some cleanup, removing some unnecessary global bindings

This commit is contained in:
JeffBezanson 2009-04-08 18:17:02 +00:00
parent 43cb51f640
commit ea5d334626
3 changed files with 88 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -1337,6 +1337,7 @@ static value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv, int tail)
goto eval_top;
else {
v = eval_sexpr(v, &Stack[SP-2], 1);
@ -1371,8 +1372,8 @@ static value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv, int tail)
f = Stack[bp-4];
v = Stack[bp-3];
f = Stack[bp-5];
v = Stack[bp-4];
nargs = 2;
@ -1592,6 +1593,7 @@ value_t toplevel_eval(value_t expr)
value_t v;
uint32_t saveSP = SP;
v = topeval(expr, &Stack[SP-2]);

View File

@ -21,8 +21,6 @@
(list 'set! form (car body))
(list 'set! (car form) (list 'lambda (cdr form) (f-body body)))))
(define-macro (body . forms) (f-body forms))
(define (set s v) (eval (list 'set! s (list 'quote v))))
(define (map f lst)
@ -50,16 +48,25 @@
(map (lambda (c) (if (pair? c) (cadr c) #f)) binds))))
(define-macro (letrec binds . body)
(cons (list 'lambda (map car binds)
(nconc (map (lambda (b) (cons 'set! b)) binds)
(map (lambda (x) #f) binds)))
; standard procedures ---------------------------------------------------------
(define (append2 l d)
(if (null? l) d
(cons (car l)
(append2 (cdr l) d))))
(define (append . lsts)
(cond ((null? lsts) ())
((null? (cdr lsts)) (car lsts))
(#t ((label append2 (lambda (l d)
(if (null? l) d
(cons (car l)
(append2 (cdr l) d)))))
(car lsts) (apply append (cdr lsts))))))
((null? (cdr lsts)) (car lsts))
(#t (append2 (car lsts)
(apply append (cdr lsts))))))
(define (member item lst)
(cond ((atom? lst) #f)
@ -130,10 +137,9 @@
(define (listp a) (or (null? a) (pair? a)))
(define (list? a) (or (null? a) (and (pair? a) (list? (cdr a)))))
(define (nthcdr lst n)
(define (list-tail lst n)
(if (<= n 0) lst
(nthcdr (cdr lst) (- n 1))))
(define list-tail nthcdr)
(list-tail (cdr lst) (- n 1))))
(define (list-head lst n)
(if (<= n 0) ()
@ -141,7 +147,7 @@
(list-head (cdr lst) (- n 1)))))
(define (list-ref lst n)
(car (nthcdr lst n)))
(car (list-tail lst n)))
; bounded length test
; use this instead of (= (length lst) n), since it avoids unnecessary
@ -166,11 +172,10 @@
(if (atom? l) l
(lastcdr (cdr l))))
(define (last l)
(define (last-pair l)
(cond ((atom? l) l)
((atom? (cdr l)) l)
(#t (last (cdr l)))))
(define last-pair last)
(#t (last-pair (cdr l)))))
(define (to-proper l)
(cond ((null? l) l)
@ -183,32 +188,36 @@
(set-car! lst (f (car lst)))
(set! lst (cdr lst)))))
(define (mapcar f . lsts)
((label mapcar-
(letrec ((mapcar-
(lambda (f lsts)
(cond ((null? lsts) (f))
((atom? (car lsts)) (car lsts))
(#t (cons (apply f (map car lsts))
(mapcar- f (map cdr lsts)))))))
f lsts))
(cond ((null? lsts) (f))
((atom? (car lsts)) (car lsts))
(#t (cons (apply f (map car lsts))
(mapcar- f (map cdr lsts))))))))
(set! mapcar
(lambda (f . lsts) (mapcar- f lsts))))
(define (transpose M) (apply mapcar (cons list M)))
(define (filter pred lst) (filter- pred lst ()))
(define (filter- pred lst accum)
(cond ((null? lst) accum)
((pred (car lst))
(filter- pred (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) accum)))
(filter- pred (cdr lst) accum))))
(letrec ((filter-
(lambda (pred lst accum)
(cond ((null? lst) accum)
((pred (car lst))
(filter- pred (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) accum)))
(filter- pred (cdr lst) accum))))))
(set! filter
(lambda (pred lst) (filter- pred lst ()))))
(define (separate pred lst) (separate- pred lst () ()))
(define (separate- pred lst yes no)
(cond ((null? lst) (cons yes no))
((pred (car lst))
(separate- pred (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) yes) no))
(separate- pred (cdr lst) yes (cons (car lst) no)))))
(letrec ((separate-
(lambda (pred lst yes no)
(cond ((null? lst) (cons yes no))
((pred (car lst))
(separate- pred (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) yes) no))
(separate- pred (cdr lst) yes (cons (car lst) no)))))))
(set! separate
(lambda (pred lst) (separate- pred lst () ()))))
(define (nestlist f zero n)
(if (<= n 0) ()
@ -251,32 +260,34 @@
(cons elt
(delete-duplicates tail))))))
(define (get-defined-vars- expr)
(cond ((atom? expr) ())
((and (eq? (car expr) 'define)
(pair? (cdr expr)))
(or (and (symbol? (cadr expr))
(list (cadr expr)))
(and (pair? (cadr expr))
(symbol? (caadr expr))
(list (caadr expr)))
((eq? (car expr) 'begin)
(apply append (map get-defined-vars- (cdr expr))))
(else ())))
(define (get-defined-vars expr)
(delete-duplicates (get-defined-vars- expr)))
(letrec ((get-defined-vars-
(lambda (expr)
(cond ((atom? expr) ())
((and (eq? (car expr) 'define)
(pair? (cdr expr)))
(or (and (symbol? (cadr expr))
(list (cadr expr)))
(and (pair? (cadr expr))
(symbol? (caadr expr))
(list (caadr expr)))
((eq? (car expr) 'begin)
(apply append (map get-defined-vars- (cdr expr))))
(else ())))))
(set! get-defined-vars
(lambda (expr) (delete-duplicates (get-defined-vars- expr)))))
; redefine f-body to support internal define
(define f-body- f-body)
(define (f-body e)
((lambda (B)
((lambda (V)
(if (null? V)
(cons (list 'lambda V B) (map (lambda (x) #f) V))))
(get-defined-vars B)))
(f-body- e)))
(let ((f-body- f-body))
(set! f-body
(lambda (e)
((lambda (B)
((lambda (V)
(if (null? V)
(cons (list 'lambda V B) (map (lambda (x) #f) V))))
(get-defined-vars B)))
(f-body- e)))))
; backquote -------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -352,13 +363,6 @@
(let* ,(cdr binds) ,@body))
,(cadar binds))))
(define-macro (letrec binds . body)
(cons (list 'lambda (map car binds)
(nconc (map (lambda (b) (cons 'set! b)) binds)
(map (lambda (x) #f) binds)))
(define-macro (when c . body) (list 'if c (f-body body) #f))
(define-macro (unless c . body) (list 'if c #f (f-body body)))
@ -468,7 +472,7 @@
(let ((lam (eval sym)))
(if (eq? (car lam) 'trace-lambda)
(set sym
(cadr (caar (last (caddr lam))))))))
(cadr (caar (last-pair (caddr lam))))))))
(define-macro (time expr)
(let ((t0 (gensym)))
@ -555,27 +559,27 @@
(define (string.trim s at-start at-end)
(define (trim-start s chars i L)
(if (and (#.< i L)
(#.string.find chars (#.string.char s i)))
(trim-start s chars ( s i) L)
(if (and (< i L)
(string.find chars (string.char s i)))
(trim-start s chars ( s i) L)
(define (trim-end s chars i)
(if (and (> i 0)
(#.string.find chars (#.string.char s (#.string.dec s i))))
(trim-end s chars (#.string.dec s i))
(string.find chars (string.char s (string.dec s i))))
(trim-end s chars (string.dec s i))
(let ((L (#.length s)))
(let ((L (length s)))
(string.sub s
(trim-start s at-start 0 L)
(trim-end s at-end L))))
(define ( f s)
(let ((b (buffer))
(n (#.length s)))
(n (length s)))
(let ((i 0))
(while (#.< i n)
(begin ( b (f (#.string.char s i)))
(set! i ( s i)))))
(while (< i n)
(begin (io.putc b (f (string.char s i)))
(set! i ( s i)))))
(io.tostring! b)))
(define (string.rep s k)

View File

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
(dotimes (i (- m 1))
(set! prev g)
(set! g (maplist identity g))
(set-cdr! (last prev) prev))
(set-cdr! (last g) g)
(set-cdr! (last-pair prev) prev))
(set-cdr! (last-pair g) g)
(let ((a l)
(b g))
(dotimes (i n)