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60 lines
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;;; -*-Scheme-*-
;;; Demonstrate open, stat, read, write.
(require 'unix)
(define copy-buffer-size 8192)
(define (copy-file from to)
(let ((from-stat (unix-stat from))
(to-stat (unix-errval (unix-stat to))))
(if (eq? (stat-type from-stat) 'directory) ; complain if "from"
(error 'copy-file "~s is a directory" from)) ; is a directory
(if (and (not (unix-error? to-stat)) ; destination exists
(eq? (stat-type to-stat) 'directory)) ; and is a directory?
(set! to (format #f "~a/~a" to (pathname-tail from))))
(let* ((to-fd (unix-open to '(write create exclusive)
(stat-mode from-stat)))
(from-fd (unix-open from '(read)))
(buf (make-string copy-buffer-size)))
(let loop ((num-chars (unix-read-string-fill! from-fd buf)))
(if (positive? num-chars)
(unix-write to-fd buf num-chars)
(loop (unix-read-string-fill! from-fd buf)))))
(unix-close from-fd)
(unix-close to-fd))))
(define (string-rindex s c)
(let loop ((i (string-length s)))
((zero? i) #f)
((char=? (string-ref s (1- i)) c) (1- i))
(else (loop (1- i))))))
(define (pathname-tail s)
(let ((i (string-rindex s #\/)))
(if i
(substring s (1+ i) (string-length s))
;;; Test -- copy /bin/date into a temporary file
(let ((tmp (unix-tempname)))
(format #t "Copying /bin/date to ~a.~%" tmp)
(copy-file "/bin/date" tmp)
(format #t "Comparing files... ")
(if (zero? (unix-system (format #f "cmp -s /bin/date ~s" tmp)))
(format #t "OK.~%")
(format #t "Oops, files differ.~%")))
(format #t "Removing ~a.~%" tmp)
(unix-unlink tmp)))