
| ____                                                                       |
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|  |    \  __       ___      _____   __ ____   ____        _____    ______   |
|  |     |  |/^\   /   \          \   |/    \ /    \      /     \  /         |
|  |     |  |    /       \   ______|  |      |      |    |       | \_____    |
|  |     |  |   |=========  /      |  |      |      |    |       |       \   |
|  |    /   |    \         |       |  |      |      |    |       |        |  |
| _|__/    _|_     \____/   \_____/| _|_    _|_    _|_ o  \_____/   _____/   |
|                                                                            |
| /^\                             /^\    *=====================*             |
| \ / ___________________________ \ /     | ||   +  |+   + || |              |
| | |/                           \| |     | || +   +| +    || |              |
| | |                             | |    /  ||------|------||  \             |
| | |            _______________  | |    |/\||  +  +|    + ||/\|             |
| | |___________| z  z    z   z |_| |      __|______|______|__               |
| | |\          |  z   z    z   | \ |       \_______________/                |
| | |  \        |   z    z   z  |   \                                        |
| | |    \      |_______________|     \       Written by David Stith         |
| | |      \    /_______________\       \                                    |
| | |        \ |_________________|        \   Ascii-art by Matthew Stith     |

Download the first version of DreamOS: dreamos.img
This version uses the VGA alphanumeric mode (80x24) only.
On Linux, use dd if=dreamos.img of=/dev/fd0 to write to a floppy disk.
Once you boot the floppy, you will find yourself in the read-eval-print loop of the Dream Scheme Interpreter.
DreamOS does not access the hard-drive, but you can write code that does if you want to (don't hold me responsible!)
Files are stored on the floppy disk using a rudimentary flat file system.
The file "bootstrap.scm" is loaded automatically when the Dream Scheme Interpreter starts.
There is a primitive clone of the 'vi' editor, still under construction, coded in scheme in the file "edit.scm" (loaded automatically by "bootstrap.scm").
Type (edit "README") for example, and use the keys 'h', 'j', 'k', and 'l' for navigation, ':q' to quit.
All of the source scheme files are included.
(load "make.scm") will recompile.
(sys-write-floppy) will save changes to floppy (and only then).
(sys-boot) will reboot.
Have fun! :-)
Download the latest version of DreamOS: dreamos20080124.img
Changes include:
This version works on my Dell Inspiron 5000 and Dell Latitude CPi laptops, but I have not yet made efforts to insure it works on anything else. To revert to VGA alphanumeric mode change the value of SVGA to #f in make.scm then recompile as described above.