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2006-12-06 21:05:19 -05:00
;;; Finally, we're ready to evaluate the files and enter the cafe.
(library (ikarus interaction)
(export foo)
(import (scheme))
(define foo 'i-am-an-exported-primitive-named-foo)
2007-05-01 05:49:33 -04:00
(define sc-expand
(lambda (x)
(if (and (pair? x) (equal? (car x) "noexpand"))
(cadr x)
(chi-top-library x))))
(primitive-set! 'expand-mode
(make-parameter 'eval))
(primitive-set! 'current-expand
(make-parameter sc-expand
(lambda (f)
(if (procedure? f)
(error 'current-expand "~s is not a procedure" f)))))
(primitive-set! 'expand
(lambda (x)
((current-expand) x)))
(let-values ([(files script args)
(let f ([args (command-line-arguments)])
[(null? args) (values '() #f '())]
[(string=? (car args) "--")
(values '() #f (cdr args))]
[(string=? (car args) "--script")
(let ([d (cdr args)])
[(null? d)
(error #f "--script requires a script name")]
(values '() (car d) (cdr d))]))]
(let-values ([(f* script a*) (f (cdr args))])
(values (cons (car args) f*) script a*))]))])
(current-eval compile)
[script ; no greeting, no cafe
(command-line-arguments (cons script args))
(for-each load files)
(load script)
(exit 0)]
2007-04-30 04:51:37 -04:00
(let ()
(define-syntax compile-time-string
(lambda (x) (date-string)))
(printf "Ikarus Scheme (Build ~a)\n" (compile-time-string)))
(display "Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Abdulaziz Ghuloum\n\n")
(command-line-arguments args)
(for-each load files)
(exit 0)])))