2007-05-05 05:22:15 -04:00
(library (ikarus lists)
2007-05-05 06:04:36 -04:00
(export $memq list? append length list-ref reverse last-pair
2007-05-05 05:59:01 -04:00
memq memv member assq assv assoc
2007-05-05 06:02:02 -04:00
map for-each andmap ormap)
2007-05-05 05:24:37 -04:00
2007-05-05 05:59:01 -04:00
(only (scheme) $car $cdr $fx+ $fxadd1 $fxsub1 $fxzero? $fx>=)
2007-05-05 06:04:36 -04:00
(except (ikarus) list? append reverse last-pair length list-ref
2007-05-05 05:59:01 -04:00
memq memv member assq assv assoc
2007-05-05 06:02:02 -04:00
map for-each andmap ormap))
2007-05-05 05:22:15 -04:00
(define $memq
(lambda (x ls)
(let f ([x x] [ls ls])
(and (pair? ls)
(if (eq? x (car ls))
(f x (cdr ls)))))))
2007-05-05 05:24:37 -04:00
(define list?
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(and (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t)))
(null? h)))
(null? h)))])
(lambda (x) (race x x))))
2007-05-05 05:29:35 -04:00
(define length
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls ($fx+ n 2))
(error 'length "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
($fx+ n 1)
(error 'length "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'length "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (ls)
(race ls ls ls 0))))
(define list-ref
(lambda (list index)
(define f
(lambda (ls i)
[($fxzero? i)
(if (pair? ls)
($car ls)
(error 'list-ref "index ~s is out of range for ~s" index list))]
[(pair? ls)
(f ($cdr ls) ($fxsub1 i))]
[(null? ls)
(error 'list-rec "index ~s is out of range for ~s" index list)]
[else (error 'list-ref "~s is not a list" list)])))
(unless (and (fixnum? index) ($fx>= index 0))
(error 'list-ref "~s is not a valid index" index))
(f list index)))
2007-05-05 06:04:36 -04:00
(module (append)
(define reverse
(lambda (h t ls ac)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)] [a1 ($car h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(let ([a2 ($car h)])
(reverse ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls (cons a2 (cons a1 ac))))
(error 'append "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
(cons a1 ac)
(error 'append "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'append "~s is not a proper list" ls)))))
(define revcons
(lambda (ls ac)
[(null? ls) ac]
(revcons ($cdr ls) (cons ($car ls) ac))])))
(define append1
(lambda (ls ls*)
[(null? ls*) ls]
(revcons (reverse ls ls ls '())
(append1 ($car ls*) ($cdr ls*)))])))
(define append
[() '()]
[(ls) ls]
[(ls . ls*)
(append1 ls ls*)])))
2007-05-05 05:24:37 -04:00
(define reverse
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls ac)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)] [ac (cons ($car h) ac)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls (cons ($car h) ac))
(error 'reverse "~s is a circular list" ls))
(if (null? h)
(error 'reverse "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'reverse "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x)
(race x x x '()))))
(define last-pair
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls last)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)] [last h])
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls h)
(error 'last-pair "~s is a circular list" ls))
(lambda (x)
(if (pair? x)
(let ([d (cdr x)])
(race d d x x))
(error 'last-pair "~s is not a pair" x)))))
2007-05-05 05:26:38 -04:00
(define memq
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? ($car h) x)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? ($car h) x)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls x)
(error 'memq "circular list ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'memq "~s is not a proper list" ls)))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'memq "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race ls ls ls x))))
(define memv
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (eqv? ($car h) x)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eqv? ($car h) x)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls x)
(error 'memv "circular list ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'memv "~s is not a proper list" ls)))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'memv "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race ls ls ls x))))
2007-05-05 05:22:15 -04:00
2007-05-05 05:26:38 -04:00
(define member
(letrec ([race
(lambda (h t ls x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (equal? ($car h) x)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (equal? ($car h) x)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(race ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls x)
(error 'member "circular list ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'member "~s is not a proper list" ls)))))
(if (null? h)
(error 'member "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race ls ls ls x))))
2007-05-05 05:31:30 -04:00
(define assq
(letrec ([race
(lambda (x h t ls)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([a ($car h)] [h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (eq? ($car a) x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(let ([a ($car h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (eq? ($car a) x)
(race x ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls))
(error 'assq "malformed alist ~s"
(error 'assq "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assq "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(error 'assq "malformed alist ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assq "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race x ls ls ls))))
(define assv
(letrec ([race
(lambda (x h t ls)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([a ($car h)] [h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (eqv? ($car a) x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(let ([a ($car h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (eqv? ($car a) x)
(race x ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls))
(error 'assv "malformed alist ~s"
(error 'assv "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assv "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(error 'assv "malformed alist ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assv "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race x ls ls ls))))
(define assoc
(letrec ([race
(lambda (x h t ls)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([a ($car h)] [h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (equal? ($car a) x)
(if (pair? h)
(if (not (eq? h t))
(let ([a ($car h)])
(if (pair? a)
(if (equal? ($car a) x)
(race x ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ls))
(error 'assoc "malformed alist ~s"
(error 'assoc "circular list ~s" ls))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assoc "~s is not a proper list" ls))))
(error 'assoc "malformed alist ~s" ls)))
(if (null? h)
(error 'assoc "~s is not a proper list" ls))))])
(lambda (x ls)
(race x ls ls ls))))
2007-05-05 05:29:35 -04:00
2007-05-05 05:59:01 -04:00
(module (map)
(define who 'map)
(define len
(lambda (h t n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? h t)
(error who "circular list")
(len ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ($fx+ n 2)))
(if (null? h)
($fxadd1 n)
(error who "improper list"))))
(if (null? h)
(error who "improper list")))))
(define map1
(lambda (f a d n)
[(pair? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered!")
(cons (f a)
(map1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
[(null? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(cons (f a) '())
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define map2
(lambda (f a1 a2 d1 d2 n)
[(pair? d1)
[(pair? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered")
(cons (f a1 a2)
(map2 f
($car d1) ($car d2)
($cdr d1) ($cdr d2)
($fxsub1 n))))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[(null? d1)
[(null? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(cons (f a1 a2) '())
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define cars
(lambda (ls*)
[(null? ls*) '()]
(let ([a (car ls*)])
[(pair? a)
(cons (car a) (cars (cdr ls*)))]
(error 'map "length mismatch")]))])))
(define cdrs
(lambda (ls*)
[(null? ls*) '()]
(let ([a (car ls*)])
[(pair? a)
(cons (cdr a) (cdrs (cdr ls*)))]
(error 'map "length mismatch")]))])))
(define mapm
(lambda (f ls ls* n)
[(null? ls)
(if (andmap null? ls*)
(if (fxzero? n)
(error 'map "lists were mutated during operation"))
(error 'map "length mismatch"))]
[(fxzero? n)
(error 'map "lists were mutated during operation")]
(apply f (car ls) (cars ls*))
(mapm f (cdr ls) (cdrs ls*) (fxsub1 n)))])))
(define map
[(f ls)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(map1 f ($car ls) d (len d d 0)))]
[(null? ls) '()]
[else (error who "improper list")])]
[(f ls ls2)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(if (pair? ls2)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(map2 f ($car ls) ($car ls2) d ($cdr ls2) (len d d 0)))
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[(null? ls)
(if (null? ls2)
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[else (error who "not a list")])]
[(f ls . ls*)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([n (len ls ls 0)])
(mapm f ls ls* n))]
[(null? ls)
(if (andmap null? ls*)
(error who "length mismatch"))])])))
(module (for-each)
(define who 'for-each)
(define len
(lambda (h t n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? h t)
(error who "circular list")
(len ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ($fx+ n 2)))
(if (null? h)
($fxadd1 n)
(error who "improper list"))))
(if (null? h)
(error who "improper list")))))
(define for-each1
(lambda (f a d n)
[(pair? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered!")
(f a)
(for-each1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
[(null? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define for-each2
(lambda (f a1 a2 d1 d2 n)
[(pair? d1)
[(pair? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered")
(f a1 a2)
(for-each2 f
($car d1) ($car d2)
($cdr d1) ($cdr d2)
($fxsub1 n))))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[(null? d1)
[(null? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a1 a2)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define for-each
[(f ls)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(for-each1 f ($car ls) d (len d d 0)))]
[(null? ls) (void)]
[else (error who "improper list")])]
[(f ls ls2)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(if (pair? ls2)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(for-each2 f
($car ls) ($car ls2) d ($cdr ls2) (len d d 0)))
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[(null? ls)
(if (null? ls2)
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[else (error who "not a list")])]
[_ (error who "vararg not supported yet")])))
2007-05-05 05:29:35 -04:00
2007-05-05 06:02:02 -04:00
(module (andmap)
(define who 'andmap)
(define len
(lambda (h t n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? h t)
(error who "circular list")
(len ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ($fx+ n 2)))
(if (null? h)
($fxadd1 n)
(error who "improper list"))))
(if (null? h)
(error who "improper list")))))
(define andmap1
(lambda (f a d n)
[(pair? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered!")
(and (f a)
(andmap1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
[(null? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define andmap2
(lambda (f a1 a2 d1 d2 n)
[(pair? d1)
[(pair? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered")
(f a1 a2)
(andmap2 f
($car d1) ($car d2)
($cdr d1) ($cdr d2)
($fxsub1 n))))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[(null? d1)
[(null? d2)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a1 a2)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "length mismatch")])]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define andmap
[(f ls)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(andmap1 f ($car ls) d (len d d 0)))]
[(null? ls) #t]
[else (error who "improper list")])]
[(f ls ls2)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(if (pair? ls2)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(andmap2 f
($car ls) ($car ls2) d ($cdr ls2) (len d d 0)))
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[(null? ls)
(if (null? ls2)
(error who "length mismatch"))]
[else (error who "not a list")])]
[(f . ls*) (error who "vararg not supported yet in ~s" (length ls*))])))
(module (ormap)
(define who 'ormap)
(define len
(lambda (h t n)
(if (pair? h)
(let ([h ($cdr h)])
(if (pair? h)
(if (eq? h t)
(error who "circular list")
(len ($cdr h) ($cdr t) ($fx+ n 2)))
(if (null? h)
($fxadd1 n)
(error who "improper list"))))
(if (null? h)
(error who "improper list")))))
(define ormap1
(lambda (f a d n)
[(pair? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(error who "list was altered!")
(or (f a)
(ormap1 f ($car d) ($cdr d) ($fxsub1 n))))]
[(null? d)
(if ($fxzero? n)
(f a)
(error who "list was altered"))]
[else (error who "list was altered")])))
(define ormap
[(f ls)
(unless (procedure? f)
(error who "~s is not a procedure" f))
[(pair? ls)
(let ([d ($cdr ls)])
(ormap1 f ($car ls) d (len d d 0)))]
[(null? ls) #f]
[else (error who "improper list")])]
[_ (error who "vararg not supported yet")])))
2007-05-05 05:22:15 -04:00