2013-06-08 19:29:15 -04:00
; definitions of standard scheme procedures in terms of femtolisp procedures
2009-08-09 13:05:40 -04:00
; sufficient to run the R5RS version of psyntax
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
2009-07-17 22:16:18 -04:00
(define top-level-bound? bound?)
2009-08-08 19:43:12 -04:00
(define (eval-core x) (eval x))
2009-08-09 13:05:40 -04:00
(define (symbol-value s) (top-level-value s))
(define (set-symbol-value! s v) (set-top-level-value! s v))
(define (eval x)
((compile-thunk (expand
(if (and (pair? x)
(equal? (car x) "noexpand"))
(cadr x)
2009-08-23 01:07:46 -04:00
(define (command-line) *argv*)
2009-07-17 22:16:18 -04:00
2009-08-13 23:17:21 -04:00
(define gensym
(let (($gensym gensym))
(lambda ((x #f)) ($gensym))))
2009-10-21 23:32:12 -04:00
(define-macro (begin0 first . rest)
2013-06-08 19:29:15 -04:00
`(prog1 ,first ,@rest))
2009-10-21 23:32:12 -04:00
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
(define vector-ref aref)
(define vector-set! aset!)
(define vector-length length)
(define make-vector vector.alloc)
2009-08-08 17:44:14 -04:00
(define (vector-fill! v f)
(for 0 (- (length v) 1)
(lambda (i) (aset! v i f)))
(define (vector-map f v) (vector.map f v))
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
2013-06-08 19:29:15 -04:00
(define array-ref aref)
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
(define (array-set! a obj i0 . idxs)
(if (null? idxs)
(aset! a i0 obj)
(error "array-set!: multiple dimensions not yet implemented")))
(define (array-dimensions a)
(list (length a)))
(define (complex? x) #f)
(define (real? x) (number? x))
(define (rational? x) (integer? x))
(define (exact? x) (integer? x))
(define (inexact? x) (not (exact? x)))
2009-11-18 12:38:16 -05:00
(define (flonum? x) (not (exact? x)))
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
(define quotient div0)
2009-08-09 14:04:03 -04:00
(define remainder mod0)
2009-08-08 17:44:14 -04:00
(define (inexact x) x)
(define (exact x)
(if (exact? x) x
(error "exact real numbers not supported")))
2009-11-18 12:38:16 -05:00
(define (exact->inexact x) (double x))
(define (inexact->exact x)
(if (integer-valued? x)
(truncate x)
(error "exact real numbers not supported")))
(define (floor x) (if (< x 0) (truncate (- x 0.5)) (truncate x)))
(define (ceiling x) (if (< x 0) (truncate x) (truncate (+ x 0.5))))
2009-08-08 17:44:14 -04:00
(define (finite? x) (and (< x +inf.0) (> x -inf.0)))
(define (infinite? x) (or (equal? x +inf.0) (equal? x -inf.0)))
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
(define (char->integer c) (fixnum c))
(define (integer->char i) (wchar i))
(define char-upcase char.upcase)
(define char-downcase char.downcase)
2009-08-08 17:44:14 -04:00
(define char=? eqv?)
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
(define char<? <)
(define char>? >)
(define char<=? <=)
(define char>=? >=)
2009-08-23 01:07:46 -04:00
(define (char-whitespace? c) (not (not (string.find *whitespace* c))))
(define (char-numeric? c) (not (not (string.find "0123456789" c))))
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
2009-08-08 17:44:14 -04:00
(define string=? eqv?)
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
(define string<? <)
(define string>? >)
(define string<=? <=)
(define string>=? >=)
(define string-copy copy)
(define string-append string)
(define string-length string.count)
(define string->symbol symbol)
(define (symbol->string s) (string s))
2009-08-08 17:44:14 -04:00
(define symbol=? eq?)
(define (make-string k (fill #\space))
(string.rep fill k))
2009-06-29 23:21:41 -04:00
(define (string-ref s i)
(string.char s (string.inc s 0 i)))
2009-08-08 17:44:14 -04:00
2009-08-09 00:04:31 -04:00
(define (list->string l) (apply string l))
(define (string->list s)
(do ((i (sizeof s) i)
(l '() (cons (string.char s i) l)))
((= i 0) l)
(set! i (string.dec s i))))
(define (substring s start end)
(string.sub s (string.inc s 0 start) (string.inc s 0 end)))
2009-08-08 17:44:14 -04:00
(define (input-port? x) (iostream? x))
(define (output-port? x) (iostream? x))
2009-10-21 23:32:12 -04:00
(define (port? x) (iostream? x))
2009-08-08 19:43:12 -04:00
(define close-input-port io.close)
(define close-output-port io.close)
(define (read-char (s *input-stream*)) (io.getc s))
2009-08-23 01:07:46 -04:00
(define (peek-char (s *input-stream*)) (io.peekc s))
2009-08-08 19:43:12 -04:00
(define (write-char c (s *output-stream*)) (io.putc s c))
2009-10-21 23:32:12 -04:00
; TODO: unread-char
2009-08-09 14:04:03 -04:00
(define (port-eof? p) (io.eof? p))
2009-08-08 19:43:12 -04:00
(define (open-input-string str)
(let ((b (buffer)))
(io.write b str)
(io.seek b 0)
(define (open-output-string) (buffer))
2009-08-13 00:09:35 -04:00
(define (open-string-output-port)
(let ((b (buffer)))
(values b (lambda () (io.tostring! b)))))
2009-08-08 19:43:12 -04:00
(define (get-output-string b)
(let ((p (io.pos b)))
(io.seek b 0)
2009-08-23 01:07:46 -04:00
(let ((s (io.readall b)))
(io.seek b p)
(if (eof-object? s) "" s))))
2009-08-09 00:04:31 -04:00
(define (open-input-file name) (file name :read))
(define (open-output-file name) (file name :write :create))
(define (current-input-port (p *input-stream*))
(set! *input-stream* p))
(define (current-output-port (p *output-stream*))
(set! *output-stream* p))
2010-03-12 01:19:01 -05:00
(define (input-port-line p)
2009-08-09 00:04:31 -04:00
(define get-datum read)
(define (put-datum port x)
(with-bindings ((*print-readably* #t))
(write x port)))
(define (put-u8 port o) (io.write port (uint8 o)))
(define (put-string port s (start 0) (count #f))
(let* ((start (string.inc s 0 start))
(end (if count
(string.inc s start count)
(sizeof s))))
(io.write port s start (- end start))))
2009-11-18 12:38:16 -05:00
(define (io.skipws s)
(let ((c (io.peekc s)))
(if (and (not (eof-object? c)) (char-whitespace? c))
(begin (io.getc s)
(io.skipws s)))))
2009-08-09 00:04:31 -04:00
(define (with-output-to-file name thunk)
(let ((f (file name :write :create :truncate)))
(with-output-to f (thunk))
(io.close f))))
(define (with-input-from-file name thunk)
(let ((f (file name :read)))
2009-08-09 14:27:05 -04:00
(with-input-from f (thunk))
2009-08-09 00:04:31 -04:00
(io.close f))))
(define (call-with-input-file name proc)
(let ((f (open-input-file name)))
(prog1 (proc f)
(io.close f))))
(define (call-with-output-file name proc)
(let ((f (open-output-file name)))
(prog1 (proc f)
(io.close f))))
2009-08-13 23:17:21 -04:00
(define (file-exists? f) (path.exists? f))
2009-08-17 23:46:09 -04:00
(define (delete-file name) (void)) ; TODO
2009-08-13 23:17:21 -04:00
2009-08-09 00:04:31 -04:00
(define (display x (port *output-stream*))
(with-output-to port (princ x))
(define assertion-violation
(lambda args
(display 'assertion-violation)
(display args)
(car #f)))
(define pretty-print write)
(define (memp proc ls)
(cond ((null? ls) #f)
((pair? ls) (if (proc (car ls))
(memp proc (cdr ls))))
(else (assertion-violation 'memp "Invalid argument" ls))))
(define (assp pred lst)
(cond ((atom? lst) #f)
((pred (caar lst)) (car lst))
(else (assp pred (cdr lst)))))
(define (for-all proc l . ls)
(or (null? l)
(and (apply proc (car l) (map car ls))
(apply for-all proc (cdr l) (map cdr ls)))))
2009-08-09 13:05:40 -04:00
(define andmap for-all)
2009-08-09 00:04:31 -04:00
(define (exists proc l . ls)
(and (not (null? l))
(or (apply proc (car l) (map car ls))
(apply exists proc (cdr l) (map cdr ls)))))
2009-08-09 13:05:40 -04:00
(define ormap exists)
2009-08-09 00:04:31 -04:00
(define cons* list*)
(define (fold-left f zero lst)
(if (null? lst) zero
(fold-left f (f zero (car lst)) (cdr lst))))
(define fold-right foldr)
(define (partition pred lst)
(let ((s (separate pred lst)))
(values (car s) (cdr s))))
2009-08-09 13:05:40 -04:00
(define (dynamic-wind before thunk after)
(unwind-protect (thunk)
(let ((*properties* (table)))
(set! putprop
(lambda (sym key val)
(let ((sp (get *properties* sym #f)))
(if (not sp)
(let ((t (table)))
(put! *properties* sym t)
(set! sp t)))
(put! sp key val))))
(set! getprop
(lambda (sym key)
(let ((sp (get *properties* sym #f)))
(and sp (get sp key #f)))))
(set! remprop
(lambda (sym key)
(let ((sp (get *properties* sym #f)))
(and sp (has? sp key) (del! sp key))))))
2009-10-21 23:32:12 -04:00
; --- gambit
2009-11-18 12:38:16 -05:00
(define arithmetic-shift ash)
(define bitwise-and logand)
(define bitwise-or logior)
(define bitwise-not lognot)
(define bitwise-xor logxor)
(define (include f) (load f))
2009-10-21 23:32:12 -04:00
(define (with-exception-catcher hand thk)
(trycatch (thk)
(lambda (e) (hand e))))
2010-03-12 01:19:01 -05:00
(define (current-exception-handler)
; close enough
(lambda (e) (raise e)))
2009-10-21 23:32:12 -04:00
(define make-table table)
(define table-ref get)
(define table-set! put!)
2009-12-03 15:12:06 -05:00
(define (read-line (s *input-stream*))
(io.flush *output-stream*)
(io.discardbuffer s)
(io.readline s))
2009-11-18 12:38:16 -05:00
(define (shell-command s) 1)
2009-12-03 15:12:06 -05:00
(define (error-exception-message e) (cadr e))
(define (error-exception-parameters e) (cddr e))
(define (with-output-to-string nada thunk)
(let ((b (buffer)))
(with-output-to b (thunk))
(io.tostring! b)))
2010-05-02 16:36:39 -04:00
(define (read-u8) (io.read *input-stream* 'uint8))
(define modulo mod)