fix to how defun was using macroexpand

This commit is contained in:
JeffBezanson 2008-07-12 02:58:55 +00:00
parent 135492d18c
commit b3b2bc3300
2 changed files with 29 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -86,6 +86,9 @@
(define (cadr x) (car (cdr x)))
(setq *special-forms* '(quote cond if and or while lambda label trycatch
%top progn))
(defun macroexpand (e)
((label mexpand
(lambda (e env f)
@ -94,28 +97,33 @@
(not (member (car e) env))
(set 'f (macrocallp e)))
(set 'e (apply f (cdr e))))
(if (and (consp e)
(not (eq (car e) 'quote)))
(let ((newenv
(if (and (eq (car e) 'lambda)
(consp (cdr e)))
(append.2 (cadr e) env)
(map (lambda (x) (mexpand x newenv nil)) e))
(cond ((and (consp e)
(not (eq (car e) 'quote)))
(let ((newenv
(if (and (or (eq (car e) 'lambda)
(eq (car e) 'label))
(consp (cdr e)))
(append.2 (cadr e) env)
(map (lambda (x) (mexpand x newenv nil)) e)))
;((and (symbolp e) (constantp e)) (eval e))
;((and (symbolp e)
; (not (member e *special-forms*))
; (not (member e env))) (cons '%top e))
(T e)))))
e nil nil))
; uncomment this to macroexpand functions at definition time.
; makes typical code ~25% faster, but only works for defun expressions
; at the top level.
(defmacro defun (name args . body)
(list 'setq name (list 'lambda args (macroexpand (f-body body)))))
(list 'setq name (macroexpand (list 'lambda args (f-body body)))))
; same thing for macros. enabled by default because macros are usually
; defined at the top level.
(defmacro defmacro (name args . body)
(list 'set-syntax (list 'quote name)
(list 'lambda args (macroexpand (f-body body)))))
(macroexpand (list 'lambda args (f-body body)))))
(setq = equal)
(setq eql equal)

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@ -112,7 +112,16 @@ for internal use:
- a special version of apply that takes arguments on the stack, to avoid
consing when implementing "call-with" style primitives like trycatch,
hashtable-foreach, or the fl_apply API
try this environment representation:
for all kinds of functions (except maybe builtin special forms) push
all arguments on the stack, either evaluated or not.
for lambdas, push the lambda list and next-env pointers.
to capture, save the n+2 pointers to a vector
. this uses n+2 heap or stack words per environment instead of 2n+1 words
. argument handling is more uniform which could lead to simplifications,
and a more efficient apply() entry point
. disadvantage is looking through the lambda list on every lookup. maybe
improve by making lambda lists vectors somehow?
* with the fully recursive (simpler) relocate(), the size of cons chains