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;;; SCHEME -- A Scheme interpreter evaluating a sort, written by Marc Feeley.
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(library (r6rs-benchmarks scheme)
(export main)
(import (r6rs) (r6rs mutable-pairs) (r6rs-benchmarks))
(define (scheme-eval expr)
(let ((code (scheme-comp expr scheme-global-environment)))
(code #f)))
(define scheme-global-environment
(cons '() ; environment chain
'())) ; macros
(define (scheme-add-macro name proc)
(set-cdr! scheme-global-environment
(cons (cons name proc) (cdr scheme-global-environment)))
(define (scheme-error msg . args)
(fatal-error msg args))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (lst->vector l)
(let* ((n (length l))
(v (make-vector n)))
(let loop ((l l) (i 0))
(if (pair? l)
(vector-set! v i (car l))
(loop (cdr l) (+ i 1)))
(define (vector->lst v)
(let loop ((l '()) (i (- (vector-length v) 1)))
(if (< i 0)
(loop (cons (vector-ref v i) l) (- i 1)))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define scheme-syntactic-keywords
'(quote quasiquote unquote unquote-splicing
lambda if set! cond => else and or
case let let* letrec begin do define
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (push-frame frame env)
(if (null? frame)
(cons (cons (car env) frame) (cdr env))))
(define (lookup-var name env)
(let loop1 ((chain (car env)) (up 0))
(if (null? chain)
(let loop2 ((chain chain)
(up up)
(frame (cdr chain))
(over 1))
(cond ((null? frame)
(loop1 (car chain) (+ up 1)))
((eq? (car frame) name)
(cons up over))
(loop2 chain up (cdr frame) (+ over 1))))))))
(define (macro? name env)
(assq name (cdr env)))
(define (push-macro name proc env)
(cons (car env) (cons (cons name proc) (cdr env))))
(define (lookup-macro name env)
(cdr (assq name (cdr env))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (variable x)
(if (not (symbol? x))
(scheme-error "Identifier expected" x))
(if (memq x scheme-syntactic-keywords)
(scheme-error "Variable name can not be a syntactic keyword" x)))
(define (shape form n)
(let loop ((form form) (n n) (l form))
(cond ((<= n 0))
((pair? l)
(loop form (- n 1) (cdr l)))
(scheme-error "Ill-constructed form" form)))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (macro-expand expr env)
(apply (lookup-macro (car expr) env) (cdr expr)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-var expr env)
(variable expr)
(gen-var-ref (lookup-var expr env)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-self-eval expr env)
(gen-cst expr))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-quote expr env)
(shape expr 2)
(gen-cst (cadr expr)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-quasiquote expr env)
(comp-quasiquotation (cadr expr) 1 env))
(define (comp-quasiquotation form level env)
(cond ((= level 0)
(scheme-comp form env))
((pair? form)
((eq? (car form) 'quasiquote)
(comp-quasiquotation-list form (+ level 1) env))
((eq? (car form) 'unquote)
(if (= level 1)
(scheme-comp (cadr form) env)
(comp-quasiquotation-list form (- level 1) env)))
((eq? (car form) 'unquote-splicing)
(if (= level 1)
(scheme-error "Ill-placed 'unquote-splicing'" form))
(comp-quasiquotation-list form (- level 1) env))
(comp-quasiquotation-list form level env))))
((vector? form)
(comp-quasiquotation-list (vector->lst form) level env)))
(gen-cst form))))
(define (comp-quasiquotation-list l level env)
(if (pair? l)
(let ((first (car l)))
(if (= level 1)
(if (unquote-splicing? first)
(shape first 2)
(gen-append-form (scheme-comp (cadr first) env)
(comp-quasiquotation (cdr l) 1 env)))
(gen-cons-form (comp-quasiquotation first level env)
(comp-quasiquotation (cdr l) level env)))
(gen-cons-form (comp-quasiquotation first level env)
(comp-quasiquotation (cdr l) level env))))
(comp-quasiquotation l level env)))
(define (unquote-splicing? x)
(if (pair? x)
(if (eq? (car x) 'unquote-splicing) #t #f)
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-unquote expr env)
(scheme-error "Ill-placed 'unquote'" expr))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-unquote-splicing expr env)
(scheme-error "Ill-placed 'unquote-splicing'" expr))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-set! expr env)
(shape expr 3)
(variable (cadr expr))
(gen-var-set (lookup-var (cadr expr) env) (scheme-comp (caddr expr) env)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-lambda expr env)
(shape expr 3)
(let ((parms (cadr expr)))
(let ((frame (parms->frame parms)))
(let ((nb-vars (length frame))
(code (comp-body (cddr expr) (push-frame frame env))))
(if (rest-param? parms)
(gen-lambda-rest nb-vars code)
(gen-lambda nb-vars code))))))
(define (parms->frame parms)
(cond ((null? parms)
((pair? parms)
(let ((x (car parms)))
(variable x)
(cons x (parms->frame (cdr parms)))))
(variable parms)
(list parms))))
(define (rest-param? parms)
(cond ((pair? parms)
(rest-param? (cdr parms)))
((null? parms)
(define (comp-body body env)
(define (letrec-defines vars vals body env)
(if (pair? body)
(let ((expr (car body)))
(cond ((not (pair? expr))
(letrec-defines* vars vals body env))
((macro? (car expr) env)
(letrec-defines vars
(cons (macro-expand expr env) (cdr body))
((eq? (car expr) 'begin)
(letrec-defines vars
(append (cdr expr) (cdr body))
((eq? (car expr) 'define)
(let ((x (definition-name expr)))
(variable x)
(letrec-defines (cons x vars)
(cons (definition-value expr) vals)
(cdr body)
((eq? (car expr) 'define-macro)
(let ((x (definition-name expr)))
(letrec-defines vars
(cdr body)
(scheme-eval (definition-value expr))
(letrec-defines* vars vals body env))))))
(scheme-error "Body must contain at least one evaluable expression")))
(define (letrec-defines* vars vals body env)
(if (null? vars)
(comp-sequence body env)
(comp-letrec-aux vars vals body env)))
(letrec-defines '() '() body env))
(define (definition-name expr)
(shape expr 3)
(let ((pattern (cadr expr)))
(let ((name (if (pair? pattern) (car pattern) pattern)))
(if (not (symbol? name))
(scheme-error "Identifier expected" name))
(define (definition-value expr)
(let ((pattern (cadr expr)))
(if (pair? pattern)
(cons 'lambda (cons (cdr pattern) (cddr expr)))
(caddr expr))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-if expr env)
(shape expr 3)
(let ((code1 (scheme-comp (cadr expr) env))
(code2 (scheme-comp (caddr expr) env)))
(if (pair? (cdddr expr))
(gen-if code1 code2 (scheme-comp (cadddr expr) env))
(gen-when code1 code2))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-cond expr env)
(comp-cond-aux (cdr expr) env))
(define (comp-cond-aux clauses env)
(if (pair? clauses)
(let ((clause (car clauses)))
(shape clause 1)
(cond ((eq? (car clause) 'else)
(shape clause 2)
(comp-sequence (cdr clause) env))
((not (pair? (cdr clause)))
(gen-or (scheme-comp (car clause) env)
(comp-cond-aux (cdr clauses) env)))
((eq? (cadr clause) '=>)
(shape clause 3)
(gen-cond-send (scheme-comp (car clause) env)
(scheme-comp (caddr clause) env)
(comp-cond-aux (cdr clauses) env)))
(gen-if (scheme-comp (car clause) env)
(comp-sequence (cdr clause) env)
(comp-cond-aux (cdr clauses) env)))))
(gen-cst '())))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-and expr env)
(let ((rest (cdr expr)))
(if (pair? rest) (comp-and-aux rest env) (gen-cst #t))))
(define (comp-and-aux l env)
(let ((code (scheme-comp (car l) env))
(rest (cdr l)))
(if (pair? rest) (gen-and code (comp-and-aux rest env)) code)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-or expr env)
(let ((rest (cdr expr)))
(if (pair? rest) (comp-or-aux rest env) (gen-cst #f))))
(define (comp-or-aux l env)
(let ((code (scheme-comp (car l) env))
(rest (cdr l)))
(if (pair? rest) (gen-or code (comp-or-aux rest env)) code)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-case expr env)
(shape expr 3)
(gen-case (scheme-comp (cadr expr) env)
(comp-case-aux (cddr expr) env)))
(define (comp-case-aux clauses env)
(if (pair? clauses)
(let ((clause (car clauses)))
(shape clause 2)
(if (eq? (car clause) 'else)
(gen-case-else (comp-sequence (cdr clause) env))
(gen-case-clause (car clause)
(comp-sequence (cdr clause) env)
(comp-case-aux (cdr clauses) env))))
(gen-case-else (gen-cst '()))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-let expr env)
(shape expr 3)
(let ((x (cadr expr)))
(cond ((symbol? x)
(shape expr 4)
(let ((y (caddr expr)))
(let ((proc (cons 'lambda (cons (bindings->vars y) (cdddr expr)))))
(scheme-comp (cons (list 'letrec (list (list x proc)) x)
(bindings->vals y))
((pair? x)
(scheme-comp (cons (cons 'lambda (cons (bindings->vars x) (cddr expr)))
(bindings->vals x))
(comp-body (cddr expr) env)))))
(define (bindings->vars bindings)
(if (pair? bindings)
(let ((binding (car bindings)))
(shape binding 2)
(let ((x (car binding)))
(variable x)
(cons x (bindings->vars (cdr bindings)))))
(define (bindings->vals bindings)
(if (pair? bindings)
(let ((binding (car bindings)))
(cons (cadr binding) (bindings->vals (cdr bindings))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-let* expr env)
(shape expr 3)
(let ((bindings (cadr expr)))
(if (pair? bindings)
(scheme-comp (list 'let
(list (car bindings))
(cons 'let* (cons (cdr bindings) (cddr expr))))
(comp-body (cddr expr) env))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-letrec expr env)
(shape expr 3)
(let ((bindings (cadr expr)))
(comp-letrec-aux (bindings->vars bindings)
(bindings->vals bindings)
(cddr expr)
(define (comp-letrec-aux vars vals body env)
(if (pair? vars)
(let ((new-env (push-frame vars env)))
(gen-letrec (comp-vals vals new-env)
(comp-body body new-env)))
(comp-body body env)))
(define (comp-vals l env)
(if (pair? l)
(cons (scheme-comp (car l) env) (comp-vals (cdr l) env))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-begin expr env)
(shape expr 2)
(comp-sequence (cdr expr) env))
(define (comp-sequence exprs env)
(if (pair? exprs)
(comp-sequence-aux exprs env)
(gen-cst '())))
(define (comp-sequence-aux exprs env)
(let ((code (scheme-comp (car exprs) env))
(rest (cdr exprs)))
(if (pair? rest) (gen-sequence code (comp-sequence-aux rest env)) code)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-do expr env)
(shape expr 3)
(let ((bindings (cadr expr))
(exit (caddr expr)))
(shape exit 1)
(let* ((vars (bindings->vars bindings))
(new-env1 (push-frame '(#f) env))
(new-env2 (push-frame vars new-env1)))
(length vars)
(scheme-comp (car exit) new-env2)
(comp-sequence (cdr exit) new-env2)
(comp-sequence (cdddr expr) new-env2)
(gen-var-ref '(1 . 1))
(comp-vals (bindings->steps bindings) new-env2))))))
(gen-var-ref '(0 . 1))
(comp-vals (bindings->vals bindings) new-env1))))))
(define (bindings->steps bindings)
(if (pair? bindings)
(let ((binding (car bindings)))
(cons (if (pair? (cddr binding)) (caddr binding) (car binding))
(bindings->steps (cdr bindings))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-define expr env)
(shape expr 3)
(let ((pattern (cadr expr)))
(let ((x (if (pair? pattern) (car pattern) pattern)))
(variable x)
(gen-var-set (lookup-var x env)
(scheme-comp (if (pair? pattern)
(cons 'lambda (cons (cdr pattern) (cddr expr)))
(caddr expr))
(gen-cst x)))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-define-macro expr env)
(let ((x (definition-name expr)))
(gen-macro x (scheme-eval (definition-value expr)))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (comp-combination expr env)
(gen-combination (scheme-comp (car expr) env) (comp-vals (cdr expr) env)))
(define (gen-var-ref var)
(if (pair? var)
(gen-rte-ref (car var) (cdr var))
(gen-glo-ref (scheme-global-var var))))
(define (gen-rte-ref up over)
(case up
((0) (gen-slot-ref-0 over))
((1) (gen-slot-ref-1 over))
(else (gen-slot-ref-up-2 (gen-rte-ref (- up 2) over)))))
(define (gen-slot-ref-0 i)
(case i
((0) (lambda (rte) (vector-ref rte 0)))
((1) (lambda (rte) (vector-ref rte 1)))
((2) (lambda (rte) (vector-ref rte 2)))
((3) (lambda (rte) (vector-ref rte 3)))
(else (lambda (rte) (vector-ref rte i)))))
(define (gen-slot-ref-1 i)
(case i
((0) (lambda (rte) (vector-ref (vector-ref rte 0) 0)))
((1) (lambda (rte) (vector-ref (vector-ref rte 0) 1)))
((2) (lambda (rte) (vector-ref (vector-ref rte 0) 2)))
((3) (lambda (rte) (vector-ref (vector-ref rte 0) 3)))
(else (lambda (rte) (vector-ref (vector-ref rte 0) i)))))
(define (gen-slot-ref-up-2 code)
(lambda (rte) (code (vector-ref (vector-ref rte 0) 0))))
(define (gen-glo-ref i)
(lambda (rte) (scheme-global-var-ref i)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-cst val)
(case val
((()) (lambda (rte) '()))
((#f) (lambda (rte) #f))
((#t) (lambda (rte) #t))
((-2) (lambda (rte) -2))
((-1) (lambda (rte) -1))
((0) (lambda (rte) 0))
((1) (lambda (rte) 1))
((2) (lambda (rte) 2))
(else (lambda (rte) val))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-append-form code1 code2)
(lambda (rte) (append (code1 rte) (code2 rte))))
(define (gen-cons-form code1 code2)
(lambda (rte) (cons (code1 rte) (code2 rte))))
(define (gen-vector-form code)
(lambda (rte) (lst->vector (code rte))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-var-set var code)
(if (pair? var)
(gen-rte-set (car var) (cdr var) code)
(gen-glo-set (scheme-global-var var) code)))
(define (gen-rte-set up over code)
(case up
((0) (gen-slot-set-0 over code))
((1) (gen-slot-set-1 over code))
(else (gen-slot-set-n (gen-rte-ref (- up 2) 0) over code))))
(define (gen-slot-set-0 i code)
(case i
((0) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! rte 0 (code rte))))
((1) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! rte 1 (code rte))))
((2) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! rte 2 (code rte))))
((3) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! rte 3 (code rte))))
(else (lambda (rte) (vector-set! rte i (code rte))))))
(define (gen-slot-set-1 i code)
(case i
((0) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (vector-ref rte 0) 0 (code rte))))
((1) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (vector-ref rte 0) 1 (code rte))))
((2) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (vector-ref rte 0) 2 (code rte))))
((3) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (vector-ref rte 0) 3 (code rte))))
(else (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (vector-ref rte 0) i (code rte))))))
(define (gen-slot-set-n up i code)
(case i
((0) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (up (vector-ref rte 0)) 0 (code rte))))
((1) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (up (vector-ref rte 0)) 1 (code rte))))
((2) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (up (vector-ref rte 0)) 2 (code rte))))
((3) (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (up (vector-ref rte 0)) 3 (code rte))))
(else (lambda (rte) (vector-set! (up (vector-ref rte 0)) i (code rte))))))
(define (gen-glo-set i code)
(lambda (rte) (scheme-global-var-set! i (code rte))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-lambda-rest nb-vars body)
(case nb-vars
((1) (gen-lambda-1-rest body))
((2) (gen-lambda-2-rest body))
((3) (gen-lambda-3-rest body))
(else (gen-lambda-n-rest nb-vars body))))
(define (gen-lambda-1-rest body)
(lambda (rte)
(lambda a
(body (vector rte a)))))
(define (gen-lambda-2-rest body)
(lambda (rte)
(lambda (a . b)
(body (vector rte a b)))))
(define (gen-lambda-3-rest body)
(lambda (rte)
(lambda (a b . c)
(body (vector rte a b c)))))
(define (gen-lambda-n-rest nb-vars body)
(lambda (rte)
(lambda (a b c . d)
(let ((x (make-vector (+ nb-vars 1))))
(vector-set! x 0 rte)
(vector-set! x 1 a)
(vector-set! x 2 b)
(vector-set! x 3 c)
(let loop ((n nb-vars) (x x) (i 4) (l d))
(if (< i n)
(begin (vector-set! x i (car l)) (loop n x (+ i 1) (cdr l)))
(vector-set! x i l)))
(body x)))))
(define (gen-lambda nb-vars body)
(case nb-vars
((0) (gen-lambda-0 body))
((1) (gen-lambda-1 body))
((2) (gen-lambda-2 body))
((3) (gen-lambda-3 body))
(else (gen-lambda-n nb-vars body))))
(define (gen-lambda-0 body)
(lambda (rte)
(lambda ()
(body rte))))
(define (gen-lambda-1 body)
(lambda (rte)
(lambda (a)
(body (vector rte a)))))
(define (gen-lambda-2 body)
(lambda (rte)
(lambda (a b)
(body (vector rte a b)))))
(define (gen-lambda-3 body)
(lambda (rte)
(lambda (a b c)
(body (vector rte a b c)))))
(define (gen-lambda-n nb-vars body)
(lambda (rte)
(lambda (a b c . d)
(let ((x (make-vector (+ nb-vars 1))))
(vector-set! x 0 rte)
(vector-set! x 1 a)
(vector-set! x 2 b)
(vector-set! x 3 c)
(let loop ((n nb-vars) (x x) (i 4) (l d))
(if (<= i n)
(begin (vector-set! x i (car l)) (loop n x (+ i 1) (cdr l)))))
(body x)))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-sequence code1 code2)
(lambda (rte) (code1 rte) (code2 rte)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-when code1 code2)
(lambda (rte)
(if (code1 rte)
(code2 rte)
(define (gen-if code1 code2 code3)
(lambda (rte)
(if (code1 rte)
(code2 rte)
(code3 rte))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-cond-send code1 code2 code3)
(lambda (rte)
(let ((temp (code1 rte)))
(if temp
((code2 rte) temp)
(code3 rte)))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-and code1 code2)
(lambda (rte)
(let ((temp (code1 rte)))
(if temp
(code2 rte)
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-or code1 code2)
(lambda (rte)
(let ((temp (code1 rte)))
(if temp
(code2 rte)))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-case code1 code2)
(lambda (rte) (code2 rte (code1 rte))))
(define (gen-case-clause datums code1 code2)
(lambda (rte key) (if (memv key datums) (code1 rte) (code2 rte key))))
(define (gen-case-else code)
(lambda (rte key) (code rte)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-letrec vals body)
(let ((nb-vals (length vals)))
(case nb-vals
((1) (gen-letrec-1 (car vals) body))
((2) (gen-letrec-2 (car vals) (cadr vals) body))
((3) (gen-letrec-3 (car vals) (cadr vals) (caddr vals) body))
(else (gen-letrec-n nb-vals vals body)))))
(define (gen-letrec-1 val1 body)
(lambda (rte)
(let ((x (vector rte #f)))
(vector-set! x 1 (val1 x))
(body x))))
(define (gen-letrec-2 val1 val2 body)
(lambda (rte)
(let ((x (vector rte #f #f)))
(vector-set! x 1 (val1 x))
(vector-set! x 2 (val2 x))
(body x))))
(define (gen-letrec-3 val1 val2 val3 body)
(lambda (rte)
(let ((x (vector rte #f #f #f)))
(vector-set! x 1 (val1 x))
(vector-set! x 2 (val2 x))
(vector-set! x 3 (val3 x))
(body x))))
(define (gen-letrec-n nb-vals vals body)
(lambda (rte)
(let ((x (make-vector (+ nb-vals 1))))
(vector-set! x 0 rte)
(let loop ((x x) (i 1) (l vals))
(if (pair? l)
(begin (vector-set! x i ((car l) x)) (loop x (+ i 1) (cdr l)))))
(body x))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-macro name proc)
(lambda (rte) (scheme-add-macro name proc)))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (gen-combination oper args)
(case (length args)
((0) (gen-combination-0 oper))
((1) (gen-combination-1 oper (car args)))
((2) (gen-combination-2 oper (car args) (cadr args)))
((3) (gen-combination-3 oper (car args) (cadr args) (caddr args)))
(else (gen-combination-n oper args))))
(define (gen-combination-0 oper)
(lambda (rte) ((oper rte))))
(define (gen-combination-1 oper arg1)
(lambda (rte) ((oper rte) (arg1 rte))))
(define (gen-combination-2 oper arg1 arg2)
(lambda (rte) ((oper rte) (arg1 rte) (arg2 rte))))
(define (gen-combination-3 oper arg1 arg2 arg3)
(lambda (rte) ((oper rte) (arg1 rte) (arg2 rte) (arg3 rte))))
(define (gen-combination-n oper args)
(lambda (rte)
(define (evaluate l rte)
(if (pair? l)
(cons ((car l) rte) (evaluate (cdr l) rte))
(apply (oper rte) (evaluate args rte))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (scheme-comp expr env)
(cond ((symbol? expr)
(comp-var expr env))
((not (pair? expr))
(comp-self-eval expr env))
((macro? (car expr) env)
(scheme-comp (macro-expand expr env) env))
((eq? (car expr) 'quote) (comp-quote expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'quasiquote) (comp-quasiquote expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'unquote) (comp-unquote expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'unquote-splicing) (comp-unquote-splicing expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'set!) (comp-set! expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'lambda) (comp-lambda expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'if) (comp-if expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'cond) (comp-cond expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'and) (comp-and expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'or) (comp-or expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'case) (comp-case expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'let) (comp-let expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'let*) (comp-let* expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'letrec) (comp-letrec expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'begin) (comp-begin expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'do) (comp-do expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'define) (comp-define expr env))
((eq? (car expr) 'define-macro) (comp-define-macro expr env))
(else (comp-combination expr env))))))
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (scheme-global-var name)
(let ((x (assq name scheme-global-variables)))
(if x
(let ((y (cons name '())))
(set! scheme-global-variables (cons y scheme-global-variables))
(define (scheme-global-var-ref i)
(cdr i))
(define (scheme-global-var-set! i val)
(set-cdr! i val)
(define scheme-global-variables '())
(define (def-proc name value)
(scheme-global-var name)
(def-proc 'not (lambda (x) (not x)))
(def-proc 'boolean? boolean?)
(def-proc 'eqv? eqv?)
(def-proc 'eq? eq?)
(def-proc 'equal? equal?)
(def-proc 'pair? (lambda (obj) (pair? obj)))
(def-proc 'cons (lambda (x y) (cons x y)))
(def-proc 'car (lambda (x) (car x)))
(def-proc 'cdr (lambda (x) (cdr x)))
(def-proc 'set-car! set-car!)
(def-proc 'set-cdr! set-cdr!)
(def-proc 'caar caar)
(def-proc 'cadr cadr)
(def-proc 'cdar cdar)
(def-proc 'cddr cddr)
(def-proc 'caaar caaar)
(def-proc 'caadr caadr)
(def-proc 'cadar cadar)
(def-proc 'caddr caddr)
(def-proc 'cdaar cdaar)
(def-proc 'cdadr cdadr)
(def-proc 'cddar cddar)
(def-proc 'cdddr cdddr)
(def-proc 'caaaar caaaar)
(def-proc 'caaadr caaadr)
(def-proc 'caadar caadar)
(def-proc 'caaddr caaddr)
(def-proc 'cadaar cadaar)
(def-proc 'cadadr cadadr)
(def-proc 'caddar caddar)
(def-proc 'cadddr cadddr)
(def-proc 'cdaaar cdaaar)
(def-proc 'cdaadr cdaadr)
(def-proc 'cdadar cdadar)
(def-proc 'cdaddr cdaddr)
(def-proc 'cddaar cddaar)
(def-proc 'cddadr cddadr)
(def-proc 'cdddar cdddar)
(def-proc 'cddddr cddddr)
(def-proc 'null? (lambda (x) (null? x)))
(def-proc 'list? list?)
(def-proc 'list list)
(def-proc 'length length)
(def-proc 'append append)
(def-proc 'reverse reverse)
(def-proc 'list-ref list-ref)
(def-proc 'memq memq)
(def-proc 'memv memv)
(def-proc 'member member)
(def-proc 'assq assq)
(def-proc 'assv assv)
(def-proc 'assoc assoc)
(def-proc 'symbol? symbol?)
(def-proc 'symbol->string symbol->string)
(def-proc 'string->symbol string->symbol)
(def-proc 'number? number?)
(def-proc 'complex? complex?)
(def-proc 'real? real?)
(def-proc 'rational? rational?)
(def-proc 'integer? integer?)
(def-proc 'exact? exact?)
(def-proc 'inexact? inexact?)
;(def-proc '= =)
;(def-proc '< <)
;(def-proc '> >)
;(def-proc '<= <=)
;(def-proc '>= >=)
;(def-proc 'zero? zero?)
;(def-proc 'positive? positive?)
;(def-proc 'negative? negative?)
;(def-proc 'odd? odd?)
;(def-proc 'even? even?)
(def-proc 'max max)
(def-proc 'min min)
;(def-proc '+ +)
;(def-proc '* *)
;(def-proc '- -)
(def-proc '/ /)
(def-proc 'abs abs)
;(def-proc 'quotient quotient)
;(def-proc 'remainder remainder)
;(def-proc 'modulo modulo)
(def-proc 'gcd gcd)
(def-proc 'lcm lcm)
;(def-proc 'numerator numerator)
;(def-proc 'denominator denominator)
(def-proc 'floor floor)
(def-proc 'ceiling ceiling)
(def-proc 'truncate truncate)
(def-proc 'round round)
;(def-proc 'rationalize rationalize)
(def-proc 'exp exp)
(def-proc 'log log)
(def-proc 'sin sin)
(def-proc 'cos cos)
(def-proc 'tan tan)
(def-proc 'asin asin)
(def-proc 'acos acos)
(def-proc 'atan atan)
(def-proc 'sqrt sqrt)
(def-proc 'expt expt)
;(def-proc 'make-rectangular make-rectangular)
;(def-proc 'make-polar make-polar)
;(def-proc 'real-part real-part)
;(def-proc 'imag-part imag-part)
;(def-proc 'magnitude magnitude)
;(def-proc 'angle angle)
(def-proc 'exact->inexact exact->inexact)
(def-proc 'inexact->exact inexact->exact)
(def-proc 'number->string number->string)
(def-proc 'string->number string->number)
(def-proc 'char? char?)
(def-proc 'char=? char=?)
(def-proc 'char<? char<?)
(def-proc 'char>? char>?)
(def-proc 'char<=? char<=?)
(def-proc 'char>=? char>=?)
(def-proc 'char-ci=? char-ci=?)
(def-proc 'char-ci<? char-ci<?)
(def-proc 'char-ci>? char-ci>?)
(def-proc 'char-ci<=? char-ci<=?)
(def-proc 'char-ci>=? char-ci>=?)
(def-proc 'char-alphabetic? char-alphabetic?)
(def-proc 'char-numeric? char-numeric?)
(def-proc 'char-whitespace? char-whitespace?)
(def-proc 'char-lower-case? char-lower-case?)
(def-proc 'char->integer char->integer)
(def-proc 'integer->char integer->char)
(def-proc 'char-upcase char-upcase)
(def-proc 'char-downcase char-downcase)
(def-proc 'string? string?)
(def-proc 'make-string make-string)
(def-proc 'string string)
(def-proc 'string-length string-length)
(def-proc 'string-ref string-ref)
(def-proc 'string-set! string-set!)
(def-proc 'string=? string=?)
(def-proc 'string<? string<?)
(def-proc 'string>? string>?)
(def-proc 'string<=? string<=?)
(def-proc 'string>=? string>=?)
(def-proc 'string-ci=? string-ci=?)
(def-proc 'string-ci<? string-ci<?)
(def-proc 'string-ci>? string-ci>?)
(def-proc 'string-ci<=? string-ci<=?)
(def-proc 'string-ci>=? string-ci>=?)
(def-proc 'substring substring)
(def-proc 'string-append string-append)
(def-proc 'vector? vector?)
(def-proc 'make-vector make-vector)
(def-proc 'vector vector)
(def-proc 'vector-length vector-length)
(def-proc 'vector-ref vector-ref)
(def-proc 'vector-set! vector-set!)
(def-proc 'procedure? procedure?)
(def-proc 'apply apply)
(def-proc 'map map)
(def-proc 'for-each for-each)
;(def-proc 'call-with-current-continuation call-with-current-continuation)
(def-proc 'call-with-input-file call-with-input-file)
(def-proc 'call-with-output-file call-with-output-file)
(def-proc 'input-port? input-port?)
(def-proc 'output-port? output-port?)
(def-proc 'current-input-port current-input-port)
(def-proc 'current-output-port current-output-port)
(def-proc 'open-input-file open-input-file)
(def-proc 'open-output-file open-output-file)
(def-proc 'close-input-port close-input-port)
(def-proc 'close-output-port close-output-port)
(def-proc 'eof-object? eof-object?)
(def-proc 'read read)
(def-proc 'read-char read-char)
(def-proc 'peek-char peek-char)
(def-proc 'write write)
(def-proc 'display display)
(def-proc 'newline newline)
(def-proc 'write-char write-char)
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(define (main . args)
(lambda (result)
(equal? result
'("eight" "eleven" "five" "four" "nine" "one"
"seven" "six" "ten" "three" "twelve" "two")))
(lambda (expr) (lambda () (scheme-eval expr)))
'(let ()
(define (sort-list obj pred)
(define (loop l)
(if (and (pair? l) (pair? (cdr l)))
(split l '() '())
(define (split l one two)
(if (pair? l)
(split (cdr l) two (cons (car l) one))
(merge (loop one) (loop two))))
(define (merge one two)
(cond ((null? one) two)
((pred (car two) (car one))
(cons (car two)
(merge (cdr two) one)))
(cons (car one)
(merge (cdr one) two)))))
(loop obj))
(sort-list '("one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six"
"seven" "eight" "nine" "ten" "eleven" "twelve")