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* Compiler + libraries:
- letrec and letrec* restrictions (references and multiple returns)
- prohibit export of mutable bindings
- library versioning
- library phases (simply ignore)
- internal imports
- Recognize (define x)
- Add let-syntax and letrec-syntax
- Add identifier-syntax
- Add do, let*-values.
* Numerics:
- Add rational, complex, and single-precision numbers
- Make sure the following primitives work:
numerator denominator
make-rectangular make-polar
real-part imag-part
magnitude angle
expt log
sin cos tan
asin acos atan
sqrt exact-integer-sqrt
number? complex? real? rational? integer?
real-valued? rational-valued? integer-values?
exact? inexact? ->exact ->inexact
real->flonum real->single real->double
= < <= > >=
zero? positive? negative?
odd? even?
finite? infinite? nan?
min max abs
+ - * /
div mod div-and-mod
div0 mod0 div0-and-mod0
gcd lcm
floor ceiling truncate round
number->string(radix,precision) string->number(radix)
* Read:
- recognize rational, complex and flonum syntax
- recognize inline-hex sequences (strings, chars, and symbols)
- #!r6rs
- #\ sequnces: nul, alarm, backspace, tab, linefeed, vtab, page,
return, esc, space, delete
- respect unicode constituents
- recognize \a, \b, \t, \n, \v, \f, \r, \", \\, \<lf>, \<spc>,
\xXXX; sequences in strings.
- Add unsyntax, unsyntax-splicing, and quasisyntax.
* Bytevectors:
- equal? for bytevectors
* Strings:
- string-copy
- string-fill!
* Vectors:
- vector-fill!
- vector-map
- vector-for-each
* Errors:
- (error who msg irritants ...)
- (assertion-violation who message irritants ...)
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