;; text.d
;; $Id$
;; Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, Oliver Laumann, Berlin
;; Copyright 2002, 2003 Sam Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>, Paris
;; This software was derived from Elk 1.2, which was Copyright 1987, 1988,
;; 1989, Nixdorf Computer AG and TELES GmbH, Berlin (Elk 1.2 has been written
;; by Oliver Laumann for TELES Telematic Services, Berlin, in a joint project
;; between TELES and Nixdorf Microprocessor Engineering, Berlin).
;; Oliver Laumann, TELES GmbH, Nixdorf Computer AG and Sam Hocevar, as co-
;; owners or individual owners of copyright in this software, grant to any
;; person or company a worldwide, royalty free, license to
;;    i) copy this software,
;;   ii) prepare derivative works based on this software,
;;  iii) distribute copies of this software or derivative works,
;;   iv) perform this software, or
;;    v) display this software,
;; provided that this notice is not removed and that neither Oliver Laumann
;; nor Teles nor Nixdorf are deemed to have made any representations as to
;; the suitability of this software for any purpose nor are held responsible
;; for any defects of this software.

(define-widget-type 'text "Text.h")

(define-widget-class 'text 'xmTextWidgetClass
  '(pendingDelete PendingDelete Boolean)
  '(selectThreshold SelectThreshold Int)
  '(blinkRate BlinkRate Int)
  '(columns Columns Short)
  '(cursorPositionVisible CursorPositionVisible Boolean)
  '(fontList FontList FontList)
  '(resizeHeight ResizeHeight Boolean)
  '(resizeWidth ResizeWidth Boolean)
  '(rows Rows Short)
  '(wordWrap WordWrap Boolean))

(define-callback 'text 'activateCallback     #t)
(define-callback 'text 'valueChangedCallback #t)

(define text-callback->scheme
"   return Get_Any_CB ((XmAnyCallbackStruct *)x);")

(c->scheme 'callback:text-valueChangedCallback text-callback->scheme)