/* client.c * * $Id$ * * Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, Oliver Laumann, Berlin * Copyright 2002, 2003 Sam Hocevar , Paris * * This software was derived from Elk 1.2, which was Copyright 1987, 1988, * 1989, Nixdorf Computer AG and TELES GmbH, Berlin (Elk 1.2 has been written * by Oliver Laumann for TELES Telematic Services, Berlin, in a joint project * between TELES and Nixdorf Microprocessor Engineering, Berlin). * * Oliver Laumann, TELES GmbH, Nixdorf Computer AG and Sam Hocevar, as co- * owners or individual owners of copyright in this software, grant to any * person or company a worldwide, royalty free, license to * * i) copy this software, * ii) prepare derivative works based on this software, * iii) distribute copies of this software or derivative works, * iv) perform this software, or * v) display this software, * * provided that this notice is not removed and that neither Oliver Laumann * nor Teles nor Nixdorf are deemed to have made any representations as to * the suitability of this software for any purpose nor are held responsible * for any defects of this software. * * THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY FOR THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "xlib.h" static Object Sym_Wm_Hints, Sym_Size_Hints; static Object P_Iconify_Window (Object w, Object scr) { Check_Type (w, T_Window); if (!XIconifyWindow (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, Get_Screen_Number (WINDOW(w)->dpy, scr))) Primitive_Error ("cannot iconify window"); return Void; } static Object P_Withdraw_Window (Object w, Object scr) { Check_Type (w, T_Window); if (!XWithdrawWindow (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, Get_Screen_Number (WINDOW(w)->dpy, scr))) Primitive_Error ("cannot withdraw window"); return Void; } static Object P_Reconfigure_Wm_Window (Object w, Object scr, Object conf) { unsigned long mask; Check_Type (w, T_Window); mask = Vector_To_Record (conf, Conf_Size, Sym_Conf, Conf_Rec); if (!XReconfigureWMWindow (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, Get_Screen_Number (WINDOW(w)->dpy, scr), mask, &WC)) Primitive_Error ("cannot reconfigure window"); return Void; } static Object P_Wm_Command (Object w) { int i, ac; char **av; Object s, ret, t; GC_Node2; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Disable_Interrupts; if (!XGetCommand (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &av, &ac)) ac = 0; Enable_Interrupts; ret = t = P_Make_List (Make_Integer (ac), Null); GC_Link2 (ret, t); for (i = 0; i < ac; i++, t = Cdr (t)) { s = Make_String (av[i], strlen (av[i])); Car (t) = s; } GC_Unlink; if (ac) XFreeStringList (av); return ret; } static String_List_To_Text_Property (Object x, XTextProperty *ret) { register i, n; register char **s; Object t; Alloca_Begin; Check_List (x); n = Fast_Length (x); Alloca (s, char**, n * sizeof (char *)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++, x = Cdr (x)) { t = Car (x); Get_Strsym_Stack (t, s[i]); } if (!XStringListToTextProperty (s, n, ret)) Primitive_Error ("cannot create text property"); Alloca_End; } static Object Text_Property_To_String_List (XTextProperty *p) { int n; register i; char **s; Object x, ret, t; GC_Node2; if (!XTextPropertyToStringList (p, &s, &n)) Primitive_Error ("cannot convert from text property"); ret = t = P_Make_List (Make_Integer (n), Null); GC_Link2 (ret, t); for (i = 0; i < n; i++, t = Cdr (t)) { x = Make_String (s[i], strlen (s[i])); Car (t) = x; } GC_Unlink; XFreeStringList (s); return ret; } static Object P_Get_Text_Property (Object w, Object a) { XTextProperty ret; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Check_Type (a, T_Atom); Disable_Interrupts; if (!XGetTextProperty (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &ret, ATOM(a)->atom)) { Enable_Interrupts; return False; } Enable_Interrupts; return Text_Property_To_String_List (&ret); } static Object P_Set_Text_Property (Object w, Object prop, Object a) { XTextProperty p; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Check_Type (a, T_Atom); String_List_To_Text_Property (prop, &p); XSetTextProperty (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &p, ATOM(a)->atom); XFree ((char *)p.value); return Void; } static Object P_Wm_Protocols (Object w) { Atom *p; int i, n; Object ret; GC_Node; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Disable_Interrupts; if (!XGetWMProtocols (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &p, &n)) Primitive_Error ("cannot get WM protocols"); Enable_Interrupts; ret = Make_Vector (n, Null); GC_Link (ret); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { Object a; a = Make_Atom (p[i]); VECTOR(ret)->data[i] = a; } XFree ((char *)p); GC_Unlink; return ret; } static Object P_Set_Wm_Protocols (Object w, Object v) { Atom *p; int i, n; Alloca_Begin; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Check_Type (v, T_Vector); n = VECTOR(v)->size; Alloca (p, Atom*, n * sizeof (Atom)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { Object a; a = VECTOR(v)->data[i]; Check_Type (a, T_Atom); p[i] = ATOM(a)->atom; } if (!XSetWMProtocols (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, p, n)) Primitive_Error ("cannot set WM protocols"); Alloca_End; return Void; } static Object P_Wm_Class (Object w) { Object ret, x; XClassHint c; GC_Node; Check_Type (w, T_Window); /* * In X11.2 XGetClassHint() returns either 0 or Success, which happens * to be defined as 0. So until this bug is fixed, we must * explicitly check whether the XClassHint structure has been filled. */ c.res_name = c.res_class = 0; Disable_Interrupts; (void)XGetClassHint (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &c); Enable_Interrupts; ret = Cons (False, False); GC_Link (ret); if (c.res_name) { x = Make_String (c.res_name, strlen (c.res_name)); Car (ret) = x; XFree (c.res_name); } if (c.res_class) { x = Make_String (c.res_class, strlen (c.res_class)); Cdr (ret) = x; XFree (c.res_class); } GC_Unlink; return ret; } static Object P_Set_Wm_Class (Object w, Object name, Object class) { XClassHint c; Check_Type (w, T_Window); c.res_name = Get_Strsym (name); c.res_class = Get_Strsym (class); XSetClassHint (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &c); return Void; } static Object P_Set_Wm_Command (Object w, Object cmd) { register i, n; register char **argv; Object c; Alloca_Begin; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Check_List (cmd); n = Fast_Length (cmd); Alloca (argv, char**, n * sizeof (char *)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++, cmd = Cdr (cmd)) { c = Car (cmd); Get_Strsym_Stack (c, argv[i]); } XSetCommand (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, argv, n); Alloca_End; return Void; } static Object P_Wm_Hints (Object w) { XWMHints *p; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Disable_Interrupts; p = XGetWMHints (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win); Enable_Interrupts; if (p) { WMH = *p; XFree ((char *)p); } else { WMH.flags = 0; } return Record_To_Vector (Wm_Hints_Rec, Wm_Hints_Size, Sym_Wm_Hints, WINDOW(w)->dpy, (unsigned long)WMH.flags); } static Object P_Set_Wm_Hints (Object w, Object h) { unsigned long mask; Check_Type (w, T_Window); mask = Vector_To_Record (h, Wm_Hints_Size, Sym_Wm_Hints, Wm_Hints_Rec); WMH.flags = mask; XSetWMHints (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &WMH); return Void; } static Object P_Size_Hints (Object w, Object a) { long supplied; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Check_Type (a, T_Atom); Disable_Interrupts; if (!XGetWMSizeHints (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &SZH, &supplied, ATOM(a)->atom)) SZH.flags = 0; if (!(supplied & PBaseSize)) SZH.flags &= ~PBaseSize; if (!(supplied & PWinGravity)) SZH.flags &= ~PWinGravity; Enable_Interrupts; if ((SZH.flags & (PPosition|USPosition)) == (PPosition|USPosition)) SZH.flags &= ~PPosition; if ((SZH.flags & (PSize|USSize)) == (PSize|USSize)) SZH.flags &= ~PSize; return Record_To_Vector (Size_Hints_Rec, Size_Hints_Size, Sym_Size_Hints, WINDOW(w)->dpy, (unsigned long)SZH.flags); } static Object P_Set_Size_Hints (Object w, Object a, Object h) { unsigned long mask; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Check_Type (a, T_Atom); bzero ((char *)&SZH, sizeof (SZH)); /* Not portable? */ mask = Vector_To_Record (h, Size_Hints_Size, Sym_Size_Hints, Size_Hints_Rec); if ((mask & (PPosition|USPosition)) == (PPosition|USPosition)) mask &= ~PPosition; if ((mask & (PSize|USSize)) == (PSize|USSize)) mask &= ~PSize; SZH.flags = mask; XSetWMSizeHints (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &SZH, ATOM(a)->atom); return Void; } static Object P_Icon_Sizes (Object w) { XIconSize *p; int i, n; Object v; GC_Node; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Disable_Interrupts; if (!XGetIconSizes (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &p, &n)) n = 0; Enable_Interrupts; v = Make_Vector (n, Null); GC_Link (v); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { register XIconSize *q = &p[i]; Object t; t = P_Make_List (Make_Integer (6), Null); VECTOR(v)->data[i] = t; Car (t) = Make_Integer (q->min_width); t = Cdr (t); Car (t) = Make_Integer (q->min_height); t = Cdr (t); Car (t) = Make_Integer (q->max_width); t = Cdr (t); Car (t) = Make_Integer (q->max_height); t = Cdr (t); Car (t) = Make_Integer (q->width_inc); t = Cdr (t); Car (t) = Make_Integer (q->height_inc); } GC_Unlink; if (n > 0) XFree ((char *)p); return v; } static Object P_Set_Icon_Sizes (Object w, Object v) { register i, n; XIconSize *p; Alloca_Begin; Check_Type (w, T_Window); Check_Type (v, T_Vector); n = VECTOR(v)->size; Alloca (p, XIconSize*, n * sizeof (XIconSize)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { register XIconSize *q = &p[i]; Object t; t = VECTOR(v)->data[i]; Check_List (t); if (Fast_Length (t) != 6) Primitive_Error ("invalid argument: ~s", t); q->min_width = Get_Integer (Car (t)); t = Cdr (t); q->min_height = Get_Integer (Car (t)); t = Cdr (t); q->max_width = Get_Integer (Car (t)); t = Cdr (t); q->max_height = Get_Integer (Car (t)); t = Cdr (t); q->width_inc = Get_Integer (Car (t)); t = Cdr (t); q->height_inc = Get_Integer (Car (t)); } XSetIconSizes (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, p, n); Alloca_End; return Void; } static Object P_Transient_For (Object w) { Window win; Disable_Interrupts; if (!XGetTransientForHint (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, &win)) win = None; Enable_Interrupts; return Make_Window (0, WINDOW(w)->dpy, win); } static Object P_Set_Transient_For (Object w, Object pw) { Check_Type (w, T_Window); XSetTransientForHint (WINDOW(w)->dpy, WINDOW(w)->win, Get_Window (pw)); return Void; } elk_init_xlib_client () { Define_Symbol (&Sym_Wm_Hints, "wm-hints"); Define_Symbol (&Sym_Size_Hints, "size-hints"); Define_Primitive (P_Iconify_Window, "iconify-window", 2, 2, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Withdraw_Window, "withdraw-window", 2, 2, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Reconfigure_Wm_Window, "xlib-reconfigure-wm-window", 3, 3, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Wm_Command, "wm-command", 1, 1, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Get_Text_Property,"get-text-property", 2, 2, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Set_Text_Property,"set-text-property!",3, 3, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Wm_Protocols, "wm-protocols", 1, 1, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Set_Wm_Protocols, "set-wm-protocols!", 2, 2, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Wm_Class, "wm-class", 1, 1, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Set_Wm_Class, "set-wm-class!", 3, 3, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Set_Wm_Command, "set-wm-command!", 2, 2, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Wm_Hints, "xlib-wm-hints", 1, 1, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Set_Wm_Hints, "xlib-set-wm-hints!",2, 2, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Size_Hints, "xlib-wm-size-hints",2, 2, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Set_Size_Hints, "xlib-set-wm-size-hints!", 3, 3, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Icon_Sizes, "icon-sizes", 1, 1, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Set_Icon_Sizes, "set-icon-sizes!", 2, 2, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Transient_For, "transient-for", 1, 1, EVAL); Define_Primitive (P_Set_Transient_For,"set-transient-for!",2, 2, EVAL); }