527 lines
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527 lines
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#include "scheme.h"
#define BITSTRING(x) ((struct S_Bitstring *)POINTER(x))
struct S_Bitstring {
Object tag;
unsigned len; /* # of used bits; unused bits in MSB always 0 */
unsigned char data[1]; /* data[0] == LSB */
#define bits_to_bytes(b) (((b)+7)/8)
static int masks[] = { 0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80 };
static int masks2[] = { 0, 0x1, 0x3, 0x7, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF };
int T_Bitstring;
static Object P_Bitstringp(x) Object x; {
return TYPE(x) == T_Bitstring ? True : False;
static int Bitstring_Size(b) Object b; {
return sizeof(struct S_Bitstring) + bits_to_bytes(BITSTRING(b)->len) - 1;
static Bitstring_Equal(b1, b2) Object b1, b2; {
struct S_Bitstring *a = BITSTRING(b1), *b = BITSTRING(b2);
if (a->len != b->len)
return 0;
return !bcmp(a->data, b->data, bits_to_bytes(a->len));
static Object P_Bitstring_Equalp(a, b) Object a, b; {
return Bitstring_Equal(a, b) ? True : False;
static char *Digits(c, n) unsigned char c; int n; {
static char buf[9];
int i = 0;
for (; n > 0; n--)
buf[i++] = c & masks[n] ? '1' : '0';
buf[i] = '\0';
return buf;
/* Print starting with MSB
static Bitstring_Print(x, port, raw, depth, length) Object x, port; {
int i, rem;
struct S_Bitstring *b = BITSTRING(x);
GC_Link2(x, port);
Printf(port, "#*");
i = bits_to_bytes(b->len) - 1;
if (rem = b->len % 8)
Printf(port, Digits(b->data[i--], rem));
for ( ; i >= 0; i--)
Printf(port, Digits(b->data[i], 8));
static Object Make_Bitstring(len) unsigned len; {
Object b;
int nbytes = bits_to_bytes(len);
b = Alloc_Object(sizeof(struct S_Bitstring) + nbytes-1, T_Bitstring, 0);
bzero((char *)BITSTRING(b)->data, nbytes);
BITSTRING(b)->tag = Null;
BITSTRING(b)->len = len;
return b;
static void Fill_Bitstring(bs, fill) Object bs; int fill; {
struct S_Bitstring *b = BITSTRING(bs);
int i, rem;
unsigned char val = fill ? ~0 : 0;
i = bits_to_bytes(b->len) - 1;
if (val && (rem = b->len % 8))
b->data[i--] |= masks2[rem];
for ( ; i >= 0; i--)
b->data[i] = val;
static Object P_Make_Bitstring(len, init) Object len, init; {
Object ret;
int n, fill;
if ((n = Get_Integer(len)) < 0)
Check_Type(init, T_Boolean);
fill = Truep(init);
ret = Make_Bitstring((unsigned)n);
if (fill)
Fill_Bitstring(ret, 1);
return ret;
static Object P_Bitstring_Length(bs) Object bs; {
Check_Type(bs, T_Bitstring);
return Make_Unsigned(BITSTRING(bs)->len);
static int Ulong_Size(ul) unsigned long ul; {
int n;
for (n = 0; ul; ul >>= 1, n++)
return n;
static Object Ulong_To_Bitstring(ul, len) unsigned long ul; unsigned len; {
Object ret;
struct S_Bitstring *b;
int i, siz = Ulong_Size(ul);
char buf[50];
ret = Make_Bitstring(len);
b = BITSTRING(ret);
if (siz > len) {
sprintf(buf, "length %u too small for integer %lu", len, ul);
for (i = 0; ul; ul >>= 8, i++)
b->data[i] = ul & 0xFF;
return ret;
static int Bigbits(b) struct S_Bignum *b; {
return b->usize ? (Ulong_Size((unsigned long)b->data[b->usize-1]) +
(b->usize-1) * sizeof(gran_t) * 8) : 0;
static Object Bignum_To_Bitstring(big, len) Object big; unsigned len; {
char buf[50];
Object ret;
struct S_Bitstring *b;
struct S_Bignum *bn;
int k, i, n;
if (Bigbits(BIGNUM(big)) > len) {
sprintf(buf, "length %u too small for integer ~s", len);
Primitive_Error(buf, big);
ret = Make_Bitstring(len);
b = BITSTRING(ret);
bn = BIGNUM(big);
n = bits_to_bytes(len);
for (i = k = 0; k < bn->usize; k++, i++) {
b->data[i] = bn->data[k] & 0xFF;
if (i < n)
b->data[++i] = bn->data[k] >> 8 & 0xFF;
return ret;
static Object P_Int_To_Bitstring(len, i) Object len, i; {
Object isneg;
int ilen;
if ((ilen = Get_Integer(len)) < 0)
isneg = P_Negativep(i);
if (Truep(isneg))
if (TYPE(i) == T_Fixnum)
return Ulong_To_Bitstring((unsigned long)FIXNUM(i), (unsigned)ilen);
return Bignum_To_Bitstring(i, (unsigned)ilen);
static Object Bitstring_To_Bignum (bs) Object bs; {
struct S_Bitstring *b;
Object big;
int i, n, k;
gran_t digit;
n = bits_to_bytes(BITSTRING(bs)->len);
big = Make_Uninitialized_Bignum((n+1)/2); /* assume sizeof(gran_t)==2 */
b = BITSTRING(bs);
for (i = k = 0; i < n; k++, i++) {
digit = b->data[i];
if (!(i & 1))
digit |= (unsigned)b->data[++i] << 8;
BIGNUM(big)->data[k] = digit;
BIGNUM(big)->usize = k;
Bignum_Normalize_In_Place (BIGNUM(big));
return big;
static Object P_Bitstring_To_Int(bs) Object bs; {
struct S_Bitstring *b;
unsigned u = 0;
int i;
Check_Type(bs, T_Bitstring);
b = BITSTRING(bs);
for (i = bits_to_bytes(b->len) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
u = u << 8 | b->data[i];
return Bitstring_To_Bignum(bs);
return Make_Integer(u);
static Object P_Bitstring_Ref(bs, inx) Object bs, inx; {
struct S_Bitstring *b;
int i;
Check_Type(bs, T_Bitstring);
b = BITSTRING(bs);
if ((i = Get_Integer(inx)) < 0 || i >= b->len)
return b->data[i/8] & 1 << i % 8 ? True : False;
static Object P_Bitstring_Set(bs, inx, val) Object bs, inx, val; {
int old, i, j, mask;
struct S_Bitstring *b;
Check_Type(bs, T_Bitstring);
Check_Type(val, T_Boolean);
b = BITSTRING(bs);
if ((i = Get_Integer(inx)) < 0 || i >= b->len)
j = i/8;
mask = 1 << i%8;
old = b->data[j] & mask;
if (Truep(val))
b->data[j] |= mask;
b->data[j] &= ~mask;
return old ? True : False;
static Object P_Bitstring_Zerop(bs) Object bs; {
struct S_Bitstring *b;
int i;
Check_Type(bs, T_Bitstring);
b = BITSTRING(bs);
for (i = bits_to_bytes(b->len); --i >= 0 && b->data[i] == 0 ;)
return i < 0 ? True : False;
static Object P_Bitstring_Fill(bs, fill) Object bs, fill; {
Check_Type(bs, T_Bitstring);
Check_Type(fill, T_Boolean);
Fill_Bitstring(bs, Truep(fill));
return Void;
#define bitop(name, op) static void name(a, b) struct S_Bitstring *a, *b; {\
int i, rem;\
if (a->len != b->len) {\
printf("bitstrings must be of same length\n"); exit(1);\
i = bits_to_bytes(a->len) - 1;\
if (rem = a->len % 8) {\
a->data[i] op b->data[i];\
a->data[i--] &= masks2[rem];\
for ( ; i >= 0; i--)\
a->data[i] op b->data[i];\
bitop(bmove, =)
bitop(bnot, = ~)
bitop(band, &=)
bitop(bor, |=)
bitop(bandnot, &= ~)
bitop(bxor, ^=)
static Object Bit_Operation(b1, b2, fun) Object b1, b2; void (*fun)(); {
struct S_Bitstring *a, *b;
Check_Type(b1, T_Bitstring);
Check_Type(b2, T_Bitstring);
a = BITSTRING(b1);
b = BITSTRING(b2);
if (a->len != b->len)
Primitive_Error("bitstrings must have identical length");
fun(a, b);
return Void;
static Object P_Bitstring_Move(a, b) Object a, b; {
return Bit_Operation(a, b, bmove);
static Object P_Bitstring_Not(a, b) Object a, b; {
return Bit_Operation(a, b, bnot);
static Object P_Bitstring_And(a, b) Object a, b; {
return Bit_Operation(a, b, band);
static Object P_Bitstring_Or(a, b) Object a, b; {
return Bit_Operation(a, b, bor);
static Object P_Bitstring_Andnot(a, b) Object a, b; {
return Bit_Operation(a, b, bandnot);
static Object P_Bitstring_Xor(a, b) Object a, b; {
return Bit_Operation(a, b, bxor);
static Object P_Substring_Move(b1, from, to, b2, dst)
Object b1, from, to, b2, dst; {
struct S_Bitstring *a, *b;
int start1, end1, start2, end2, len, off1, off2, i, j;
unsigned char mask;
Check_Type(b1, T_Bitstring);
Check_Type(b2, T_Bitstring);
a = BITSTRING(b1);
b = BITSTRING(b2);
start1 = Get_Integer(from);
end1 = Get_Integer(to);
start2 = Get_Integer(dst);
len = end1 - start1;
end2 = start2 + len;
if (start1 < 0 || start1 > end1)
if (end1 > a->len)
if (start2 < 0 || end2 > b->len)
if (a == b && start2 < start1) { /* copy forward (LSB to MSB) */
off1 = start1 % 8;
off2 = start2 % 8;
i = start1 / 8;
j = start2 / 8;
if (off1 == off2) {
if (off1) {
mask = 0xFF & ~masks2[off1];
if (off1 + len < 8)
mask &= masks2[off1+len];
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~mask) | (a->data[i] & mask);
len -= 8 - off1; i++; j++;
for (; len >= 8; len -= 8)
b->data[j++] = a->data[i++];
if (len > 0) {
mask = masks2[len];
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~mask) | (a->data[i] & mask);
} else {
unsigned char dmask;
int n, delta, shift;
while (len > 0) {
shift = delta = off2 - off1;
if (shift < 0)
shift = -shift;
n = 8 - off1;
mask = 0xFF & ~masks2[off1];
if (len < n) {
n = len;
mask &= masks2[off1+len];
if (8 - off2 >= n) { /* rest of src byte fits into dst byte */
if (delta > 0) {
dmask = mask << shift;
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~dmask) |
(a->data[i] & mask) << shift;
} else {
dmask = mask >> shift;
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~dmask) |
(unsigned int)(a->data[i] & mask) >> shift;
} else { /* nope, copy as many bits as fit into dst bye */
n = 8 - off2;
mask &= masks2[off1+n];
dmask = mask << shift;
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~dmask) |
(a->data[i] & mask) << shift;
if (off1 + n >= 8) i++;
if (off2 + n >= 8) j++;
off1 = (off1 + n) % 8;
off2 = (off2 + n) % 8;
len -= n;
} else { /* copy backwards (MSB to LSB) */
if ((off1 = end1 % 8 - 1) < 0) off1 = 7;
if ((off2 = end2 % 8 - 1) < 0) off2 = 7;
i = (end1 - 1) / 8;
j = (end2 - 1) / 8;
if (off1 == off2) {
if (off1 < 7) {
if (len <= off1)
mask = masks2[len] << off1-len+1;
mask = masks2[off1+1];
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~mask) | (a->data[i] & mask);
len -= off1+1; i--; j--;
for (; len >= 8; len -= 8)
b->data[j--] = a->data[i--];
if (len > 0) {
mask = masks2[len] << 8 - len;
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~mask) | (a->data[i] & mask);
} else {
unsigned char dmask;
int n, delta, shift;
while (len > 0) {
shift = delta = off2 - off1;
if (shift < 0)
shift = -shift;
n = off1 + 1;
mask = masks2[n];
if (len < n) {
mask = masks2[len] << n-len;
n = len;
if (off2 + 1 >= n) { /* rest of src byte fits into dst byte */
if (delta > 0) {
dmask = mask << shift;
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~dmask) |
(a->data[i] & mask) << shift;
} else {
dmask = mask >> shift;
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~dmask) |
(unsigned int)(a->data[i] & mask) >> shift;
} else { /* nope, copy as many bits as fit into dst bye */
n = off2 + 1;
mask = masks2[n] << off1-n+1;
dmask = mask >> shift;
b->data[j] = (b->data[j] & ~dmask) |
(unsigned int)(a->data[i] & mask) >> shift;
if (off1 - n < 0) i--;
if (off2 - n < 0) j--;
if ((off1 -= n) < 0) off1 += 8;
if ((off2 -= n) < 0) off2 += 8;
len -= n;
return Void;
static Object Bitstring_Read(port, chr, konst) Object port; int chr, konst; {
int c, str, i;
FILE *f;
char buf[1024], *p = buf;
Object ret;
f = PORT(port)->file;
str = PORT(port)->flags & P_STRING;
while (1) {
if (c == EOF)
if (Whitespace (c) || Delimiter (c))
if (p == buf+1024)
Reader_Error(port, "bitstring constant too long for reader");
if (c != '0' && c != '1')
Reader_Error(port, "bad digit in bitstring constant");
*p++ = c;
ret = Make_Bitstring(p-buf);
for (i = 0; p > buf; i++)
if (*--p == '1')
BITSTRING(ret)->data[i/8] |= 1 << i%8;
return ret;
#define Def_Prim Define_Primitive
elk_init_lib_bitstring() {
T_Bitstring = Define_Type(0, "bitstring", Bitstring_Size, 0,
Bitstring_Equal, Bitstring_Equal, Bitstring_Print, NOFUNC);
Define_Reader('*', Bitstring_Read);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstringp, "bitstring?", 1, 1, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Equalp, "bitstring=?", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Make_Bitstring, "make-bitstring", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Length, "bitstring-length", 1, 1, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Int_To_Bitstring, "unsigned-integer->bitstring", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_To_Int, "bitstring->unsigned-integer", 1, 1, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Ref, "bitstring-ref", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Set, "bitstring-set!", 3, 3, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Zerop, "bitstring-zero?", 1, 1, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Fill, "bitstring-fill!", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Move, "bitstring-move!", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Not, "bitstring-not!", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_And, "bitstring-and!", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Or, "bitstring-or!", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Andnot, "bitstring-andnot!", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Bitstring_Xor, "bitstring-xor!", 2, 2, EVAL);
Def_Prim(P_Substring_Move, "bitstring-substring-move!", 5, 5, EVAL);
P_Provide (Intern ("bitstring.o"));