191 lines
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191 lines
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;;; -*-Scheme-*-
(define type-name #f)
(define classes '())
(define callbacks '())
(define primitives '())
(define converters '())
(define f)
(define (check-string proc x name)
(if (not (memq (type x) '(symbol string)))
(error proc (format #f "~s must be string or symbol" name))))
(define (define-widget-type name include)
(if type-name
(error 'define-widget-type "must be called once"))
(check-string 'define-widget-type name 'name)
(if (pair? include)
(lambda (i) (check-string 'define-widget-type i 'include)) include)
(check-string 'define-widget-type include 'include))
(set! type-name name)
(format f "#include \"../xt.h\"~%")
(case widget-set
(format f "#include <Xm/Xm.h>~%")))
(if (and (not (eqv? include "")) (not (null? include)))
(define dir)
(case widget-set
(set! dir "Xm"))
(set! dir "X11/Xaw")))
(if (pair? include)
(lambda (i)
(if (char=? (string-ref (format #f "~a" i) 0) #\<)
(format f "#include ~a~%" i)
(format f "#include <~a/~a>~%" dir i)))
(if (char=? (string-ref (format #f "~a" include) 0) #\<)
(format f "#include ~a~%" include)
(format f "#include <~a/~a>~%" dir include)))))
(newline f))
(define (prolog code)
(if (not type-name)
(error 'prolog "must define a widget-type first"))
(check-string 'prolog code 'code)
(display code f)
(format f "~%~%"))
(define (define-callback class name has-arg?)
(check-string 'define-callback class 'class)
(check-string 'define-callback name 'name)
(if (not (boolean? has-arg?))
(error 'define-callback "has-arg? must be boolean"))
(set! callbacks (cons (list class name has-arg?) callbacks)))
(define (c->scheme name body)
(check-string 'c->scheme name 'name)
(define c-name (scheme-to-c-name name))
(string-set! c-name 0 #\S)
(format f "static Object ~a (XtArgVal x) {~%" c-name)
(display body f)
(format f "~%}~%~%")
(define s
(format #f " Define_Converter_To_Scheme (\"~a\", ~a);~%"
name c-name))
(set! converters (cons s converters)))
(define (scheme->c name body)
(check-string 'scheme->c name 'name)
(define c-name (scheme-to-c-name name))
(string-set! c-name 0 #\C)
(format f "static XtArgVal ~a (Object x) {~%" c-name)
(display body f)
(format f "~%}~%~%")
(define s
(format #f " Define_Converter_To_C (\"~a\", ~a);~%"
name c-name))
(set! converters (cons s converters)))
(define (define-primitive scheme-name args body)
(check-string 'define-primitive scheme-name 'scheme-name)
(if (not (pair? args))
(error 'define-primitive "args must be a list"))
(define c-name (scheme-to-c-name scheme-name))
(format f "static Object ~a (" c-name)
(do ((a args a)) ((null? a))
(display "Object " f)
(display (car a) f)
(set! a (cdr a))
(if (not (null? a)) (display ", " f)))
(display ") {" f)
(newline f)
(display body f)
(format f "~%}~%~%")
(define s
(format #f " Define_Primitive (~a, \"~a\", ~a, ~a, EVAL);~%"
c-name scheme-name (length args) (length args)))
(set! primitives (cons s primitives)))
;;; [missing conversion from -> to "to"]
(define (scheme-to-c-name s)
(if (symbol? s)
(set! s (symbol->string s)))
(define len (string-length s))
(if (char=? (string-ref s (1- len)) #\?)
(string-set! s (1- len) #\p))
(if (char=? (string-ref s (1- len)) #\!)
(set! len (1- len)))
(let loop ((ret "P") (i 0))
(if (>= i len)
(define next
(do ((j i (1+ j)))
((or (= j len) (memq (string-ref s j) '(#\- #\:))) j)))
(loop (format #f "~a_~a~a" ret (char-upcase (string-ref s i))
(substring s (1+ i) next)) (1+ next)))))
(define (define-widget-class name class . sub-resources)
(check-string 'define-widget-class name 'name)
(check-string 'define-widget-class class 'class)
(set! classes (cons (list name class sub-resources) classes)))
(define (filename-to-widget-name fn)
(let loop ((w widget-aliases))
((null? w)
((eq? (cdar w) fn)
(caar w))
(loop (cdr w))))))
(define (feature-name fn)
(let ((i (substring? ".d" fn)))
(if (not i)
(error 'mkwidget "bad filename suffix in ~a (expected .d)" fn))
(filename-to-widget-name (string->symbol (substring fn 0 i)))))
(define widget-aliases)
(load 'ALIASES)
(define args (command-line-args))
(if (not (= (length args) 3))
(error 'mkwidget "expected three arguments"))
(define widget-set (string->symbol (caddr args)))
(set! f (open-output-file (cadr args)))
(load (car args))
(if (not type-name)
(error 'mkwidget "no widget type defined"))
(format f "void elk_init_~a_~a () {~%" widget-set type-name)
(if (not (null? classes))
(format f " XtResourceList r = 0;~%"))
(do ((c classes (cdr c))) ((null? c))
(define cl (car c))
(define res (caddr cl))
(if (not (null? res))
(format f
" r = (XtResourceList)XtMalloc (~a * sizeof (XtResource));~%"
(length res))
(do ((r res (cdr r)) (num 0 (1+ num))) ((null? r))
(define x (car r))
(if (not (= (length x) 3))
(error 'mkwidget "bad sub-resource declaration"))
(lambda (r)
(if (not (memq (type r) '(symbol string)))
(error 'mkwidget "bad type in sub-resource declaration")))
(format f " r[~a].resource_name = \"~a\";~%" num (car x))
(format f " r[~a].resource_class = \"~a\";~%" num (cadr x))
(format f " r[~a].resource_type = \"~a\";~%" num (caddr x)))))
(format f " Define_Class (\"~a\", ~a, r, ~a);~%" (car cl) (cadr cl)
(length res)))
(do ((c callbacks (cdr c))) ((null? c))
(define cb (car c))
(format f " Define_Callback (\"~a\", \"~a\", ~a);~%" (car cb) (cadr cb)
(if (caddr cb) 1 0)))
(for-each (lambda (x) (display x f)) primitives)
(for-each (lambda (x) (display x f)) converters)
(format f " P_Provide(Intern(\"~a:~a\"));~%" widget-set
(feature-name (car args)))
(format f "}~%")