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2024-10-05 04:55:06 -04:00
;; utility for lcs-with-positions
(define (max-seq . o)
(if (null? o)
(list 0 '())
(let loop ((a (car o)) (ls (cdr o)))
(if (null? ls)
(let ((b (car ls)))
(if (>= (car a) (car b))
(loop a (cdr ls))
(loop b (cdr ls))))))))
;;> Finds the Longest Common Subsequence between \var{a-ls} and
;;> \var{b-ls}, comparing elements with \var{eq} (default
;;> \scheme{equal?}. Returns this sequence as a list, using the
;;> elements from \var{a-ls}. Uses quadratic time and space.
(define (lcs a-ls b-ls . o)
(let ((eq (if (pair? o) (car o) equal?)))
(map car (lcs-with-positions a-ls b-ls eq))))
;;> Variant of \scheme{lcs} which returns the annotated sequence. The
;;> result is a list of the common elements, each represented as a
;;> list of 3 values: the element, the zero-indexed position in
;;> \var{a-ls} where the element occurred, and the position in
;;> \var{b-ls}.
(define (lcs-with-positions a-ls b-ls . o)
(let* ((eq (if (pair? o) (car o) equal?))
(a-len (+ 1 (length a-ls)))
(b-len (+ 1 (length b-ls)))
(results (make-vector (* a-len b-len) #f)))
(let loop ((a a-ls) (a-pos 0) (b b-ls) (b-pos 0))
;; cache this step if not already done
(let ((i (+ (* a-pos b-len) b-pos)))
(or (vector-ref results i)
(let ((res
(if (or (null? a) (null? b))
(list 0 '()) ;; base case
(let ((a1 (car a))
(b1 (car b))
(a-tail (loop (cdr a) (+ a-pos 1) b b-pos))
(b-tail (loop a a-pos (cdr b) (+ b-pos 1))))
((eq a1 b1)
;; match found, we either use it or we don't
(let* ((a-b-tail (loop (cdr a) (+ a-pos 1)
(cdr b) (+ b-pos 1)))
(a-b-res (list (+ 1 (car a-b-tail))
(cons (list a1 a-pos b-pos)
(cadr a-b-tail)))))
(max-seq a-b-res a-tail b-tail)))
;; not a match
(max-seq a-tail b-tail)))))))
(vector-set! results i res)
(cadr (vector-ref results 0))))
(define (source->list x reader)
(cond ((port? x) x)
((string? x) (open-input-string x))
(else (error "don't know how to diff from:" x)))))
;;> Utility to run lcs on text. \var{a} and \var{b} can be strings or
;;> ports, which are tokenized into a sequence by calling \var{reader}
;;> until \var{eof-object} is found. Returns a list of three values,
;;> the sequences read from \var{a} and \var{b}, and the \scheme{lcs}
;;> result.
(define (diff a b . o)
(let-optionals o ((reader read-line)
(eq equal?))
(let ((a-ls (source->list a reader))
(b-ls (source->list b reader)))
(list a-ls b-ls (lcs-with-positions a-ls b-ls eq)))))
;;> Utility to format the result of a \var{diff} to output port
;;> \var{out} (default \scheme{(current-output-port)}). Applies
;;> \var{writer} to successive diff chunks. \var{writer} should be a
;;> procedure of three arguments: \scheme{(writer subsequence type
;;> out). \var{subsequence} is a subsequence from the original input,
;;> \var{type} is a symbol indicating the type of diff: \scheme{'same}
;;> if this is part of the lcs, \scheme{'add} if it is unique to the
;;> second input, or \scheme{'remove} if it is unique to the first
;;> input. \var{writer} defaults to \scheme{write-line-diffs},
;;> assuming the default line diffs.
(define (write-diff diff . o)
(let-optionals o ((writer write-line-diffs)
(out (current-output-port)))
(let* ((a-ls (car diff))
(b-ls (cadr diff))
(d-ls (car (cddr diff))))
;; context diff
(let lp ((d d-ls) (a a-ls) (a-pos 0) (b b-ls) (b-pos 0))
(unless (null? d)
(let* ((d1 (car d))
(a-off (cadr d1))
(a-skip (- a-off a-pos))
(b-off (car (cddr d1)))
(b-skip (- b-off b-pos)))
(let-values (((a-head a-tail) (split-at a a-skip))
((b-head b-tail) (split-at b b-skip)))
;; elements only in a have been removed
(if (pair? a-head)
(writer (cdr a-head) 'remove out))
;; elements only in b have been added
(if (pair? b-head)
(writer (cdr b-head) 'add out))
;; reprint this common element
(writer (list (car d1)) 'same out)
;; recurse
(lp (cdr d) a-tail a-off b-tail b-off))))))))
;;> Equivalent to \scheme{write-diff} but collects the output to a string.
(define (diff->string diff . o)
(let ((out (open-output-string)))
(write-diff diff (if (pair? o) (car o) write-line-diffs) out)
(get-output-string out)))
;;> The default writer for \scheme{write-diff}, annotates simple +/-
;;> prefixes for added/removed lines.
(define (write-line-diffs lines type out)
(lambda (line)
(case type
(write-char #\+ out))
(write-char #\- out))
(write-char #\space out))
(else (error "unknown diff type:" type)))
(write-string line out)
(newline out))
;;> A variant of \scheme{write-line-diffs} which adds red/green ANSI
;;> coloring to the +/- prefix.
(define (write-line-diffs/color lines type out)
(lambda (line)
(case type
(write-string (green "+") out)
(write-string (green line) out))
(write-string (red "-") out)
(write-string (red line out)))
(write-char #\space out)
(write-string line out))
(else (error "unknown diff type:" type)))
(newline out))
;;> A diff writer for sequences of characters (when a diff was
;;> generated with \scheme{read-char}), enclosing added characters in
;;> «...» brackets and removed characters in »...«.
(define (write-char-diffs chars type out)
(case type
(write-string " «" out)
(write-string (list->string chars) out)
(write-string "» " out))
(write-string " »" out)
(write-string (list->string chars) out)
(write-string "« " out))
(write-string (list->string chars) out))
(else (error "unknown diff type:" type))))
;;> A diff writer for sequences of characters (when a diff was
;;> generated with \scheme{read-char}), formatting added characters in
;;> green and removed characters in red.
(define (write-char-diffs/color chars type out)
(case type
(write-string (green (list->string chars)) out))
(write-string (red (list->string chars)) out))
(write-string (list->string chars) out))
(else (error "unknown diff type:" type))))
;;> Utility to format the result of a \scheme{diff} with respect to a
;;> single input sequence \var{ls}. \var{lcs} is the annotated common
;;> sequence from \scheme{diff} or \scheme{lcs-with-positions}, and
;;> \var{index} is the index (0 or 1, default 1) of \var{ls} in the
;;> original call. Since we have no information about the other
;;> input, we can only format what is the same and what is different,
;;> formatting the differences as either added (if \var{index} is 0)
;;> or removed (if \var{index} is 1).
(define (write-edits ls lcs . o)
(let-optionals o ((index 1)
(writer write-line-diffs)
(out (current-output-port)))
(let ((type (if (eq? index 1) 'remove 'add)))
(let lp ((ls ls) (lcs lcs) (buf '(#f)) (i 0))
(define (output ch type)
((eq? type (car buf))
(cons type (cons ch (cdr buf))))
(if (car buf)
(writer (reverse (cdr buf)) (car buf) out))
(list type ch))))
((null? ls) (output #f 'done))
((null? lcs)
(lp (cdr ls) lcs (output (car ls) type) (+ i 1)))
((= i (list-ref (car lcs) index))
(lp (cdr ls) (cdr lcs) (output (car ls) 'same) (+ i 1)))
(lp (cdr ls) lcs (output (car ls) type) (+ i 1))))))))
;;> Equivalent to \scheme{write-edits} but collects the output to a string.
(define (edits->string ls lcs . o)
(let-optionals o ((type 'add)
(writer (if (and (pair? ls) (char? (car ls)))
(let ((out (open-output-string)))
(write-edits ls lcs type writer out)
(get-output-string out))))
;;> Equivalent to \scheme{write-edits} but collects the output to a
;;> string and uses a color-aware writer by default. Note with a
;;> character diff this returns the original input string as-is, with
;;> only ANSI escapes indicating what changed.
(define (edits->string/color ls lcs . o)
(let-optionals o ((type 'add)
(writer (if (and (pair? ls) (char? (car ls)))
(let ((out (open-output-string)))
(write-edits ls lcs type writer out)
(get-output-string out))))