
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATcos x) (cos x))))
(define-syntax FLOATatan
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATatan x) (atan x))))
(define-syntax FLOATsqrt
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATsqrt x) (sqrt x))))
(define-syntax FLOATmin
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATmin x y) (min x y))))
(define-syntax FLOATmax
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATmax x y) (max x y))))
(define-syntax FLOATround
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATround x) (round x))))
(define-syntax FLOATinexact->exact
(syntax-rules ()
((FLOATinexact->exact x) (inexact->exact x))))
; Generic arithmetic.
(define-syntax GENERIC+
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERIC+ x ...) (+ x ...))))
(define-syntax GENERIC-
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERIC- x ...) (- x ...))))
(define-syntax GENERIC*
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERIC* x ...) (* x ...))))
(define-syntax GENERIC/
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERIC/ x ...) (/ x ...))))
(define-syntax GENERICquotient
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERICquotient x y) (quotient x y))))
(define-syntax GENERICremainder
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERICremainder x y) (remainder x y))))
(define-syntax GENERICmodulo
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERICmodulo x y) (modulo x y))))
(define-syntax GENERIC=
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERIC= x y) (= x y))))
(define-syntax GENERIC<
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERIC< x y) (< x y))))
(define-syntax GENERIC<=
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERIC<= x y) (<= x y))))
(define-syntax GENERIC>
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERIC> x y) (> x y))))
(define-syntax GENERIC>=
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERIC>= x y) (>= x y))))
(define-syntax GENERICexpt
(syntax-rules ()
((GENERICexpt x y) (expt x y))))
(define-syntax integer->char
(syntax-rules ()
((integer->char x) (ascii->char x))))
(define-syntax char->integer
(syntax-rules ()
((char->integer x) (char->ascii x))))