Making the reports work

This commit is contained in:
retropikzel 2024-10-05 13:24:06 +03:00
parent b6017b24ed
commit e0675aa11e
2 changed files with 1 additions and 986 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
(newline out) (newline out)
(for-each (for-each
(lambda (test) (lambda (test)
(let ((test-name (symbol->string (cdr (assoc 'name test)))) (let ((test-name (cdr (assoc 'name test)))
(name (symbol->string (cdr (assoc 'name implementation))))) (name (symbol->string (cdr (assoc 'name implementation)))))
(display (string-append "<tr>") out) (display (string-append "<tr>") out)
(newline out) (newline out)

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@ -1,985 +0,0 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Alex Shinn. All rights reserved.
;; BSD-style license:
;;> Simple but extensible testing framework with advanced reporting.
;; list utilities
;; Simplified version of SRFI-1 any.
(define (any pred ls)
(and (pair? ls)
(or (pred (car ls))
(any pred (cdr ls)))))
;; exception utilities
(define (warning msg . args)
(display msg (current-error-port))
(for-each (lambda (x)
(write-char #\space (current-error-port))
(write x (current-error-port)))
(newline (current-error-port)))
;; string utilities
(define (string-search pat str)
(let* ((pat-len (string-length pat))
(limit (- (string-length str) pat-len)))
(let lp1 ((i 0))
((>= i limit) #f)
(let lp2 ((j i) (k 0))
(cond ((>= k pat-len) #t)
((not (eqv? (string-ref str j) (string-ref pat k)))
(lp1 (+ i 1)))
(else (lp2 (+ j 1) (+ k 1))))))))))
;; test interface
;;> \section{Testing}
;;> \macro{(test [name] expect expr)}
;;> The primary interface to testing. Evaluate \var{expr} and check
;;> that it is equal to \var{expect}, and report the result, using
;;> \var{name} or a printed summary of \var{expr}.
;;> If used inside a group this will contribute to the overall group
;;> reporting, but can be used standalone:
;;> \example{(test 4 (+ 2 2))}
;;> \example{(test "add two and two" 4 (+ 2 2))}
;;> \example{(test 3 (+ 2 2))}
;;> \example{(test 4 (+ 2 "2"))}
;;> The equality comparison is made with
;;> \scheme{current-test-comparator}, defaulting to
;;> \scheme{test-equal?}, which is the same as \scheme{equal?} but
;;> more permissive on floating point comparisons). Returns the
;;> status of the test (one of the symbols \scheme{'PASS},
;;> \scheme{'FAIL}, \scheme{'SKIP}, \scheme{'ERROR}).
(define-syntax test
(syntax-rules (quote)
((test expect expr)
(test #f expect expr))
((test name expect (expr ...))
(test-propagate-info name expect (expr ...) ()))
((test name 'expect expr)
(test-propagate-info name 'expect expr ()))
((test name (expect ...) expr)
"the test expression should come last: (test <expected> (<expr> ...)) "
(test name (expect ...) expr)))
((test name expect expr)
(test-propagate-info name expect expr ()))
((test a ...)
(test-syntax-error 'test "test requires 2 or 3 arguments" (test a ...)))))
;;> \macro{(test-equal equal [name] expect expr)}
;;> Equivalent to test, using \var{equal} for comparison instead of
;;> \scheme{equal?}.
(define-syntax test-equal
(syntax-rules ()
((test-equal equal . args)
(parameterize ((current-test-comparator equal))
(test . args)))))
;;> \macro{(test-assert [name] expr)}
;;> Like \scheme{test} but evaluates \var{expr} and checks that it's true.
(define-syntax test-assert
(syntax-rules ()
((_ expr)
(test-assert #f expr))
((_ name expr)
(test-propagate-info name #f expr ((assertion . #t))))
((test a ...)
(test-syntax-error 'test-assert "1 or 2 arguments required"
(test a ...)))))
;;> \macro{(test-not [name] expr)}
;;> Like \scheme{test} but evaluates \var{expr} and checks that it's false.
(define-syntax test-not
(syntax-rules ()
((_ expr) (test-assert (not expr)))
((_ name expr) (test-assert name (not expr)))))
;;> \macro{(test-values [name] expect expr)}
;;> Like \scheme{test} but \var{expect} and \var{expr} can both
;;> return multiple values.
(define-syntax test-values
(syntax-rules ()
((_ expect expr)
(test-values #f expect expr))
((_ name expect expr)
(test name (call-with-values (lambda () expect) (lambda results results))
(call-with-values (lambda () expr) (lambda results results))))))
;;> \macro{(test-error [name] expr)}
;;> Like \scheme{test} but evaluates \var{expr} and checks that it
;;> raises an error.
(define-syntax test-error
(syntax-rules ()
((_ expr)
(test-error #f expr))
((_ name expr)
(test-propagate-info name #f expr ((expect-error . #t))))
((test a ...)
(test-syntax-error 'test-error "1 or 2 arguments required"
(test a ...)))))
;;> Low-level macro to pass alist info to the underlying \var{test-run}.
(define-syntax test-propagate-info
(syntax-rules ()
;; TODO: Extract interesting variables so we can show their values
;; on failure. Vars are empty for now.
((test-propagate-info name expect expr info)
(test-vars () name expect expr info))))
(define-syntax test-vars
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (vars ...) n expect expr ((key . val) ...))
(test-run (lambda () expect)
(lambda () expr)
`((name . ,n)
(source . expr)
(var-names . (vars ...))
(var-values . ,(list vars ...))
(key . val) ...)))))
;;> The procedural interface to testing. \var{expect} and \var{expr}
;;> should be thunks, and \var{info} is an alist of properties used in
;;> test reporting.
(define (test-run expect expr info)
(let ((info (test-expand-info info)))
(if (and (cond ((current-test-group)
=> (lambda (g) (not (test-group-ref g 'skip-group?))))
(else #t))
(or (and (not (any (lambda (f) (f info)) (current-test-removers)))
(or (pair? (current-test-removers))
(null? (current-test-filters))))
(any (lambda (f) (f info)) (current-test-filters))))
((current-test-applier) expect expr info)
((current-test-skipper) info))))
;;> Returns true if either \scheme{(equal? expect res)}, or
;;> \var{expect} is inexact and \var{res} is within
;;> \scheme{current-test-epsilon} of \var{expect}.
(define (test-equal? expect res)
(or (equal? expect res)
(if (real? expect)
(and (inexact? expect)
(real? res)
;; tests which expect an inexact value can
;; accept an equivalent exact value
;; (inexact? res)
(approx-equal? expect res (current-test-epsilon)))
(and (complex? res)
(complex? expect)
(test-equal? (real-part expect) (real-part res))
(test-equal? (imag-part expect) (imag-part res))))))
;; group interface
;;> \section{Test Groups}
;;> Tests can be collected in groups for
;;> Wraps \var{body} as a single test group, which can be filtered
;;> and summarized separately.
;;> \example{
;;> (test-group "pi"
;;> (test 3.14159 (acos -1))
;;> (test 3 (acos -1))
;;> (test 3.14159 (acos "-1")))
;;> }
(define-syntax test-group
(syntax-rules ()
((_ name-expr body ...)
(let ((name name-expr)
(old-group (current-test-group)))
(when (not (string? name))
(error "a name is required, got " 'name-expr name))
(test-begin name)
(warning "error in group outside of tests")
(print-exception exn (current-error-port))
(test-group-inc! (current-test-group) 'count)
(test-group-inc! (current-test-group) 'ERROR)
(test-failure-count (+ 1 (test-failure-count)))))
body ...)
(test-end name)
(current-test-group old-group)))))
;;> Begin testing a new group until the closing \scheme{(test-end)}.
(define (test-begin . o)
(let* ((name (if (pair? o) (car o) ""))
(parent (current-test-group))
(group (make-test-group name parent)))
;; include a newline if we are directly nested in a parent with no
;; tests yet
(when (and parent
(zero? (test-group-ref parent 'subgroups-count 0))
(not (test-group-ref parent 'verbose)))
;; header
((test-group-ref group 'skip-group?)
(display (make-string (or (test-group-indent-width group) 0) #\space))
(display (strikethrough (bold (string-append name ":"))))
(display " SKIP"))
((test-group-ref group 'verbose)
(string-append "testing " name)
(or (test-group-indent-width group) 0))))
(make-string (or (test-group-indent-width group) 0)
(bold (string-append name ": "))))))
;; set the current test group
(current-test-group group)))
;;> Ends testing group introduced with \scheme{(test-begin)}, and
;;> summarizes the results. The \var{name} is optional, but if
;;> present should match the corresponding \scheme{test-begin} name,
;;> or a warning is printed.
(define (test-end . o)
(let ((name (and (pair? o) (car o))))
=> (lambda (group)
(when (and name (not (equal? name (test-group-name group))))
(warning "mismatched test-end:" name (test-group-name group)))
(let ((parent (test-group-ref group 'parent)))
(when (and (test-group-ref group 'skip-group?)
(zero? (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-count 0)))
;; only report if there's something to say
((current-test-group-reporter) group)
(when parent
(test-group-inc! parent 'subgroups-count)
((test-group-ref group 'skip-group?)
(test-group-inc! parent 'subgroups-skip))
((and (zero? (test-group-ref group 'FAIL 0))
(zero? (test-group-ref group 'ERROR 0))
(= (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-pass 0)
(test-group-ref group 'subgroups-count 0)))
(test-group-inc! parent 'subgroups-pass))))
(current-test-group parent)
;;> Exits with a failure status if any tests have failed,
;;> and a successful status otherwise.
(define (test-exit)
(when (current-test-group)
(warning "calling test-exit with unfinished test group:"
(test-group-name (current-test-group))))
(exit (zero? (test-failure-count))))
;; utilities
(define-syntax test-syntax-error
(syntax-rules ()
((_) (syntax-error "invalid use of test-syntax-error"))))
;; test-group representation
;;> \section{Accessors}
;; (name (prop value) ...)
(define (make-test-group name . o)
(let ((parent (and (pair? o) (car o)))
(group (list name (cons 'start-time (current-second)))))
(test-group-set! group 'parent parent)
(test-group-set! group 'verbose
(if parent
(test-group-ref parent 'verbose)
(test-group-set! group 'level
(if parent
(+ 1 (test-group-ref parent 'level 0))
(and (or (and parent (test-group-ref parent 'skip-group?))
(any (lambda (f) (f group)) (current-test-group-removers))
(and (null? (current-test-group-removers))
(pair? (current-test-group-filters))))
(not (any (lambda (f) (f group)) (current-test-group-filters)))))
;;> Returns the name of a test group info object.
(define (test-group-name group) (car group))
;;> Returns the value of a \var{field} in a test var{group} info
;;> object. \var{field} should be a symbol, and predefined fields
;;> include \scheme{parent}, \scheme{verbose}, \scheme{level},
;;> \scheme{start-time}, \scheme{skip-group?}, \scheme{count},
;;> \scheme{total-pass}, \scheme{total-fail}, \scheme{total-error}.
(define (test-group-ref group field . o)
(if group
(apply assq-ref (cdr group) field o)
(and (pair? o) (car o))))
;;> Sets the value of a \var{field} in a test \var{group} info object.
(define (test-group-set! group field value)
((assq field (cdr group))
=> (lambda (x) (set-cdr! x value)))
(else (set-cdr! group (cons (cons field value) (cdr group))))))
;;> Increments the value of a \var{field} in a test \var{group} info
;;> object by \var{amount}, defaulting to 1.
(define (test-group-inc! group field . o)
(let ((amount (if (pair? o) (car o) 1)))
((assq field (cdr group))
=> (lambda (x) (set-cdr! x (+ amount (cdr x)))))
(else (set-cdr! group (cons (cons field amount) (cdr group)))))))
;;> Updates a \var{field} in a test group info object by consing
;;> \var{value} onto it.
(define (test-group-push! group field value)
((assq field (cdr group))
=> (lambda (x) (set-cdr! x (cons value (cdr x)))))
(else (set-cdr! group (cons (cons field (list value)) (cdr group))))))
;; utilities
(define (assq-ref ls key . o)
(cond ((assq key ls) => cdr)
((pair? o) (car o))
(else #f)))
(define (approx-equal? a b epsilon)
((> (abs a) (abs b))
(approx-equal? b a epsilon))
((zero? a)
(< (abs b) epsilon))
(< (abs (/ (- a b) b)) epsilon))))
(define (call-with-output-string proc)
(let ((out (open-output-string)))
(proc out)
(get-output-string out)))
;; partial pretty printing to abbreviate `quote' forms and the like
(define (write-to-string x)
(lambda (out)
(let wr ((x x))
(if (pair? x)
((and (symbol? (car x)) (pair? (cdr x)) (null? (cddr x))
(assq (car x)
'((quote . "'") (quasiquote . "`")
(unquote . ",") (unquote-splicing . ",@"))))
=> (lambda (s) (display (cdr s) out) (wr (cadr x))))
(display "(" out)
(wr (car x))
(let lp ((ls (cdr x)))
(cond ((pair? ls)
(display " " out)
(wr (car ls))
(lp (cdr ls)))
((not (null? ls))
(display " . " out)
(write ls out))))
(display ")" out)))
(write x out))))))
(define (display-to-string x)
(if (string? x) x (call-with-output-string (lambda (out) (display x out)))))
;; if we need to truncate, try first dropping let's to get at the
;; heart of the expression
(define (truncate-source x width . o)
(let* ((str (write-to-string x))
(len (string-length str)))
((<= len width)
((and (pair? x) (eq? 'let (car x)))
(if (and (pair? o) (car o))
(truncate-source (car (reverse x)) width #t)
(string-append "..."
(truncate-source (car (reverse x)) (- width 3) #t))))
((and (pair? x) (eq? 'call-with-current-continuation (car x)))
(truncate-source (cons 'call/cc (cdr x)) width (and (pair? o) (car o))))
((and (pair? x) (eq? 'call-with-values (car x)))
(truncate-source (if (and (pair? (cadr x)) (eq? 'lambda (car (cadr x))))
(car (reverse (cadr x)))
(cadr x))
(- width 3)
(substring str 0 (min (max 0 (- width 3)) (string-length str)))
(define (test-get-name! info)
(assq-ref info 'name)
(assq-ref info 'gen-name)
(let ((name
((assq 'source info)
=> (lambda (src)
(truncate-source (cdr src) (- (current-column-width) 12))))
=> (lambda (g)
(display "no source in: " (current-error-port))
(write info (current-error-port))
(display "\n" (current-error-port))
(number->string (test-group-ref g 'count 0)))))
(else ""))))
(if (pair? info)
(set-cdr! info (cons (cons 'gen-name name) (cdr info))))
(define (test-print-name info . indent)
(let ((width (- (current-column-width)
(or (and (pair? indent) (car indent)) 0)))
(name (test-get-name! info)))
(display name)
(display " ")
(let ((diff (- width 9 (string-length name))))
((positive? diff)
(display (make-string diff #\.)))))
(display " ")
(define (test-group-indent-width group)
(let ((level (max 0 (+ 1 (- (test-group-ref group 'level 0)
(* 4 (min level (test-max-indentation)))))
(define (test-expand-info info)
(let ((expr (assq-ref info 'source)))
(if (and (pair? expr)
(pair-source expr)
(not (assq-ref info 'line-number)))
`((file-name . ,(car (pair-source expr)))
(line-number . ,(cdr (pair-source expr)))
(define (test-default-applier expect expr info)
(let* ((group (current-test-group))
(indent (and group (test-group-indent-width group))))
((or (not group) (test-group-ref group 'verbose))
(if (and indent (positive? indent))
(display (make-string indent #\space)))
(test-print-name info indent)))
(let ((expect-val
(warning "bad expect value")
(print-exception exn (current-error-port))
(if (assq-ref info 'expect-error) 'PASS 'ERROR)
(append `((exception . ,exn)) info))))
(let ((res (expr)))
(let ((status
(if (and (not (assq-ref info 'expect-error))
(if (assq-ref info 'assertion)
((current-test-comparator) expect-val res)))
(info `((result . ,res) (expected . ,expect-val) ,@info)))
((current-test-reporter) status info)))))))
(define (test-default-skipper info)
((current-test-reporter) 'SKIP info))
(define (test-status-color status)
(case status
((ERROR) (lambda (x) (underline (red x))))
((FAIL) red)
((SKIP) yellow)
(else (lambda (x) x))))
(define (test-status-message status)
((test-status-color status) (symbol->string status)))
(define (test-status-code status)
((test-status-color status)
;; alternatively: ❗, ✗, , ✓
;; unfortunately, these have ambiguous width
(case status
((ERROR) "!")
((FAIL) "x")
((SKIP) "-")
(else "."))))
(define (display-expected/actual expected actual)
(let* ((e-str (write-to-string expected))
(a-str (write-to-string actual))
(diff (diff e-str a-str read-char)))
(write-string "expected ")
(write-string (edits->string/color (car diff) (car (cddr diff)) 1))
(write-string " but got ")
(write-string (edits->string/color (cadr diff) (car (cddr diff)) 2))))
(define (test-print-explanation indent status info)
((eq? status 'ERROR)
(display indent)
(cond ((assq 'exception info)
=> (lambda (e)
(print-exception (cdr e) (current-output-port))))))
((and (eq? status 'FAIL) (assq-ref info 'assertion))
(display indent)
(display "assertion failed\n"))
((and (eq? status 'FAIL) (assq-ref info 'expect-error))
(display indent)
(display "expected an error but got ")
(write (assq-ref info 'result)) (newline))
((eq? status 'FAIL)
(display indent)
(display-expected/actual (assq-ref info 'expected) (assq-ref info 'result))
;; print variables
((and (memq status '(FAIL ERROR)) (assq-ref info 'var-names))
=> (lambda (names)
(let ((values (assq-ref info 'var-values)))
(if (and (pair? names)
(pair? values)
(= (length names) (length values)))
(let ((indent2
(string-append indent (make-string 2 #\space))))
(lambda (name value)
(display indent2) (write name) (display ": ")
(write value) (newline))
names values))))))))
(define (test-print-source indent status info)
(case status
((assq-ref info 'line-number)
=> (lambda (line)
(display " on line ")
(write line)
(cond ((assq-ref info 'file-name)
=> (lambda (file) (display " of file ") (write file))))
((assq-ref info 'source)
=> (lambda (s)
((or (assq-ref info 'name)
(> (string-length (write-to-string s))
(display (write-to-string s))
((assq-ref info 'values)
=> (lambda (v)
(lambda (v)
(display " ") (display (car v))
(display ": ") (write (cdr v)) (newline))
(define (test-print-failure indent status info)
;; display status explanation
(test-print-explanation indent status info)
;; display line, source and values info
(test-print-source indent status info))
(define (test-header-line str . indent)
(let* ((header (string-append
(make-string (if (pair? indent) (car indent) 0) #\space)
"-- " str " "))
(len (string-length header)))
(string-append (bold header)
(make-string (max 0 (- (current-column-width) len)) #\-))))
(define (test-default-handler status info)
(define indent
(+ 4 (cond ((current-test-group)
=> (lambda (group) (or (test-group-indent-width group) 0)))
(else 0)))
;; update group info
=> (lambda (group)
(if (not (eq? 'SKIP status))
(test-group-inc! group 'count))
(test-group-inc! group status)
;; maybe wrap long status lines
(let ((width (max (- (current-column-width)
(or (test-group-indent-width group) 0))
(+ (string-length (or (test-group-name group) ""))
(or (test-group-ref group 'count) 0)
(if (and (zero? (modulo column width))
(not (test-group-ref group 'verbose)))
(display (string-append "\n" (string-copy indent 4))))))))
;; update global failure count for exit status
((or (eq? status 'FAIL) (eq? status 'ERROR))
(test-failure-count (+ 1 (test-failure-count)))))
((or (not (current-test-group))
(test-group-ref (current-test-group) 'verbose))
;; display status
(display "[")
(if (not (eq? status 'ERROR)) (display " ")) ; pad
(display (test-status-message status))
(display "]")
(test-print-failure indent status info))
((eq? status 'SKIP))
(display (test-status-code status))
((and (memq status '(FAIL ERROR)) (current-test-group))
=> (lambda (group)
(test-group-push! group 'failures (list indent status info)))))
(cond ((current-test-group)
=> (lambda (group) (test-group-set! group 'trailing #t))))))
(define (test-default-group-reporter group)
(define (plural word n)
(if (= n 1) word (string-append word "s")))
(define (percent n d)
(string-append " (" (number->string (/ (round (* 1000.0 (/ n d))) 10))
(let* ((end-time (current-second))
(start-time (test-group-ref group 'start-time))
(duration (- end-time start-time))
(base-count (or (test-group-ref group 'count) 0))
(base-pass (or (test-group-ref group 'PASS) 0))
(base-fail (or (test-group-ref group 'FAIL) 0))
(base-err (or (test-group-ref group 'ERROR) 0))
(skip (or (test-group-ref group 'SKIP) 0))
(pass (+ base-pass (or (test-group-ref group 'total-pass) 0)))
(fail (+ base-fail (or (test-group-ref group 'total-fail) 0)))
(err (+ base-err (or (test-group-ref group 'total-error) 0)))
(count (+ pass fail err))
(subgroups-count (or (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-count) 0))
(subgroups-skip (or (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-skip) 0))
(subgroups-run (- subgroups-count subgroups-skip))
(subgroups-pass (or (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-pass) 0))
(indent (make-string (or (test-group-indent-width group) 0) #\space)))
(if (and (not (test-group-ref group 'verbose))
(test-group-ref group 'trailing))
((or (positive? count) (positive? subgroups-count))
(if (not (= base-count (+ base-pass base-fail base-err)))
(warning "inconsistent count:"
base-count base-pass base-fail base-err))
((positive? count)
(display indent)
((if (= pass count) green (lambda (x) x))
(number->string pass) " out of " (number->string count)
(percent pass count))))
(plural " test" pass) " passed in "
(number->string duration) " seconds"
((zero? skip) "")
(else (string-append " (" (number->string skip)
(plural " test" skip) " skipped)")))
(cond ((positive? fail)
(display indent)
(number->string fail) (plural " failure" fail)
(percent fail count) ".\n")))))
(cond ((positive? err)
(display indent)
((lambda (x) (underline (red x)))
(number->string err) (plural " error" err)
(percent err count) ".\n")))))
((not (test-group-ref group 'verbose))
(lambda (failure)
(display indent)
(display (red
(string-append (display-to-string (cadr failure)) ": ")))
(display (test-get-name! (car (cddr failure))))
(apply test-print-failure failure))
(reverse (or (test-group-ref group 'failures) '())))))
((positive? subgroups-run)
(display indent)
((if (= subgroups-pass subgroups-run)
green (lambda (x) x))
(number->string subgroups-pass) " out of "
(number->string subgroups-run)
(percent subgroups-pass subgroups-run))))
(display (plural " subgroup" subgroups-pass))
(display " passed.\n")))))
((test-group-ref group 'verbose)
(string-append "done testing " (or (test-group-name group) ""))
(or (test-group-indent-width group) 0)))
((test-group-ref group 'parent)
=> (lambda (parent)
(test-group-set! parent 'trailing #f)
(test-group-inc! parent 'total-pass pass)
(test-group-inc! parent 'total-fail fail)
(test-group-inc! parent 'total-error err))))))
;; parameters
;;> \section{Parameters}
;;> The current test group as started by \scheme{test-group} or
;;> \scheme{test-begin}.
(define current-test-group (make-parameter #f))
;;> If true, show more verbose output per test. Inferred from the
;;> environment variable TEST_VERBOSE.
(define current-test-verbosity
(cond ((get-environment-variable "TEST_VERBOSE")
=> (lambda (s) (not (member s '("" "0")))))
(else #f))))
;;> The epsilon used for floating point comparisons.
(define current-test-epsilon (make-parameter 1e-5))
;;> The underlying comparator used in testing, defaults to
;;> \scheme{test-equal?}.
(define current-test-comparator (make-parameter test-equal?))
;;> The test applier - what we do with non-skipped tests. Takes the
;;> same signature as \scheme{test-run}, should be responsible for
;;> evaluating the thunks, determining the status of the test, and
;;> passing this information to \scheme{current-test-reporter}.
(define current-test-applier (make-parameter test-default-applier))
;;> The test skipper - what we do with non-skipped tests. This should
;;> not evaluate the thunks and simply pass off to
;;> \scheme{current-test-reporter}.
(define current-test-skipper (make-parameter test-default-skipper))
;;> Takes two arguments, the symbol status of the test and the info
;;> alist. Reports the result of the test and updates bookkeeping in
;;> the current test group for reporting.
(define current-test-reporter (make-parameter test-default-handler))
;;> Takes one argument, a test group, and prints a summary of the test
;;> results for that group.
(define current-test-group-reporter
(make-parameter test-default-group-reporter))
;;> A running count of all test failures and errors across all groups
;;> (and threads). Used by \scheme{test-exit}.
(define test-failure-count (make-parameter 0))
(define test-first-indentation
(or (cond ((get-environment-variable "TEST_FIRST_INDENTATION")
=> string->number)
(else #f))
(define test-max-indentation
(or (cond ((get-environment-variable "TEST_MAX_INDENTATION")
=> string->number)
(else #f))
(define (string->info-matcher str)
(lambda (info)
(cond ((test-get-name! info)
=> (lambda (n) (string-search str n)))
(else #f))))
(define (string->group-matcher str)
(lambda (group) (string-search str (test-group-name group))))
;; simplified version from SRFI 130
(define (string-split str ch)
(let ((end (string-length str)))
(let lp ((from 0) (to 0) (res '()))
((>= to end)
(reverse (if (> to from) (cons (substring str from to) res) res)))
((eqv? ch (string-ref str to))
(lp (+ to 1) (+ to 1) (cons (substring str from to) res)))
(lp from (+ to 1) res))))))
(define (getenv-filter-list proc name)
((get-environment-variable name)
=> (lambda (s)
(let lp ((ls (string-split s #\,))
(res '()))
((null? ls) (reverse res))
(let* ((s (car ls))
(f (guard
(string-append "invalid filter '" s
"' from environment variable: "
(print-exception exn (current-error-port))
(proc s))))
(lp (cdr ls) (if f (cons f res) res))))))))
(else '())))
(define current-test-group-filters
(getenv-filter-list string->group-matcher "TEST_GROUP_FILTER")))
(define current-test-group-removers
(getenv-filter-list string->group-matcher "TEST_GROUP_REMOVE")))
;;> Parameters controlling which test groups are skipped. Each
;;> parameter is a list of procedures of one argument, a test group
;;> info, which can be queried with \var{test-group-name} and
;;> \var{test-group-ref}. Analogous to SRFI 1, a filter selects a
;;> group for inclusion and a removers for exclusion. The defaults
;;> are set automatically from the environment variables
;;> TEST_GROUP_FILTER and TEST_GROUP_REMOVE, which should be
;;> comma-delimited lists of strings which are checked for a substring
;;> match in the test group name. A test group is skipped if it does
;;> not match any filter and:
;;> \itemlist[
;;> \item{its parent group is skipped, or}
;;> \item{it matches a remover, or}
;;> \item{no removers are specified but some filters are}
;;> ]
(define current-test-filters
(make-parameter (getenv-filter-list string->info-matcher "TEST_FILTER")))
(define current-test-removers
(make-parameter (getenv-filter-list string->info-matcher "TEST_REMOVE")))
;;> Parameters controlling which tests are skipped. Each parameter is
;;> a list of procedures of one argument, a test info alist, which can
;;> be queried with \scheme{test-get-name!} or \scheme{assq}.
;;> Analogous to SRFI 1, a filter selects a test for inclusion and a
;;> removers for exclusion. The defaults are set automatically from
;;> the environment variables TEST_FILTER and TEST_REMOVE, which
;;> should be comma-delimited lists of strings which are checked for a
;;> substring match in the test name. A test is skipped if its group
;;> is skipped, or if it does not match a filter and:
;;> \itemlist[
;;> \item{it matches a remover, or}
;;> \item{no removers are specified but some filters are}
;;> ]
;;> Parameter controlling the current column width for test output,
;;> can be set from the environment variable TEST_COLUMN_WIDTH,
;;> otherwise defaults to 78. For portability of implementation (and
;;> resulting output), does not attempt to use termios to determine
;;> the actual available width.
(define current-column-width
(or (cond ((get-environment-variable "TEST_COLUMN_WIDTH")
=> string->number)
(else #f))